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McCain picks woman for VP slot

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Jesus didn't run anything. I don't think he knew a thing about national security and I'm pretty sure he was wishes he didn't tell his people to surrender their arms at the end.

Jesus was not a "community organizer". He did not run for any political office. And he advocated voluntary charity, not forced redistribution. In short, he wasnt a politician of any stripe.

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He rules the world, didn't care about security when he was down here, and instructed his followers to turn the other cheek.

One can be a martyr and turn the other cheek when one himself is in danger, but should one visit that on others? If a criminal breaks into your house and begins to assault your family will you peacefully continue surfing the net, whilst this goes on?

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I think he was the very definition of. However, I can see why Republicans would say he wasn't.

Then you are pigeonholing Jesus! I would not call him a Republican either. You "thinking" he was "the very definition" of is a pretty lame argument Dobbin. That's not to say that Community Organizing is not a good thing, or not an honorable thing.

Edited by jefferiah
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Then you are pigeonholing Jesus! I would not call him a Republican either. You "thinking" he was "the very definition" of is a pretty lame argument Dobbin.

I wouldn't say I am pigeonholing him at all. The evangelical movement for years as said that Jesus was not just a religious leader or a political leader (he was regarded as both even in Roman times) but as a community organizer as well. The "What would Jesus do?" campaign has been aimed at not just evangelizing but to make changes in the community, to organize, to do.

Many people believe Jesus was all those thing ascribed: Religious leader, son of God, political leader and community organizer.

I have no idea why the Republicans would criticize a community organizer. Weren't they the ones that promoted a thousand points of light? Who do they think those thousand points of light were? Governors? Last time I checked there were only 50 of those.

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....I have no idea why the Republicans would criticize a community organizer. Weren't they the ones that promoted a thousand points of light? Who do they think those thousand points of light were? Governors? Last time I checked there were only 50 of those.

The issue was born when one of those points of light decided he was brighter than all the others....just like Jesus.

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Jesus was a "community organizer" and Pontius Pilate was a Governor :P
I saw that phrase on a US lefitist web site today.

How clueless are American Leftists?

First, Americans are choosing a president, not a messiah. Jesus, according to you, may have been a "community organizer" but he was also the Son of God - not a president.

Second, do you leftists understand how derogatory the term "community organizer" is in the broader world?

Third, do you Obamaniacs understand how most people view your elevation of Obama to God-like status? Oprah Winfrey may have the money to make Obama a God but that doesn't mean he is one.


CANADIEN, if American Leftists turn "Jesus was a "community organizer" and Pontius Pilate was a Governor" into a slogan and a bumper sticker, more power to them. They'll just advertise how clueless they are.

As I have said before, Obama is McGovern with the black vote. Obama is the Bob Rae of American politics.

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I didn't renew my subscription to the National Inquirer, so please catch me up... Is any person with an actual connection to any of the parties claiming that this person's divorce was because of Sarah Palin? Or is it just out there to sell some papers in grocery-store check-out lines to people who are tired of reading about Bat Boy?

I expect that the media will treat this like plutonium until they've got a smoking gun (or stained dress, or whatever the appropriate Clinton-era metaphor was). The media has been very defensive of their coverage this past week, and I suspect they'll be shy about jumping on another DailyKos or National Inquirer rumour until they're sure. Or maybe not. I dunno. Do you think they learned anything, or do you think people will once again be calling for DNA tests of Trig Palin, this time to prove paternity instead of maternity? I wonder.


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Many people believe Jesus was all those thing ascribed: Religious leader, son of God, political leader and community organizer.

I have no idea why the Republicans would criticize a community organizer. Weren't they the ones that promoted a thousand points of light?

Oh, well then, I would say that you and "many people" and the evangelical movement are pigeonholing Jesus. Palin was simply responding to the charge that being mayor of a small town means absolutely nothing. She was not overly mean about it, she simply said well if a mayor and governor does not have executive political experience, what about the guy at the top of your ticket? You can dish it out but you cant take it. Her criticism was infinitely more light-hearted than the ones aimed at her over the past week. It seems to me that the Obama camp has serious problems with anyone who takes a few notches out of your messiah and makes us laugh about him a little.

If it's fair game to say that because Jesus did try to help people out that he is in some ways like a community organizer, then it is also fair to say that he is like other people who try to help. I think Sarah Palin definitely tried to help out her small town in Alaska. If it is fair to call Jesus a "community organizer" because he tried to help people (when such a term did not exist), then it is fair to say that Palin is one as well.

So it seems now that the left thinks it has established some feeble link between Jesus and Obama, Jesus is now worthy of being mentioned by a group of people who generally abhore any mention of him in the public forum. "If Jesus could somehow, by some strange twist of imagination, be a community organizer," so the logic of the left says, "perhaps he is not a bad guy, maybe almost as great as Obama."

Edited by jefferiah
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Jesus didn't run anything. I don't think he knew a thing about national security and I'm pretty sure he was wishes he didn't tell his people to surrender their arms at the end.

This is a really funny comment. It shows how when you can't win one argument you simply take another position and try to win it from the opposite side. A week ago, it was your camp complaining Palin has no "executive" experience. So it certainly mattered to you then. Now when she points out she has just as much (and more) as Obama, you are saying well executive experience doesnt matter, Jesus didnt have any.

One week you might say Sarah Palin needs a haircut, and if she cuts it next week, you will say she should grow her hair out.

And might I add that Jesus also said that there is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends. One could easily make the argument that John McCain (the guy at the top of the ticket) has come closer to that ideal. :)

So for your sake and mine, why don't we just leave the Messiah comparisons out of it, huh.

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A hockey mom is more fierce than a pit bull. So, those of you who pay attention to hockey parent violence...

Has she assaulted a parent from the other team? A referee? A coach? Has she (Madam the mayor) ever driven her kids to a hockey game?

How many games has she really been there for? Come on now...

A hockey mom. And a mayor.

Yeah right. So, Sarah, what exactly does off-side mean?

LOL. Another Yankee poser.

She calls herself "a hockey mom": family-focused with the same hopes and fears as ordinary folk.

Another hockey mom is Sheree Hugli who, with her husband William Schulz, has been running a food stall at the state fair for more than 20 years. They enjoyed school sports events with the Palin family.

"She's always either in the score-keeper's box or at the spirit table selling sweatshirts," says Mrs Hugli of Mrs Palin. "She shows a lot of team spirit and enthusiasm."

BBC: Alaska... it's a little different.


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I wouldn't say I am pigeonholing him at all. The evangelical movement for years as said that Jesus was not just a religious leader or a political leader (he was regarded as both even in Roman times) but as a community organizer as well.

I didn't know you held such esteem for the opinions of the evangelical movement. I am learning alot this week. Kind of like the feminists you see on TV of late citing Dr. Laura as one more reason Sarah Palin should stay home with the kids. :lol: Looks like Sarah Palin is already shaking things up!

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For those salivating over the possibility of Palin being involved in affair:

The ex-wife of the man rumored to have had an affair with Republican vice presidential pick Sarah Palin tells Usmagazine.com the hearsay is "absolutely, completely false."

"I can tell you this with 1000 percent certainty, Sarah Palin never had an affair," said Debbie Richter when reached Friday afternoon.


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Barbara Amiel (Lady Black of Crossharbour) on Plain Palin:

The glummest face Wednesday night might have been, if only we could have seen it, that of Hillary Clinton.

Imagine watching Sarah Palin, the gun-toting, lifelong member of the NRA, the PTA mom with teased hair and hips half the size of Hillary's, who went ... omigod ... to the University of Idaho and studied journalism.


American feminists have always had a tough sell to make. To the rest of the world, no females on earth have ever had it as easy as middle-class American women. Cosseted, surrounded by labor-saving devices, easily available contraception and supermarkets groaning with food, their complaints have always seemed to have no relationship to reality.


Sarah Palin has put the flim-flam nature of America feminism sharply into focus, revealing the not-so-secret hypocrisy of its code and, whatever her future, this alone is an accomplishment. As she emerged into the nation's consciousness, a shudder went through the feminist left—a political movement not restricted to females. She is a mother refusing to stay at home (good) who had made a success out in the workplace (excellent) whose marriage nevertheless is a rip-roaring success and whose views are unspeakable—those of a red-blooded, right-wing principled pragmatist.


Go to Bread n Roses and see how these so-called "feminists" defend another woman. So much for "solidarity".

In all things, whether women or men, left or right, I prefer choice and the freedom to choose to "solidarity". If Sarah Palin chooses her way, then so be it. Should we all be "solidaire"? Should we all be "bi-partisan"?

Any society that restricts choice makes some of its members poorer. A society should only restrict choice after careful thought.

With all that said, Amiel's column is really about a woman's life in politics. Margaret Thatcher, Catherine of Aragon, Catherine the Great or Catherine de Medici (Catherines are not so rare) would probably agree:

Mrs. Thatcher would have recognized the guns aimed at Sarah Palin as the weapons of the left with feminist trigger-pullers. She also would have known that Mrs. Palin has less to fear from East-Coast intellectual snobs in egalitarian America than she had to fear from her own Tory base in class-prejudiced Britain. She would have told her to stand her ground and do her homework. Read your briefs, choose advisers with care, and, as she once said to me, my arm in her grip and her eyes fixed firmly on mine, "Just be yourself, don't ever give in and they can't harm you."
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Feminists telling women (well one woman in particular) to stay in the kitchen. Leftists all of a sudden talking about Jesus (because they think they can use him to endorse Barry).

I think it's safe to say, no matter who wins this election, one week of Sarah Palin brings more change than 4 years of Barack Obama ever could.

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As I said before. Did I really need to label my posting *BAD JOKE*? Frankly...

Point taken Canadien. I only realized that after posting that rebuttal to you, but then JDobbin seemed quite taken with the connection.

May I also say, I think you gave some pretty good constructive criticism on how Palin could have made her point without belittling a specific profession.

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Barbara Amiel (Lady Black of Crossharbour) on Plain Palin:


Go to Bread n Roses and see how these so-called "feminists" defend another woman. So much for "solidarity".

In all things, whether women or men, left or right, I prefer choice and the freedom to choose to "solidarity". If Sarah Palin chooses her way, then so be it. Should we all be "solidaire"? Should we all be "bi-partisan"?

Any society that restricts choice makes some of its members poorer. A society should only restrict choice after careful thought.

With all that said, Amiel's column is really about a woman's life in politics. Margaret Thatcher, Catherine of Aragon, Catherine the Great or Catherine de Medici (Catherines are not so rare) would probably agree:

And we won't talk about the hypocrisy of the social conservatives saying that women should stay at home, unless of course they are social conservative politicians.

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Guest American Woman
QUOTE=American Woman: That being said, I think there's something to the National Enquirer story. I would have never said that before the Edward's affair, but they sure got that one right. Surprised me that they did.

You got to be kidding. The majority of stories they publish are fiction and/or unsupported hearsay and the editors know it. They got the Edwards one right but that does not mean the other stories have any more credibility.

I should have said "I think there might be something to the National Enquirer story," so I should have proof read that post and made the correction. And I said that for two reasons:

1) I think there might be. As I said, they got the Edward's affair story right and it wasn't "unsupported." They kept at it until they had evidence he felt he couldn't deny. So they don't just sit in an office and make stuff up, they take 'investigative' measures too. So I think there might be something to this claim. It's not as if they've accused every politician of having an affair. Not by a long shot.

2) I was curious how many Palin supporters would point out what kind of news outlet the National Enquirer is known to be after the condemnation of Edwards, or the complete silence as others went on about his guilt, based soley on the National Enquirer.

Now here's my question. If there is something to this affair, does that automatically make Trig his baby? Because there's not a lot of defense for Edwards against that claim either. <_<

As for myself, I couldn't care less what Palin did in her private life.* It's her wanting to stick her nose in other people's private life that concerns me.

*It sure would be funny to see the Christian Conservatives dismiss her affair as "life happens, leave her private life alone" though. :P The "it's the parent's fault when a teen gets pregnant" when it was Jamie Spears turning into "life happen" when it was Bristol Palin is just too typical of that totally and completely hypocritical crowd.

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