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The Anti-Immigration Sentiment

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You should not be sad - you should be shocked when those occupied in the growing of domestic food disappear..You should be sad when your best and most creative minds are wasted because they do not fit into the corporate mode and doctrine that states "If you are willing to harm others for profit - you are hired"

We rely on other countries for many things. We are self-sufficient in many other things.

I don't see why we should be alarmed about domestic food production. And if we're worried about employment levels, should we ban tractors ?

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Not always perhaps but I'd no more like to see a Canadian corporation be allowed to exploit lax labour or environmental standards in another country as I would have our sex tourists exploit kids there. I don't see any advantage in allowing that, do you?

I do see an advantage in helping people find something to do in areas of the world where there is unemployment and arable land.

Edited by Michael Hardner
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I do see an advantage in helping people find something to do in areas of the worth where there is unemployment and arable land.

Respect is the mutual vibrational transphere of power...If you empower others who are in your good judgement worthy..they will empower you back....It is much like the idea that evil is stupidy...for example if I deny you a slice of bread --- I may benefit in the short run with my evil approach - but if you ask for help and I gladly grant it ---then when I am down and out - I am more likely to recieve a slice of bread when in need - where as the evil stupid person may just be denied - It is wise to be good and help those in need...BUT an understanding must be secured first --- If I help you ---You help me...no point in assisting and empowering someone that will not return the favour ...sounds cold but it works...It is better to give and to recieve and give again - this is real free and fair trade.

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I do see an advantage in helping people find something to do in areas of the world where there is unemployment and arable land.

Hard to argue with that if its all above board. I just don't see the advantage of impeding the movement of people away from these areas if we're going to allow corporations to exploit their misfortune.

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Hard to argue with that if its all above board. I just don't see the advantage of impeding the movement of people away from these areas if we're going to allow corporations to exploit their misfortune.

Mis fortune - un - fortunate? My old mother used to look at the fly faced starving kids of Africa...and she as a bit of a racist would say "Why do these people keep having children" - I had to explain before the profitiable intrusions into Africa to wage surrogate wars for western profit...They were doing just fine - the men where alive to protect the family..the woman watered the garden and the children were loved and fed -----Untill the adventuring cut throat opportunists arrived to eat their culture and resourses.. Nothing will be above board when it comes to corporate profit grabbing - the mature mind knows that all buisness and all power stuctures maintain that power though propogated deception -- In order to profit you must lie..so it's impossible to have it "above board" _ unless you are dealing in good faith - most are to stupid to do the right thing - which would benefit all not just one side. This is not a socialist outlook but one based in pragmatic use of logic.

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Guest icbones

How, exactly, are you going to frame the issue of Canadians living abroad, so that you can target the Lebanese that you dislike but without targeting Florida retirees, young Canadians teaching English abroad - and other Canadians that you like ?

After reading your response, I feel I must point out that the example you used of Canadians teaching English abroad, or retiring and moving to to Florida for a few months vs. Lebanese immigrants returning to Lebanon is not the same thing. In the example I used, people from Lebanon applied for immigration, made money here, received medical care here and then when they thought Canada had nothing more for them, they left. If they planned on returning to Canada it would probably have been to seek out care for a serious medical issue. And please don't anyone say that scenario never happens. If aggressions did not flare up in Lebanon they would have never returned, unless for medical care. As I said in a previous post, once the fighting in Lebanon calmed down, off they went back to their birth country again.

MH as you pointed out yourself,you said you might want to retire to Florida. I will assume that you were not born in the U.S. Since you were most likely born in Canada and not the U.S. and you are not trying to gain U.S. citizenship I don't see any reason why you should be required to give up your Canadian citizenship.

I used (Lebanese) as an example because there was so many and most of them had no attachment to Canada other than the fact that they had a Canadian passport, probably expired. My point was that there is a problem with dual citizenship. I don't care if the person returns to Trinidad, Ethiopia, or Mars. If you were not born here, and do not intend to live in Canada full time and pay taxes then you lose your citizenship. And please don't suggest that if you are someone born in Canada you must give up citizenship. You must be a citizen somewhere.

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Those from Lebanon - are a very kind and generous culture...bad example....what we should worry about are those that are cold and secretly hold our culture in contempt - and have come to simply use us like whores then dispose of us once satisfied ---should I make a list of nations of origin of these types?

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After reading your response, I feel I must point out that the example you used of Canadians teaching English abroad, or retiring and moving to to Florida for a few months vs. Lebanese immigrants returning to Lebanon is not the same thing. In the example I used, people from Lebanon applied for immigration, made money here, received medical care here and then when they thought Canada had nothing more for them, they left. If they planned on returning to Canada it would probably have been to seek out care for a serious medical issue. And please don't anyone say that scenario never happens. If aggressions did not flare up in Lebanon they would have never returned, unless for medical care. As I said in a previous post, once the fighting in Lebanon calmed down, off they went back to their birth country again.

Sure, it happens, but it seems to me this is mostly a problem because it angers you.

MH as you pointed out yourself,you said you might want to retire to Florida. I will assume that you were not born in the U.S. Since you were most likely born in Canada and not the U.S. and you are not trying to gain U.S. citizenship I don't see any reason why you should be required to give up your Canadian citizenship.

If I was born here, and decided to go back to Lebanon to work in my family business, then come back here for medical procedures would that be better ?

I used (Lebanese) as an example because there was so many and most of them had no attachment to Canada other than the fact that they had a Canadian passport, probably expired. My point was that there is a problem with dual citizenship. I don't care if the person returns to Trinidad, Ethiopia, or Mars. If you were not born here, and do not intend to live in Canada full time and pay taxes then you lose your citizenship. And please don't suggest that if you are someone born in Canada you must give up citizenship. You must be a citizen somewhere.

Again, I think it's a "problem" because it pisses you off...

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While I am pro-immigrant, here are some of the reasons why some Canadians are anti-immigrant

1) General Xenophobia: They don't want change. They want everyone in their environment to speak English and celebrate Christmas.

2) Fear of Change: As immigrants come in, there is a fear that their culture will erode, in an attempt to be culture-neutral.

3) Crime: Certain groups have higher crime rates than the average thus causing a fear of people from those countries.

4) Jobs: Some feel that immigrants take jobs away, or at least lower the standard such that your employer can replace you with a worker from Pakistan for half your wage, so you should shut up and be grateful.

5)Terrorism: Some are scared of those from Muslim nations because they fear ties to terrorism.

6) Loyalty: What happens if Canada goes to war with Ireland? Whose side will Irish Canadians be on?

Some of these fears are rational and some are irrational, but never the less they are fears that need to be overcome if we want more people to accept immigration.

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Immigration is another area only for Lawyers to earn money.

That is the reason why Canada has so many immigrants.

Canada failed in uses the power of immigrant, actually, they could be the engine to make Canada economic miracle that never happened.

See how crude Canada treat immigrants, it is not only crude to immigrants, but also to the residents that need services, and because immigrant can not make money they should be able to, a large sum of money did not generated that could become purchase power that could make other worker's life easier, therefore the government lost Tax and need to use other's Tax to support immigrants, take a look at the following story:

Yale grad can't find work


Edited by bjre
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While I am pro-immigrant, here are some of the reasons why some Canadians are anti-immigrant

1) General Xenophobia: They don't want change. They want everyone in their environment to speak English and celebrate Christmas.

2) Fear of Change: As immigrants come in, there is a fear that their culture will erode, in an attempt to be culture-neutral.

3) Crime: Certain groups have higher crime rates than the average thus causing a fear of people from those countries.

4) Jobs: Some feel that immigrants take jobs away, or at least lower the standard such that your employer can replace you with a worker from Pakistan for half your wage, so you should shut up and be grateful.

5)Terrorism: Some are scared of those from Muslim nations because they fear ties to terrorism.

6) Loyalty: What happens if Canada goes to war with Ireland? Whose side will Irish Canadians be on?

Mighty white of you there, boy, offering up those "reasons" why people might be "anti-immigrant." I'm guessing, however, that you don't really know what positions anyone here or anywhere else has on immigration, or why, nor are you curious enough to care.

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Mighty white of you there, boy, offering up those "reasons" why people might be "anti-immigrant." I'm guessing, however, that you don't really know what positions anyone here or anywhere else has on immigration, or why, nor are you curious enough to care.

Walls create focus - and fences generate good neighbours. With global miragration increasing...It's a bit like having your own house within a feudal estate. Then the Barron decides that he wants more field workers to gererate a higher profit for HIM - so suddenly strangers show up and displace you from your living room and you are forced to live in the back shed...It's unfair - disloyal and dishonest to betray the people who were benefiting though their hard work and loyal duty to the master - the master disrespects who he should not and respects those that have not earned it. That's why people resent being displaced internally by immigrants- the quality of life goes down - and the masters is sustained at our expense.

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  • 2 months later...
Ruby Dhalla's current treatment by the media and even some liberals shows racism and anti-immigration

Yah and so what - when an immigrant comes here and gets elected to parliment - then takes on OTHER immigrants as slaves - then they should all go back to where they came from - Canada was not be design a place to come and imporve yourself so you could demean others later. Frankly more people does not guarentee a better quality of life for all - and why are we to be the dumping ground of the planet for all those unhappy about their place of origin - IF they could not repair their own broken countries and had to flee here - Then what good could they possibly do here? Other than futher clutter the place up - What's next - the importation of more feuding tribes - and more Ruby types who seek to be rich and famous so they can have slaves and prance about in full make up singing show tunes out of some second rate Bollywood movie - Canada should create class - and Ruby alledgedly attempted to appear to have class but failed - Class is more than some over size cheeze ball house in some subdivision with white painted concrete lions flanking the drive way.

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Ruby Dhalla's current treatment by the media and even some liberals shows racism and anti-immigration

It's racist to hold an immigrant, who is an MP, to standards of Canadian law she helps make?


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Yah and so what - when an immigrant comes here and gets elected to parliment - then takes on OTHER immigrants as slaves - then they should all go back to where they came from - Canada was not be design a place to come and imporve yourself so you could demean others later. Frankly more people does not guarentee a better quality of life for all - and why are we to be the dumping ground of the planet for all those unhappy about their place of origin - IF they could not repair their own broken countries and had to flee here - Then what good could they possibly do here? Other than futher clutter the place up - What's next - the importation of more feuding tribes - and more Ruby types who seek to be rich and famous so they can have slaves and prance about in full make up singing show tunes out of some second rate Bollywood movie - Canada should create class - and Ruby alledgedly attempted to appear to have class but failed - Class is more than some over size cheeze ball house in some subdivision with white painted concrete lions flanking the drive way.

Not a surprising answer.

Russia is currently the most racist nation on earth. In fact, Russia has more than half of the world's Neo-Nazi population. There is even a party that harbours these racists that regularly gets 15% of the vote in Russia.

So closet racists like yourself should be thrown out of Canada first as you clutter an already racist nation which unsurprisingly has very few non-white politicians i the first place

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Many people here would most likely look upon me as anti-immigrant but that just isn't so. I just want Canada to have strict criteria for people looking to enter Canada.

For example instead of admitting Doctors from third world country where the standard of medicine is 30 years behind that of Canada and takes thousands of tax payer dollars to bring this fellow up to speed. Instead why not bring in Doctors from the UK or Germany or Spain, etc where the standard of medicine is as high or higher then that of Canada, that way a minimum of taxpayer dollars need to be used.

We also need to end the endless flow of "family" status sponsored people who are elderly and don't work or put anything back into the system and are instead a drain on it. It is wasteful to bring these people here as they don't make Canada stronger at all just weaker. If immigrants want family members come here they need to pass a medical and be of working age or the sponsor must pay for all treatment out of their own pocket. If the sponsor fails to do so they get shipped back to their homeland and his native medical people can look after them.

Charged with any criminal offense and Canada doesn't want you, sorry, we've let in too many criminals already. Suspected of any terrorist acts or affiliation with any terrorist groups, sorry, we've let in too many terrorists already, Canada doesn't need you. Unskilled immigrants? Sorry, the taxi-cab business and $9/hr assembly jobs are full, we don't need you either.

We need young, bright, educated, law abiding people to become law abiding citizens not middle aged, non educated, terror cell affiliated, drug peddling people to become Canadian citizens.

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Not a surprising answer.

Russia is currently the most racist nation on earth. In fact, Russia has more than half of the world's Neo-Nazi population. There is even a party that harbours these racists that regularly gets 15% of the vote in Russia.

There are certainly a lot of racists in Russia. I'll grant you that. But I doubt it's the most racist nation on Earth. Russia does not, for example, regularly have race riots where the homes and businesses of particular ethnic groups are looted and burned down, and members of those particular ethnic groups raped and murdered. There are a number of countries where this happens reasonably frequently. I'm not certain which should be judged as most racist, possibly India, where the caste system is based on skin tone, and where there are enormous numbers of people of the various religious groups who hate others enough to murder them in large batches. Then again, nations like China and Japan are intensely racist even without much violence because they won't allow people from other races to settle there. How many Muslim or African refugees do you think Japan or China take in each year? LOL. A big fat whopping "O". One could also suggest honestly that the level of violent xenophobic racism and bigotry among middle eastern people is extremely high, not simply related to Jews, but anyone Caucasian, Black or Asian.

Of course, it seems likely that your definition of racism only allows for white people to be racist.

Edited by Argus
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There are certainly a lot of racists in Russia. I'll grant you that. But I doubt it's the most racist nation on Earth. Russia does not, for example, regularly have race riots where the homes and businesses of particular ethnic groups are looted and burned down, and members of those particular ethnic groups raped and murdered. There are a number of countries where this happens reasonably frequently. I'm not certain which should be judged as most racist, possibly India, where the caste system is based on skin tone, and where there are enormous numbers of people of the various religious groups who hate others enough to murder them in large batches. Then again, nations like China and Japan are intensely racist even without much violence because they won't allow people from other races to settle there. How many Muslim or African refugees do you think Japan or China take in each year? LOL. A big fat whopping "O". One could also suggest honestly that the level of violent xenophobic racism and bigotry among middle eastern people is extremely high, not simply related to Jews, but anyone Caucasian, Black or Asian.

Of course, it seems likely that your definition of racism only allows for white people to be racist.

RAcists are only white people Argus, come now surely you've learned that from our leftist friends here on MLW. ;)

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Racists are only white people Argus, come now surely you've learned that from our leftist friends here on MLW. ;)

If you believe that all people who don't have your ideology are blind to the possibility (and reality) of racism against Caucasians, you're mistaken...as usual.

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The ironic part is that many immigrants espouse the conservative values of limited government, individual liberty and family values (although the conservative party uses these as a slogan rather than practicing it these days) but yet vote Liberal overwhelmingly due to being alienated by the Conservatives. Yet, the same conservatives complain as if the Liberal party is implementing a scheme to get immigrant supporters.

All they need to do is listen.

This is not trying to be anti-CPC but rather showing that the conservatives aren't doing a good job of getting votes that would have been in the bag had they not been having such pre-conceived notions.

It's interesting that you say that. If you compare the parties in the House right now, the party that comes closest to the CPC in its views on federalism is the Bloc. Yet in spite of that, the Bloc is the party the CPC opposes the most because they're separatist. Separatism aside, though, they are similar in their claimed support for decentralization from the federal to the provincial. They're just blinded bybigotry.

By the way, though my family immigrated to Canada about 300 years ago, I'd be one of those votes in the bag if the CPC could just scrap its bigotry.

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