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George Galloway

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Galloway is a hypocrite

apparently - in your world - hypocrisy trumps free speech... which seems fitting given Harper's Minister of Censorship & Deportation appears well versed in it.

Harper Conservative MP - Jason Kenney - attended rally for group on terror list

... the Mujaheedin-e-Khalq is an armed Iranian rebel group formally designated as a terror group by the governments of Canada, the United States and the European Union.

Public Safety Canada's list of "entities" under the Criminal Code - identifying the Mujaheedin-e-Khalq as a group associated with terrorism.

...Human Rights Watch says the group is guilty of serious human rights abuses, including "abuses ranging from detention and persecution of ordinary members wishing to leave the organization, to lengthy solitary confinements, severe beatings and torture of dissident members.''

oh my! Alta4ever... some are now questioning whether this shows that Jason Kenney - Harper's Minister of Censorship & Deportation - has offered past support to a terrorist organization.

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apparently - in your world - hypocrisy trumps free speech... which seems fitting given Harper's Minister of Censorship & Deportation appears well versed in it.

Harper Conservative MP - Jason Kenney - attended rally for group on terror list

... the Mujaheedin-e-Khalq is an armed Iranian rebel group formally designated as a terror group by the governments of Canada, the United States and the European Union.

Public Safety Canada's list of "entities" under the Criminal Code - identifying the Mujaheedin-e-Khalq as a group associated with terrorism.

...Human Rights Watch says the group is guilty of serious human rights abuses, including "abuses ranging from detention and persecution of ordinary members wishing to leave the organization, to lengthy solitary confinements, severe beatings and torture of dissident members.''

oh my! Alta4ever... some are now questioning whether this shows that Jason Kenney - Harper's Minister of Censorship & Deportation - has offered past support to a terrorist organization.

The event was organized by the Committee in Defense of Human Rights in Iran, not the Mujaheedin-e-Khalq.

The Committee in Defense of Human Rights in Iran is not on the list of banned groups while the other is. Clearly, had Kenney's staff properly vetted the organization hosting the event, a link between the two groups may have been uncovered. I don't think a human error makes Kenney a supporter of a terrorist organization. From your link:

In an interview with the Star, Kenney told the newspaper he did not remember being at the rally, then recalled an invitation from "something called the Committee for Human Rights in Iran.''

Kenney, MP for Calgary Southeast, said he "would be shocked'' to hear his picture was posted on the website.

When directed to the website, Kenney said he was "completely unaware of the context as it presented here, even though we had done our due diligence.''

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I don't think a human error makes Kenney a supporter of a terrorist organization.

and yet... and still... the picture of the Honorable Minister of Censorship & Deportation appears on the organization's website.

so - you are willing to accept said Jason Kenney terrorist support by designating the Jason Kenney involvement as "human error". Yet, while Canada appears to be the only country viewing the Viva Palestina humanitarian aid effort as "supporting terrorism", you would deny one of it's organizers, George Galloway, entry into Canada...

Viva Palestina - a lifeline from Britain to Gaza

A message from George Galloway

More than 1,300 dead – more than 400 of them children – and still they are dragging bodies from the ruins.

The death toll in Gaza is rising, while the world’s leaders and media look away in search of a new story.

We will not look away. The Palestinians in Gaza need our help now, just as they did when Israel’s bombs and illegal weapons were dropping.

Thousands of people have contacted me to say that they have marched, cried at the television pictures and feel helpless in the face of the suffering.

That’s why I have launched a major initiative in response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. I will be leading an aid convoy from London to Gaza leaving on 14 February and travelling through France, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and through Rafah and into Gaza. It will bring material aid and raise the banner of Palestine in all the countries that we visit.

The convoy will be led by a British fire engine, ambulances, and many trucks full of practical aid given by the various communities in Britain.

It is quite an undertaking, which I anticipate will have a high public profile throughout its journey and on its arrival in Gaza, god willing, some 30 days later.

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Jewish group proud of role in barring Galloway

The Jewish Defence League of Canada is taking credit for lighting the spark that ultimately burned a British politician's plans to enter the country.

The organization advised the federal government early last week about the impending speaking tour of George Galloway, the controversial British MP who has been a bitter critic of Israel.

A letter – sent March 16 to Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, his cabinet colleague Peter Kent and opposition MPs – asked the government to keep that "hater" out of Canada.

"We asked that he not be allowed in," said Meir Weinstein, national director of the Jewish Defence League of Canada.

"Whether or not that had an effect on anyone – well, he's not in."

Weinstein said the letter "lit a fire" under other Jewish community leaders to protest the visit, to contact Canadian politicians, and write to newspapers about Galloway.

Four days later, Kenney's office confirmed the British MP would not be allowed into the country.

apparently... in Canada... speech is not free - it's a commodity!

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so what?

I thought the point was every asshole gets to speak?

Not foreign assholes. Do you support the right of Islamist fundamentalist mullahs coming to Canada and preaching jihad to young Muslims in Toronto and Montreal? Do you think that an Islamist fundamentalist who is in Canada as a n immigrant, and who consistently demonstrates his disgust and contempt for our society, who preaches jihad similar to some of those the British have or are trying to deport, should be deported?

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I am not aware of any other time in Canadian History where an MP from the United Kingdom has been denied access to Canada.

Even more pathetic is that this MP is travelling freely in the United States.

If Canada has some proof, they had better issue it to our US neighbours in good faith.

Otherwise the Conservatives are blowing smoke out there asses.

They look like a bunch of retards.

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I am not aware of any other time in Canadian History where an MP from the United Kingdom has been denied access to Canada.

Even more pathetic is that this MP is travelling freely in the United States.

If Canada has some proof, they had better issue it to our US neighbours in good faith.

Otherwise the Conservatives are blowing smoke out there asses.

They look like a bunch of retards.

who would dream to think that this is a conservative issue? The champions of bars on free speech are all staunch liberals and lefties alike.

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Oddly, the pro-Galloway types are not up-in-arms re: Geert Wilders being given the same treatment when he tried to visit the UK.


far more egregious also when we consider that Wilders lives with 24 hour body guard protection and is under constant death threat... yet HE is the criminal?

its amazing that we don't hear more about this...

what a world

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Oddly, the pro-Galloway types are not up-in-arms re: Geert Wilders being given the same treatment when he tried to visit the UK.


Most of the pro-Galloway types are the kind who are out throwing rocks and bottles and shrieking anti-Israeli epithets any time an Israeli politician dares to show his face to make a speech or attend a debate.

Oh they support freedom of speech, all right - so long as it's speech they agree with. If not, the hell with it.

So as I said, I wouldn't have bothered to ban the guy, but the self-righteous indignation on the part of the "usual suspects" is predictable and pathetic.

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Oddly, the pro-Galloway types are not up-in-arms re: Geert Wilders being given the same treatment when he tried to visit the UK.


somehow you've linked the issue of Geert Wilder, a Dutch politician, being denied entry into the U.K. by the British government as a matter where you would expect to hear from those Canadian proponents of free speech (the one's you define as "pro-Galloway") in their expressed concerns for Geert Wilder's right to enter/speak in the U.K.?......... in this thread........ where the name Geert Wilder has never been brought up before.

as you're the first to bring forward the name of Geert Wilder and his circumstance, you have the latitude to speak more directly to the issue of Geert Wilder. You could do that in this thread - or create a new one. You could elaborate on your agreement or disagreement with the banning of a Dutch politician by the British government... and it's relevance to a British politician being banned by the Canadian government. Have at er.

the issue is about the anti-free speech Harper Conservative government... it's not about your so-called "pro-Galloway types".

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who would dream to think that this is a conservative issue? The champions of bars on free speech are all staunch liberals and lefties alike.

1) I don't believe Conservatives are against free speech.

2) This is about barring Galloway from Canada for "Security Reasons".

And the government looks like retards when Galloway is travelling around the US freely, and is banned here.

Regarding "Free Speech", I fully expect this extra media attention to Galloway will provide him the opportunity to address those in Canada from US airwaves.

Now, if you are suggesting that the Conservative Government is interested in blocking his speech, that would be interesting.

But for the current time, only Canada appears to have Galloway as a security threat. And for that Canada is getting viewed as a mini USSR wannabe, state.

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No, but I certainly don't have to put up tactics used by the former USSR and Communist China to deny people the right to speak, especially someone never convicted of anything as far as I know....

Hey, don't just use China as evil example in every place.

China did lots of things far more better than western countries did.

I live in China for more than 30 years, I never find anything I can not talk about there.

As for some of things that government in China does not willing to let you find everywhere, it is just like what Canada did.


It is very clear that everything western country blame China, western country did it themselves. And lots of those, they are still doing.

China did lots of thing better than westerner's can even think, they cannot even understand it. Why, because they have so little experience of China, the culture and the philosophy.

What they can understand is only something that had happened near themselves. Something they did use to their own people.

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the issue is about the anti-free speech Harper Conservative government... it's not about your so-called "pro-Galloway types".

Ah, so it doesn't matter to you that Galloway seems to be in favour of not allowing politicians into a country where their views might cause trouble..

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Hey, don't just use China as evil example in every place.

China did lots of things far more better than western countries did.

I live in China for more than 30 years, I never find anything I can not talk about there.

As for some of things that government in China does not willing to let you find everywhere, it is just like what Canada did.

No, I imagine there isn't a single thing you would ever want to think, do or say that the Chinese government would not approve of anyway.

Because it doesn't look like you're capable of thinking, doing or saying anything which they haven't programmed into you.

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No, I imagine there isn't a single thing you would ever want to think, do or say that the Chinese government would not approve of anyway.

Because it doesn't look like you're capable of thinking, doing or saying anything which they haven't programmed into you.

Try to google my words to find if I copy from anyone else.

On the contrary, I find your words nothing new. I guess you yourself is the one that has been programmed by the flood of media error information and text books.

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Listened to a great debate about this the other day, and according to Canadian law he hould not be allowed into the country because he did raise money that went to Hamas. Regardless of the fact he he says the money was for humanitarian causes, the fact that he handed the money over to a Govt. official, when the current Govt. is Hamas, consitutes him raising money for Hamas which is an organization that is on Canada's terrorism list, and that means he cannot enter the country.

It is not a matter of free speech!

By all rights he is free to say what he wants, short of inciting hate or violence, but this has nothing to do with what he is saying.

The Canadian Jewish guy who was on the BBC with Galloway is the one we should be talking about. This guy seemed to think he had enough influence with either the Govt. or the Police to have anyone remotely attached in Canada, to Galloway investigated and observed.

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it backfired and it backfired bad.

the amount of attention galloway and his speech received is a big slap in the face of people like kenney and the twerp from JDL who took credit for banning galloway.

galloway ended up giving his speech via webcast and more people watched and listened than they would have if kenney had not banned him from entering canada.

by the way, here are the speeches;

The Metropolitan United Church, Toronto

March 30, 2009

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

British MP George Galloway Address

to University of Toronto (Mississauga)

March 31, 2009


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  • 6 months later...
no it probably is the terrorism of the JDL that's behind this nonsense... They've been know to suppress goyish criticisms...

I see you were at your racist garbage early.

Most Jews have always actively opposed, outed, and participated in the prosecution of the JDL.

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I see you were at your racist garbage early.

Most Jews have always actively opposed, outed, and participated in the prosecution of the JDL.

"at my racist garbage"

are you drunk on these pages much?

what's racist about talking about the reality of JDL persecuting opinions they don't like because they don't support Israel? Jews aren,t even a race to begin with...

maybe you can use your silly non-word: "anti-semitism" but racist?


Edited by lictor616
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  • 5 months later...

leaked documents... leaked through the ineptitude of the Canadian government itself... leaded to Galloway's own legal team by the Conservative government! Jason Kenney & Alykhan Velshi... will appear to have great difficulty in substantiating their claim that they were not personally involved in banning Galloway from entry - that is was simply a matter handled exclusively by "border security officials". Ya right!

George Galloway: leaked papers reveal Canada's torment over banning MP

Documents leaked today reveal the contortions the Canadian government went through over its decision last year to ban the British MP George Galloway.

The leak, on a Canadian website, comes just days before the start of a court case in Toronto in which Galloway and his supporters will seek to overturn the ban which has turned the British MP into a cause célèbre.

Galloway was banned from entering Canada to speak round the country on the Middle East and Afghanistan. The government claimed it was acting on national security grounds because he had provided material support to the Palestinian organisation, Hamas, which is proscribed in the country as a terrorist organisation.

Galloway's defence team will argue in the federal court on Monday that he poses no threat to national security. Although he took a convoy of aid to Gaza, which is controlled by the elected Hamas government, his lawyers will say that he is neither a member, or supporter, of Hamas, and that, in fact, he has been a lifelong supporter of Hamas's rivals, Fatah, which is not branded a terrorist organisation.

The 66 pages of emails and letters, covering the four days up to the ban and available at rabble.ca, reveal how opinion within the government was deeply divided over the decision.

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I think Galloway is pinheaded kook,but he should say whatever he wants to say.I don't believe he's a terrorist or supports a terrorist organization like Hamas,I just think he a self promoting buffoon.I also think our dimwitted government decided that Galloway was so offensive to their foreign policy that they ginned up this stuff to keep him out.And they used the old 'National Security" canard to keep him out.

This goes to the same mindset that the bedwetters at U of O had last month with Anne Coulter.If someone ,or a group,does'nt like what another has to say,try to shut them up.Again,it seems just like the mindless twits at U of O,the Conservatives are equally intellectually equipped to deal with a putz like Galloway.

It's just weak...

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I remember the original arguments. Kenney said that Galloway raised money and gave it to Hamas. Hamas is on the terrorist list and nobody can enter Canada who has provided support to Hamas. Period. That's the law. It was the opposition, joined by our left leading media that jumped to the defence of Galloway and cooked up the red-herring Free Speech scenario. Of course this buffoon ended up getting publicity - but you can thank the Liberals/NDP/Media for that. All the government was doing was enforcing the law.......and the idiot should still not be allowed into Canada.

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I remember the original arguments. Kenney said that Galloway raised money and gave it to Hamas. Hamas is on the terrorist list and nobody can enter Canada who has provided support to Hamas. Period. That's the law. It was the opposition, joined by our left leading media that jumped to the defence of Galloway and cooked up the red-herring Free Speech scenario. Of course this buffoon ended up getting publicity - but you can thank the Liberals/NDP/Media for that. All the government was doing was enforcing the law.......and the idiot should still not be allowed into Canada.

Yes Kenney said that,but that does'nt make it true...The rest is the same idiotic arguements that the simpering bedwetters on the left used againnst Anne Coulter...Speaking of publicity whores....

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