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Massacre in Tehran

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I am certainly not defending the bad guys, nor am I an american or leftist.

You guys see your bad guys, the other guys see their bad guys. But you see your own guys, as good.

The difference between me and some of you is, I see the bad guys, everywhere.

Can you please explain that another time, more carefully. Bad guys? Good guys?

To me, it's rather simple. Americans (Bush, Obama) are good guys. Why? The US is a democracy. Israelis are also good guys because they too are a democracy.

What is a democracy?

To me, there is a simple defintiion of democracy and my definition is not connected to how many candidates exist in an election, or even whether the State controls the media, even during an election. To me, democracy is simply a question of whether there's a peaceful way to get rid of the idiots/buggers in power.

Democracy is all about second elections, removing people from power. IMV, a Democratic State has a civilized way to change government.

By my definition, Iran recently showed that it is not a democracy.

Edited by August1991
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Amen to that!

Knowing one such supreme leader..who says he leads by following - which makes him a herder of sorts - and he is no divine Christian sheppard..cold and god like - "What do you think of the weather I sent you" - and now - he does not want to know me..which is fine - because his type of power mongers are old hat and very old school - the trick is to out live them..that is your duty - to sustain untill all the "supreme leaders" of the world pass from this one into oblivion..why is it that the people that hate humanity the most have the most power?

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Knowing one such supreme leader..who says he leads by following - which makes him a herder of sorts - and he is no divine Christian sheppard..cold and god like - "What do you think of the weather I sent you" - and now - he does not want to know me..which is fine - because his type of power mongers are old hat and very old school

And here is where the danger lies people like Khamenei and his puppet Ahmadinejad are fanatical devouts to that very old school and would become a martyr for that ideologie. It doesn't matter how many Iranians they will kill in that process so long as they can survive.

- the trick is to out live them..that is your duty - to sustain untill all the "supreme leaders" of the world pass from this one into oblivion..why is it that the people that hate humanity the most have the most power?

Well that's the $64,000 question how? If you know the answer to that I will be oliged to hear.

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And here is where the danger lies people like Khamenei and his puppet Ahmadinejad are fanatical devouts to that very old school and would become a martyr for that ideologie. It doesn't matter how many Iranians they will kill in that process so long as they can survive.

Well that's the $64,000 question how? If you know the answer to that I will be oliged to hear.

Soul it the animation of matter - spirit is different - It has to be invited in - in effect it is the presense of God or what ever you percieve the real "supreme leader" - who really does not lead nor follow - It's a case of having such strong faith and knowing that these people have no power - they have religion and religion is an artifical belief system - It's like believing in the devil - if you believe you cause existance to such an entity - you fear it..."Young man for you are strong - for you have mastered evil" You must know that evil and stupidity are the same entity - that you are a KING ...and YOU are sustained in the flesh by true believe and a surrender to real authorship - in other words - it's a reversal - you surrender in order to have the presense reside in you - These "supreme leaders are in a state of rebellion against humanity - against natural law and nature - against God ...and devine justice is slow - but it comes - through my experience - I have seen that everyone who hated me - or persecuted me for no just cause - all - eventyually suffer from ill health and some have passed away.

It's the concept of "love your enemy" - You love these bastards..and they have a choice to either mutually love back - or to hate - with some the more you love them the more they hate you - this hate destroys them --- If you HATE them they feed off of the hate - and grow stronger - those in Iran should literally love this bastard to death ----If I feel worn down - I reach out into the universe and bring healing upon my own body - It is my devine and social duty to live - It does not matter - how long it takes - if you are alive and in the end - they perish - you are the victor...and it does not matter if it takes 50 years - be patient.....don't give way to hate - that is what they want...starve them.

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Fine. Ok. But if you think this government wouldn't kill you in a microsecond, if you were perceived as a real threat to the state, you've been fooled again.

They don't care if you are a threat or not - they kill for sport and for the thrill - these are not like us - they are lower than vicious dogs...much like those that want to be important who stimulate wars - they feel important if they kill the enemy - and they quielty feel the same thrill of importane when their own die --- as long as someone is being killeds some where they a gleeful. They are preverted - to give them the honour of being partly sane by saying they kill only what threatens them is foolish - killers love to kill.

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Soul it the animation of matter - spirit is different - It has to be invited in - in effect it is the presense of God or what ever you percieve the real "supreme leader" - who really does not lead nor follow - It's a case of having such strong faith and knowing that these people have no power - they have religion and religion is an artifical belief system - It's like believing in the devil - if you believe you cause existance to such an entity - you fear it..."Young man for you are strong - for you have mastered evil" You must know that evil and stupidity are the same entity - that you are a KING ...and YOU are sustained in the flesh by true believe and a surrender to real authorship - in other words - it's a reversal - you surrender in order to have the presense reside in you - These "supreme leaders are in a state of rebellion against humanity - against natural law and nature - against God ...and devine justice is slow - but it comes - through my experience - I have seen that everyone who hated me - or persecuted me for no just cause - all - eventyually suffer from ill health and some have passed away.

It's the concept of "love your enemy" - You love these bastards..and they have a choice to either mutually love back - or to hate - with some the more you love them the more they hate you - this hate destroys them --- If you HATE them they feed off of the hate - and grow stronger - those in Iran should literally love this bastard to death ----If I feel worn down - I reach out into the universe and bring healing upon my own body - It is my devine and social duty to live - It does not matter - how long it takes - if you are alive and in the end - they perish - you are the victor...and it does not matter if it takes 50 years - be patient.....don't give way to hate - that is what they want...starve them.

Well there comes a time when a man makes a conscience decision that enough is enough especially when those belief systems are so old and antiquated that nobody endorses them but the supreme leader and his close associates. You mention if you love them they have a choice to either mutually love back or to hate. Well it doesn't work with mullahs. Afterall, they have their followers/ herders who love the ideology (supreme leader) and the indiginous Iranian population that hates them. Either way, mullahs enjoy the popularity and the attention they get externally. So long as they can evolve with this belief system and find sympathisers they will always have followers. Maybe not in Iran but elsewhere!

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Fine. Ok. But if you think this government wouldn't kill you in a microsecond, if you were perceived as a real threat to the state, you've been fooled again.

Well you have to look at the source of the problem. Years of hardship and repetitive sanctions imposed on iranians has taken its toll on the economy and people. This coupled with the fact that the whole election process was a farce was a major factor for curent protests. These people are not threatening. They lack the basic freedom. The lack of credibility for polling and re-election of Ahmadinejad for another 4 years despite the foregone conlusion that his opposition should have won by a big margin was the trigger.

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Well you have to look at the source of the problem. Years of hardship and repetitive sanctions imposed on iranians has taken its toll on the economy and people. This coupled with the fact that the whole election process was a farce was a major factor for curent protests. These people are not threatening. They lack the basic freedom. The lack of credibility for polling and re-election of Ahmadinejad for another 4 years despite the foregone conlusion that his opposition should have won by a big margin was the trigger.

Thank the west and Israel for having a feud with the Iranian leadership - as usual - the people in the middle - innocent ordinary people pay the price for those who seek power for powers sake and for profit..how much longer can common people take being pawns is some game - and to be treated like animals? The west should be shamed - for allowing evil to triumph - I guess there is honour among the evil men of the world - I just can't wait for them to turn on each other and destroy each other-- but the sad reality will be that innocent and good people will be harmed in the cross fire as we see today.

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This coupled with the fact that the whole election process was a farce was a major factor for curent protests. These people are not threatening. They lack the basic freedom. The lack of credibility for polling and re-election of Ahmadinejad for another 4 years despite the foregone conlusion that his opposition should have won by a big margin was the trigger.

I am not so convinced. There was a poll released by CNN few weeks before the election, that showed Ahmedinejad ahead by a 2 to 1 margin. That information is suppressed now, to make it easier for people to believe what we are told.

"our poll results show President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the lead"


"our uncensored poll shows incumbent President Ahmadinejad in the lead with a plurality of support"


"Whereas President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was a sure bet just 10 days ago, the race has closed this past week,"


"The poll found that Ahmadinejad was leading his nearest opponent, the more reform-minded candidate Mir Hossein Moussavi, by a more than 2-to-1 margin."


I don't know what the truth is, but I believe every country would do what Iran did, if they had violent protesters burning cars and buildings. And every country manipulates information to their political advantage.

Edited by Sir Bandelot
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The problem is not as much whether the Ackster won the election, but that he refused to prove it.

The council did an investigation and found that in fifty districts there were discrepancies in the ballot counts however, not to worry, out of fifty million voters casting physical ballots, they were able to access a precise 63% victory for Amandinijad two hours after the polls closed. Nothing suspicious going on at all. Just fast counters.

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I am not so convinced. There was a poll released by CNN few weeks before the election, that showed Ahmedinejad ahead by a 2 to 1 margin. That information is suppressed now, to make it easier for people to believe what we are told.

"our poll results show President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the lead"


"our uncensored poll shows incumbent President Ahmadinejad in the lead with a plurality of support"


"Whereas President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was a sure bet just 10 days ago, the race has closed this past week,"


"The poll found that Ahmadinejad was leading his nearest opponent, the more reform-minded candidate Mir Hossein Moussavi, by a more than 2-to-1 margin."


I don't know what the truth is, but I believe every country would do what Iran did, if they had violent protesters burning cars and buildings. And every country manipulates information to their political advantage.

Ever since the revolution in 1979 I have not seen a credible source of polling carried out in Iran including the foreign ones. Why? Simply because the current regime in Iran is very secretive and the sample size for these polls are not representative.

Take a look at this one done just before the election by telephone interviews from a neighbouring country based on a sample size of 1,001 interviewees. What is even more rediculous is the fact that respective opposition candidates even lose to Ahmadinejad in their own constituencies.


Where is the good old MORI and GAAP...

The results of the election were known 2 hours after the polling stations are closed. I mean how on earth is that possible through counting the ballot boxes?

Yet, the representative from the guardian council confirmed recently that on 50 provinces there were more than 100% votes. How rediculous is that? The results of this election was already known. It favoured Moussavi but the generals and commanders saw that his victory would result in a green revolution, which is why it was annuled!

Here's what Obama had to say:


If the elections were to be free as ayatollahs claim what explains videos like these?

In this video peaceful protesters are shot at from the top of a building:

In this video a man is shot in the head:

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Take a look at this one done just before the election by telephone interviews from a neighbouring country based on a sample size of 1,001 interviewees.

If I remember correctly, as long as the methodology is good, a sample size of 1000 supposedly will have results within +/- 3% 19 times out of 20.

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"Television coverage of Iran's turmoil has fallen since Jackson's death Thursday; on the Twitter micro-blogging site, Iran remained among the most discussed topics, but fell below Jackson and comments about the movie Transformers 2."


Too late... the publics short attention span has moved on to other things that they find more important.

Thats the wonderful thing about the mass-media controlled public- their fickle nature works both ways. Kinda like Homer Simpson

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"Television coverage of Iran's turmoil has fallen since Jackson's death Thursday; on the Twitter micro-blogging site, Iran remained among the most discussed topics, but fell below Jackson and comments about the movie Transformers 2."

Too late... the publics short attention span has moved on to other things that they find more important.

This is true. Yet, IMO this shift of world focus on current events would not abate the continued efforts of discontented Iranians protesting against a regime intent on silencing them. Neither will it stem the information leaking out of Iran courtesy of some very brave individuals.

The Iranian regime may be lulled into thinking the world has turned its eyes away. Consequently, I suspect the regime will intensify the crackdown on dissidents. Under these circumstances, another Neda type occurrence is sure to surface in short order. Let's see what happens then.

Tehran, Iran, Jun. 28 - Iranians on Sunday took to the streets of the capital Tehran once again, protesting against their theocratic rulers.

Several thousand Tehranis rallied in Shariati Street in northern Tehran late in the day.

There were chants of "God is great".

State security forces attacked the protestors using batons and water cannons. There was also considerable use of tear gas by authorities hoping to break up the rally.

A separate protest was also held at Tehran's Laleh Park, eye-witnesses said, claiming that authorities there also used force to break up the protest.


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We have a collective society of idiots with an attention span of a leopard frog..delluded and idolitrous...Iran is burning and dripping in blood- fine beautiful young people - the hope for the future are being diluted and executed - and the west is fixated on the death of a looser who was so insane he chopped off his own nose dispite his face..to see that there is more interest in a fool than freedom fighters is tragic.

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We have a collective society of idiots with an attention span of a leopard frog..delluded and idolitrous...Iran is burning and dripping in blood- fine beautiful young people - the hope for the future are being diluted and executed - and the west is fixated on the death of a looser who was so insane he chopped off his own nose dispite his face..to see that there is more interest in a fool than freedom fighters is tragic.

Ha! Isn't that a bitch? The mighty ruling clerics pre-empted by MJ and his Mr. Potato Head noses. Maybe they are glad at the distraction. After all, how many records do Iranian acts sell ? :lol:

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