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Halifax newspaper fights injunction against story publication

An online-only publication, AllNovaScotia.com, reported that the individual seeking the injunction is Jasmine MacDonnell, who resigned her position last week as the director of communications to Natural Resources Minister Lisa Raitt. MacDonnell resigned after a binder containing about 150 pages of government documents marked "Secret" were left at an Ottawa television studio.

now... just what could be so troubling to seek an injunction... just what could fall-gal Jasmine MacDonnell and Conservative Natural Resources Minister Lisa Raitt be discussing on that tape? Film at 11!

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No matter what party you are a member of, its not good for another minister to say that the minister of Health, in this instant, isn't a very minister and not good at her job. It came out in question period today, btw, Harper wasn't there, and the justice minister had no comment. The most important point in the minister Raitt case, is with no isotopes for cancer patient, there will probably be people who will die because of it. The Health minsiter keeps saying their are others ways of treating cancer but if those other ways worked, then they would be using isotopes in medicine. Maybe, both should be docked pay, instead of being fired for now.

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now... just what could be so troubling to seek an injunction... just what could fall-gal Jasmine MacDonnell and Conservative Natural Resources Minister Lisa Raitt be discussing on that tape? Film at 11!
According to one unconfirmed report*, the federal Minister of Natural Resources was recorded making some less than flattering comments about her cabinet colleague, Leona Aglukkaq, the fed Health Minister who entered parliament for the first time last year as the MP for Nunavut.


An injunction will not stop the information from being leaked. Stay tuned to find out what unflattering comments were made by Raitt about Aglukkaq. Maybe it has something to do with seal meat. :o

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A judge has dismissed an injunction against The Chronicle Herald that would have prevented this newspaper from publishing a story involving the former communications director for federal Natural Resources Minister Lisa Raitt.


Apparently, the 26 year old aide (mentioning her age seems to be an imperative with the media) is the daughter of an important fundraiser for Ignatieff. For her unintended part in toppling a Conservative Minister, I think she should be rewarded with a job in the Liberal war room alongside Warren Kinsella.

Edit to add link to the article released by the Chronicle Herald article following the dismissal of the injunction.


It's not as bad as I had imagined.

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Apparently, the 26 year old aide (mentioning her age seems to be an imperative with the media) is the daughter of an important fundraiser for Ignatieff. For her unintended part in toppling a Conservative Minister, I think she should be rewarded with a job in the Liberal war room alongside Warren Kinsella.

And you still think that the Tories have had no problems recruiting staff? The minister had no chief of staff and obviously not very competent aid.

The minister is on thin ice. It was amazing watching Tory ministers scattering all day to run away from the media.

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And you still think that the Tories have had no problems recruiting staff?

I never gave an opinion on the Tories and recruitment.

The minister had no chief of staff and obviously not very competent aid.

The 26 year old aide sure showed signs of incompetence. TWICE she forgot potential damning information in a news center. She was called FIVE TIMES the Chronicle Herald to please come and collect the tape which was found in a washroom. You'd almost think she was purposely forgetful.

Raitt should have someone else do her hiring.

The minister is on thin ice.

There's no certainty she will survive this.

It was amazing watching Tory ministers scattering all day to run away from the media.

It was amazing watching the Liberal ministers run to every microphone and reporter's tape recorder in sight.

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I never gave an opinion on the Tories and recruitment.

You seem to have a question about it here:


The 26 year old aide sure showed signs of incompetence. TWICE she forgot potential damning information in a news center. She was called FIVE TIMES the Chronicle Herald to please come and collect the tape which was found in a washroom. You'd almost think she was purposely forgetful.

Ah yes. She was secretly working for the Liberals. How clever of us.

I think this an indication that the department does not have the people it needs and it isn't the only one. Harper's ruless are making it hard to get people in top staff positions.

Raitt should have someone else do her hiring.

No argument there. Now, her own decision-making and opinion is coming into question. It looks like she is dragging down two ministers at the same time.

There's no certainty she will survive this.

Possibly since she might not be able to avoid the questions Baird is facing.

It was amazing watching the Liberal ministers run to every microphone and reporter's tape recorder in sight.

What Liberal ministers? In Ontario?

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You seem to have a question about it here:


The question posed was simple and is not an opinion.

Ah yes. She was secretly working for the Liberals. How clever of us.

How interesting that you jumped to the conclusion that I was alluding to a conspiracy. For all you know, I was thinking the aide didn't like working with Raitt and she wanted to get her in shite. I'm sure the aide's daddy isn't shedding any tears over Raitt's predicament.

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The question posed was simple and is not an opinion.

And do you now have an answer to that question?

How interesting that you jumped to the conclusion that I was alluding to a conspiracy. For all you know, I was thinking the aide didn't like working with Raitt and she wanted to get her in shite. I'm sure the aide's daddy isn't shedding any tears over Raitt's predicament.

That conclusion came when you suggested she would go work with Kinsella.

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And do you now have an answer to that question?

That was 24 hours ago and it no longer occupies my mind. This Raitt stuff is much more "sexy".

That conclusion came when you suggested she would go work with Kinsella.

In times of trouble, well connected daddys are very good at coming to the aide of their unemployed offspring, like landing jobs for them in friendly environments.

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That was 24 hours ago and it no longer occupies my mind. This Raitt stuff is much more "sexy".

Still think a lot of this is the result of not having competent staff although Raitt's problems seem to go beyond that.

In times of trouble, well connected daddys are very good at coming to the aide of their unemployed offspring, like landing jobs for them in friendly environments.

And the best ones are Liberal daddies?

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Natural Resources Minister Lisa Raitt called the medical isotopes crisis "sexy," said she wanted to take credit for fixing it, and expressed doubts about the skills of Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq on a recording obtained by The Chronicle Herald.

Hum, toying with the fears of cancer patients is sexy. That's some strange political pornography if you ask me.

“You know what? Good. Because when we win on this, we get all the credit. I’m ready to roll the dice on this. This is an easy one. You know what solves this problem? Money. And if it’s just about money, we’ll figure it out. It’s not a moral issue.”

Nope. No morals here people. Time to look away.

Ms. Raitt is the lead minister on the isotope file, but she and Ms. Aglukkaq, who had previously served as health minister of Nunavut, work together to deal with the shortage of isotopes. Canadian hospitals are already delaying tests for cancer patients because of the shortage of isotopes.

Wait a minute! I thought you said it was all about money. You mean you haven't solved this already?

What!? There's more!?

Yes, for it seems that Ms Raitt expense practices as CEO of the Toronto Airport Authority are at issue. Not only that, it seems that John Baird has been dragged into the equation with accusations of manipulating/intimidated the Board of said authority in order to prevent such expenses from being "overly" scrutinized.

Add to this the Mayor O'Brien trial in Ottawa - its potential of a guilty verdict - and you've got a rats' nest of scandal confronting this government.

Is it no wonder that they're having a hard time staffing? Who signs on to join a sinking ship?

This is what the industry calls a snowball.

For Ignatieff, June 21 seems so far off; for Harper, it seems far too soon.

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Right-wingers are all alike--immature thinkers--worse than little kids

Have we met before? I don't think we have...so how can you make that comment if you don't know me. Because "all right-wingers" DON'T think alike.

You stand there pointing your finger, brushing everyone who is a "conservative" with the same paint. People like you are what is WRONG with politics in this country. You sit in your chair with your arms crossed sulking, saying to yourself: "I'm not going to listen to them because they are conservatives, and they all think alike".

I may disagree with Liberals and NDP, but I always listened with an open mind and debated the topic at hand.

Edited by Cameron
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Lisa Raitt - the Conservative gift that keeps giving

she calls it all "sexy"... isotopes, radiation leaks and cancer!

she's ready to "roll the dice" over the "political opportunity" at Chalk River - needless to say the shortage of isotopes and resultant health impact might not be similarly viewed as "sexy" by those affected medical patients waiting for diagnostic tests.

clearly - Raitt, the bumbling incompetent, is infectious... Conservative Transport Minister John Baird covered up for beleaguered Lisa Raitt

Transport Minister John Baird is facing allegations of "political interference" and "coverup" as part of a bid to bury complaints of mismanagement against his Conservative cabinet colleague, Lisa Raitt, in connection with her former job as head of the Toronto Port Authority.

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Actually, it looks like that is probably exactly what was going on. Just look at who her father is.

I think Harper is deliberately trying to sabotage the Tories. He was once a Liberal you know.

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Ah yes. She was secretly working for the Liberals. How clever of us.

Actually, it looks like that is probably exactly what was going on. Just look at who her father is.

whaaa!!! Those wascally Liberals...

just contemplate the foresight to have had Jasmine MacDonell hired over 5 years ago as a "mole in waiting"... imagine the crafty Liberals influencing the Conservatives into promoting her several times until she reaches the 'lofty' position as Director of Communications for the Minister of Natural Resources. Watch the Liberals seal the deal by getting Garth Turner defeated by Lisa Raitt... then imagine the Liberal reach to have had Harper appoint Raitt to cabinet in the Natural Resources Ministry, have Raitt accept MacDonell and allow MacDonell to work the relationship to gain the confidence of Raitt... simply a masterful plan unfolding! But that's just the foreplay... then see how the Liberals manipulated the shutdown of Chalk River - just so Raitt had to go on CTV and have the "Secret" documents "forgotten". The master Liberal plan kicks into overdrive when Raitt convinces MacDonell to resign allowing for the high stakes drama over the court injunction and damning taped conversation between Raitt and MacDonell... a taped conversation some 5 months old that just happens to come forward through the action of an intrepid independent journalist. Ah yes... timing is everything - particularly to tin-foil wearing Conservative conspirators!

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whaaa!!! Those wascally Liberals...

just contemplate the foresight to have had Jasmine MacDonell hired over 5 years ago as a "mole in waiting"... imagine the crafty Liberals influencing the Conservatives into promoting her several times until she reaches the 'lofty' position as Director of Communications for the Minister of Natural Resources. Watch the Liberals seal the deal by getting Garth Turner defeated by Lisa Raitt... then imagine the Liberal reach to have had Harper appoint Raitt to cabinet in the Natural Resources Ministry, have Raitt accept MacDonell and allow MacDonell to work the relationship to gain the confidence of Raitt... simply a masterful plan unfolding! But that's just the foreplay... then see how the Liberals manipulated the shutdown of Chalk River - just so Raitt had to go on CTV and have the "Secret" documents "forgotten". The master Liberal plan kicks into overdrive when Raitt convinces MacDonell to resign allowing for the high stakes drama over the court injunction and damning taped conversation between Raitt and MacDonell... a taped conversation some 5 months old that just happens to come forward through the action of an intrepid independent journalist. Ah yes... timing is everything - particularly to tin-foil wearing Conservative conspirators!

Damn, those Liberals are good! They think in the long term. Guess they have to with the deficits they keep inheriting from the Tories. ;)

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Have we met before? I don't think we have...so how can you make that comment if you don't know me. Because "all right-wingers" DON'T think alike.

You stand there pointing your finger, brushing everyone who is a "conservative" with the same paint. People like you are what is WRONG with politics in this country. You sit in your chair with your arms crossed sulking, saying to yourself: "I'm not going to listen to them because they are conservatives, and they all think alike".

I may disagree with Liberals and NDP, but I always listened with an open mind and debated the topic at hand.

:lol: Isn't that what most of you do with aboriginal people? Paint them "all" with the same brush? My point has now been made ;) Raitt also nicely made my point

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Lisa Raitt - the Conservative gift that keeps giving

she calls it all "sexy"... isotopes, radiation leaks and cancer!

Anybody who has spent any time with politicians or senior bureaucrats knows that this is exactly how they speak, and it's not far from how some of them think too. That is true whether Liberal, Conservative, Socialist, Capitalist or whatever.

OTOH, government of the righteous would be insufferable.


This is a minor scandal simply because the conversation was caught on tape. It has happened before and it will happen again. Summer vacations will soon be upon us and then another news item will occupy the agenda. Sad, in a way.

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"Of course, Mr. Speaker, I wouldn't expect that five Liberal cabinet ministers in that period of time would have actually done anything on it, and I assume that the leader of the Opposition doesn't know because he wasn't in the country at the time," Raitt told the House.


The sad thing in all of this is that nigh on three years later the CPC is STILL trying to blame the Liberals. When will they put this rather sorry diatribe to rest? Can the Liberals still realistically be blamed for the Isotope issue since the CPC has been in government since 2006. Talk about beating a horse that’s been dead for three years.

I also like that Ms. Raitt took the opportunity to try and stick it to Ignatieff. While Ignatieff not being in the country is certainly an excuse for not being aware of what’s going on in Canada. However, this of course begs the question as to why she, who by implication was in fact in Canada, didn’t know about the issue and failed to act to correct it.

Waldo also did an excellent job of summing up the CPC paranoia. I guess if you try hard enough you really can blame everything on the Liberals.

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When is someone going to concentrate on the people - and stop lauding over politicals that concentrate on each other as if they were all members of the drama club in high school - Why do we not have one single politican that has his hand on the pulse of the PEOPLE - the are to busy taking each others pulse..politics is not about winning some silly game - IT IS ABOUT SERVICE - AND I WANT SOME DAMNED SERVICE AND NOW!

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