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Ndp Showing Strength

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You were asking earlier about Ottawa Centre. I believe the latest date to call the by-election is March 7. It is something like 6 months maximum, so the Liberals still have until March 7 to call the election, and apparently roll it over on April 4th, into the General Election.

What about current Toronto City Councillor Olivia Chow, Jack Layton's Chinese- Candian wife? I understand she is an entity of her own accord politically, and apart from winning her own seat in Toronto, she will probably be assisting many other NDP candidates, such as Ian Waddell in Vancouvber Kingsway, to win his seat. Olivia and Jack will be the first ever, I hesitiate to say it any more these days, married couple, in the House of Commons.

I know the NDP is going to do well in the urban areas, but I'm curious where their best chances are for gaining seats in the suburban and/or rural areas.

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The NDP will do well in urban areas, with the exception of Calgary and Edmonton.

In fact, look towards Vancouver, Toronto, Halifax, Victoria, Windsor for NDP gains in this election.

As for rural areas, look north. Look to the non urban Vancouver Island ridings. Northern Ontario, and of course Sask/Manitoba for NDP gains too.

If the Layton NDP doesn't fly past their 44 seat total record, they will come very close.

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This scandal won't die.

Martin sounds more and more like Nixon:

"Investigators will get to the bottom of this. This was an isolated incident. A third rate burglary. I want everything exposed. I have told everyone to come forward and tell the truth. I have told the investigators to do the best they can."

Then, "Canada has to make big decisions. We have a big agenda."

Then. "You always ask me these questions. You should stop thinking about this. Two months of Sponsorship questions is enough. Canadians want to know about our future."

Then, "I profited in no way. I'm not a crook."

Then? Well, we don't have executive privilege. Instead, we have the Canadian "eh?".

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Cities the NDP will do well in:


Regina (duh)

Winnipeg (duh...3 seats for them there is a bad showing...lol)

Windsor (I think they broke the Liberal stronghold on this city federally...)

Toronto (The NDP controls Toronto's municipal machine nowadays...)

Ottawa (Broadbent will help in more than just Ottawa Centre)

Halifax (The Winnipeg of the East)

Even if the NDP doesn't win a seat in Quebec, I'm sure they'll win the village of Hudson by a lopsided margin..lol

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Lets see Svend Robinson basically wants pedophilia legal, that is why he wants the age of consent for boys to be lowered to 14, so same 40 year old pervert should be allowed to pop his cherry, yep its definitely the mark of a pedophile. I myself am currently in a program for a Police Service, where students are mentored about law enforcement, and prepared for a career in a police service. I know more about prostitution, drugs, and violence than most people in this forum, especially people living in NDP fantasy land, where sexual molestation is considered sexual liberation.

It is also pretty hard to dispute that the NDP does not support a culture of death,

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Lets see Svend Robinson basically wants pedophilia legal, that is why he wants the age of consent for boys to be lowered to 14, so same 40 year old pervert should be allowed to pop his cherry, yep its definitely the mark of a pedophile. I myself am currently in a program for a Police Service, where students are mentored about law enforcement, and prepared for a career in a police service. I know more about prostitution, drugs, and violence than most people in this forum, especially people living in NDP fantasy land, where sexual molestation is considered sexual liberation.

It is also pretty hard to dispute that the NDP does not support a culture of death,

Another post of yours has been reported as defamitory.

Look, no-one on earth would condone any kind of legitmization of any kind of sexual abuse on children. Your attempt to paint Svend as that kind of deviant is completely wrong.

What is interesting however is the statistics that prove that most paedophiles are actually straight males, or catholic priests...Svend does not fit into either category.

Your rhetoric is perhaps the reason that the conservative party will lose out this election. They are out of touch with reality.

Hateful propaganda does not make a political party, and it does not define an election. Keep up the good work in indentifying reasons why reasonable people should avoid the Ba'ath Conservative party of Canada.

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Personally, I'd like it at 14, but I'd like to see various "degrees" of statuatory rape for people under 17 that are based on age. a 16 and a 19-year-old getting it on would be fine, but a 30-year-old would be a problem, although I wouldn't want Kansas-style laws where the gender and number of participants is taken into account and where the prison terms can reach close to 20 years.

That's really pushing.

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Personally, I'd like it at 14, but I'd like to see various "degrees" of statuatory rape for people under 17 that are based on age. a 16 and a 19-year-old getting it on would be fine, but a 30-year-old would be a problem, although I wouldn't want Kansas-style laws where the gender and number of participants is taken into account and where the prison terms can reach close to 20 years.

That's really pushing.

I'm not sure if a 14 year old has the capacity to fully appreciate the consequences of a fully intimate relationship. At 14, a teenager has just entered grade 8.

Even at 16, it is doubtful that a young person can fully appreciate the responsibilities that come with engaging in all that, but there has to be line somewhere.

That doesn't mean that all youths are incapable of taking responsibility for their actions, but let these kids find out their own lessons.

And one doesn't have to be young to make stupid choices. There are a fair number of adults that are just as clueless and immature as any underage kids that society pretends to protect.

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we need a graduated age.

we should lower the age of consent to 12

but, limit it, so 12 year olds can only consent to sexual activitied with someone 24 or younger

13 year olds with 26 year olds

14 year olds with 28 year olds

14 is the current age of concent for non-sodomy sex. a 14 year old, under the current law, could have sex with a 45 year old.

15 - 30

16 - 32

17 - 34

18 - 36

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here's a thinker

I'm a 19 year old virgin. I never had a girlfriend before I was 17 (and even then, I was 2 months from being 18)

I've only had one girlfriend ever. never had that "cute" little realationship crap when I was 12 or whatanot.

should I have subject to the same rules as the guy who lives 2 doors down from me here in the dorms, who has been quoted as saying

"date rape drugs are great, I've gotten between 20-25 girls with em, I dont know the eact number, I was too drunk to remember"

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So Sheila Copps and the Martin Liberals have parted company.

Another sign that the Martin Liberals have shifted to the right and the NDP could end up being the real beneficiaries here.

I'm not sure, come election time, disconnecting from Copps, is going to help the Liberals.

I think you're right. Defeating Copps has sent a chilling message to the progressives within the Liberal party. Tow the party line or else.

Outside the party, most people would have relected Copps in a healthy landslide. However, defeating Copps has suddenly put this riding into play and is now winnable by other parties. Such as the NDP.

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Well unlike the ND's I dont want to live in a sewer. Look the age of consent should be atleast 14 years old, at 14 young girls can easily be token advantage of, and be forced into unhealthy lifestyles like prostitution. Some ND's have said that the age of consent should be lowered to 12, I'm sure that would suit the pedophiles at NAMBLA, but most people would be disgusted by it. I can tell that every ND here does not have a child to worry about, otherwise you would'nt be so supportive of Svend Robinson's idea of lowering that age of consent for sodomy to 14.

The age of consent should be put at 16 atleast, and I would prefer it to be at 18. As for that quote about the guy that daterapes girls from Pelly, I would advise u to report him to the police, we need to put sicko's like that in jail.

As for drugs and prostitution here is my solution.

-Toughen drug laws, if a person is caught selling cocaine, or crystal meth, than send them up to work camps up in Nunuvat, so they can nolonger take advantage of other people, or another alternative is to shoot them, either way, thats one less scumbag to worry about.

-Give police added powers to clamp down on prostitution, and pedophiles. Make it illegal to own, or distribute bondage films, which depict rape as an enjoyable activity, I would also make it illegal for any filmmaker to make movies that digitally make adult actors to look 12 in porno movies.

-If our society truly values children we should act to get as many scumbags off the street as possible, NAMBLA, and any other pedophile friendly groups should be illegal, any group which supports, our helps child molestors must be made illegal.

-Books and movies which depict Pedophile relationships in a positive light must be banned, after all new democrats support legislation which makes it illegal to spread hate about gays, than why not material which supports child abuse.


Here is a qoute from that website about a connection between NAMBLA and ILGA

NAMBLA has recently caused some concern in Canada due to its connection to the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA). ILGA was recently given support for observer status by two Canadian delegates to the United Nations. The concern is not over the support for ILGA itself, but over its connection to NAMBLA.

- By the way Big Gunner, I guess I am a member of the Baa'th party since you know, I want to protect children from predators and what not, I guess I'm the only person in this forum that values a childs life, and wants to protect kids from those sicko's that I would prefer to see shot, than anything else.

By the way your left wing organization in the US the ACLU, the most prominent of left wing nut organizations, is fighting for NAMBLA's right to produce material on how to rape children.

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I guess PM Martin is running scared in Ottawa Centre.

Martin sets date for byelection that will likely never be held

OTTAWA (CP) - Prime Minister Paul Martin has set Nov. 29 for a byelection in the riding of Ottawa Centre - although it's virtually certain the vote will never be held, because a general election will be called before then.

The date was announced Sunday because federal election law required Martin to pick a day for filling the vacancy that was created last year, when former MP Mac Harb, who held the seat for the Liberals for three straight elections, was named to the Senate by Jean Chretien.


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Well unlike the ND's I dont want to live in a sewer. Look the age of consent should be atleast 14 years old, at 14 young girls can easily be token advantage of, and be forced into unhealthy lifestyles like prostitution. Some ND's have said that the age of consent should be lowered to 12, I'm sure that would suit the pedophiles at NAMBLA, but most people would be disgusted by it. I can tell that every ND here does not have a child to worry about, otherwise you would'nt be so supportive of Svend Robinson's idea of lowering that age of consent for sodomy to 14.

The age of consent should be put at 16 atleast, and I would prefer it to be at 18. As for that quote about the guy that daterapes girls from Pelly, I would advise u to report him to the police, we need to put sicko's like that in jail.

As for drugs and prostitution here is my solution.

-Toughen drug laws, if a person is caught selling cocaine, or crystal meth, than send them up to work camps up in Nunuvat, so they can nolonger take advantage of other people, or another alternative is to shoot them, either way, thats one less scumbag to worry about.

-Give police added powers to clamp down on prostitution, and pedophiles. Make it illegal to own, or distribute bondage films, which depict rape as an enjoyable activity, I would also make it illegal for any filmmaker to make movies that digitally make adult actors to look 12 in porno movies.

-If our society truly values children we should act to get as many scumbags off the street as possible, NAMBLA, and any other pedophile friendly groups should be illegal, any group which supports, our helps child molestors must be made illegal.

-Books and movies which depict Pedophile relationships in a positive light must be banned, after all new democrats support legislation which makes it illegal to spread hate about gays, than why not material which supports child abuse.


Here is a qoute from that website about a connection between NAMBLA and ILGA

NAMBLA has recently caused some concern in Canada due to its connection to the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA). ILGA was recently given support for observer status by two Canadian delegates to the United Nations. The concern is not over the support for ILGA itself, but over its connection to NAMBLA.

- By the way Big Gunner, I guess I am a member of the Baa'th party since you know, I want to protect children from predators and what not, I guess I'm the only person in this forum that values a childs life, and wants to protect kids from those sicko's that I would prefer to see shot, than anything else.

By the way your left wing organization in the US the ACLU, the most prominent of left wing nut organizations, is fighting for NAMBLA's right to produce material on how to rape children.

1. Feel free to post a link that identifies where the ndp wants the age of consent to 12..

2. Provide everyone with a link to any organisation that wants the legal right to publish material on "how to rape children"..

3. Identify where 'every ND here' supports the age of consent to age 12.


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March 7th, 2004

For Immediate release

Broadbent outraged by Martin’s abuse of Power.

Ed Broadbent issued the following statement this evening.

"Paul Martin should have set the normal 36 day by-election period – instead he has delayed voting day for over 9 months. It is an outrageous abuse of power.

It is totally unacceptable to deny democratic rights to the residents of Ottawa Centre because the Prime Minister is afraid the Liberals will lose the seat.

It is also the ultimate in hypocrisy for a Prime Minister to say he wants to reduce Canada's democratic deficit, while denying the basic democratic right to have an elected member to 114,000 Canadians for over 14 months."

Ed will be holding a Press Conference on this subject tomorrow morning. For more information – check the web site tomorrow. www.edbroadbent.ca


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Quick scan, I keep reading that the NDP are somehow going to "make big gains" in BC.

What this is predicated upon totally escapes me.

I've concluded that the CPC will take at least 30 ridings, if not more.

Here's why...

1) In each of the last three elections, the Reform/CA lagged behind the Libs in midterm polling. Upon the actual call of an election, each time the Liberals tanked within weeks, while the Ref/CA surged ahead.

2) The CA took roughly 49% of votes cast in 2000.

3) The CA won 16 ridings with 50% + pluralities in 2000.

4) When combined with PC votes cast, the two combined would have taken accounted for 25 ridings with 50% + pluralities.

5) No Liberal or NDP won in 2000 with 50% +.

In fact:

If we take 10% slippage, because of this scandal, from the Libs next time out...

Ridings won by Daliwal, Fry, Anderson, and Owen are seriously threatened by the CPC.

Further, NDP Robinson won with 37.4% of the vote. The combined vote for the CA/PC was 38.5%.

There is no reason whatsoever, particularly in light of recent developments with the Liberals, to expect that they will do even as well as they did in 2000.

Outside of Robinson's and Davies' ridings, there is no reason whatsoever to think that the NDP will score any gains in BC.

Davies won with 42.3%, the biggest NDP win in 2000.

The NDP scored less than 10% in 21 ridings...many of these, less than 5%.

The NDP scored less than 20% in another 9 ridings.

And only over 20% in a total of 4 ridings.

There would have to be a monumental shift of support for the NDP to even win 4 ridings.

What the actual results do indicate is that the NDP's ridings in BC, particularly Robinson's, are highly vulnerable to a polarization of voting in a backlash against the Liberals.

At the end of the day, there is no complelling reason for voters to shift from the CA/CPC to the Liberals or NDP, Certainly not after the revelations of the last couple weeks.

I cannot escape the conclusion that the CPC will sweep BC in a landslide, probably taking down Robinson, Anderson, and Fry in the process.

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At the end of the day, there is no complelling reason for voters to shift from the CA/CPC to the Liberals or NDP, Certainly not after the revelations of the last couple weeks.

I get the impression there's alot of NDP wishful thinking going on. It's in the nature of NDP supporters to be young and naive.

But the last poll had the Libs at 40% or something in BC. This I don't get at all. Can you explain?

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At the end of the day, there is no complelling reason for voters to shift from the CA/CPC to the Liberals or NDP, Certainly not after the revelations of the last couple weeks.

I get the impression there's alot of NDP wishful thinking going on. It's in the nature of NDP supporters to be young and naive.

But the last poll had the Libs at 40% or something in BC. This I don't get at all. Can you explain?

The last three elections were each preceeded by polling that indicated the Liberals were leading the Reform/CA in BC.

Within days of an actual election call, Liberal support in each instance immediately began to rot, ultimately to crash by election day.


British Columbians pay little attention to federal politics.

Until an election.

Then they pull all those little tidbits out of the back of their minds accumulating over the last several years...and they remember quite vividly why they, for the most part, have no GD use for the Liberals.

This time, Paul Martin actually seemed to be getting a bit of traction in BC...people actually thought he was different.

That is, until the shite hit the proverbial fan over this latest Liberal scam.

I'll be amazed if any Liberals are returned from BC next time out. Voter contempt for this latest batch of corruption is palpable.

And I will add...

Anyone who thinks Jack Layton, a politician from the GTA and a rabid socialist, is going to get one vote more than the support of similarly rabid NDPers...whose numbers aren't worth mentioning in BC...is dreaming in technicolour, if not stoned outright.

And they don't know shite from shinola about BC politics.


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Good post.

It's palpable here in Montreal too. The Libs do well in polls but they win some seats with 92% of the vote so their vote doesn't turn into seats. With Libs in provincially, it's safe to vote BQ, even French federalists, and that's what many will do I reckon. I don't know what the anglos will do. There are many diehard Liberals amongst that gang.

I don't see any CPC or NDP seats here, but who knows. Heck, Martin may still pull this one out of the hat. (There's a sense of inevitability to the Liberals in Quebec.)

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I think where the Libs are really in big trouble is in Ontario.

I did an analysis of the 2000 vote for Ontario a while back.

It would not take much of a fundamental shift in Liberal support in that province to swing anywhere from 40 to 60 seats over to the CPC.

The strength of NDP support is also hugely overblown in Ontario. The fact is that in 2000, the NDP were virtually a non-factor in over 80 ridings, taking between 3% and 10% of the vote.

Discontent with the Libs in Ontario will NOT translate into NDP support. Never has, never will...especially with a doofus like Jack "I'll sleep with the Liberals for the right price" Laidup leading them.

Laidup is a far cry from the likes of Broadbent or Lewis in the "credibility" department.

It is my estimation that the NDP will be lucky to come out of this next election with party status, so remotely pocketed is their support.

The PCs got something like 25% of the vote in 1993...and won only 2 ridings.

The ADQ took some 20% of the popular vote in Quebec last year...but took only about 6 ridings.

The NDP got creamed in Ontario's last provincial election, despite something like 15% of the vote.

If the vote polarizes...and it almost certainly will...in this next election as Canadians sense the real opportunity to dump this rotten government, the NDP will end up roadkill in the stampede, mark my words.


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The CA/Tory split in the last election made it much easier for the Libs in Ontario. Heck, I think they got all 103 in 97.

The thing about the NDP in Ontario is that people remember Rae. It'll take a generation to wipe that memory out.

In addition, the anti-Liberal vote will realize that an NDP vote is tantamount to voting Liberal because the same gang will stay in power.

On the other hand, there's a core Liberal vote that's based on people perceiving it as a National Party. The CPC's French debate today was geared to those voters - not to Quebec at all.

I think the CBC by playing the three party deal gives the impression the NDP is bigger than it really is.

Quick numbers in Ontario? I'd say that if it's a spring election, 45/45/10 might do.

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