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Stephen Harper Is Just Like George Bush

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Stephen Harper is just like George Bush.

Just like Bush, Harper fully approves of Tasers. Tasers keep the masses petrified and under strict control. Strong Taser approval makes the Taser corporation, Taser Inc. powerful and unstoppable. Harper loves that.

Just like Bush, Harper loves unlmited corporate greed. Gas gouging ? Harper will easily tolerate it. Anything which empowers corporations and allows them to dominate society, Harper supports. Unrestricted corporate power is allowed by Harper.

Just like Bush, Harper loves preemptive wars and an aggressive foreign policy. On Iraq, Harper said, "I think we should work closely with the Americans." If Harper had a majority, Canada would be taking part in the illegal, immoral, unnecessary and unilateral smashing of Iraq. Harper is a blind, faithful lapdog of the disastrously destructive American Neo-Conservative movement. All wars launched by Republican administrations are to be unquestionably supported by Canada, according to blind Bush-Bot Harper. 100,000 dead civilians and 5000 dead soldiers are easily tolerated by Harper.

Just like Bush, Harper fully approves of corporations raping and wrecking the earth for unlimited profit. "Kyoto is essentially a socialist scheme to suck money out of wealth-producing nations", said the blindly pro-Republican corporatist Harper in 2002. If digging up and destroying the entire northern half of Alberta makes Cheney & Bush happy, and makes the oil industry executive a billionaire, then Harper is ALL FOR IT. He'll sleep very soundly, smiling in glee, because he has rightfully served the interests of unlimited corporate greed.

Just like Bush, Harper hates weed. His team of hypocritical, morally Fascist, oblivious maniacs just promised hundreds of millions of dollars to tobacco farmers, while at the same time putting forth bill C-26. Bill C-26 imposes a minimum sentence of 6 months in prison for any Canadian who grows as little as ONE marijuana plant.

Just like Bush, Harper despises media access and media probes into his policies. But also just like Bush, he'll have the public duped by a purely cosmetic and superficial image makeover into thinking that he's a moderate, reasonable, approachable, accessible, "compassionate" Neo-Conservative.

Canadians should simply vote ABC : Anything But Conservative. Vote Liberal, Vote NDP, vote Green, vote Libertarian. But make sure you vote, to stop the prospective wave of Neo-Conservatism from destroying Canada. Under Harper, Canada will effectively function and exist as the 51st state under Republican rule.

Remember, Harper has NEVER criticized or opposed any policy or action of the Bush administration. Bush is Harper's hero, and the Republicans FULLY support Harper.

After witnessing the devastation caused by 8 years of Neo-Conservative Bush administration policy, do you really want those policies to be applied coast to coast in Canada ? If not, then simply vote ABC : Anything But Conservative.

A vote for Harper is a vote for Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Limbaugh and McCain. The Neo-Conservatives are comprised of a clan of hardline, authoritarian, ruthless, blind, dogmatic, oblivious maniacs whose applied policies always deliver war, persecution, torture and unlimited corporate greed.

Edited by Joesixpack5
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I would suggest you read the other partys policys.Each party has flaws some have major flaws.

While I do think that Harper models his policies after many Republican policies I don't believe we need to fear that. What we do need to fear is what will happen if he gets a majority and all those extreme right bible-thumpers he silences during the campaign start to think out loud. The ONLY reason Harper keeps them quiet is because he knows that he has to play the middle road in order to get a majority. Once he has a majority, Harper and the CPC will make George W. Bush look like kindergartners. If he get a minority be prepared for a couple of temper tantrums from him.

Personally, I would like to see where a Dion minority propped up by Layton would take us. And personally I think the future of Canadian politics is exactly the position that the Bloc has taken. We should be developing regional parties which represent each provincial constituency in parliament and then use coalitions to form the government and elect the Prime Minister. After all this is what a federation is all about. It would be successful IMO, if not for national bullies dictating what the provinces can and cannot do.

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Stephen Harper is just like George Bush.

Just like Bush, Harper fully approves of Tasers. Tasers keep the masses petrified and under strict control. Strong Taser approval makes the Taser corporation, Taser Inc. powerful and unstoppable. Harper loves that.

Tasers have also saved lives by subduing criminals without them being injured nor the officers being injured. For example, someone strung out on meth is often described as having superhuman strength and no amount of batons and pepper spray will get them to stop coming forward. In this type of instance the criminal and the officers are often injured in the arrest. So, unfortunately there have been accidents and more training is needed in the proper use of tasers, I think they're a good tool for police officers to have because they've saved many more lives than they've taken.
Just like Bush, Harper loves unlmited corporate greed. Gas gouging ? Harper will easily tolerate it. Anything which empowers corporations and allows them to dominate society, Harper supports. Unrestricted corporate power is allowed by Harper.
The consumers are driving the price of gas (no pun intended). Even a basic understanding of economics would tell you that supply and demand determines how much you'll pay for something. Take the recent jump in gas prices as an example. Many people don't understand how price can jump $0.13 or more overnight "because of Hurricane Ike". I hear people complaining all the time that the oil refineries near Texas haven't been destroyed yet, so why are we paying more? Well it's not because the supply has gone done, like these people are thinking. It is because everyone is panicking by assuming the price will jump and they're running to the pumps to fill up before it does. This creates a large spike in the demand for gasoline and therefore a large spike in the prices. If the refineries are then destroyed by the hurricane, there will be a further jump in gas prices.

We should consider ourselves lucky since they're paying upwards of $6/L in places like the Domincan Republic.

Just like Bush, Harper loves preemptive wars and an a[/ggressive foreign policy. On Iraq, Harper said, "I think we should work closely with the Americans." If Harper had a majority, Canada would be taking part in the illegal, immoral, unnecessary and unilateral smashing of Iraq. Harper is a blind, faithful lapdog of the disastrously destructive American Neo-Conservative movement. All wars launched by Republican administrations are to be unquestionably supported by Canada, according to blind Bush-Bot Harper.
The United States is our largest economic ally taking 85% or more of our exports. Our military has been completely stripped and is entirely lacking any power, therefore we are relying on the United States to assist us if the time ever comes that we need it. We are also one of the founding members of NATO with the US and for all those reasons, we owe it to them to support them in their efforts in any way that we can. Weapons of mass destruction aside, Saddam Hussein was a large source of instability in the middle east and treated his people horribly by imprisoning and torturing them on a whim. But whatever the reasons, the United States is pretty much footing the bill for our military protection and floating our economy by purchasing the majority of our exports. We should support them in any way that we can.
Just like Bush, Harper fully approves of corporations raping and wrecking the earth for unlimited profit. "Kyoto is essentially a socialist scheme to suck money out of wealth-producing nations", said the blindly pro-Republican corporatist Harper in 2002. If digging up and destroying the entire northern half of Alberta makes Cheney & Bush happy, and makes the oil industry executive a billionaire, then Harper is ALL FOR IT. He'll sleep very soundly, smiling in glee, because he has rightfully served the interests of unlimited corporate greed.
I don't ever recall Harper saying anything about allowing corporations to rape the earth for unlimited profit. From the quote you posted, it would appear that his objection is to taking money from hard-working Canadians like yourself and giving it away to countries that are not industrial or economically viable because they can meet the goals by default. We are an industrial nation and one of the wealthiest on the planet, compare that to a nation with little to no industry and of course our emissions will be higher.

Does that mean that our nation without consultation from the people should be forced to give our wealth over by some international body? Climate change is occurring, however, it is unclear what effect reducing CO2 emissions will have on the environment. So, why should be charged by an international body for our CO2 when it's not even clear what the effect of reducing it will have?

So, what Harper has said and what the Conservatives want to do is develop a national plan for helping the environment and reducing our CO2. What's wrong with doing something about it here at home, so we don't have to needlessly give away our money based on a flawed international system that doesn't account for productivity of nations?

Just like Bush, Harper hates weed. His team of hypocritical, morally Fascist, oblivious maniacs just promised hundreds of millions of dollars to tobacco farmers, while at the same time putting forth bill C-26. Bill C-26 imposes a minimum sentence of 6 months in prison for any Canadian who grows as little as ONE marijuana plant.
Growing pot is illegal, what's your point?
Just like Bush, Harper despises media access and media probes into his policies. But also just like Bush, he'll have the public duped by a purely cosmetic and superficial image makeover into thinking that he's a moderate, reasonable, approachable, accessible, "compassionate" Neo-Conservative.
All politicians have image makeovers and image consultants who try to paint them in the best light possible. It's all a sales pitch for votes and it doesn't matter what side of the fence you sit on. If you want to know what the Conservative policies are just go to their website and read them. It's in black and white right on the internet. And near as I can tell, Harper will be taking part in the national debate where his policies will be scrutinized by the other political leaders. For those reasons, it doesn't appear as though he's hiding anything.
Canadians should simply vote ABC : Anything But Conservative. Vote Liberal, Vote NDP, vote Green, vote Libertarian. But make sure you vote, to stop the prospective wave of Neo-Conservatism from destroying Canada. Under Harper, Canada will effectively function and exist as the 51st state under Republican rule.
You've failed to show how the Conservative Party of Canada is destroying Canada, so I think people should vote with whatever party most closely represents their wishes from government.
Remember, Harper has NEVER criticized or opposed any policy or action of the Bush administration. Bush is Harper's hero, and the Republicans FULLY support Harper.
Harper has only been in power since 2006 and the US hasn't really done anything since then. Bush will be out of office at the beginning of the year, so this is a complete non-issue.
After witnessing the devastation caused by 8 years of Neo-Conservative Bush administration policy, do you really want those policies to be applied coast to coast in Canada ? If not, then simply vote ABC : Anything But Conservative.

A vote for Harper is a vote for Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Limbaugh and McCain. The Neo-Conservatives are comprised of a clan of hardline, authoritarian, ruthless, blind, dogmatic, oblivious maniacs whose applied policies always deliver war, persecution, torture and unlimited corporate greed.

The American presidential system of government operates entirely different than the Canadian parliamentary system. Republicans in the United State are more right-wing than any party you'd find in Canada and it has often been stated that our Conservatives would be more closely compared to the Democrats in the US.

I've yet to see policies from the Conservatives that "deliver war, persecution, torture and unlimited corporate greed." In fact, under Harper, The Conservatives have reduced GST, increased the personal tax exemption and paid parents for child-care. They've also instituted a tax credit for bus passes to promote the use of mass transit over personal vehicles. Call me crazy, but I don't consider more money in my pocket at the end of the year to be persecution and torture. I'm not a corporation, so it's not corporate greed nor do I consider the government taking less of my money to be personal greed. I earned my money, I deserve to keep it, especially considering we still enjoy public healthcare, social security and a federal pension plan. Can they say the same in the United States?

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Stephen Harper is just like George Bush.

Just like Bush, Harper fully approves of Tasers. Tasers keep the masses petrified and under strict control. Strong Taser approval makes the Taser corporation, Taser Inc. powerful and unstoppable. Harper loves that.

I'd respond but I'm too terrified of being tasered.

Mind you, I can understand why you'd be even more worried, given that tinfoil hat of yours probably conveys electricity all too well.

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A vote for Harper is a vote for Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Limbaugh and McCain. The Neo-Conservatives are comprised of a clan of hardline, authoritarian, ruthless, blind, dogmatic, oblivious maniacs whose applied policies always deliver war, persecution, torture and unlimited corporate greed.

Don't tell me...Rick Mercer doing satire?

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I would suggest you read the other partys policys.Each party has flaws some have major flaws.

Look at the amount of economic, social and foreign damage caused by Neo-Con policy running rampant for 8 years. There's theory (or Republican dogma), and there's PRACTICE. The Republican dogma, when applied, causes massive economic damage, severe social problems and 1000's upon 1000's of foreign civilian deaths. War, persecution and greed.

Neo-Conservatism gets a D- in theory, and an F in practice.

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Tasers have also saved lives by subduing criminals without them being injured nor the officers being injured. For example, someone strung out on meth is often described as having superhuman strength and no amount of batons and pepper spray will get them to stop coming forward. In this type of instance the criminal and the officers are often injured in the arrest. So, unfortunately there have been accidents and more training is needed in the proper use of tasers, I think they're a good tool for police officers to have because they've saved many more lives than they've taken.

The consumers are driving the price of gas (no pun intended). Even a basic understanding of economics would tell you that supply and demand determines how much you'll pay for something. Take the recent jump in gas prices as an example. Many people don't understand how price can jump $0.13 or more overnight "because of Hurricane Ike". I hear people complaining all the time that the oil refineries near Texas haven't been destroyed yet, so why are we paying more? Well it's not because the supply has gone done, like these people are thinking. It is because everyone is panicking by assuming the price will jump and they're running to the pumps to fill up before it does. This creates a large spike in the demand for gasoline and therefore a large spike in the prices. If the refineries are then destroyed by the hurricane, there will be a further jump in gas prices.

We should consider ourselves lucky since they're paying upwards of $6/L in places like the Domincan Republic.

The United States is our largest economic ally taking 85% or more of our exports. Our military has been completely stripped and is entirely lacking any power, therefore we are relying on the United States to assist us if the time ever comes that we need it. We are also one of the founding members of NATO with the US and for all those reasons, we owe it to them to support them in their efforts in any way that we can. Weapons of mass destruction aside, Saddam Hussein was a large source of instability in the middle east and treated his people horribly by imprisoning and torturing them on a whim. But whatever the reasons, the United States is pretty much footing the bill for our military protection and floating our economy by purchasing the majority of our exports. We should support them in any way that we can.

I don't ever recall Harper saying anything about allowing corporations to rape the earth for unlimited profit. From the quote you posted, it would appear that his objection is to taking money from hard-working Canadians like yourself and giving it away to countries that are not industrial or economically viable because they can meet the goals by default. We are an industrial nation and one of the wealthiest on the planet, compare that to a nation with little to no industry and of course our emissions will be higher.

Does that mean that our nation without consultation from the people should be forced to give our wealth over by some international body? Climate change is occurring, however, it is unclear what effect reducing CO2 emissions will have on the environment. So, why should be charged by an international body for our CO2 when it's not even clear what the effect of reducing it will have?

So, what Harper has said and what the Conservatives want to do is develop a national plan for helping the environment and reducing our CO2. What's wrong with doing something about it here at home, so we don't have to needlessly give away our money based on a flawed international system that doesn't account for productivity of nations?

Growing pot is illegal, what's your point?

All politicians have image makeovers and image consultants who try to paint them in the best light possible. It's all a sales pitch for votes and it doesn't matter what side of the fence you sit on. If you want to know what the Conservative policies are just go to their website and read them. It's in black and white right on the internet. And near as I can tell, Harper will be taking part in the national debate where his policies will be scrutinized by the other political leaders. For those reasons, it doesn't appear as though he's hiding anything.

You've failed to show how the Conservative Party of Canada is destroying Canada, so I think people should vote with whatever party most closely represents their wishes from government.

Harper has only been in power since 2006 and the US hasn't really done anything since then. Bush will be out of office at the beginning of the year, so this is a complete non-issue.

The American presidential system of government operates entirely different than the Canadian parliamentary system. Republicans in the United State are more right-wing than any party you'd find in Canada and it has often been stated that our Conservatives would be more closely compared to the Democrats in the US.

I've yet to see policies from the Conservatives that "deliver war, persecution, torture and unlimited corporate greed." In fact, under Harper, The Conservatives have reduced GST, increased the personal tax exemption and paid parents for child-care. They've also instituted a tax credit for bus passes to promote the use of mass transit over personal vehicles. Call me crazy, but I don't consider more money in my pocket at the end of the year to be persecution and torture. I'm not a corporation, so it's not corporate greed nor do I consider the government taking less of my money to be personal greed. I earned my money, I deserve to keep it, especially considering we still enjoy public healthcare, social security and a federal pension plan. Can they say the same in the United States?

You are a blind Neo-Con apologist - blind to the destructive effects of Neo-Con policy. If you haven't acknowledged them yet, after 8 years of Bush insanity, you NEVER WILL.

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Look at the amount of economic, social and foreign damage caused by Neo-Con policy running rampant for 8 years. There's theory (or Republican dogma), and there's PRACTICE. The Republican dogma, when applied, causes massive economic damage, severe social problems and 1000's upon 1000's of foreign civilian deaths. War, persecution and greed.

Neo-Conservatism gets a D- in theory, and an F in practice.

Interesting... Joseph Stalin was a socialist, he killed, in some estimates, 15 million of his own people before WW2 started in his purges, he later invaded finland on his own. He grabbed scores of people and forced them to move to newly built cities, wholly inadequate for them, around mines and factories, sounds like social problems to me.

I dont think its so much left or right as it is right or wrong. the socialist dogma didnt help the coutries of eastern Europe and led to rebellion and revolution in many countries there. I think the problem is more in the system itself, political leaders promise one thing at election time but when elected to a majority there is neither a process to hold them accoutable for what they promised to do nor is there a method to immediately bounce a government that has lost confidence of the actual people, due to policies that the majority doesnt want, not just his followers (aka party members) in parliment.

Since your thread was about comparing Harper to Bush... what massive economic damage did Harper cause? what 1000's upon 1000's of foreign civilian deaths did he cause?

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George Bush doesn't write Canadian policy nor would I have voted for him if he could, what's your point?

Ya know. There is this New Yawk Times op-ed piece that just will not go away. What was it about exactly? How to clean chiffon? Deep frying octopus? House values in Plesantville?

OO. OO. I know.

Invade Iraq. Yes. Ha ha. Invade Iraq.

That was it.

Do I get a prize?

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Stephen Harper is just like George Bush, you blind right-wing morons/maniacs.

Just like Bush, Harper fully approves of Tasers. Tasers keep the masses petrified and under strict control. Strong Taser approval makes the Taser corporation, Taser Inc. powerful and unstoppable. Harper loves that.

Just like Bush, Harper loves unlmited corporate greed. Gas gouging ? Harper will easily tolerate it. Anything which empowers corporations and allows them to dominate society, Harper supports. Unrestricted corporate power is allowed by Harper.

Just like Bush, Harper loves preemptive wars and an aggressive foreign policy. On Iraq, Harper said, "I think we should work closely with the Americans." If Harper had a majority, Canada would be taking part in the illegal, immoral, unnecessary and unilateral smashing of Iraq. Harper is a blind, faithful lapdog of the disastrously destructive American Neo-Conservative movement. All wars launched by Republican administrations are to be unquestionably supported by Canada, according to blind Bush-Bot Harper. 100,000 dead civilians and 5000 dead soldiers are easily tolerated by Harper.

Just like Bush, Harper fully approves of corporations raping and wrecking the earth for unlimited profit. "Kyoto is essentially a socialist scheme to suck money out of wealth-producing nations", said the blindly pro-Republican corporatist Harper in 2002. If digging up and destroying the entire northern half of Alberta makes Cheney & Bush happy, and makes the oil industry executive a billionaire, then Harper is ALL FOR IT. He'll sleep very soundly, smiling in glee, because he has rightfully served the interests of unlimited corporate greed.

Just like Bush, Harper hates weed. His team of hypocritical, morally Fascist, oblivious maniacs just promised hundreds of millions of dollars to tobacco farmers, while at the same time putting forth bill C-26. Bill C-26 imposes a minimum sentence of 6 months in prison for any Canadian who grows as little as ONE marijuana plant.

Just like Bush, Harper despises media access and media probes into his policies. But also just like Bush, he'll have the public duped by a purely cosmetic and superficial image makeover into thinking that he's a moderate, reasonable, approachable, accessible, "compassionate" Neo-Conservative.

Canadians should simply vote ABC : Anything But Conservative. Vote Liberal, Vote NDP, vote Green, vote Libertarian. But make sure you vote, to stop the prospective wave of Neo-Conservatism from destroying Canada. Under Harper, Canada will effectively function and exist as the 51st state under Republican rule.

Remember, Harper has NEVER criticized or opposed any policy or action of the Bush administration. Bush is Harper's hero, and the Republicans FULLY support Harper.

After witnessing the devastation caused by 8 years of Neo-Conservative Bush administration policy, do you really want those policies to be applied coast to coast in Canada ? If not, then simply vote ABC : Anything But Conservative.

A vote for Harper is a vote for Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Limbaugh and McCain. The Neo-Conservatives are comprised of a clan of hardline, authoritarian, ruthless, blind, dogmatic, oblivious maniacs whose applied policies always deliver war, persecution, torture and unlimited corporate greed.

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Clearly Joe is infatuated with George Bush. It seems that the Left that always plays the anti-american card, doesn't have a real issue to hammer the Conservatives with. As usual they can run against an unpopular FORIEGN leader, like that has something to do with the price of rice in China. One thing for sure, nobody is going to compare Dion with any Leader, foriegn or domestic.

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Well i for one support Stephen Harper...This Country has been to soft on crime including young offenders who literally get away with murder we need to be more like Texas!! commit a serious crime down there and see what happens to ya!! and the military hasn t been given decent equipment under the Liberals for way too long and its time for a full pledged Tory Goverment! In a world full of terrorists trying to destroy the west and a crime rate going through the roof there is no place for a Liberal Goverment!!...With any luck Harper will scrap the idiotic gun registry..under the Libs the only people who should have a gun is the bad guys...taking guns from responible gun owners makes no sense...its time to make this country strong Militarily..Justice System..and for gods sake change the stupid gun control laws they don t work

anyway, Toronto is proof of that!!... let decent people arm themselves that alone will reduce crime, would you do a home invasion when you know most of the community is armed??.... probably not!


Edited by wulf42
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