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Immigration being made easier

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You must pray, my friend...

Pray that God forgives your hatred and ignorance.

Pray that He teaches you humility and love for your neighbour.

Pray that He opens your eyes and doesn't let you die stupid.


Sure prayer goes along way, but I can assure you I can find enough guidance in the good book to beat you to a pulp with a bat and not lose any sleep over it ;) Obviously the various police forces and courts would have issue with me doing this but as for God, not to concerned pal :ph34r:

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Sure prayer goes along way, but I can assure you I can find enough guidance in the good book to beat you to a pulp with a bat and not lose any sleep over it ;) Obviously the various police forces and courts would have issue with me doing this but as for God, not to concerned pal :ph34r:

Is that a threat?

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Here's another thing you'll find interesting. Low income, uneducated families, on average have MORE children than higher income and educated families. Why? It's hard to say, but it's certainly not because the lower income family somehow has more money to raise a child with. It's likely just a phenomenon of the educated western world. It probably has a lot to do with the focus on individual achievement in Canada/US/Europe as opposed to the focus on family and social achievements in Asia and elsewhere in the World.

You don't have to travel that far to illustrate this. Right here in Canada there are enclaves, for lack of a better word. They are called reserves and the people who live there are called Indians. Technically they are not Canadians, nor are the reserves Canadian territory. Ever since the Indian Act was first introduced, the status of "Indian" is seen as something in transition from savage to fully-fledged citizen. In other words, these people are minors, not entirely of age, politically speaking. Whether or not we realize it, this is still the unspoken view which has not changed very much for a couple of centuries. One way to grow up and stop being an Indian is to get educated and move off the reserve. Another is to marry a non-Indian. Yet another is to have a baby, then another, then another, because the government will give this person a house outside the reserve - in Canada proper. How's that for immigration being made easier? And contributing to population growth to boot :(

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Ok, What does this have to do with the Conservatives Giving away what little in the way of Full Time Employment opportunites there are to foreigners on Work Permits? The Conservatives have enabled Employers to bypass Canadian Job Seekers to fill Employment openings at their company. Often these employers only have to quickly advertise a position then immediately claim they can't find the skillset within Canada and then they are able to recruit abroad. Once these newly recruited workers are here in Canada the Conservatives have rolled out the red Carpet to granting these individuals permanent resident status which enables them to have a vote on who is elected to government. The Conservatives are crapping on Canadians and those immigrants who came to Canada through legitimate channels.

Canada's unemployment is 6%. 6% of 34 million is 2 million people looking for work. Canada created 100 hundred thousand jobs in September (mostly partime dishwasher/restraunt jobs - if you can call those jobs). That leaves 1.9 million people still looking for work. So Why are the conservative giving away Canadian opportunities to Foreigners?

Not only are the Conservatives Giving away Canadian jobs they are now giving 25 Billion dollars to the Banks to buyup all their subprime mortgages. These are mortgages made to immigrants and those with iffy credit who will default on their mortgage should they lose their job. So not only are the Conservative Giving away your jobs they are giving away your hard payed tax dollars to these so called economic migrants.

My premise from the start is to protest the Governor Generals office, The Queen's Address in England, and the International Court to make them aware of the Evil being wrought on Canada by the Political and Bureacratic Trash of Canada.

The trash have prostituted Canada to the world for what exactly I do not know. As a god loving man I suggest these trash heed God's words very closely because I am sure God will revisit their iniquity upon them in his own time. These trough eatings politician and bureacrats know not what they have done nor do they have any regard for what they have done to Canada. I will say Canada is the land of the devils.


10 And now, O our God, what shall we say after this? for we have forsaken thy commandments.

11 Which thou has commanded by the servants the prophets, saying, The land, unto which ye go to possess it, is an unclean land with the filthiness of the people of the lands, with their abominations, which have filled it from one end to another with their uncleanness.

12 Now therefore give not your daughters unto their sons, neither take their daughters unto their sons, neither take their daughters unto your sons, nor seek their peace or their wealth forever: that ye may be strong, and eat the good of the land, and leave it for an inheritance to your children forever.

You want to spit on God, take heed and do so at your own immortal peril :angry: Filthy trash is what filthy trash does.

My my ... what ever happened to 'turn the other cheek'. Tsk tsk. Such unattractive ranting ... and proselytizing too! Oh gmab! 'Canada is the land of the devils' eh? And it's all the fault on non-white immigrants?

:lol: Well .... I guess you see what you want to see when you look through racist glasses! :rolleyes:

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My my ... what ever happened to 'turn the other cheek'. Tsk tsk. Such unattractive ranting ... and proselytizing too! Oh gmab! 'Canada is the land of the devils' eh? And it's all the fault on non-white immigrants?

:lol: Well .... I guess you see what you want to see when you look through racist glasses! :rolleyes:

Haha that made me laugh.

Tango it actually feels nice to agree with you on this when I normally disagree with you on everything else.

Whowhere just put a bed sheet on your head and cut eye-slits already. Get it over with. While you're at it move to Texas. We don't need people like you here. I'd prefer to work with the immigrants you hate over yourself.

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Haha that made me laugh.

Tango it actually feels nice to agree with you on this when I normally disagree with you on everything else.

Whowhere just put a bed sheet on your head and cut eye-slits already. Get it over with. While you're at it move to Texas. We don't need people like you here. I'd prefer to work with the immigrants you hate over yourself.

Actually, I don't hate refuges or those who came to came to Canada through legitimate channels. Those immigrants make up a very small percentage. The immigrants we get now are economic migrants, country reject losers who couldn't make it wherever they came so they come here and drive down wages and living standards. Who I hate is the filthy Boomer white trash ;) Who have prostituted Canada for their own gain and driven Canada into cultural immolation. I don't have the luxury of going to back to a country I came from otherwise I would leave this cultural shithole.

The fact is I am painfully honest with myself. I am both college educated and I am widely read on alot of philosophical, religious, and other books out there. Because of this, I have my perspective.

Turn the Other Cheek? Who said that? Oh Jesus?

Fact Jesus Never wrote anything down. So who is to say he said any of those things?

Fact The New Testament is written in Greek. If it were legitimate it would have been written in Hebrew. The story of Jesus is a striking parallel to Greek Mythology

Fact Christianity took 300 hundreds years to pick up steam into a religious force. That gave religious revisionists plenty of time to construct a new testment to their ideas.

And of Course,

Deuternomy 13

1: If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth there a sign or a wonder,

2: And the sign or the wonder comes to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after othe gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;

3: Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the Lord your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

4: Ye shall walk after the Lord your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.

5: And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the lord you God, which brough you of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage to thrust thee out to the way which the Lord thy God Commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put evil away from the midst of thee.

Think what you want and how you want. There is enough in the Good book to rationalize any action. Any of my actions I do is the name of. :ph34r: Is this a threat towards any one person, not at all. Because in simple terms, I do not care about you and what you say means crap in the bigger scheme of things.

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As I said in-depth in another post of yours, yesterday's immigrants were not mythical angels - some worked hard, and others didn't, some kept their noses clean, and others turned to crime. Some integrated, some didn't bother to learn English.

If you didn't work hard back then you starved. There was no welfare, no pogey. You worked to support your family or went back where you came from.

The belief that immigrants of old were fundamentally different than immigrants of today in terms of integration and work ethic is nothing more than a myth.

They were fundamentally different. The people coming to Canada fifty and seventy years ago were all White Christians from European cultures which had at least a passing similarity to what existed in Canada at the time. Today's immigrants are largely non-White and non-Christian, and are coming from cultures which are considerably more backward than ours in terms of social awareness and advancement.

I don't think, for example, that Ukrainian parents looked with horror at Canadian youth, considering the young men godless and the young women sluts, and insisted their own children have nothing to do with them. I don't think Ukrainian parents brought their young people back home to Ukraine to find mates so the next generation could be raised as proper Ukrainians.

Somehow you believe that modern immigrants, despite the vast gulf between their culture and ours, will adapt in the same manner as those Ukrainians and Italians of bygone days. I don't.

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Haha that made me laugh.

Tango it actually feels nice to agree with you on this when I normally disagree with you on everything else.

Whowhere just put a bed sheet on your head and cut eye-slits already. Get it over with. While you're at it move to Texas. We don't need people like you here. I'd prefer to work with the immigrants you hate over yourself.

Is it your contention that anyone who is uncomfortable with a flood of foreign immigrants coming into Canada and changing its culture and values is a racist?

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Is it your contention that anyone who is uncomfortable with a flood of foreign immigrants coming into Canada and changing its culture and values is a racist?

Seems to be the formula used in a liberal multicultural society. The host nation = sh*t. Incoming iconoclastic cultures = wonderful. Good old Pat Condell often sums it up best. The lefties HATE him...so he must be onto something. :lol:



All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.

---Thomas Paine

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Seems to be the formula used in a liberal multicultural society. The host nation = sh*t. Incoming iconoclastic cultures = wonderful. Good old Pat Condell often sums it up best. The lefties HATE him...so he must be onto something. :lol:


Thanks for the link, until this moring I had no idea who Pat Condell was. I'm surprised to hear you say that the "lefties" hate him. Why??? To me he sounds as progressively left as anyone could wish for. But maybe I'm so naive that I underestimate the rightness of these lefties :blink: Or maybe intelligent reasoning is just so insulting to some people that they don't even care what's being said?

Liberal multicultural society... Makes me want to re-read Allan Bloom's "The Closing of the American Mind." And it's best done if you know nothing about Allan Bloom and the political philosophy he is alleged to represent, just read the book for what it is.

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I'm surprised to hear you say that the "lefties" hate him. Why???

His open critisim of the religion of Islam (and all other religions). Check his comment/feedback section...


He tends to have the same effect as Mark Steyn on the lefties, in my opinion.


Hi, I'm Pat Condell . I don't repect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended. Cheers.

---Pat Condell

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His open critisim of the religion of Islam (and all other religions). Check his comment/feedback section...

It's his curse that he's a white guy with an educated British accent. Now, imagine the same criticism levelled by a woman who has freed herself from Islam. :ph34r: ----> :angry: Then those same words would be hailed as courageous, progressive, inspirational, as well they should be. Why do people pay so much attention to persons and not to their words and ideas?

I must have slept through the part where the Left became a stronghold of religion(s). When did this happen?

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I got that aricle out the community paper. Your ancestor came to Canada the honorable way...
Gee, thanks for the compliment. I doubt any of my ancestors ever came to Canada, and I myself can barely find Canada on the map.
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Dr V: I must have slept through the part where the Left became a stronghold of religion(s). When did this happen?

Around September 11th, 2001 give 'er take. Before that the words 'moderate' and 'Muslim' were never found together.



Any government that supports, protects or harbours terrorists is complicit in the murder of the innocent and equally guilty of terrorist crimes.

---George W. Bush

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Seems to be the formula used in a liberal multicultural society. The host nation = sh*t. Incoming iconoclastic cultures = wonderful. Good old Pat Condell often sums it up best. The lefties HATE him...so he must be onto something. :lol:



All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.

---Thomas Paine

Like it or not but both the European race and the Christian religion are already minorities in the big cities.

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Around September 11th, 2001 give 'er take. Before that the words 'moderate' and 'Muslim' were never found together.


I see your point. And yet these moderate Muslims not only exist (thankfully in reality, not just in the imagination of the Lefties :rolleyes: ), but they are our strongest allies against the extremist Muslims. This is not wishful thinking on my part but a conclusion drawn from talking to people as people, not as Muslims.

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Actually, I don't hate refuges or those who came to came to Canada through legitimate channels. Those immigrants make up a very small percentage. The immigrants we get now are economic migrants, country reject losers who couldn't make it wherever they came so they come here and drive down wages and living standards.

"Economic class" immigrants are those who come with enough money to set up business to give others jobs.

Who I hate is the filthy Boomer white trash ;) Who have prostituted Canada for their own gain and driven Canada into cultural immolation. I don't have the luxury of going to back to a country I came from otherwise I would leave this cultural shithole.

pity <_<

Because in simple terms, I do not care about you and what you say means crap in the bigger scheme of things.

likewise. :P

(Good grief! When will these dinosaurs depart! :lol: )

So what's really at the root of this tirade? What have 'they' done to you?

You seem to have a real personal beef or grief going on. Maybe you should deal with that instead of taking it out on 'the immigrants'?

Edited by tango
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"Economic class" immigrants are those who come with enough money to set up business to give others jobs.

Well... that's the theory anyway. In point of fact there is no such thing as an "economic class". There are three classes you are probably thinking of. One is the independent or "skilled" class. The problem with this class of immigrants is that the department seems notoriously bad at predicting what jobs are in demand, and even worse at what qualifications are likely to land a "skilled" immigrant one of those jobs. It is especially bad at recognizing the value of communication skills in English (or French). No matter how educated you are you are unlikely to get a job in your profession in Canada if you are not highly capable in the local language.

The second category is the Entrepreneur (self employed) class. Theoretically, you're coming to build a business in Canada (although there is no requirement that you employ anyone). But the minimum amount you need to invest is only $300,000, which isn't even enough to pay for a nice house in Toronto or Vancouver - where most immigrants land. The third class is the Investor class, but the minimum you need to invest is only $400,000, and you can borrow most of it if you choose, and the money only has to be in a government approved investment for 5 years. Then you can sell it and buy your house and do whatever you want.

All three categories are rife with fraud and have huge loopholes people have used to basically purchase a Canadian passport. We saw a lot of this from the Hong Kong Chinese. There are literally hundreds of thousands of them with Canadian passports sitting in their desks and safes while they continue to work and live in Hong Kong, held "just in case" they need them.

So what's really at the root of this tirade? What have 'they' done to you?

This wasn't directed at me, but I'll answer anyway. I am indignant at the fact that every time I see a media report of a slum here it's filled with non-white faces. I lived for over a decade within a block of Ottawa's worst public housing slum, filled with refugees and immigrants. For that matter, the middle class rental housing I was in was filled with refugees and immigrants. I didn't like what I saw. I didn't like the crime. I didn't like the vandalism and rudeness. I didn't like going to work on the midnight shift while they hung around partying on the welfare money I was feeding them. Now I know there are lazy Canadians on welfare. But I see absolutely no reason why we should be bringing over more lazy people to join them.

I'm in favour of bringing over immigrants who work and obey the laws and fit in - as we need them - where we need them - and not in massive numbers just to please ethnic groups or left wing activists. The demographic data suggests we are bringing in far more immigrants than we need. And the number of immigrants in prison and in public housing suggests that many of those we bring over are the wrong kind of immigrants.

There are also far too many phony refugees, who seem to be unafraid of returning "home" frequently on visits, and far too many "Canadians" who came here for a year or two to get their papers, then returned "home" to Hong Kong, or India or Lebanon, and for whom I and other taxpayers apparently are expected to be responsible for in the event of an emergency in their homelands.

Edited by Argus
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I see your point. And yet these moderate Muslims not only exist (thankfully in reality, not just in the imagination of the Lefties :rolleyes: ), but they are our strongest allies against the extremist Muslims. This is not wishful thinking on my part but a conclusion drawn from talking to people as people, not as Muslims.

They must all (or mostly) be deaf-mutes.

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There are also far too many phony refugees, who seem to be unafraid of returning "home" frequently on visits, and far too many "Canadians" who came here for a year or two to get their papers, then returned "home" to Hong Kong, or India or Lebanon, and for whom I and other taxpayers apparently are expected to be responsible for in the event of an emergency in their homelands.
One wonders where they get the funds for the "home" visits.
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"Economic class" immigrants are those who come with enough money to set up business to give others jobs.

pity <_<

likewise. :P

(Good grief! When will these dinosaurs depart! :lol: )

So what's really at the root of this tirade? What have 'they' done to you?

You seem to have a real personal beef or grief going on. Maybe you should deal with that instead of taking it out on 'the immigrants'?

Actually, I have posted this beef on this forum elsewhere. I was broadsided by the Harper Conservatives in their policy of work permits. The company I was at, brought in a person from another office on a work permit and made him manager over my department and budget. This prick began to willfully frustrate my employment and outsource my work so he can save money on his budget. This prick resorted to tactics that were contrary to the labour laws to drive me out of my employment and he and this company got away with it (Where was the Government??). After losing my well paying job I was thrown into looking for employment and I have found myself bouncing from one temporary position to another. At some of these companies there are people who have just come to Canada and can barely speak english. At alot of other companies I have worked for prior to this conservative broadside I have worked with many individuals who just came to Canada on work visas. Often these individuals speak very little English and have a different cultural makeup. From a company point of view these economic migrants are tools to exploit in driving down wages and working conditions or in my prior employers case their dirty work. So I am acutely aware for every job I apply to whether it be temporary or full time I am not just competeing with my Canadian Countryman I am competing for those jobs with the world. Name one other country that puts the interests of foreigners over the interests of its own people? Name one other "developed" Country that gives the employers the tools to abuse employees without recourse? The politicians have created an environment of Employer explotation and abuse. If all these factors are not a recipe for evil, what is? It is a fact immigrants do drive down wages and working conditions. I have seen it countless times and experienced it first hand.

To the core of my soul I am pissed off on the psychological and emotional anguish inflicted on me dating back to the early nineties. The various political parties and bureacrats have no conscious as to what they do or how it plays out on Canadians in General. Life in Canada for the pure lain Canadiana is frought with perils. There is the French/English Divide and the Quebec hate that continues to this day and is alive and well on mapleleafweb. The US/French/British Conundrum. The Christian psychopaths who drum the beat of rapture and continually call for a second coming of christ, armageddon, and whatnot; And there is the Canadian newcomer who is like a kid in the candy store but they are more like bulls in a china shop.

My life is very much an onion with countless layers accumulating over the years. In my earlier years of employment (the early nineties) I found myself working alongside those of different religious orientation, Hinduism, Hari Krishna, christian, judaism, and muslims. I was not really from a strong religious family but I was baptized and performed communion in a Catholic Church. While growing up I did go to both Christian and public schools and at some of these schools I was subjected to the christian "lords prayer". Outside of school I would go to church sometimes, mostly on holidays. So christianity was and is apart of my psyche. What is common about hard core christians is they all want the world to end. What is also common about the so called Christian is their so called delusion that christ died for their sins so they can constinue to sin and live however they want and all is forgiven, Really???. So out of this and in the early nineties I was impelled to examine these religious areas and arrive at a point of view. This point of view included the rejection of the Catholic church's delusion and assertion that jesus was God. With this point of view I began to move forward in my life and attempt to build a carreer. After going to college and graduating I have found my psyche once again being dragged down and frustated to the gutter by government bureacrats and trash employers. For the most part when I see employer position postings I see Higher Education and the work experience outlined as employer barriers. They use these postings to circumvent Canadian job seekers and whine to the government they can't find suitable canaditates. After doing this they recruit foreign workers to fill those jobs. To build a career requires education, opportunity and experience in that opportunity. The Govenment and Political trash have stripped away opportunity and created an employment environment of greed and exploitation. If this is not evil, what is?

So as it is, I didn't just wake up one day and say to God, here I am. This has been a fifteen year evolution. Is God at work in this world? Perhaps who can really say? I will not make that claim but I have gained a sense from what I have read and experienced to suggest some broad strokes are in play. For most people, god is a bythought and really doesn't matter until they are old and death is at their doorstep. I would have to say in my view, to little to late <_< So with the evil and the attitudes playing out in my life I have to consul myself in reading and meditating on the good book of King James. When required I will be happy to pull out an applicable reference to this book to back up a position. I have also stated elsewhere that mankind is very lucky to have such a book to draw upon when evil as at their doorstep. One can find enough in this book to fight back against this filthy Country and to consul themselves against the acts of the unrightous.

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