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Something Fishy

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1)Election called just prior to US financial crisis and to be held during US elections.

2)Statements that our Economy is fundamentally strong when our economy is about to crash and burn with the US.

3)Our banks are looking like they may need a bailout of their own if the US goes down

-40bil in questionable mortgages

-160billion in secure investments etc

*Some estimate a Canadian bailout could be in the 300-500billion range

4)Merril Lynch Canada made a statement that Canada is in the same boat as UK and USA

5)Campaign adds that are designed for stupid people.

6)Smear and fear left right and center

7)Real issues being avoided, media seems to be covering sheeple topics

8)Federal debate to be held during US debate?

9)SPP EAU and Agreements for US troops now being allowed to police Canadian soil not talked about

10)Police trying to insight riot covertly during SPP meeting protest in Quebec. (Can be seen on youtube)

11)The Harper role in Bilderberg? Should a PM or President be allowed to be member to an organization which has Global goals?

Some things to look into, but I know most of you probably wont...

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Most of the time Bilderberg always includes new leaders to their meetings and I call this groups 'the powers that be". They are behind the "new world order' and the NAU is part of it and the only way to form this is to have these countries economy to dive and Bush is doing a good job of doing this and soon, down the road I'm sure Harper will follow suit by spending and spending. IF you don't believe this then don't, I don't need your tinfoil or toaster. Just watch and see and IF I'm wrong then I be very happy to be wrong!

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Seeing that you can't make arguements based on fact, I guess this is all that you can muster now, eh?

While the short term out look in the US looks horrible, it will be at least a year to a year and half before their down turn really affects us, but we are not looking at wholesale bank sell offs just the banks that have huge exposures in the US will suffer set backs like the TD and CIBC. We won't have large banks needing bail outs like the US. and if you knew anything about the banking industry in Canada and how our economy works in relation to the American economy you might understand this.

BTW there is no NWO illuminati or whatever other conspiracy, these are just people who have no understanding, and constantly like to live by the victim mentality.

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Seeing that you can't make arguements based on fact, I guess this is all that you can muster now, eh?

I'm more than happy to debate facts when they are presented. There were no facts presented by the OP, just ridiculous conspiracy theory fantasy. Big difference.

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I'm more than happy to debate facts when they are presented. There were no facts presented by the OP, just ridiculous conspiracy theory fantasy. Big difference.

Is the fact that our election was purposely (but for no reason -- fixed election dates anyone?) occuring during the most important election the US has ever had...

It is a fact that statements have been made that our economy is fundamentally strong when our economy is about to crash and burn with the US.

It is a fact that our banks are teetering...

It is a fact that Merril Lynch Canada made a statement that Canada is in the same boat as UK and USA

It is a fact that the campaign adds that are designed for stupid people.

It is a fact that the left, right and center are using fear tactics.

It is a fact that the real issues being avoided, media seems to be covering sheeple topics (hockey mom anyone?)

It is a fact that our Federal debate to be held during US debate.

It is a fact that SPP EAU and Agreements for US troops now being allowed to police Canadian soil not talked about

This is a fact too --> Police trying to insight riot covertly during SPP meeting protest in Quebec. (Can be seen on youtube -- go ahead go and see it.)

It is a fact that this group (Bildegerg) meets on Canadian soil -- do you think they meet for tea and crumpets?

Some things to look into, but I know most of you probably wont.. <---- this is the most glaring fact of all -- "LA LA LA -- we can't hear you! My guvmint is goood, people ('speshly immgrants) baaad". say the rightwing apologists

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Is the fact that our election was purposely (but for no reason -- fixed election dates anyone?) occuring during the most important election the US has ever had...

It is a fact that statements have been made that our economy is fundamentally strong when our economy is about to crash and burn with the US.

It is a fact that our banks are teetering...

It is a fact that Merril Lynch Canada made a statement that Canada is in the same boat as UK and USA

It is a fact that the campaign adds that are designed for stupid people.

It is a fact that the left, right and center are using fear tactics.

It is a fact that the real issues being avoided, media seems to be covering sheeple topics (hockey mom anyone?)

It is a fact that our Federal debate to be held during US debate.

It is a fact that SPP EAU and Agreements for US troops now being allowed to police Canadian soil not talked about

This is a fact too --> Police trying to insight riot covertly during SPP meeting protest in Quebec. (Can be seen on youtube -- go ahead go and see it.)

It is a fact that this group (Bildegerg) meets on Canadian soil -- do you think they meet for tea and crumpets?

Some things to look into, but I know most of you probably wont.. <---- this is the most glaring fact of all -- "LA LA LA -- we can't hear you! My guvmint is goood, people ('speshly immgrants) baaad". say the rightwing apologists

tinfoil 3 for a dollar

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hyuk hyuk another rightwinger who cannot refute the topic so he attacks the poster.

Good deabting skills there buddy!

So why not prove to everyone that these are not, in fact, facts? And no sweetie, calling on Jebus will not help you --his existence is a conspiracy dontcha know! (one you gleefully fall for LOL)

Because you can't. You only know how to spew on-line insults.

Thanks so much for further proving how uneducated and ignorant the rightwing is.


Edited by Drea
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hyuk hyuk another rightwinger who cannot refute the topic so he attacks the poster.

Good deabting skills there buddy!

Another who wants facts but never supplies them.

Were there any facts in your post? Nope.

Did you supply one iota of info to back your moronic, but standard for you, assertions? Nope.

Oh my, look at this gem...

So why not prove to everyone that these are not, in fact, facts?

Prove your facts (that were never shown to be facts) are not in fact facts?

Thanks so much for further proving how uneducated and ignorant the rightwing is.


Your ignorance and lack of education are proven with every post.

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hyuk hyuk another rightwinger who cannot refute the topic so he attacks the poster.

Good deabting skills there buddy!

So why not prove to everyone that these are not, in fact, facts? And no sweetie, calling on Jebus will not help you --his existence is a conspiracy dontcha know! (one you gleefully fall for LOL)

Because you can't. You only know how to spew on-line insults.

Thanks so much for further proving how uneducated and ignorant the rightwing is.


Dern, I can't find dem facts in that there post of yers.

I done figured that since you spot off that there one liner in that deebate post of yers, I thunk it fitting to do the same.

Praise Jesus!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Regarding attacks on my person or credibility... "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance" -Einstein

I only wish for you to research my claims and come to your own conclusions, but, for your own sake I urge you to look into it.

"Claims" is exactly what they are! Not facts, but opinions. You listed your premises and elevated them to facts because YOU believe them!

Now you expect everyone else to spend their time and effort in disproving them. While you are busy criticizing others for their debating skills, have you never understood that the onus of proof is on YOU?

I suggest you try posting on "babble.com" where you will find most folks are perfectly willing to agree with each other on premises just like yours. You can join them in calling everyone who doesn't accept their arguments very, very bad names.

This is known as "progressive" thought. For the most part, on this board we try to use reason. Some of us are better at it than others but almost everyone tries a bit harder than you have so far.

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PM on Merril Lynch statement about our economy: http://www.canada.com/victoriatimescolonis...c8-b00318f23749

Canadian bank exposure and request to be part of US bailout: https://secure.globeadvisor.com/servlet/Art.../RCRISISBANKS22

Protestors and cops?: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=BWbgnyUCC7M


And these links prove...what? The first two show that agencies like some banks and Merril Lynch agree with you. You must have heard the old story about "4 out of 5 doctors prefer Aspirin"? You might have to go through thousands of doctors to get those 4 but then you only need to take one of those who didn't prefer Aspirin to legitimately make your claim. ML and those banks might appreciate bail out money. Or do you believe ML and banks are too honest and saintly?

Lots of folks might share your opinion. Lots of folks would have a different opinion. That's why they're called opinions and not facts.

On to Montebello! Who sent those cops? The local police chief? The local RCMP chief? Charest? Harper? The head of a private security agency?

Wouldn't it make a difference which specific individual gave the order? Would it make sense to blame Harper for something Charest had done, or either of them if it had been a local decision?

Could the unionists have staged it themselves, for the publicity? DON'T try to tell us no such group would ever do such a thing! There are no saints in these matters, on either side.


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Another who wants facts but never supplies them.

Were there any facts in your post? Nope.

Did you supply one iota of info to back your moronic, but standard for you, assertions? Nope.

Oh my, look at this gem...

Prove your facts (that were never shown to be facts) are not in fact facts?

Your ignorance and lack of education are proven with every post.

my biggest fan chimes in! -- even though the post had nothing whatsoever to do with HER.


Thanks so very much girlfriend!

Ps... I don't "swing" that way so you might wanna look elsewhere. I AM flattered tho. ;)

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I know nothing ultimately. I raise points and its your responsibility as a Canadian is to investigate the dealings of gov't. The people are the watchdog; I find it a shame though that many just repeat the words of others without investigating for themselves. I mean, everytime I hear the words "We are trying to make it easier or better" I become suspicious and have to say, "hey wait a minute" if its to good to be true...well... Harper stated we are fundamentally strong while the rest of the worlds going to hell? Does that make sense? I never realized that Canada was a self sufficient country and does not rely on foreign markets and investors. Uncanny...

X-Challenge: Economy http://www.cbc.ca/news/canadavotes/voterto...her-debate.html

In what broad direction do you think the Canadian economy is going?


(1051) 59%


(203) 11%


(524) 29%

Total Votes: 1778

BTW... I am a nutjob and a conspiracy theorist or perhaps a decendent of an European Royal family who is well verseed in seeing the big picture. Maybe I work for CSIS and I am doing research on the people, extrapolating data. Fact of the matter is I am just some AVG Joe...or is it? Do your own research and share your findings, thats how this works.

Again "Condmenation without investigation is the height of ignorance" -Einstein


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I know nothing ultimately. I raise points and its your responsibility as a Canadian is to investigate the dealings of gov't. The people are the watchdog; I find it a shame though that many just repeat the words of others without investigating for themselves. I mean, everytime I hear the words "We are trying to make it easier or better" I become suspicious and have to say, "hey wait a minute" if its to good to be true...well... Harper stated we are fundamentally strong while the rest of the worlds going to hell? Does that make sense? I never realized that Canada was a self sufficient country and does not rely on foreign markets and investors. Uncanny...

X-Challenge: Economy http://www.cbc.ca/news/canadavotes/voterto...her-debate.html

In what broad direction do you think the Canadian economy is going?


(1051) 59%


(203) 11%


(524) 29%

Total Votes: 1778

BTW... I am a nutjob and a conspiracy theorist or perhaps a decendent of an European Royal family who is well verseed in seeing the big picture. Maybe I work for CSIS and I am doing research on the people, extrapolating data. Fact of the matter is I am just some AVG Joe...or is it? Do your own research and share your findings, thats how this works.

Again "Condmenation without investigation is the height of ignorance" -Einstein


You are simply not being fair! It may be true that every citizen has a duty to be aware of what's gong on in his society. Where is it written that YOU get to pick what he's supposed to investigate?

If we spent our days investigating EVERY issue that someone like you pointed out we'd have time for nothing else, including eating, sleeping and getting rid of what we had eaten!

When one man starts to claim that he has the right to set MY priorities then I demand the right to set HIS! I, like many are aware of what you point out. I simply don't consider your points valid enough to justify my time.

Edited by Wild Bill
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Most of the time Bilderberg always includes new leaders to their meetings and I call this groups 'the powers that be". They are behind the "new world order' and the NAU is part of it and the only way to form this is to have these countries economy to dive and Bush is doing a good job of doing this and soon, down the road I'm sure Harper will follow suit by spending and spending. IF you don't believe this then don't, I don't need your tinfoil or toaster. Just watch and see and IF I'm wrong then I be very happy to be wrong!

You said it Topaz. The timing of this election, especially given that Harper passed a law about fixed election dates, is very suspsicous indeed. I have seen that video of the police pretending to be protesters and attempting to incite a riot. That really happened, funny I havn't heard about any charges laid against the police or even any explanation. What is with running the Canadian and American debates on the same night? Pretty fkn stupid if you ask me. The part about American troops being allowed by law to patrol our streets is true too. People who follow politics know these things, but the vast majority of people don't have a clue. Take your tinfoil and shove it buddy, you attack any poster that tries to inform people because you can't disprove what they are saying. I know for a fact that some of the stuff in mcrobrt post are true, and quite possibly are ALL true. Before you go insulting him and trying to discredit his ideas by attacking him personally, give reasons why what he says is wrong.

I swear your tinfoil argument is getting old, and is not an argument at all but a personal attack.

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You said it Topaz. The timing of this election, especially given that Harper passed a law about fixed election dates, is very suspsicous indeed. I have seen that video of the police pretending to be protesters and attempting to incite a riot. That really happened, funny I havn't heard about any charges laid against the police or even any explanation. What is with running the Canadian and American debates on the same night? Pretty fkn stupid if you ask me. The part about American troops being allowed by law to patrol our streets is true too. People who follow politics know these things, but the vast majority of people don't have a clue. Take your tinfoil and shove it buddy, you attack any poster that tries to inform people because you can't disprove what they are saying. I know for a fact that some of the stuff in mcrobrt post are true, and quite possibly are ALL true. Before you go insulting him and trying to discredit his ideas by attacking him personally, give reasons why what he says is wrong.

I swear your tinfoil argument is getting old, and is not an argument at all but a personal attack.

But if they're not providing links to these outlandish accusations, one only has to assume they're at least wearing a tinfoil hat, nay, sombrero and listening to their toaster.

It's the only proper response to idiot CONservatives and mandaTORY sentancing.

Edited by blueblood
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You said it Topaz. The timing of this election, especially given that Harper passed a law about fixed election dates, is very suspsicous indeed. I have seen that video of the police pretending to be protesters and attempting to incite a riot. That really happened, funny I havn't heard about any charges laid against the police or even any explanation. What is with running the Canadian and American debates on the same night? Pretty fkn stupid if you ask me. The part about American troops being allowed by law to patrol our streets is true too. People who follow politics know these things, but the vast majority of people don't have a clue. Take your tinfoil and shove it buddy, you attack any poster that tries to inform people because you can't disprove what they are saying. I know for a fact that some of the stuff in mcrobrt post are true, and quite possibly are ALL true. Before you go insulting him and trying to discredit his ideas by attacking him personally, give reasons why what he says is wrong.

I swear your tinfoil argument is getting old, and is not an argument at all but a personal attack.

You think the tinfoil hat argument is getting old, but you supply a leftover script from the X-Files. Fabulous.

But you want us to play the game, I'll play:


On March 23, 2005, heads of government Vincente Fox, George W. Bush, and Paul Martin launched the North American partnership at a meeting in Waco, Texas, with the expressed goal of “a safer, more prosperous North America.”

Proponents of the partnership claim its purpose is to increase security and prosperity for all three nations through enhanced cooperation. Critics maintain the partnership will sacrifice U.S. sovereignty by establishing a “North American Union,” with open borders and a common currency. Recently, President Bush stated that he found these fears "amusing."

Paul Martin? OMG!!!! It's a LIBERAL plot to sell out the country's sovereignty!!!! Good thing we got Harper in charge to stop it!!!


As the executive branches of Canada , the United States , and Mexico conspired to expand NAFTA behind the backs of their unconvinced populaces, an independent task force sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations floated the idea of deeper integration under the name of the North American Community. Their paper, published in May of 2005 and financed by Archer Daniels Midland, Merrill Lynch, and Yves-Andres Istel, was not authored by an underground network of conspirators against U.S. sovereignty, as NAU critics would have us believe, but by a staid group made up mostly of former government officials and big business representatives.

Merrill Lynch? OMG!!! The same guys who are claiming our banks are in trouble and are trying to discredit Harper's economic plan?!? Of course they want us to distrust the Conservatives!!! They want the Liberals back in power so they can continue their evil plot to sell out our country!!! Thank God Harper is here to save us!!!!


It is the antithesis of our Constitution and a direct threat to national security and sovereignty.

Oh, so Americans think that in an NAU, that WE are a threat to THEIR sovereignty!!! That's OK then, right??

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I have to admit, I am watching the US bailout and the politics of our neighbour more closesly than our own.

If you asked me to GUESS how this all plays out (Jury is still out mind you)

US will bailout foreign banking institutions etc

US citizens absorb the debt

Stimulation will take place in the market place temporarily

World turns its back on America and will not buy their debt

World will start to shift its investments/currency from US into the EURO etc

American Dollar will crumble

American people will be in great distress

Canadian economy will start to tank with the US

Mexican economy will get worse

Solutions will start to appear in form of a North American Partnership of sorts

System will be adopted due to great distress of the people

America will become divided reminiscent of their civil war

Ultimately Canada WILL do what the American WILL wants.

I am probably completely totally wrong though. Just having a little fun with you all my friends.

PS. I think a world Gov't and standard is a great thing to have if implemented correctly. We have way to much division on this planet now and really we need to come together and start to look at what the goals are of Humanity rather than always thinking about ourselves.

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