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Is Canada's Science Minister a creationalist?

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Because neither Roman Catholics nor the Roman Catholic Church hold that the literal interpretation of the account of Gen. is an article of faith so asking would be a non sequitor.

Sort of like asking a Hindu if they believe in the account of Noah....

And given that Goodyear cut funding to one of the most important research projects in our time, one where disbelief in evolution is relevant, it is relevant if it is his unscientific beliefs influenced that decision.

M.Dancer, Goodyear never has said that he was a creationist. He has been painted in a smear because a few in the research community don't like having their funding cut.

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This is nothing but a smear.

The Liberals would rather blog about Goodyear than to acknowledge the good economic news that's being reported in the media. For example, TSX posted gains for the last 8 consecutive days, the loonie is up, the bank are in better shape financially and credit is readily accessible, etc. etc. Liberal bloggers and strategists are ignoring this good news in the financial markets because it reflects well on Harper's economic plan. No, they prefer to milk this Goodyear story for all it's worth. But on a scale of one to ten, the Goodyear issue doesn't even appear on that scale for mainstream Canadians. The economy is what they're all watching.

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The Liberals would rather blog about Goodyear than to acknowledge the good economic news that's being reported in the media. For example, TSX posted gains for the last 8 consecutive days, the loonie is up, the bank are in better shape financially and credit is readily accessible, etc. etc. Liberal bloggers and strategists are ignoring this good news in the financial markets because it reflects well on Harper's economic plan. No, they prefer to milk this Goodyear story for all it's worth. But on a scale of one to ten, the Goodyear issue doesn't even appear on that scale for mainstream Canadians. The economy is what they're all watching.

Harper has no plan. This economic upheavel is correcting itself to a great degree and people who are unknown are working diligently to re-estbablish confindence in money again..Harper could remain silent and it would still come out as it does.

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M.Dancer, Goodyear never has said that he was a creationist. He has been painted in a smear because a few in the research community don't like having their funding cut.

When asked about his views on evolution, he answered by saying:

"I am a Christian, and I don't think anybody asking a question about my religion is appropriate."

Explain please with some context how a question about evolution could ellicit that answer.

And yes I imagine those who do ground breaking life saving research would be miffed that someone who seems to have no understanding of science cut their funding....

...but whether that is relevant or not entirely depends on his views of research that might fly in the face of unscientific beliefs.

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'The Liberals'....

This is not the place to howl insults at t'the Liberals.

When Conservatives so flagrantly embrace inanity and mendacity, there's no strawman switch that can cover the mess.

Stand by your man! But you'll get to answer for him, too.

So you don't like to see your own hypocracy.

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When asked about his views on evolution, he answered by saying:

"I am a Christian, and I don't think anybody asking a question about my religion is appropriate."

Explain please with some context how a question about evolution could ellicit that answer.

And yes I imagine those who do ground breaking life saving research would be miffed that someone who seems to have no understanding of science cut their funding....

...but whether that is relevant or not entirely depends on his views of research that might fly in the face of unscientific beliefs.

Potentially all medical reseach can be lifesaving, but can we afford to fund it all?

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Potentially all medical reseach can be lifesaving, but can we afford to fund it all?

No of course not....which comes back to whether the research was cuts were made based on his religious convictions or not. I hope not....but on the otherhand I am not filled with confidence by someone who demonstrates a poor understanding of science...

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Potentially all medical reseach can be lifesaving, but can we afford to fund it all?

The are NOT life saving if you can not even find a family doctor - or don't bother going to the doctor..because you may end up with some half baked fool in some dingy over crowded clinic...all the research will not matter unless the people have access to the results of that research - and so far just those on top will get the best. As we see a tripple tier system of health care forming, there will be a time when you will say of the poor - "but can we afford to fund it ALL? ' Which may mean, I can not afford to fund research or healthcare unless it is for my personal benefit. So the money will be sucked up from the poor bottom and sent over to the Monk Centre - where the elite - can have their hearts cleaned out after 30 years of having steak and scotch for lunch. :lol:

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No of course not....which comes back to whether the research was cuts were made based on his religious convictions or not. I hope not....but on the otherhand I am not filled with confidence by someone who demonstrates a poor understanding of science...

He was the validictorian of his class he took science realted courses in University, you don't do that and have a poor understanding of science.

Mr. Dancer this has been a smear, he has held this post since october, their have been al kinds of funding anouncements to improve and increase reseach facilities for the post secondary instatutions in this country, no stings about what was to be reseached. Funds have been alocated "green" research, as with many other important research fields.

This has been all about playing politics, not about what is actually happening.

Edited by Alta4ever
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He has never said he was Santa Claus either . So what?

He wasnt asked if he was a creationist.

muddy muddy muddy....

Show me were he was asked if he was a creationist.

I seem to recall he was asked what his veiws on evolution were.

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He was the validictorian of his class he took science realted courses in University, you don't do that and have a poor understanding of science.

How do you be valedictorian if you don't graduate? Maybe you mean he was valedictorian of the college he went to which teaches the pseudo science, chiropractory? I understand he then went on to another pseudo scinece, Acupunture....

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Show me were he was asked if he was a creationist.

I seem to recall he was asked what his veiws on evolution were.

and his answer was....

"I am a Christian, and I don't think anybody asking a question about my religion is appropriate."

That answer is either off topic or his views on evolution are ____________?

Either way....

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and his answer was....

"I am a Christian, and I don't think anybody asking a question about my religion is appropriate."

That answer is either off topic or his views on evolution are ____________?

Either way....

My veiws on evolution are religious but I don't beleive the literal story of genesis. It was the journalist who brought in the word creationist.

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I doubt that he's a creationist. Far more troubling is that Harper would make a quack the Minister of Science and Technology. Check out these sites for chiroquackery:



Creationist or not, why is this quack charged with the task of reducing funding to world-class scientists?

Why not have a Science Minister whose professaion is evidence-based rather than belief-based?

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and his answer was....

"I am a Christian, and I don't think anybody asking a question about my religion is appropriate."

That answer is either off topic or his views on evolution are ____________?

Either way....

Real old Christians - do not consider the faith a religion. The state and perhaps the mainstream churches consider it a religion - It is a lot like old Judaism - It is a state of mind..and what your state of mind is - is your buisness and no one elses. I mean I am sure that there are a few occultists of the worst kind in government - and no way in hell are they going to tell you what they are really thinking...besides if you toss your pearls of truth before swine - they will attack you like rabid dogs and tear you apart - much like they are now doing to this minister - he should have maintained the old code of silence and keep his mouth COMPLETELY shut - but his ego made it agape.

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Why not have a Science Minister whose professaion is evidence-based rather than belief-based?

How many candidates who present themselves for election at the federal level fit the following criteria.

1. Are scientists, and

2. Get elected, and

3. Make it into Cabinet as Science Minister.

It's not like scientists are attracted to public life so the field of candidates for Science Minister seems rather limited.

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My veiws on evolution are religious but I don't beleive the literal story of genesis. .

So how did we get here on earth if you don't believe God created Adam and then Eve from his rib?

Do you NOT believe (as a Christian you should really) that god created the heavens, the earth etc....?

Any Christian I have ever met is certain, absolutley certain that god created this in it's entirety. One said to me one time (I laughed) "Do you think if you put all the parts of a car in a whirlwind that it would randomly create itself into a car?"

She ain't no "evangelical" either, just your run-of-the-mill "Christian" who smokes and drinks and goes to church at Christmas and Easter.

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So how did we get here on earth if you don't believe God created Adam and then Eve from his rib?

Do you NOT believe (as a Christian you should really) that god created the heavens, the earth etc....?

Any Christian I have ever met is certain, absolutley certain that god created this in it's entirety. One said to me one time (I laughed) "Do you think if you put all the parts of a car in a whirlwind that it would randomly create itself into a car?"

She ain't no "evangelical" either, just your run-of-the-mill "Christian" who smokes and drinks and goes to church at Christmas and Easter.

What does gods rib look like, how specificly did the creation process work?

Ever think that god maybe created us through evolution.

I am no evangelical either, and I sure am not the "intolerant" one in this conversation either.

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I laughed, I didn't not "tolerate" her musings LOL -- I'll tolerate yours too! But I will not tolerate the head of a science dept or the minister of science being a religious person. Sorry but religion flies directly in the face of science. The two are not compatible. Now, if he would have said "I am spiritual" instead of "I am Christian" I would have no problem with it.

Do you think we should teach "creation" as an alternative theory in the classroom? Is there any way to test the theory of creation? With a religious nut at the helm...would the textbooks that teach evolution have "theory" pasted across them?

I believe anyone entering politics should renounce their religion (or at the very least keep it to themselves; like one's sex life, the

"controversial bits" should be kept private.) They can still be a "spiritual" person, but should not belong to any specific cult.

IMO anyway.


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I laughed, I didn't not "tolerate" her musings LOL -- I'll tolerate yours too! But I will not tolerate the head of a science dept or the minister of science being a religious person. Sorry but religion flies directly in the face of science.

That position I cannot support. There are many religious people who believe in evolution. There is nothing that says that one cannot believe in science and God at the same time.

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I laughed, I didn't not "tolerate" her musings LOL -- I'll tolerate yours too! But I will not tolerate the head of a science dept or the minister of science being a religious person. Sorry but religion flies directly in the face of science. The two are not compatible. Now, if he would have said "I am spiritual" instead of "I am Christian" I would have no problem with it.

Do you think we should teach "creation" as an alternative theory in the classroom? Is there any way to test the theory of creation? With a religious nut at the helm...would the textbooks that teach evolution have "theory" pasted across them?

I believe anyone entering politics should renounce their religion (or at the very least keep it to themselves; like one's sex life, the

"controversial bits" should be kept private.) They can still be a "spiritual" person, but should not belong to any specific cult.

IMO anyway.


Chretien and Martin both attended Church and were avowed Catholics this converstaion never happened, what about Navdeep Bains and Burbax Sing Mali both who wear their turbans (religious symbols of faith) in the house, please publicly ask them to dis avow their beliefs. While your at it tell Scott Brison to keep his gayness under wraps, after all we shouldn't know. You and the rest of the smear army never say a peep because you are dishonest. Don't pretend to take the high road, stick to the gutter.

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That's not what I was saying. One can be spiritual without being religious.

"God" can be considered an all encompassing idea, while "Jesus" is very specific for example.

Spirituality does not have odd rules and dogma.

I suspect that most people are spiritual but call themselves religious. Even those who follow very few of the rules (you know who you are ;)) consider themselves part of their chosen religion.

In actuality those people are spiritual, not religious.

What a person chooses to believe should not affect others around him/her -- those beliefs should be accepted as specific to each individual, not a set of rules for a group to follow and force (or intimidate) others into following.

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That's not what I was saying. One can be spiritual without being religious.

"God" can be considered an all encompassing idea, while "Jesus" is very specific for example.

Spirituality does not have odd rules and dogma.

I suspect that most people are spiritual but call themselves religious. Even those who follow very few of the rules (you know who you are ;)) consider themselves part of their chosen religion.

In actuality those people are spiritual, not religious.

What a person chooses to believe should not affect others around him/her -- those beliefs should be accepted as specific to each individual, not a set of rules for a group to follow and force (or intimidate) others into following.

Everyone I mentioned in my post is a member of an organized religion that believes in some type of creation, why is it only Conservatives who profess membership in organized religion are subjected to loathing and attack. Either you apply your theory universally or you admit you are a member of Iggy's smear army.

Interesting to note that although the Conservatives used attack ads effectively (and all the party's use them) only the Liberals consistantly use smear techniques. And even more shameful is the amount of people willing to set aside any small amount of reason they may posses to pass along the gossip.

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