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This Justin!


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Sounds to me like he isn't a Liberal. His Dad wasn't either and he dragged a lot of people from the Liberal party over to the left with him and they basically stayed there, opening up their candy store of Canadian values, highlighting the special interests and politically correct aisles for big savings.

The Canadian people surprisingly ignored Pierre's affinity for things communist. He gave it a shrug and I imagine people will afford Justin the same privilege - People mature and views change, you know.

I don't see too much difference between the NDP and the Liberals except the Liberals like to wear wool suits and ties. Perhaps a few items in the special interests aisle would be different but they both like to meddle and man the till. On second thought, the NDP would bankrupt us in no time planning how to best share the wealth - not realizing they can't just print it up.

I hope that the next Liberal leader pulls the party back to the middle, then the CPC can go back to the right.

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I don't care about Justin Trudeau. Why do people care so much??? I will judge him based on his ability, not on who his dad was. Until proven otherwise, he's just another young politician.

Yep, he is no Messiah. He needs experience. As of this moment he has done nothing but win a difficult riding.

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Yep, he is no Messiah. He needs experience. As of this moment he has done nothing but win a difficult riding.

Except scare the pants off of me with his ridiculous socialist ideals. The Trudeau dynasty is over, fiscal conservatism is King in Canada, put this socialist nonsense out to pasture and finally let it be a part of our history.

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Except scare the pants off of me with his ridiculous socialist ideals. The Trudeau dynasty is over, fiscal conservatism is King in Canada, put this socialist nonsense out to pasture and finally let it be a part of our history.

Fiscal conservatism was king, but everybody including Harper and co are liberal spenders these days although they are probably the best of the worst they still are not very fiscally prudent IMHO

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And if harper goes into deficit he's still toast. fiscal conservatism is still king.

I think he could go into deficit and still be reelected because he will still be the best of the worst fiscally. Nobody will seize the day re: fiscal right - they will all talk about spending more to help the downtrodden through the tough times.

Witness Dion this time around - ideal opportunity with harper/flaherty dedicating 5 billion on inefficient GST cut, having been biggest spenders in history and smack dab in middle of campaign the opportunity to sell hard to the fiscal right comes along. What do they do??? - sell to the left with promises of compassion and more spending

Fiscal conservatism was king, should still be king, but unfortunately is not king yet

Bring on McKenna

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I don't care about Justin Trudeau. Why do people care so much??? I will judge him based on his ability, not on who his dad was. Until proven otherwise, he's just another young politician.

Ummm... you can't make a judgment yet? Well...perhaps it is early and we have to see somewhat of a record but generally politicians are not much different than other people, such as those on any political forum....none change their views much. I am federally against socialism and believe the mandate of a national government should be limited to the last resort of appeal to justice, foreign affairs and defence w/o much of a standing army, and that's about it.

Community government should be more important to the individual and because of that perhaps more socialistic giving the community leadership and direction that is more able to assess the needs of the individual and the community. Direction of the country should not be a mandate of a federal government nor should it attempt to provide for the individual, mainly because it is too general and often misses the mark in understanding and satisfying individual needs - besides, as a socialistic entity it's role is entirely that of a money manager working a budget. As for direction of the country, isn't that up to the society? I think individuals need to be kept more alert to what's going on around them rather than being wards of the State and demanding the government resolve the problems of society. It can only attempt to do that using force one way or another, i.e extracting more out of the economy through taxation or in times of scarcity through being openly belligerent.

I think we will have an opportunity to see how government operates in times of economic hardship. I think the people are generally getting a little bit hardened in their attitudes, which gives government a little bit more leg room for belligerence replacing benevolence. Tough times call for tough measures which means the CRA will get larger and become more active.

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