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  1. I don't argue for the extremist radical socialist Chavez, I argue for him to move to center-left Scandinavian sanity. Norway could teach him about nationalizing HALF the oil industry but no more. Each Norwegian has an $80,000 account, and semi-socialism hasn't wrecked their economy. Same basic positive/stable effect for the Danes, the Swedes and the Finns (who outranked the US WRT economic competitiveness rankings most of the last several years - while providing welfare state basics) as well as the Dutch, the Germans, the Swiss, the French, etc. I'd also never argue for the Bush-Brained extremists either, if I happened to be on the right. Like I said before, the moderate center-right Scandinavian conservatives are much more sane, pragmatic, and would do far less damage than the right-wing extremists. Joe Clark vs. Bush, Rove, Cheney, Limbaugh and Rumsfeld. The rational choice is clear - a moderate, not an extremist.
  2. http://www.rd.com/your-america-inspiring-p...ticle45734.html http://www.vexen.co.uk/countries/scandinavia.html http://www.progressive-economics.ca/2007/0...in-scandinavia/ http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/ Some people judge their socio-economics solely based on GDP whollop, without recognizing that in the US the increases in wealth have been mainly for the top 10% of wealth earners under Bush economics. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn41...27/ai_n18635811 In the 1.5 years since that was written, it's gotten even worse. http://www.thenation.com/blogs/edcut?pid=24486 Under Bush, the corporate & military elites greatly benefit. The poor and middle class are smashed. The Neo-Cons believed faithfully in their extreme theory, but still fail to observe empirical reality. They have wrecked the economy for everyone poor and middle class.
  3. The US has quaduple the poverty rates, a lower life expectancy, a much higher homicide rate, the highest incarceration rate on earth, a much higher infant mortality rate, much more personal bankruptcies (due to medical expenses), epic homelessness, vast foreclosures, greater foreign held debt, lower education results/standards and many other manifestations of an inferior socio-economic result. And all to serve the military & corporate elite. Shame.
  4. Your approach grows the opposition by fueling their emotive impetus via aggressive Fascist polarity, occupation, mayhem and mass killing. And you are willfully blind, deaf and dumb about it. Oblivious Neo-Con in destructive mode. That's because your dogma has rendered you incapable of seeing rational 3rd alternatives.
  5. You are stuck in 1950's oil baron regressivity. And you dismissed Eisenhower's warning of the growing military-industrial complex. You are anti-life, anti-liberty, anti-freedom, inhumane, and repressive of empirical reality. A typical neo-con chickenhawk warmonger, locked into his far-right authoritarian dogma. A Neo-Fascist : grow the gov't connected corporations, grow the military, start preemptive wars, target the demonized foreign population, and use nationalism and faith as spiritual fuel. Much like Hitler. The US poor are far greater in (per capita) number and severity than the Scandinavian poor.
  6. Bush & Cheney are blind to the facts on the ground. The Euro has been strong over the last few years. It's not coincidence that in the western developed democratic 1st world, the country with the farthest right-wing authoritarian economic policies had induced a market atmosphere prone to crisis and collapse - helping the CEOs (Lehman Brothers CEO got a 22 million dollar bonus cheque recently and declared the market instability over. What an idiot), while decimating the poor and middle class.
  7. Don't forget about lethality. Alcohol and tobacco are extremely lethal (AND about as addictive as heroin/crack), the statistics prove it. 100,000+ deaths / yr. in North America as a direct result. But if you criminalize the production & distribution of alcohol & tobacco, you do not significantly reduce the use, but instead drive the entire industry into the underground abyss. The authoritarian method of banishment is certainly not the answer. Freedom, Liberty and education IS. That's why tobacco use in Canada has plumetted over the last couple of decades. Ban tobacco, and you do NOTHING to help society.
  8. But is the prohibition and hyper-criminalization of the more addictive and lethal illicit substances really the only road ? You simply empower organized crime takeover of the production and distribution of the toxic opiates, and then wreck the lives of the misled opiate addict by harshly criminalizing him. He becomes impoverished/incarcerated, prone to using dirty needles and infections. The 3 primary benefactors are the prison industry, organized crime kingpins and the DEA police state. By giving the distribution of the more lethal and addictive drugs (heroin, opium) to licensed doctors, and strongly regulating/limiting the production with sanctioned farms, you disempower the prison industry, organized crime leaders and police state Fascism. With progressive medical treatments (above and beyond methodone), the person can be saved. The war on drugs CAUSES more social and economic problems than it solves. The US prohibitionist model proves it. As for UNREFINED coca leaves, they are about as addictive as caffeine, and similarly, are relatively non-lethal. It's driving the production/distribution underground via prohibition which creates incentive for devising the most concentrated and synthetic form.
  9. Partly due to Diebold/Premier E-Vote rigging the Bush vote, and the corporate media conglomerate which has facilitated the Neo-Con/Neo-Lib monopoly. The Scandinavian center-left view is not allowed in a Neo-Fascist society which is driven by war, persecution, torture and exponential corporate greed. IOW, the only way your side wins is by fraud and fascism.
  10. Harper's Bush style economic policies (growing the corporations and military at the expense of the general public) has stagnated the Canadian economy. Like Bush, like Harper. Blind, rampaging Neo-Con maniacs/morons.
  11. bush-cheney, you refuse to see the disastrous effects of applied Neo-Con economic, social and foreign policies. You fail to identify where Europe and Scandinavian policies are more moderate, pragmatic and less harmful. You are blind to reality, as are ALL Neo-Cons. The Republican cult and Neo-Con dogma has rendered you an oblivious ignoramus. The Danish cartoon was an intentional attempt at islamo-fascist provocation by a right-wing rag. It's christo-fascism vs. the islamists. And stop copying and pasting the WW2 defense, we are talking about US policy since the 1950's. The anti-Hitler concensus was justified, as is the anti-Bush concensus today. Both are military-corporate dogmatists. Calculate the number of innocent islamic/arabic/middle eastern civilians killed as a result of bush-cheney foreign policy when his brutally destructive term is over. It won't be in the millions, but it will be in the 100,000+ realm. You lose.
  12. You are an insane, oblivious ignoramus. Europe and Scandinavia have not had the US style collapse. US child poverty is over 20%, in Denmark, it's 5%. But growing the military-industrial-prison complex is a Republican priority, and the general populace is to be sacrificed for this end.
  13. No, I never said that, so stop lying like a Bush-Bot. Look at them and Holland compared to the US, overall, they are far less prohibitionist. The US has the highest incarceration rate on earth, due to hyper-criminalization. What you dumb neo-cons can learn by studying Euro-Scandinavian policies (social, foreign and economic) is more than your pea-brains in a straw can handle.
  14. bush-cheney, you refuse to see the disastrous effects of applied Neo-Con economic, social and foreign policies. You fail to identify where Europe and Scandinavian policies are more moderate, pragmatic and less harmful. You are blind to reality, as are ALL Neo-Cons. The Republican cult and Neo-Con dogma has rendered you an oblivious ignoramus.
  15. bush-cheney, you refuse to see the disastrous effects of applied Neo-Con economic, social and foreign policies. You fail to identify where Europe and Scandinavian policies are more moderate, pragmatic and less harmful. You are blind to reality, as are ALL Neo-Cons. The Republican cult and Neo-Con dogma has rendered you an oblivious ignoramus. The Danish cartoon was an intentional attempt at islamo-fascist provocation by a right-wing rag. It's christo-fascism vs. the islamists. And stop copying and pasting the WW2 defense, we are talking about US policy since the 1950's. The anti-Hitler concensus was justified, as is the anti-Bush concensus today. Both are military-corporate dogmatists. Calculate the number of innocent islamic/arabic/middle eastern civilians killed as a result of bush-cheney foreign policy when his brutally destructive term is over. It won't be in the millions, but it will be in the 100,000+ realm. You lose.
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