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Does someone have something on Palin?

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With the exception of George W.Bush,has there ever been another U.S. politician that has been under such scrutiny or endured so many vicious,unsubstanciated attacks from the decidedly liberal media as much as Sarah Palin?What is it about her that so angers/terrifies the left?

Yes his name was Bill Clinton, we was accused of everything from murder to rape, to starting an illegal war. Play the I am a republican thus a victim card some more the Left loves to see it.

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Yes his name was Bill Clinton, we was accused of everything from murder to rape, to starting an illegal war. Play the I am a republican thus a victim card some more the Left loves to see it.

Bill Clinton was news. His behavior couldn't be passed up or ignored. He wasn't picked on. The press tried to downplay his behavior if anything. AS President not much negative was said about him or his policies. His personality and his personal antics were news. You think he was attacked? Remember ironstone said "vicious, unsubstantiated" attacks.

Edited by Pliny
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Bill Clinton was news. His behavior couldn't be passed up or ignored. He wasn't picked on. The press tried to downplay his behavior if anything. AS President not much negative was said about him or his policies. His personality and his personal antics were news. You think he was attacked?

When you accuse someone of rape and murder like Rush did I think you are being attacked yes.

As for Palin here is a good one from here.

"I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't.'" --Sarah Palin, as quoted by former City Council Member Nick Carney, after he raised objections about the $50,000 she spent renovating the mayor's office without approval of the city council

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Complete nonsense.

A "vacuous mouth-breather", from a modest background, with little power, doesn't work and be elected to city council. And doesn't work and be elected mayor. And doesn't work and be elected governor.

Clearly, in addition to knowing nothing about Palin, you've never met any city council members, nor mayors. Nor even read anything about them.

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"To the extent several websites, most notably liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, are now claiming as 'fact' that Governor Palin resigned because she is 'under federal investigation' for embezzlement or other criminal wrongdoing, we will be exploring legal options this week to address such defamation," Van Flein said in a statement. "This is to provide notice to Ms. Moore, and those who re-publish the defamation, such as Huffington Post, MSNBC, the New York Times and The Washington Post, that the Palins will not allow them to propagate defamatory material without answering to this in a court of law."

McCain didn't rule out a return to politics for his former running mate, saying Saturday he believes "she will continue to play an important leadership role in the Republican Party and our nation." He gave no other details.


Quite a long list of groups she is threatening to sue. But regardless of that, I think she's toasted herself again, politically. Even McCain can't figure her out. I think the GOP would be wise to distance themselves from her, she seems to be an unpredictable loon.

Whoops, I wouldn't want to add Mapleleafweb to her list of sites...


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Guest DanVidel
Clearly, in addition to knowing nothing about Palin, you've never met any city council members, nor mayors. Nor even read anything about them

I used to think that it was only the third world countries that had corrupt politics, but it seems more and more it is springing up anywhere in the US. Some local towns have a reputation for corruption when it comes to getting permits, etc. It's not what you know, it's who you know.

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Clearly, in addition to knowing nothing about Palin, you've never met any city council members, nor mayors. Nor even read anything about them.

Oh, I've met city council members, and mayors. However, I do admit that I've never met a governor.

But regardless of that, I think she's toasted herself again, politically

Did it ever occur to you, that she might not give a damn about a future in politics, which would make any such analysis moot.

What happened to you when you said you would like to make porn with them?

I never said that. You're either lying, or misinformed. Take your pick.

Anyways, looks like the Huffington Post has issued an apology.

A Post Apology

I wrote a piece making fun of the fact that a Trig Palin joke was given as the reason that Sarah Palin left office. I wrote jokes that were offensive but my intent was for them to be ironic and therefore not offensive. I was wrong.

I removed it immediately because I saw that it did not come across as I intended. I apologize to all of those who were offended.

Huffington Post

Stay classy leftwingers! :lol:

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I have begun a great joke/story related to Obama's daughters 10 years in the future. It's quite funny, and I can't give it all away yet, but let's just say, they're starring in their very own porn film titled "Whitehouse Wh---s." When I've concluded my work, I'll make sure to submit it for the forum to read and enjoy, and of course, submit constructive criticism, on how I can touch it up to make it even better.

Whitehouse Wh---s: Starring Sasha Hope and Malia Change.

Coming Soon!

Stay classy, Shady. :lol:

(But don't worry, rightwingers. I'm not stupid enough to try and paint you all as idiots, just because one of you says stupid things.)

Edited by BubberMiley
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Stay classy, Shady. :lol:

Thank you for posting what I actually said. Unfortunately for you, it shows you to be a liar. I said I had a story/joke, you said that I wanted to make porn with them. You're lucky I don't choose to sue you for defamation. Try and get your facts straight before you post, or next time, you may not be so lucky.

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Okay, you made a "joke" how you wanted to make porn with them. Sue away. I'm sure your anonymous character has been damaged beyond repair, if there is any in there.

So how is your "joke" not 10 times worse than the Huffington Post's humour blogger?

At least he had the good sense to remove the post from the website as soon as he realized how offensive attacking children is.

You don't even have that.

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Thank you for posting what I actually said. Unfortunately for you, it shows you to be a liar. I said I had a story/joke, you said that I wanted to make porn with them. You're lucky I don't choose to sue you for defamation. Try and get your facts straight before you post, or next time, you may not be so lucky.

Sickening. How could you. You swine

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Okay, you made a "joke" how you wanted to make porn with them.

Again, you are mistaken. Actually, more like lying. My joke was not about me wanting to make porn with them. Please stop posting false information.

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Again, you are mistaken. Actually, more like lying. My joke was not about me wanting to make porn with them. Please stop posting false information.

Thought everybody was getting lucky 'cept me.


She's a vacuous mouth-breather, and it would be far better for American conservatives if she disappeared from sight permanently. Her making a strong run for the ticket next time around only guarantees Obama 4 more years.

Wrong. Obama and the left will be one of two things in three years - invincible or, lame duck waiting for anybody to take over. She stands a shot and, a good one as she has no affiliations or dirt to be found like so many others. If all the dirt one can find on a politician running for President is a kid who had a kid out of wedlock and a few peoplke from her hometown who have a rumored ax to grind I'd say compared to a guy who used to run with terrorists, racist America haters and sat in on the odd Nazi Muslim hate fests, she's doing pretty good!


With the exception of George W.Bush,has there ever been another U.S. politician that has been under such scrutiny or endured so many vicious,unsubstanciated attacks from the decidedly liberal media as much as Sarah Palin?

The left is scared shitless of her. Al Gore, John Kerry and all can't make a headline to save their souls and here she is, commanding front page day after day.

In any case, quit politics, take some courses, give some speeches, take up a cause and off she goes for the next two years donating her earnings to charity. Emerging in Washington as a lobbyist for some charity and voila! Knowledgeable, charitable, well connected and savvy with Washington.

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Sarah Palin still has more experience than Barak Obama hands down. The U.S. is suffering terribly under his empty headed stimulus plan, which still doesn't begin in earnest until next year.

The only reason some people are still fooled into thinking everything is fine despite this week's latest employment numbers (another 470,000 or so lost their jobs since the previous month) is the MSM and leftwing koolaid drinkers like those on this forum keep singing "Happy Days are Here Again". But there are signs reality is starting to sink in.

I see that CNN, MSNBC and wacko sites like Huffington are spreading rumours and lies in the wake of her announcement. They are so predictable it's boring.

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Sarah Palin still has more experience than Barak Obama hands down. The U.S. is suffering terribly under his empty headed stimulus plan, which still doesn't begin in earnest until next year.

The only reason some people are still fooled into thinking everything is fine despite this week's latest employment numbers (another 470,000 or so lost their jobs since the previous month) is the MSM and leftwing koolaid drinkers like those on this forum keep singing "Happy Days are Here Again". But there are signs reality is starting to sink in.

I see that CNN, MSNBC and wacko sites like Huffington are spreading rumours and lies in the wake of her announcement. They are so predictable it's boring.

It's a Democrat show. Nothing the Republicans say or do is gong to change anything so, best to steer clear of the whole thing and not own an inch of it. If it succeeds, the Republican party is finished anyhow, if it fails, it fails big and the right may even be swept up in what may be an over corrective right wing backlash. That is bad so, I actually hope it succeeds. In any case, Palin did have more experience than the lawyer. I have to give credit to the media as they covered up this reality which seems quite apparent now by his flip flopping on previous promises and ultimately returning to the Bush policies.

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First, the best way to know U.S. politics is to view " Obama Deception Full Length " on youtube.com

Also download the free Obama Deception Guide :


There is no Left or Right in US politics , they are only acting in front of the camera. When off camera, the Left and the Right go to parties and dinner...etc.

The only people controlling the White House is the International Bankers and the US Presidency is only a puppet post.

Second, check out " Hyperinflation nation part 3 " on youtube and vote for bill H.R. 1207 which is to audit the Federal Reserve, the cancer of the U.S. economy. Also check out clips part 1 and part 2 and see what Zimbabwe was like when she was under hyperinflation . Spread the word it is important so that we all will be better prepared when hyperinflation comes up ....pretty soon.

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When you accuse someone of rape and murder like Rush did I think you are being attacked yes.

As for Palin here is a good one from here.

"I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't.'" --Sarah Palin, as quoted by former City Council Member Nick Carney, after he raised objections about the $50,000 she spent renovating the mayor's office without approval of the city council

Did Rush do that really? Do you have a link? Gosh an attack on Bill? The liberal media was all over apologizing for Slick Willy? Even making up endearing nicknames to mitigate his personal behavior. Now the question was really about enduring "so many vicious and unsubstantiated attacks". Ironstone should have added "petty" as well. Bill almost got impeached but not because of "unsubstantiated" attacks. Remember even women's groups didn't condemn his escapades. I remember republicans asking where they were, why they weren't out in droves to condemn his obvious disrespect for women.

Did the courts eventually wind up telling Sarah she couldn't renovate? Remember that was Nick Carney quoting from memory not an actual quote. Is Nick a democrat perhaps? $50,000 sounds quite modest actually. I suppose from the "quote" that Nick Carney lays out as fact I am supposed to be outraged at her arrogant and dismissive attitude. I have not myself witnessed her display any such attitude. She is confident, open and direct.

I suppose you prefer traits like shifty, crafty, cunning and slick.

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It seems like there are 2 primary reasons for her stepping down.

1) Her family has been viciously attacked by the leftwing. I think she's had enough of that for a while. And her political enemies on the left have filed a litany of false ethics violations, 16 to be exact. Of the 16, 15 have been dismissed, but as a result, the Palin's, being the only non-millionaires of the 4 people running for office last fall, have been saddled with rather large legal bills.

2) It's a great way to emerse herself in the lower 48. Study the issues with friends such as Mary Matlin, Bill Kristol and Bill Bennett. As well as campaign for Republicans in the mid-term elections. Mid-terms are always about base turnout, and she has the ability to cause tidal waves of conservative voters to the polls. She then has the choice of putting together a run for President, or holding off until 2014 for the second Alaskan senate seat, currently held by a Democrat.

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It seems like there are 2 primary reasons for her stepping down.

1) Her family has been viciously attacked by the leftwing. I think she's had enough of that for a while. And her political enemies on the left have filed a litany of false ethics violations, 16 to be exact. Of the 16, 15 have been dismissed, but as a result, the Palin's, being the only non-millionaires of the 4 people running for office last fall, have been saddled with rather large legal bills.

2) It's a great way to emerse herself in the lower 48. Study the issues with friends such as Mary Matlin, Bill Kristol and Bill Bennett. As well as campaign for Republicans in the mid-term elections. Mid-terms are always about base turnout, and she has the ability to cause tidal waves of conservative voters to the polls. She then has the choice of putting together a run for President, or holding off until 2014 for the second Alaskan senate seat, currently held by a Democrat.

1) If you count her house she is a millionaire. I also recall her telling Hillary women need to expect to be attack and she was a baby for complaining about it.

2)I hope she does campaign please ohhhh please, I see small gains in 2010 amazing.

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It seems like there are 2 primary reasons for her stepping down.

1) Her family has been viciously attacked by the leftwing. I think she's had enough of that for a while. And her political enemies on the left have filed a litany of false ethics violations, 16 to be exact. Of the 16, 15 have been dismissed, but as a result, the Palin's, being the only non-millionaires of the 4 people running for office last fall, have been saddled with rather large legal bills.

2) It's a great way to emerse herself in the lower 48. Study the issues with friends such as Mary Matlin, Bill Kristol and Bill Bennett. As well as campaign for Republicans in the mid-term elections. Mid-terms are always about base turnout, and she has the ability to cause tidal waves of conservative voters to the polls. She then has the choice of putting together a run for President, or holding off until 2014 for the second Alaskan senate seat, currently held by a Democrat.

1) Agreed, I would only add that it has also made it impossible for her administration to do their work in Alaska because of all the time being spent defending her from these frivolous lawsuits.

2)She can, and will, bring in big money for the party for 2012 and beyond.

I think it will turn out to be a good move for her. Her Admin can now get to work without the burden of the Dems wanting to destroy her, and really hurting the state in the process.

She also has the opportunity to go out and make some big money for her family.

Her future in politics? I don't know, she's a young women that has a lot to offer so I wouldn't rule it out. She has the political elite pooping their pants and is the only reason they and their media are pulling out all the stops to ruin her.

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1) Agreed, I would only add that it has also made it impossible for her administration to do their work in Alaska because of all the time being spent defending her from these frivolous lawsuits.

2)She can, and will, bring in big money for the party for 2012 and beyond.

I think it will turn out to be a good move for her. Her Admin can now get to work without the burden of the Dems wanting to destroy her, and really hurting the state in the process.

She also has the opportunity to go out and make some big money for her family.

The problem here is that she did a horrible job explaining herself. Her incoherence lends credence to the worst accusations, i.e. that she has Fifth Amendment issues in responding, or that her and her family is more involved in separatist causes than meets the eye.
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