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Stop Dump Site 41 - WE WON !

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Nader visit boosts morale


Posted By Douglas Glynn

Posted 5 hours ago

ELMVALE — U.S. consumer advocate and environmental activist Ralph Nader yesterday called for a one-year moratorium on construction of dump Site 41.

“There’s just too much at stake to begin the process of putting putrid waste over pristine water that is part of an aquifer that extends many kilometres,” he said during a surprise visit to the protesters’ camp opposite the landfill site on the 2nd concession of Tiny Township.

The former U.S. presidential candidate’s unannounced visit boosted morale among protesters, some of whom continued to sit in front of one of the two entrances.

Well, it appears that dump site 41 is becoming an international cause.

I wonder when Obama's coming ... :lol:

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CBC Radio (BC) had a blurb about this dump-site this morning. Seems like a very dumb thing to do no matter how you slice it.

You know, it's funny that the normal political differences among people here (except geoffry from Calgary who doesn't give a hoot about Ontario ;) ) ... and in Simcoe County ... don't seem to matter on this issue: Everyone seems to agree that it's a lousy idea.

Nonetheless, Simcoe County Council approved it, construction is going ahead, and an interim injunction against the protesters resulted in 10 arrests last week. All kinds of support are needed.

Dumpsite 41 on youtube


If you are near TORONTO ...

WHAT No Water to Waste: August 13

Why is Simcoe County building a dump site on pristine water?

WHEN Thursday, Aug 13th 7pm

WHERE U of Toronto Medical Sciences Building, Macleod Auditorium Room 2158

Entr off Kings College Circle [College St], Queens Park Circle [subway]

WHY Find out why , how to stop environmental destruction of water sources

Why has Dump Site 41 been so controversial


Mark Calzavara Regional Organizer, Organisateur régional, Ontario/Québec

The Council of Canadians 210-116 Spadina Ave Toronto, ON M5V 2K6

(416) 979-5554 1-800-208-7156 (416) 979-5554 1-800-208-7156

"the largest ongoing protest in Canada in recent years over an environmental issue."

Martin Mittelstaedt, The Globe and Mail, July 13, 2009


Dale Goldhawk 740 AM GoldHawk Fights Back Emcee

David Crombie Former Toronto mayor, former federal cabinet minister

Sandy Hudson University of Toronto Student Union President

Meera Karunananthan Council of Canadians Water Campaigner

David Ladell Federation of Tiny Township Cottager Associations (FTTSA)

Vicki Monague The Anishinabe Women, Keepers of the Water from Christian Island

Mary Muter Georgian Baykeeper for Georgian Bay Forever

Stephen Ogden Resident of Simcoe Cty, Community Monitoring Committee for Site 41

A special invitation for municipal councillors of Simcoe County and their advisors

is extended

Jonathon Shore Media for the DS 41 Coalition T 705-361-2371




our song

http://www.barrieadvance.com/barrieadvance/article/141191 30+ local coverages


If you are near BARRIE ...

Thursday August 13, 2009, 9:30 a.m.

Superior Court of Justice, 114 Worsley Street, Barrie

Hearing on injunction Concerning Dump Site 41 set for Thursday morning

Simcoe County Director of Environmental Services and Clerk expected to be cross examined

BARRIE August 11---An injunction limiting protest concerning Dump Site 41 was imposed on July

22, 2009. On August 13 and 14 2009, lawyers representing First nations protestor Vicki Monague will appear in the Superior Court of Justice, Barrie Courthouse at 9:30 am to present evidence and make argument that the injunction be lifted.

Monague's lawyers will argue that Simcoe County has behaved improperly by refusing to give the Community Monitoring Committee [CMC] the "calibrated model" that it sought in order to be able to independently evaluate the hydrogeological report that formed the basis for the approval of the construction of the dump site.

They will also argue that it was improper of the County to proceed with construction

without a motion clearly authorising the work.

In addition, it will be argued that there was a lack of the required consultation with First Nations peoples.

On Thursday August 13, it is expected that Monague's lawyers will cross examine Rob McCullough, Simcoe County's Director of Environmental Services, and Glen Knox, Clerk of the County of Simcoe. Lawyers reresenting Simcoe County are expected to cross examine Vicki Monague, Community Monitoring Committee member Steve Ogden, and Jeffrey Monague,the former Chief of the Beausoleil First Nation.



Jonathon Shore media, T 705-361-2371 [email protected]

County of Simcoe http://www.county.simcoe.on.ca/index.htm

Beausoleil First Nation http://www.chimnissing.ca/

Community Monitoring Committee http://tiny.cc/qd3If

Mod Flow model / what is it http://tiny.cc/z55cI

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Simcoe County Council is made up of a number of municipalities/town councils, some of which are now voting against the dump. Warden Tony Guergis campaigned against the dump, and then changed sides after the election and is now the biggest obstacle to stopping the dump:

Councils line up against dumpsite

SITE 41: Warden slams 'purely political' opposition


Three municipalities have endorsed Tiny Township's call for a halt to construction of a dump site at Site 41.

Midland council unanimously passed a motion recently endorsing the township's resolution calling on Premier Dalton McGuinty to declare a one-year moratorium on construction at the landfill, located in Tiny. Monday night, Springwater council and Barrie councillors gave initial approval supporting the resolution.

Tiny Township Deputy Mayor George Lawrence said there are too many uncertainties to support the landfill. The township has sent the resolution to all 16 county member municipalities, as well as Barrie and Orillia, seeking their support.

We want to stop that landfill and take a good, long, hard look at what the implications could be if it fails," he said.


The one-year moratorium would be a waste of time," said Simcoe County Warden Tony Guergis.

Wait until this, wait until that. It creates more expense for the taxpayer, creates more pressure on other landfills, and there is an environmental cost of trucking waste over long distances," he said.


Barrie's support of the Tiny resolution is purely political," Guergis said.


I wasn't surprised," Guergis said. There are tremendous pressures on the elected officials of Springwater Township in regards to Site 41," he said, adding the landfill isn't even in the township.


Simcoe North MPP Garfield Dunlop said opposition to the landfill has been overwhelming," especially since the Council of Canadians and First Nations became involved.


I know they've spent a lot of money on this, but there is no guarantee the liner won't leak or the site won't have a negative impact on the aquifer," Dunlop said.

more ...


Reminder ... Information session in Toronto tomorrow (Thursday). Details in previous post.

This can affect all of Southern Ontario from Georgian Bay to the Oak Ridge moraine (Alliston aquifer).

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County officials scolded for suit against protesting farmer

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Posted 6 hours ago

We are very concerned that the County of Simcoe is proceeding with civil action against a Simcoe County farmer without following proper procedure. Anne Ritchie-Nahuis is being named in a statement of claim for unsubstantiated damages increasing by $80,000 a week. It appears there was no county council meeting where councillors could debate this extraordinary legal matter.

We want to remind you that the agriculture industry in Simcoe County has over 2,400 farms, cash receipts of over $326 million, and employed over 9,800 people in 2006.

We find it deplorable that you would raise this civil action against a farmer who is exercising her democratic right to protest peacefully against a threat to the agriculture industry in her area.

We would hope that you would reconvene county council, as soon as possible, so that this civil action will be dropped.

Dave Riddell,

Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture, representing 1,680 members

more ...


Man, if this County Council doesn't quickly get their act together, the half of them trying to bully through the landfill will find their political careers over!

I expect there will be fallout for Ontario Liberals as well, as they have remained mute on the subject.

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We don't know. John Tory lost and now is gone. However, please note that I did say there hadn't been much choice.

My point still stands. This dump is going in under McGuinty's reign, so he and his party are responsible.

Or do you give him a pass because he's a Liberal?

Not partisan at all, eh Bill?

Simcoe county's leaders are obviously aliens, not of any party on this continent. Otherwise they would've come to their senses and rethought such a bad decision.

Obviously you care about the water too Bill. Question is, are you man enough to get out there and protest?

A loud voice, a booming chorus from a large crowd is the only thing that'll break through the beaurocratic barrier now. Water should be very important now.

Personally, I suspect that some major company, some wanna-be water-bottler, is behind this bone-headed decision to purposely pollute one of the cleanest aquifiers in the world. They wanna drain it and re-sell it to the surrounding residents.

$#&% em.

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Not partisan at all, eh Bill?

Obviously you care about the water too Bill. Question is, are you man enough to get out there and protest?

A loud voice, a booming chorus from a large crowd is the only thing that'll break through the beaurocratic barrier now. Water should be very important now.

Geez, a reply to a post of mine from March! You're not the hastiest fellow, Mr. Radsickle! I had to scroll back to see the context of my reply at that time.

I truly don't see how my reply was partisan. It seems only logical to me. I pointed out that we would never know what John Tory would have done. Mr. Tory was an electoral failure. He was never in power so we can not say for certain about any of his possible actions.

This dump is happening on McGuinty's watch. Who else could be responsible? Should we blame it on Mike Harris, simply because you don't like him?

In fact, I don't believe that this dump would be being rammed through the way it is if there wasn't an undisclosed mandate from the party in power at Queen's Park! With all the opposition you would have thought that McGuinty would have stepped in on the side of clean water long ago. The fact that he hasn't speaks volumes.

I'm simply describing the situation. I freely admit I don't like McGuinty's government, because of their ACTIONS and his hundreds of broken promises! That being said, I've had even less respect for the provincial Tories in Opposition. By my lights, they've been only slightly less Liberal than McGuinty! The voting choices have been red, pink or rose.

I would think if I were partisan I would be championing one of the other parties. So far I can't bring myself to do it. I would vote Tory by default but only for the usual reason I have always used to pick a party - whichever one smells less than the others!

Maybe Tim Hudak will inspire me as time goes on but I won't hold my breath. At this stage of my life I've been too Americanized, as in becoming a Missourian!

You know, "Don't tell me, show me!"

I don't believe any politicians words! I judge him or her by their actions and their history.

Now, tell me again how I should be non-partisan. Tell me who YOU think I should trust, and why!

I can always use a laugh.

PS Me get out and protest? It's a bit of a drive from where I live! I also have to make a living.

Unlike some, nobody pays me to protest!

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Geez, a reply to a post of mine from March! You're not the hastiest fellow, Mr. Radsickle! I had to scroll back to see the context of my reply at that time.

Well, sir, I cannot blame Mike Harris for this one, you're right. McGuinty is the one I hope will step in and reinforce the evaluation of clean water before ANYTHING else. Maude Barlow and David Suzuki can only do so much. You've cared about this topic since March?! I think I love you. Yes, I'm sometimes late in responding, but that doesn't change the way I feel...

and No-one is paying me to type this.

I swear Nestle or some other fu#%ed up corporation is behind this Site 41. Luckily we still have free media like CBC and, yes, AM740, to inform us about today's priorities.

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Well, sir, I cannot blame Mike Harris for this one, you're right. McGuinty is the one I hope will step in and reinforce the evaluation of clean water before ANYTHING else. Maude Barlow and David Suzuki can only do so much. You've cared about this topic since March?! I think I love you. Yes, I'm sometimes late in responding, but that doesn't change the way I feel...

and No-one is paying me to type this.

I swear Nestle or some other fu#%ed up corporation is behind this Site 41. Luckily we still have free media like CBC and, yes, AM740, to inform us about today's priorities.

Why do you blame some corporation, in a knee-jerk manner? There is a far more likely culprit.


This is the city that rejected a plan to use an abandoned mine pit in Kirkland Lake for their garbage 'cuz they felt it wasn't a 'green' enough solution. So they made a deal with Michigan and have hundreds of garbage trucks haul it there down the 401 every day!

The Michigan deal is coming to an end. Toronto is frantically trying to set up other options.

McGuinty gets a LOT of votes from Toronto! Far more than he does from southwestern Ontario. Any politician would give up votes from those living near Site 41 in favour of keeping Toronto's ridings in a heartbeat!

You would think that after watching him abandon Caledonia this would be obvious!

Besides the political factors, Toronto needs a fairly quick solution. I think it's only next year until the Michigan deal is off! That's not long enough to go through long environmental studies and such. Site 41 can be up to speed QUICKLY! All they have to do is ram it through.

It amazes me me how so many protesting against this site have not seemed to make the connection with McGuinty's government. I guess since he's a Liberal to them he must be a saint who would never sin!

He's a politician. One axiom that politicians like to use to excuse their actions is "the greatest good for the greatest number".

There are far more people in Toronto.

Before someone else accuses me of being partisan let me say that I believe that sadly, most of our politicians would be doing exactly the same thing! Being a politician and being a pro-active statesman is rarely the same.

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CBC Radio (BC) had a blurb about this dump-site this morning. Seems like a very dumb thing to do no matter how you slice it.

You know, it's funny that the normal political differences among people here (except geoffry from Calgary who doesn't give a hoot about Ontario ;) ) ... and in Simcoe County ... don't seem to matter on this issue: Everyone seems to agree that it's a lousy idea.

Yeah I agree as well, lousy idea. I'm not gonna comment on the protests and arrests and such except to say that the police/courts must enforce the law. But Ontario should definitely find somewhere else for the dump.

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I grew up on the Oak Ridge Morrain. There was a chain of little kettle lakes..we had a house on one of these lakes for over 43 years - all were spring fed..My brother and I used to look to the south - towards Toronto from our beautful meadow..and I would say "Victor, how long do you think it will take Toronto to reach us? When will they come for this water?" - that was 35 years ago - YES they came - and the water that was trapped water over 12ooo years old from it's deposit...the purest on the planet _ I could dive down into Lake St George and drink it's coolness...It was an under ground sea of sweet ancient purity. The largest supply of crystal clear ground water on the planet.

YES the developers did come - quicker than we thought - but they did not come for the water that is now worth more than oil - they paved over the meadows - the sand ridges - they clogged up the natural flow between the deep little lakes - destroying them - YES the Italian developers - lobbied Ottawa for more immigration so these former brick layers could keep building - mindlessly and habitualy _They destroyed my land - and poisoned the water - If DUMP SIGHT 41 goes though - it will be done by haters of life - and those that deny their fellows a cool sip of water . This poisioning of the most sought after resourse on the planet - IF it happens - and I were the dictator _ all those involved would not be jailed - but executed - THIS is by far the worst crime that will take place within the next two hundrend years - THIS IF VERY SERIOUS! Chlorine in water does not sustain life - pure flowing ground water does...I hope you all realize that to dump there is akin to flush gold down the toilet..but worse!

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I grew up on the Oak Ridge Morrain. There was a chain of little kettle lakes..we had a house on one of these lakes for over 43 years - all were spring fed..My brother and I used to look to the south - towards Toronto from our beautful meadow..and I would say "Victor, how long do you think it will take Toronto to reach us? When will they come for this water?" - that was 35 years ago - YES they came - and the water that was trapped water over 12ooo years old from it's deposit...the purest on the planet _ I could dive down into Lake St George and drink it's coolness...It was an under ground sea of sweet ancient purity. The largest supply of crystal clear ground water on the planet.

YES the developers did come - quicker than we thought - but they did not come for the water that is now worth more than oil - they paved over the meadows - the sand ridges - they clogged up the natural flow between the deep little lakes - destroying them - YES the Italian developers - lobbied Ottawa for more immigration so these former brick layers could keep building - mindlessly and habitualy _They destroyed my land - and poisoned the water - If DUMP SIGHT 41 goes though - it will be done by haters of life - and those that deny their fellows a cool sip of water . This poisioning of the most sought after resourse on the planet - IF it happens - and I were the dictator _ all those involved would not be jailed - but executed - THIS is by far the worst crime that will take place within the next two hundrend years - THIS IF VERY SERIOUS! Chlorine in water does not sustain life - pure flowing ground water does...I hope you all realize that to dump there is akin to flush gold down the toilet..but worse!

Oleg, I think I love you. ;)

To bring people up to date ...

First of all , let me say (Wild Bill) that in 3 years of activism since retirement from the public service, it has become very clear to me that on decisions such as this, the power is at the local level. The province will not override a decision of the County that has already passed the provincial environmental assessment process: That would be admitting that there's something wrong with the provincial process. The division of powers among the 3 levels of government is pretty clear, and it is the foundation of the confederation of Canada.

The local issue has become ... Who at Simcoe County offices authorized the injunction against the protesters? Because it wasn't the Council ...



The decision to pursue court proceedings and an injunction was likely made by legal counsel and CAO Aitken, Knox told the court.

“I believe the decision was made by more-senior people than myself,” he said; he reports directly to Aitken. “I don’t know whether any politicians were involved. I wasn’t involved.”

Aitken said he, in consultation with the head of council, made the decision.

AHA!! There it is ... The head of Council ... that would be Tony Guergis, politician and Warden of Simcoe County.

I have a song for Tony Guergis ... goes like this ...

na na na na ... na na na na ... hey hey hey ... GOOD-BYE.

Another contentious matter remains the freedom-of-information request regarding a hydrogeological model. The county continues to defy a provincial order to release it.

Aitken told the court the FOI matter was handled by the clerk’s department, adding however, all such letters would be signed by Warden Tony Guergis.

There it is again ... Tony Guergis ... The same Tony Guergis who was elected on a platform against the dump ... and then changed his mind after the election.

Dump site 41? NO!

Dump Tony Guergis! YA! :lol:

Dump site 41: Councillors who voted in favour of the dump:

In favour: Cooper, Sandra (Collingwood, DM)

In favour: Dowdall, Terry (Essa, DM)

In favour: Dubeau, Anita (Penetanguishene, M)

In favour: Ferguson, Ken (Clearview, M)

In favour: Guergis, Dave (Essa, M)

In favour: Guergis, Tony (Springwater, M)

In favour: Jackson, Brian (Innisfil, M)

In favour: Leroux, Doug (Penetanguishene, DM)

In favour: Little, Doug (Adjala-Tosorontio, DM)

In favour: MacEachern, Mike (New Tec, M)

In favour: Milne, Rick (New Tec, DM)

In favour: Roughley, Dennis (BWG, DM)

In favour: Savage, Alicia (Clearview, DM)

In favour: Sled, Phil (Severn, M)

In favour: Wauchope, Gord (Innisfil, DM)

In favour: White, Doug (BWG, M)

Email them. Only one of them has to change their vote on Aug 25 for a moratorium until the next municipal election. Email addresses are in a previous post, but are all formatted like this: [email protected]

So ... what was that you were saying bush_cheney? The dump site will go through?

Not a chance in H-E-double hockey sticks!! The wailing and gnashing of teeth has already begun, and politicians as well as eating our young, also eat each other.

Sayonara dumpsite 41 B) !! :D

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So ... what was that you were saying bush_cheney? The dump site will go through?

Not a chance in H-E-double hockey sticks!! The wailing and gnashing of teeth has already begun, and politicians as well as eating our young, also eat each other.

Sayonara dumpsite 41 B) !! :D

No...it's sayonara to more of Toronto's garbage in Michigan, which I guess you approved of. :lol:

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No...it's sayonara to more of Toronto's garbage in Michigan, which I guess you approved of. :lol:

Michigan can make up its own mind about that, and has - cut off as of 2010, I believe.

Toronto is expanding an old landfill to use for itself.

However, I oppose landfills period. We have the waste-to-energy technology now and instead of building new landfills anywhere, they should be building wte facilities for new waste, and to clean up leaky old landfill sites too.

The only way to force municipalities to convert to the new technology, however, is to blockade construction of all new landfills.

And it seems to be working at dump site 41!! Certainly, they have the Warden on the run now. teehee! :D

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....However, I oppose landfills period. We have the waste-to-energy technology now and instead of building new landfills anywhere, they should be building wte facilities for new waste, and to clean up leaky old landfill sites too.

Now isn't that special...to keep your lifestyle convenience, you don't oppose less waste! :lol:

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Now isn't that special...to keep your lifestyle convenience, you don't oppose less waste! :lol:

No I don't "oppose less waste" ... I support less waste, and seldom put out any garbage - just green and blue bins. Mostly though, I just throw my 'green' waste in the garden as I've always done. :P

The site 41 discussion has gone on for over 20 years now, and the rural communities near the site had recycling before the cities, to try to avoid having the new landfill.

However, I think waste-to-energy is the better solution. Here's a couple of Ont companies with such processes. I'm not an environmental scientist, so if anyone knows more about these or others, I'm interested:


1) Canadian Thermal Waste Conversion Ltd.

Thunder Bay

capacity: 5,000 tonnes/day (4x amount shipped to Michigan by Toronto)

During the first stage of the gasification process, temperatures and airflows are carefully controlled to allow the production of producer gas with desired characteristics.

The producer gas is immediately burned in a higher chamber during a second stage of vigorous cyclonic combustion, producing high temperature clean products of combustion. The heat from the second stage is used to generate electricity via steam turbines.

In an incinerator, none of the gas is combusted, meaning that it all goes "up the chimney". Expensive scrubbing techniques are generally used to reduce the toxins from incinerator gas.

In [gasification], these toxic gases are not created in the first place, leading to emissions which meet or exceed Ontario standards without any scrubbing treatment whatsoever.


2) ENQUEST Power Co.

Sault Ste Marie

...a radical new approach for processing municipal waste with the end goal of converting it into usable, safe energy.

Sault Ste. Marie, its elected Council and the EDC, however, were singled out for special praise by Jayson Zwierschke for their cooperation in assisting EnQuest at its Fifth Line landfill site. "They have proven this is a very forward thinking community," he said, "and have contributed to the Sault becoming a major capital of the world for clean energy production." Butland said the plant has attracted considerable attention from other centres both in Canada and internationally faced with the escalating problem of how to deal with their garbage. Delegations have visited from Toronto, Chicago, Alabama, and Mississippi, and a group from Australia has expressed interest in coming.

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Simcoe County has defied a provincial Privacy Commissioner’s order to release a groundwater model in its attempts to contain public concern about Site 41, court heard yesterday.

In cross-examination, Simcoe County’s environmental services director Rob McCullough admit the county’s primary reason for refusing to release specialized hydrogeological ModFlow data on the Tiny Township Conc. 2 site was the sensitivity.

“The concern was the model could be tweaked in such a way to make the model not work. It had already been peer reviewed,” McCullough told the Ontario Superior Court.

He explained the Ministry of the Environment examined the groundwater data, and subsequently the county invited the Site 41 Community Monitoring Committee to discuss the data with the county’s consultant, Jagger Hims.

However, he did acknowledge the model itself is what’s key – and another hydrogeologist could modify the computerized model and come up with different outcomes.

“We feared a different answer might occur that we’d have to assess, review and answer,” he said.

The county, however, said it doesn’t own the information collected by its long-time consulting firm, which has been purchased by a major landfill development corporation, which also bought another company the county hired to do the business case for Site 41.


Don't worry the dump's design is just fine, but no you can't see it! :rolleyes:

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TANGO - the first problem is that those in postions of authority down there in Simcoe are probably people who are fairly new to the area and are suburbanized persons - who have never seen clean water - who don't know the land - who are more interested in buying a fancey car and drinking chlorine because it is the liberal thing to do if you want to be part of the herd ----Now that lawyers are involved you may as well say farewell to anything that has to do with justice...or the so-called "environment" _ I hate that term ...people who parrot the term environment - gleen all their information from high def television.

Also - as what took place in my old hood Lake Wilcox..and that was my lake --they said it was a poor rural neighbourhood at the time and that the hicks were polluting the lake - the lake was actually pristine..so the BIG PIPE boys came along CONDRAIN - this was the Digasper family - my sister was a former land scout of them and a mistress for mister big for over 15 years..so I know the mentality well - these are peasant Roman brick layers in Armani suits - there is no end to the wealth the hope to accumulate they are habitualist with no vision nor care..having said that - follow the bucks - some son of a bitch is getting an indirect kick back - as with court orders - if it is an order that says "let the bandits profit and poison the water" - then it is a corrupt ruling and injunction..go to the courts and confront the bastards and insist they resign - let them know your intentions and they will start to think - save my career - and do what's right or do "favours' for a mafia like special interest group?

I remember Philips Environmental (Hamilton hooligans) - they took over 6 million bucks that was suppose to be used to "line" a pit for toxic waste - an inside sourse told me the simply did not do the work - rented a ware house in Toronto - and slowly dumped the toxins down the drain - which went into the lake..now I understand a few years back the same guys are in control of the water supply in Atlanata..go figure -

This whole deal smacks of corruption and orgainized crime - and those connected with it will suffer in the end - expcept the boys on top - they always go free.

As for BC comment on Michigan - at least the Americans are honese - send them our poison - and pay them well - they except the deal - where as the people of Simcoe...are not honoured - as for Mayor Miller - there is something off about this lawyer - he knows more than he's saying -

YOU DO NOT SHIT IN YOUR DRINKING SPRING --------no matter how much the shitter pays for the privledge...I suggest a round up of the hooligans - either crap else where or go to jail - This is not a fixable or offense - Tell those that agree with dumping on the water supply to agree to one thing - THAT YOU PISS IN THEIR WATER AND THEY DRINK IT IN FRONT OF YOU...This is a disgrace.

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Take the Toronto waste - and create a concrete basin - a huge holding tank up north built on granite -re-inforce it and let the stuff ferment - THEN allow the technolgy to come into being where we harvest methane--and later mine anything useful....THE DAYS OF JUST DIGGING A BIG HOLE AND SIMPLY FILLING IT WITH AN ASSORTMENT OF A MILLION TOXINS ARE OVER... They oil companies contain billions of gallons of oil in huge tanks - garbage MUST also be contained - and there is not such thing as a plasitc and glay lined garbage dump that does not leak..It does not matter if billions have to be spent as we do to contain radio active waste - it must be done with human waste also...The feds and the provinces can't use 1950s methods anymore...I remember the old Aurora Dump - there were pools of liquid toxic waste everywhere - and ponds and little lakes in the area turned black...do we want that again?

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First of all , let me say (Wild Bill) that in 3 years of activism since retirement from the public service, it has become very clear to me that on decisions such as this, the power is at the local level. The province will not override a decision of the County that has already passed the provincial environmental assessment process: That would be admitting that there's something wrong with the provincial process. The division of powers among the 3 levels of government is pretty clear, and it is the foundation of the confederation of Canada.

The local issue has become ... Who at Simcoe County offices authorized the injunction against the protesters? Because it wasn't the Council ...



The decision to pursue court proceedings and an injunction was likely made by legal counsel and CAO Aitken, Knox told the court.

“I believe the decision was made by more-senior people than myself,” he said; he reports directly to Aitken. “I don’t know whether any politicians were involved. I wasn’t involved.”

Aitken said he, in consultation with the head of council, made the decision.

AHA!! There it is ... The head of Council ... that would be Tony Guergis, politician and Warden of Simcoe County.

I have a song for Tony Guergis ... goes like this ...

na na na na ... na na na na ... hey hey hey ... GOOD-BYE.

Another contentious matter remains the freedom-of-information request regarding a hydrogeological model. The county continues to defy a provincial order to release it.

Aitken told the court the FOI matter was handled by the clerk’s department, adding however, all such letters would be signed by Warden Tony Guergis.

There it is again ... Tony Guergis ... The same Tony Guergis who was elected on a platform against the dump ... and then changed his mind after the election.

Dump site 41? NO!

Dump Tony Guergis! YA! :lol:

Is there a chance a corporation has influenced Tony Guergis? Why else would someone try to poison an aquifier? This dumpsite doesn't answer Toronto's problems. I think someone wants to drain the aquifier from somewhere `near' the dump and sell the water the way Nestle sells Aberfoyle Springs water back to the residents of Aberfoyle and the rest of the globe.

Edited by Radsickle
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Is there a chance a corporation has influenced Tony Guergis? Why else would someone try to poison an aquifier? This dumpsite doesn't answer Toronto's problems. I think someone wants to drain the aquifier from somewhere `near' the dump and sell the water the way Nestle sells Aberfoyle Springs water back to the residents of Aberfoyle and the rest of the globe.

It does not answer Toronto's problems..look at the garbage strike - The administration in Toronto was willing to allow seniors - the poor with out automobiles to transport the rot to temporary sites - to wallow in maggots - and breathe slime...The problem is that we have people of such low intellectual capacity running a city - people who can be influenced by the more gangsterish types - cowards! Speaking of draining the aquifier - I remember living at Preston Lake - less than a mile away from the private Magna Golf Course. During one hot dry summer - Uncle Frank watered his greens...and our wells became almost dry - plus the lake level dropped dramatically - all right for him to suck the life out of the land at the expense of all his neighbours...and I guess this idea can go for sucking the life out of the residents around the Simcoe area. Water is holy...it is the very eccense of life - the ancient Christians worshipped the stuff because they were sophisticated - WE ARE NOT!

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Geology 101 offered for dump Site 41 decision makers

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Posted 9 hours ago

The area surrounding dump Site 41 is flat, productive farmland with several prosperous farming operations in close proximity to Site 41. There is an abundance of water throughout the area. Cattails grew in the field where the cells are being constructed. Two significant wetlands are located very close to where the landfill is being constructed. Tiny Marsh, 2,000 acres of marshes, open water and bog is located four kilometres, two concessions to the southwest and Wye Marsh, a 3,000-acre marshy wildlife area is 20 kilometres to the north. Orr Lake is five kilometres to the west. Dump Site 41 is being constructed on top of the Alliston aquifer, which is 3.6 to 12 metres (12-40 feet) below the soil surface, stretching out in a radius of approximately 60-plus kilometres.

Farmland and wetlands are disappearing at an alarming rate. Clean drinking water is becoming a scarce commodity worldwide. Simcoe County, in its infinite wisdom, has chosen to construct dump Site 41 on 300 acres of prime farmland, in a marshy area, on top a massive aquifer. Not only is the aquifer being put at risk of becoming contaminated, but the construction of the landfill can and will affect water levels (the water table) of the marshland's, lakes, ponds, streams and wells for kilometres around.

In order to facilitate construction of the landfill, the area must be dewatered. What is dewatering? This is the removal of large quantities of fresh clean water to lower the water table in the area they are working in. They must remove the water at a faster rate than it can be recharged. This will result in what is known as the cone of depression. What problems does this create?

The water table in the immediate area of the pump will drop. Wells in the draw-down area will have their water levels drop or the wells can go dry. Nature likes to remain in balance. To keep the water level in equilibrium, ground water will be drawn from every direction, for a large radius, to replace the water removed. The direction of the ground-water flow will be altered; all water will be drawn toward the area being dewatered. This can result in lowering water levels in the surrounding marshlands. Marshlands are storage areas of water recharge. Toxins in the ground can be drawn toward the dewatered area.

In Perkins Fields, a short distance from dump Site 41, there is a toxic plume from an old landfill (Pauze Landfill), which is migrating westward. This plume will be pulled toward the area being dewatered. When enough water has been removed, another problem will result called land subsidence.

Land subsidence happens when an aquifer is over-pumped, such as in the dewatering operation taking place at dump Site 41. Water between the soil particles is replaced with air space; the soil is no longer buoyed up by the water, the soil surface collapses. The results are soil compaction and sink holes. The soil's structure is destroyed; it will no longer ever be able to store water. These changes are permanent and irreversible.

This is the science being ignored -- geology 101, great damage is being done to a valuable natural resource.

more ...


"Dewatering" isn't a temporary thing. It will be an ongoing necessity. This is a great description of the horrific impact of this process on Southern Ontario. The only thing it doesn't mention is that the dump is only a few miles from the shallow and beautiful and still clean beaches of Georgian Bay. The cottagers' association is well represented among the protesters.

And a tip of the hat to one of the protesters, Don Nelson, who has gone ahead to talk to the Man in the Sky and ask his support for the protesters:


On the morning of the first day of Don Nelson's visitation at the Lynn-Stone Funeral Home in nearby Elmvale, his picture went up at the First Nations' encampment across from Site 41 -- clothes-pinned to a line along with other notices.

"Remember our fallen warrior," read the attached note.

It was pinned next to a professionally produced poster of country music legend George Hamilton IV, promoting an upcoming fundraiser to keep the protest going.

But his hand-scrawled tribute stood out nonetheless, just as Don Nelson stood out.

Yesterday marked a week since Don Nelson's passing. The 76-year-old local farmer -- Snapper, to his friends -- was hard to miss among the protesters who descended upon Site 41. He hauled around a portable oxygen tank to breathe, and was either sitting in his truck or a wheelchair, saddled further by a leg that had been partially amputated years ago.

He was a fixture at the camp, often sitting outside near a banner that reads, "Shoulder to shoulder."

His absence did not go unnoticed.

Edited by tango
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