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Looking at Obama voters

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It is a truism, of course, that in "democratic" states the people must be encouraged to imagine that it makes important decisions by voting, and must therefore be controlled by suitable propaganda, which implants ideas to which the voters respond automatically as trained animals respond to words of command in a circus, thus leaving to the masses only a factitious choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledee on the basis of their preference for a certain kind of oratory, a hair-style, or a particular facial expression.

Here you will see the standard Obama voter, in this clip you will see a person with a form of mental retardation: Downs Syndrome, give the most damning revelation of the extent to which Americans have sunk in both intelligence and vigilance...

I give you obama voter: Danny Drinker (no pun intended I hope):

Listen to the reasons given by danny as to why he would like to vote Obama, and I challenge you to distinguish them from the ones held by the majority of people you spoke too and sampled opinions from...

Listen to that clip and shudder...

it reminded of the poem by Robert Burns...

"O wad some Power the giftie gie us

To see oursels as ithers see us!"

From “To a Louse”

Edited by lictor616
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I give you obama voter: Danny Drinker (no pun intended I hope):

Listen to the reasons given by danny as to why he would like to vote Obama, and I challenge you to distinguish them from the ones held by the majority of people you spoke too and sampled opinions from...

Dan Drinker, the person on that Youtube video, has Down's Syndrome. So what? The guy's having fun in the video.


Lictor, I think you entirely miss the point of democracy and I find that truly sad. In a democracy, everyone gets a vote whether they choose to use it or not. That's symbolically important.

But perhaps most important of all is that, in a democracy, we have a way to get rid of the buggers when we don't want them in power anymore. Brian Mulroney and Pierre Trudeau, for example, both quit because they knew that they couldn't win another election. Compare that to Iran where people are dying in the streets because they have no way to rid themselves of their "Supreme Leader" or the "Guardian Council".

As someone once said, the key concept of democracy is not the first election, it is the second election.

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Dan Drinker, the person on that Youtube video, has Down's Syndrome. So what? The guy's having fun in the video.


Lictor, I think you entirely miss the point of democracy and I find that truly sad. In a democracy, everyone gets a vote whether they choose to use it or not. That's symbolically important.

yes, but of what importance is 'symbolic'? Absolutely none.

It's only what they give us so we think we have something ... some power ... but we don't.

But perhaps most important of all is that, in a democracy, we have a way to get rid of the buggers when we don't want them in power anymore. Brian Mulroney and Pierre Trudeau, for example, both quit because they knew that they couldn't win another election.

Ya ... but who told us that we didn't want them in power anymore?

(hint ... the corporate spinmeisters)

Compare that to Iran where people are dying in the streets because they have no way to rid themselves of their "Supreme Leader" or the "Guardian Council".

As someone once said, the key concept of democracy is not the first election, it is the second election.

Ya ... but who told us that we wanted them in power again?

(hint ... the corporate spinmeisters)

They spin it, we think we are having "freedom of thought" ... but we are not.

Democracy is just a camouflage for the same-old same-old corporate (fascist) rule.

At least in Iran it's clear to the people that they have to 'off' him to get rid of him.

But we're taught to be too polite for that. (suckers we are!)

imo, Dan's reason for his vote is just as good as any of ours, cos it's all smoke and mirrors anyway. The system stays the same regardless. Some politicians are just more arrogant or more deceitful or more folksy or more black or more white or more grey or more francophone ... etc etc ... about how they do it.

We're still just a corporation run to the tune of and for the benefit of other corporations.

Edited by tango
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....Here you will see the standard Obama voter, in this clip you will see a person with a form of mental retardation: Downs Syndrome, give the most damning revelation of the extent to which Americans have sunk in both intelligence and vigilance...

I give you obama voter:

Still, "obama voter" does not have to choose from your menu of lesser gods.

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yes, but of what importance is 'symbolic'? Absolutely none.

It's only what they give us so we think we have something ... some power ... but we don't.

Ya ... but who told us that we didn't want them in power anymore?

(hint ... the corporate spinmeisters)

Ya ... but who told us that we wanted them in power again?

(hint ... the corporate spinmeisters)

They spin it, we think we are having "freedom of thought" ... but we are not.

Democracy is just a camouflage for the same-old same-old corporate (fascist) rule.

At least in Iran it's clear to the people that they have to 'off' him to get rid of him.

But we're taught to be too polite for that. (suckers we are!)

imo, Dan's reason for his vote is just as good as any of ours, cos it's all smoke and mirrors anyway. The system stays the same regardless. Some politicians are just more arrogant or more deceitful or more folksy or more black or more white or more grey or more francophone ... etc etc ... about how they do it.

We're still just a corporation run to the tune of and for the benefit of other corporations.

It's amazing that somehow you see through this "corporate (fascist) rule" we live under and so many other people are fooled by it. I guess because "it's all smoke and mirrors anyways" you don't bother to exercise your vote?

Are you suggesting we should not be so polite (suckers we are) and "off" our leaders to get rid of them?

If democracy is just a camouflage for "corporate (fascist) rule" what form of government would you prefer?

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Dan Drinker, the person on that Youtube video, has Down's Syndrome. So what? The guy's having fun in the video.


Lictor, I think you entirely miss the point of democracy and I find that truly sad. In a democracy, everyone gets a vote whether they choose to use it or not. That's symbolically important.

But perhaps most important of all is that, in a democracy, we have a way to get rid of the buggers when we don't want them in power anymore. Brian Mulroney and Pierre Trudeau, for example, both quit because they knew that they couldn't win another election. Compare that to Iran where people are dying in the streets because they have no way to rid themselves of their "Supreme Leader" or the "Guardian Council".

As someone once said, the key concept of democracy is not the first election, it is the second election.

I don't see the point you're right.

The notion that anything that can stand on two legs has some divine right to a vote... so that it can sell that vote to the highest bidder... I think this is a pernicious and self destructive idea... I don't think democracy is possible without total freedom of speech (which we don't have in Canada or the US) and where the franchises are not at least a BIT limited... I think people on any kind of welfare or disability should be prevented from voting... I also believe qualifications should be established for voters... perhaps even a voter eligibility test. but anyways.

Politicians, like fakirs, live by bamboozling the masses, the easier it is to deceive the masses, the weaker the democracy.

But since we've long passed the point of no return, and since we have become a country of people who prefer to emote rather then think, there's little prospect for change.

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Obama voters were the most emotional - the most delluded - the most guilty of desperate wishful thinking of any voting block the world has ever seen...No one voted with the mind..but with a kind of danceable hysteria...This is akin to establishing a dictatorship ---with a hidden committee of the same old jerks pulling his strings..much like Hitler - who was but an actor.

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Obama voters were the most emotional - the most delluded - the most guilty of desperate wishful thinking of any voting block the world has ever seen...No one voted with the mind..but with a kind of danceable hysteria...This is akin to establishing a dictatorship ---with a hidden committee of the same old jerks pulling his strings..much like Hitler - who was but an actor.

Obama was the rock star that the world wanted...even though the Americans owed them nothing. No matter...they also have nothing better to offer.....President Obama will have to do until the Americans shuffle the deck once again.

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Obama voters were the most emotional - the most delluded - the most guilty of desperate wishful thinking of any voting block the world has ever seen...No one voted with the mind..but with a kind of danceable hysteria...This is akin to establishing a dictatorship ---with a hidden committee of the same old jerks pulling his strings..much like Hitler - who was but an actor.

for once we agree on something....

Looking at the mindless emotionalism over the "victory" of that wretched piece of filth Obambo, was just like watching a tribe of Hottentots or ubangie savages bewailing the death of their big chief...

It was embarrassing to watch how much Americans yearned to decend to the level of howling and cringing animals... stupid sheep... bovine slaves...

self deluded sheeple... all high on such a pathetic concept as "hope"...

"Hope is a waking dream."

Aristotle, from Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers

(384 BC - 322 BC)

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Obama was the rock star that the world wanted...even though the Americans owed them nothing. No matter...they also have nothing better to offer.....President Obama will have to do until the Americans shuffle the deck once again.

America has always offered the world entertainment. They have experts - Washington is Hollywood east...they have the best writers and and promoters on earth.

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That's what's so funny....such buffoons are the masters of Euro-trash.....can't make it up.

no, Americans are masters of nothing... their governments are.... what's funny is taht you still actually believe its "YOUR" government...

Americans are little more then tax paying animals, who deluded themselves with their democracy and believe they actually decide what happens in "their" nation...

The US is a dead nation who is awaiting the undertaker... they no longer have an industrial base, and their natural enemies (China, INdia ... the rest of the world) are increasingly growing stronger... The americans, they economy bankrupted, have no future...

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That's what's so funny....such buffoons are the masters of Euro-trash.....can't make it up.

Night must fall" What the heck is that...no darkness will fall upon those that have the real light in the heart - and my friend - you have light in your heart - and no man can extinguish it...tell lictor to either put a V on his name or step down..looks like a street fight is about to ensue.....let them come to you -----can't wait for the action to begin - If you go down it will give me an opportunty to kick em up side the head when he is beating on you...don't worry BC - I will get him off quick --- you take the fall and I will kick the ball.

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no, Americans are masters of nothing... their governments are.... what's funny is taht you still actually believe its "YOUR" government...

Well, it certainly isn't yours, depite wishes from afar.

Americans are little more then tax paying animals, who deluded themselves with their democracy and believe they actually decide what happens in "their" nation...

We just decided on Obama....any questions?

The US is a dead nation who is awaiting the undertaker... they no longer have an industrial base, and their natural enemies (China, INdia ... the rest of the world) are increasingly growing stronger... The americans, they economy bankrupted, have no future...

Yea, it sucks to be Number One....

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LOOK BC....Canadian youth are growing balls - listen to that guy go ---finally --- as said in the movie - "finally a man worth killing" :lol: Nice to see the kids kicking ass - even though they are challenging dad...poor BC - you put a roof over their head and they turn on you.. :lol:

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LOOK BC....Canadian youth are growing balls - listen to that guy go ---finally --- as said in the movie - "finally a man worth killing" :lol: Nice to see the kids kicking ass - even though they are challenging dad...poor BC - you put a roof over their head and they turn on you.. :lol:

It's their worst fear....a well hung "Negro" in the "White House".

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It's their worst fear....a well hung "Negro" in the "White House".

Accounts of the master's crotchal areas are apparently rather deceiving...

He has been rumored to be small sized...

although I bet you voted for him on a hunch that he'd be well hung... that would be fitting of how an american votes...

tell me BC how often do you fantasize about Obama?

Did you want him elected on a "hope" that he'd be "effing" you in the "A"?

then again he's already doing taht to all american's with his tax plan and nationalization of toxic assets! lol

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We just decided on Obama....any questions?

Yea, it sucks to be Number One....

no you didn't technically vote obama... only 31.3 % of the elctorate (including 96% of the black vote for some reason or other wink wink) scarcely a majority.

And america? numebr 1 in what ?

Scietific literacy the US is 12th...

Literacy.. US is 15th in the world

Mathematical literacy .. us is a mere 10th!

Life quality index? Norway, Finland, Germany, Japan, Ireland, Canada, Sweden, Austria, etc are all higher then the US.

HEalthcare? Again US is in terrible shape vis avis others...

Obesity... ah yes ... americans are clearly number 1 in that!

debt? 3 trillion dollar trade deficit... while china boasts a 900 billion dollar surplus...

so yeah I guess USA is number 1 in Obesisty and debt... well done, here's an extra cheeseburger (paid with credit)!

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no you didn't technically vote obama... only 31.3 % of the elctorate (including 96% of the black vote for some reason or other wink wink) scarcely a majority.

And america? numebr 1 in what ?

Scietific literacy the US is 12th...

Literacy.. US is 15th in the world

Mathematical literacy .. us is a mere 10th!

Life quality index? Norway, Finland, Germany, Japan, Ireland, Canada, Sweden, Austria, etc are all higher then the US.

HEalthcare? Again US is in terrible shape vis avis others...

Obesity... ah yes ... americans are clearly number 1 in that!

debt? 3 trillion dollar trade deficit... while china boasts a 900 billion dollar surplus...

so yeah I guess USA is number 1 in Obesisty and debt... well done, here's an extra cheeseburger (paid with credit)!

Nice list of sins you complied....so who is going to convict? The mythical DA in heaven was satan....good job - now get out of the way and let devine order and law takes it's course - this is not a place for an impatient person..and remember - when dealing with BC - this is not your average American - so maybe you are hunting to high up on the food chain ?

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Nice list of sins you complied....so who is going to convict? The mythical DA in heaven was satan....good job - now get out of the way and let devine order and law takes it's course - this is not a place for an impatient person..and remember - when dealing with BC - this is not your average American - so maybe you are hunting to high up on the food chain ?

true being american if he gets too hungry he may resort to eating me... i'm probably not high in calories enough for that..

also Oleg, are you on psychotropic drugs of any kind... you seem really... ahem.. "out there" what with the jesus, flying spaghetti monster and weird analogies..

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true being american if he gets too hungry he may resort to eating me... i'm probably not high in calories enough for that..

also Oleg, are you on psychotropic drugs of any kind... you seem really... ahem.. "out there" what with the jesus, flying spaghetti monster and weird analogies..

No -- I don't use pharma product..thanks for the grave insult - and if you were in my reach - you would not dare look me in the eye and say such a deeming and marginalizing thing --- I am tired today - had a couple of drinks and a nap --- I just love to write - and it does not matter much at times what I write long as I am amusing myself and exersise creative abiltity .... Yes - I am "out there" I have seen it all my friend ---and YOU -------well....you are typical - I suggest you stop having the "authorities" drug you - a hole! :lol:

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Also: An apology would be nice ----do you know how many times I have seen idiots on the net go for the cheap shot "You better take your meds" - This forum - is a bright place this is a first for me - don't get on the wrong side of a good man my friend---- sorry about the ass hole comment....and don't do what you did again - I do not have time to dispise you.

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