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Immigration being made easier

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Immigration being made easier

OTTAWA (CP) - Temporary foreign workers and International students with recognized skills will be able to apply for permanent residency from within Canada under new immigration class anounced yesterday.

Immigration Minister Diane Finley says the new program will be implemented in October and is part of the government's effort to make Canada more attractive to skilled foreign workers.

The Canadian Experience Class program now will allow qualified applicants to seek permanent residency while continueing to work or study in Canada.

Under the old rules, they would have to leave the country and apply to immigrate.

For those seeking permanent residence, experience already acquired in Canada will be considered a bonus on their application.

Canada continues to be steered into whoredom and immolation by the Conservatives. You build a society from within, not from without jerkoffs. Oust these SOB's before they dilute Canada into a souless wasteland. I am figuring this is already to late.

Because of this reality a new political party will have to emerge with the sole purpose of acceding/joining up Canada with the EU or the US. Any Country/political party that prostitutes itself deserves a bitch slap out of existence.

Really, historical Canadians who find these actions appalling should considering sending a letter to the Governor General's office and the Queen's address to request her to veto all Actions by those in Control of the Canadian Government that further compromise Canada's identity. Really, Canada's democracy is a farce and the only way to restore integrity to Canada is to get some form of oversight to protect Canada from these whores.

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Immigration being made easier

Canada continues to be steered into whoredom and immolation by the Conservatives. You build a society from within, not from without jerkoffs. Oust these SOB's before they dilute Canada into a souless wasteland. I am figuring this is already to late.

Because of this reality a new political party will have to emerge with the sole purpose of acceding/joining up Canada with the EU or the US. Any Country/political party that prostitutes itself deserves a bitch slap out of existence.

Really, historical Canadians who find these actions appalling should considering sending a letter to the Governor General's office and the Queen's address to request her to veto all Actions by those in Control of the Canadian Government that further compromise Canada's identity. Really, Canada's democracy is a farce and the only way to restore integrity to Canada is to get some form of oversight to protect Canada from these whores.

Making the process easier for people who have proven they have what it takes to become Canadians is prostituting the country... says the guys who thinks Aboriginals don't have a language... whatever.

For once, here's a move on immigration that makes sense. If the person is already here in a temporary status and has skills needed and is obeying our laws, it does not make sense to tell them "leave for six months, then we'll tell you you can come back". Next steps - reforming family class immigration and streamlining the refugee process so that it takes months instead of years.

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Canada continues to be steered into whoredom and immolation by the Conservatives. You build a society from within, not from without jerkoffs. Oust these SOB's before they dilute Canada into a souless wasteland. I am figuring this is already to late.

Students studying in Canada are by definition "within". And since they are skilled by us, in our Universities, they make excellent candidates for Canadian integration.

Get your hands busy and leave your package alone. You might go blind.

Really, historical Canadians who find these actions appalling should considering sending a letter to the Governor General's office and the Queen's address to request her to veto all

historical or hysterical? Either way go ahead and write your letter. You and the 20 others will have a huge impact.

Actions by those in Control of the Canadian Government that further compromise Canada's identity. Really, Canada's democracy is a farce and the only way to restore integrity to Canada is to get some form of oversight to protect Canada from these whores.

Cant compromise what isnt really there. When we settle on what Canada is then you'll get a call for your input.

What have you got against hard working whores?

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Students studying in Canada are by definition "within". And since they are skilled by us, in our Universities, they make excellent candidates for Canadian integration.

Get your hands busy and leave your package alone. You might go blind.

historical or hysterical? Either way go ahead and write your letter. You and the 20 others will have a huge impact.

Cant compromise what isnt really there. When we settle on what Canada is then you'll get a call for your input.

What have you got against hard working whores?

Name one other country in the world that issues out citizenship as easy as Canada?? Why is it that Canada can only grow through immigration? Really, what it comes down to, is the values of the Baby Boomer Trash. May they all die early, so we can save on Canada pension payouts. :D

Life is choices. You either choose what is right and good or you pursue the path of screwing everyone and anyone for your own gain. It's obvious what the conservative are all about. Traditionally conservative was representative of principles and responsibilites. Nothing is further from the truth with those tools.

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I think this is a good thing as long as appropriate limits are applied. There are times when we need to bolster the workforce. The problem comes when we commit ourselves to letting the workers stay longer than they are needed.

We had a case a few years back where Philippino domestic workers got their shirts up in a knot because their visas were not being extended into citizenship as a matter of course. They demonstrated and unfortunately they got their way. The US has been having the same problem with migrant workers from Mexico.

The problem is that we have to decide what is best for Canada, and not was is best for immigrants. Being an immigrant does not necessarily enitle you to citizenship.

Canada neeeds to grow its population, but we need to exercise control. Too many people will sink the life raft. As much as I am sad for the plight of the poor of the world, we cannot impoverish ourselves to meet the overwhelming demand they present.

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Making the process easier for people who have proven they have what it takes to become Canadians is prostituting the country... says the guys who thinks Aboriginals don't have a language... whatever.

For once, here's a move on immigration that makes sense. If the person is already here in a temporary status and has skills needed and is obeying our laws, it does not make sense to tell them "leave for six months, then we'll tell you you can come back". Next steps - reforming family class immigration and streamlining the refugee process so that it takes months instead of years.

The reality is The people of Canada have never had a say in the broad strokes of those who make decisons on Canada's behalf. For that reason, the British Monarchy should reopen the Statue of Westminister and Repeal it so Canada falls under the Control of the UK parliament. Because the UK is apart of the EU, Canada would subsequently become apart of the EU through its affiliation with Britain. All Canadians would then be eligible for an EU passport enabling them to relocate and seek employment anywhere in Europe.

If Canada wants to water down its population with slack immigration rules they should put it to a referendum and get a mandate from the people. Not immol Canada into a cultural disfunction.

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I think this is a good thing as long as appropriate limits are applied. There are times when we need to bolster the workforce. The problem comes when we commit ourselves to letting the workers stay longer than they are needed.

We had a case a few years back where Philippino domestic workers got their shirts up in a knot because their visas were not being extended into citizenship as a matter of course. They demonstrated and unfortunately they got their way. The US has been having the same problem with migrant workers from Mexico.

The problem is that we have to decide what is best for Canada, and not was is best for immigrants. Being an immigrant does not necessarily enitle you to citizenship.

Canada neeeds to grow its population, but we need to exercise control. Too many people will sink the life raft. As much as I am sad for the plight of the poor of the world, we cannot impoverish ourselves to meet the overwhelming demand they present.

Finally, Somone who makes sense.

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Name one other country in the world that issues out citizenship as easy as Canada??

The USA. 12 Million illegals might just be granted citizenship since it is too hard to catch all the illegals.

And before that, the USA when they grandfathered all the prior illegals.

Not too sure about Germany, France, Britain etc....

Why is it that Canada can only grow through immigration? Really, what it comes down to, is the values of the Baby Boomer Trash. May they all die early, so we can save on Canada pension payouts. :D

Because we dont have enough babies. Pretty simple really. Growth requires people, we dont make enough of 'em.

Life is choices. You either choose what is right and good or you pursue the path of screwing everyone and anyone for your own gain.

Apart from the fact that is not true, what does that have to do with immigration?

I have picked the wrong path at times , done the wrong thing too, but it didnt

screw anyone over".

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The reality is The people of Canada have never had a say in the broad strokes of those who make decisons on Canada's behalf. For that reason, the British Monarchy should reopen the Statue of Westminister and Repeal it so Canada falls under the Control of the UK parliament. Because the UK is apart of the EU, Canada would subsequently become apart of the EU through its affiliation with Britain. All Canadians would then be eligible for an EU passport enabling them to relocate and seek employment anywhere in Europe.

If Canada wants to water down its population with slack immigration rules they should put it to a referendum and get a mandate from the people. Not immol Canada into a cultural disfunction.

Canada is not a democracy and we should stop its "immolation" by ending its existence as an independant country. Whatever.

But if you ar4e so bent on an European passport, nobody is stopping you from moving there.

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Abortions are less than half the numbers of immigrants let in each year. About 100,000, and dropping since 1996.

But i get it.

An educated immigrant is far more likely to be a benefit to our society than an unwanted child with no decent parents, no education and no job prospects.

...unless of course YOU (anti-immigrant/anti-choice people) are willing to foot the bill to feed, clothe, house and educate ALL the children that would otherwise be aborted.

Put your money where your mouth is! Buck up some dough for those unwanted children. Open up your home to a drug addicted single mother.

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Because we dont have enough babies. Pretty simple really. Growth requires people, we dont make enough of 'em.

What? We don't have enough people crammed into our cities? We don't consume resources at a fast enough rate? We don't pollute the the environment fast enough? So you want to drive population growth because the current population doesn't do enough damage, did I get that right?

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What? We don't have enough people crammed into our cities? We don't consume resources at a fast enough rate? We don't pollute the the environment fast enough? So you want to drive population growth because the current population doesn't do enough damage, did I get that right?

No you didnt. You introduced plenty that I didnt talk about.

But since you posted, apart from Vancouver none of our cities are crammed. Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Montreal et al have room to grow.

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No you didnt. You introduced plenty that I didnt talk about.

But since you posted, apart from Vancouver none of our cities are crammed. Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Montreal et al have room to grow.

Yes it's true that you didn't talk about it but all of those are a consequence of growth, and growth is what you advocated. The consequences of growth in virtually all cities is either piling families one on top of another, smaller and more expensive domiciles, or urban sprawl. How is that better than less growth? At what point do you say it is crowded enough?

BTW, stats show that about 70% of immigrants settle in the large and crowded cities of Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal, so while there may be room to cram a few people in on the tundra, given a choice, most people don't choose to go there, and I don't blame them.

Edited by Renegade
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Yes it's true that you didn't talk about it but all of those are a consequence of growth, and growth is what you advocated.

Those can be a consequence of growth. No doubt about it. But it doesn not necessarily have to happen. With each passing day we become more green, and there is nothing to say we cannot have growth and less pollution etc.

The consequences of growth in virtually all cities is either piling families one on top of another, smaller and more expensive domiciles, or urban sprawl. How is that better than less growth? At what point do you say it is crowded enough?

Funny enough , it is what people want. Ok, some people. It is true people with kids are moving into condos homes and apts in downtown Toronto. They are moving from the burbs. some suggest that it is because of the amenities of inner city living, the museums, restaurants and other cultural dailies you dont get in the burbs. I understand that and would be happy to raise my kids in the city, even though I am in the city I would rather be in the city core, of course if I couldnt live up north that is.

The point is "we" can say it is crowded enough. That is for the individual person to decide. Market conditions also dictate that.

BTW, stats show that about 70% of immigrants settle in the large and crowded cities of Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal, so while there may be room to cram a few people in on the tundra, given a choice, most people don't choose to go there, and I don't blame them.

Hey, preaching to the choir. I see everyday where the immigrants live ...in mikedavids apt enjoying tea and fine conversation....oh wait, maybe not.No, I see them but I also see the room available . I wouldnt live in the country/tundra either if I knew all the same ethnic people were living in an enclave in TO/Mtl/Van. That is where I would move. Thats human nature.

Anyhow, one does necessarily beget the other.

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Those can be a consequence of growth. No doubt about it. But it doesn not necessarily have to happen. With each passing day we become more green, and there is nothing to say we cannot have growth and less pollution etc.

No it IS the consequence of growth. Even if we become more green each of us still consume resources which are not replenished. More people mean more resources consumed, there is no way around that.

BTW, even if we became more green, would not less growth mean EVEN LESS pollution than more growth?

Maybe we should hold off growth until we can prove that we can sustain the current population without consuming unreplinshable resources. I see that as a long, long way off, if it is even possible. Don't you?

Funny enough , it is what people want. Ok, some people. It is true people with kids are moving into condos homes and apts in downtown Toronto. They are moving from the burbs. some suggest that it is because of the amenities of inner city living, the museums, restaurants and other cultural dailies you dont get in the burbs. I understand that and would be happy to raise my kids in the city, even though I am in the city I would rather be in the city core, of course if I couldnt live up north that is.

The point is "we" can say it is crowded enough. That is for the individual person to decide. Market conditions also dictate that.

Unfortunately it isn't just for the individual person to decide. In fact the individual person has decided, but having less kids on average. It is government who has intefered in the mix by setting immigration policy and trying to induce birth rates which subvert what "market conditions" dictate.

Hey, preaching to the choir. I see everyday where the immigrants live ...in mikedavids apt enjoying tea and fine conversation....oh wait, maybe not.No, I see them but I also see the room available . I wouldnt live in the country/tundra either if I knew all the same ethnic people were living in an enclave in TO/Mtl/Van. That is where I would move. Thats human nature.

Immigrants who are happy to live in crowded conditions, are that way because the conditions are better off then from where they originated. However the crowding doesn't just impact them, it impacts everyone who has to share the space. For the most part I would say that people prefer more space instead of less. It is undeniable that more people leads to less space per person.

Anyhow, one does necessarily beget the other.

Since you advocate gowth, at what point do you stop growing? Do you ever?

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After reading Mark Steyn's book that spends a chapter or two discussing the low replacement birth rate of western countries, particularly Canada, all this seems kinda academic.

In short, replacement births have been so low that we couldn't possibly take in enough immigrants to hold our own. The next 20-40 years are going to show a huge decline as old folks die off and there are fewer youngsters coming up to take their place.

He also makes a good point when he says that there seems to be something morally wrong with depending on stealing the best from other countries to try to keep your own country afloat.

Anyhow, this may not be totally a bad thing. It should become easier to find a good job and there should be surpluses of homes available.

It might make the tax base a bit tight but if we didn't have to pay for AdScams and gun registries we could probably cover the losses just fine.

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In short, replacement births have been so low that we couldn't possibly take in enough immigrants to hold our own. The next 20-40 years are going to show a huge decline as old folks die off and there are fewer youngsters coming up to take their place.

Not likely. I think it is still going to be a while yet before our overall population stops growing.

He also makes a good point when he says that there seems to be something morally wrong with depending on stealing the best from other countries to try to keep your own country afloat.

Morally wrong? Is it morally wrong to keep out an indiviual who might enjoy better success in our country than his own?

Would a company be "morally wrong" to attract the best and brightest employees and by doing so deny those employees to its competitor?

Anyhow, this may not be totally a bad thing. It should become easier to find a good job and there should be surpluses of homes available.

It might make the tax base a bit tight but if we didn't have to pay for AdScams and gun registries we could probably cover the losses just fine.

Actually it may be a supprisingly good thing. Maybe we should stop depending upon an ever-growing tax-base for these pyramid-type programs we put in place.

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No it IS the consequence of growth. Even if we become more green each of us still consume resources which are not replenished. More people mean more resources consumed, there is no way around that.

BTW, even if we became more green, would not less growth mean EVEN LESS pollution than more growth?

To some degree you are correct. But inroads are made everyday to utilize less energy, water adn so on. For instance larger buildings in downtown TO are heated and cooled using pipes far out into Lake Ontario. The demand for power for HVAC is lessened.Expand that and savings are made.

If we as a society stopped wasting what we have, then we would resources to sustain us for a very long time. We have water, but we waste it. We have power but we waste it. The idea is with conservation we would offset the demands for more.

I am not trying to posit some pollyanna place vis a vis growth, but more like we can if we want to, the resources , if managed correctly ,are there.

Maybe we should hold off growth until we can prove that we can sustain the current population without consuming unreplinshable resources. I see that as a long, long way off, if it is even possible. Don't you?

I dont share the doom and gloom. We cant stop growth since we are an inviting society to live in.To stop it would imperil our growth and prosperity.

Unfortunately it isn't just for the individual person to decide. In fact the individual person has decided, but having less kids on average. It is government who has intefered in the mix by setting immigration policy and trying to induce birth rates which subvert what "market conditions" dictate.

That sounds as if population drops were due to immigration rising. Is that correct? If it is, then I do not agree one bit. The idea that mom and dad thought....hmm no more kids, there are enough immigrants to take up the slack has never occurred.

Those market conditions by the way have been fueled by growth and people wanting to move into a bigger house , thus causing pressure on the market and prices rise. Have you seen a profit on paper for your house? I have, and to some degree that is fueled by wealth of all of us. Born here or migrated here. Doesnt matter, profit is profit.

Immigrants who are happy to live in crowded conditions, are that way because the conditions are better off then from where they originated. However the crowding doesn't just impact them, it impacts everyone who has to share the space. For the most part I would say that people prefer more space instead of less. It is undeniable that more people leads to less space per person.

Since you advocate gowth, at what point do you stop growing? Do you ever?

NYC is what. 12 million people? Seems to work just fine. And in NYC everyone wants to live in a brownstone in Manhattan or Soho etc. If the space issue bother someone, then it is up to them to move. The world doesnt stop turning because someones neighbourhood has changed. Either adapt or move away.

People lose cottages since the taxes are too high. It sucks for them since they may be 80 yrs old and the family has owned it since the 1800's, but what option is there? Pay the taxes or sell. Aint no other choice.

More people less space per , agreed, also more people less space per person also equals more value in the space they already own. Thus, more profit. If you like it , stays, if not sell and reap the rewards.

Cant say where enough is enough. Virtually everything, as in nature, either keeps growing or dies off. Cant think of anything in nature that stays the same. A tree gets so huge it topples since its roots cant hold it. A plant keeps growing then stops and soon dies. Cities are no different. If ti gets too big, say like Sao Paolo, it rots from the centre out and dies off, or grows from another branch.

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Immigrants who are happy to live in crowded conditions, are that way because the conditions are better off then from where they originated. However the crowding doesn't just impact them, it impacts everyone who has to share the space. For the most part I would say that people prefer more space instead of less. It is undeniable that more people leads to less space per person.

Since you advocate gowth, at what point do you stop growing? Do you ever?

It should be no mystery why Canada's city housing prices are pushed up. Immigrant families will pool their money to a own a home and the family will live that way until the kids find their own way. Euro Trash descendent families throw out their kids as quick as possible. Canada's political aholes have dumped multi-religious immigrants and those who speak little or no English onto to the people. This is certainly a contributing factor to mental illness suffered by many. These immigrants are a source of cheap exploitive labour at first, but they wise up sooner or later. When they do wise up, they compete for the same positions as any Canadian and will depress wages for those jobs because they are all to happy to get whatever they can get. Why, because it was hell of alot more than wherever they came from.

These immigrants are living a lifestyle at the generation X's and y's expense. This has come about because of the decrepit values of the Baby Boomer Generation who have put themselves first and to hell with those who have to deal with the fall out of what they have done to Canada since 1980. The only solace will be if these F's die fast and early to save on Canada pension payouts.

It is obvious Canada is on the road of immolation. Is Canada to far down that road? NO!! Why because Canada's sovereign is the Monarch of Britain. Being the sovereign, she holds the power to redress what has been done to Canada since her signing of the 1982 Constitution. She and UK parliament holds the power to repeal the Statue of Westminister and place Canada back under the legislative authority of the British Parliament. After doing so, Canadians will have access to Europe for work or other purposes. The younger generation Canadians should not be held hostage to the corrupt values of the older generations who will sell them out for their own gain.

To make this an issue. Send a letter to petition the Queen's office of what is being done by these politicians and outline what the Queen's office can do lighten to the yoke of those of Canada descent. It is quite obvious Canada's politicians need supervison. They do not act in the Interest of Canada or Canadians for that matter. Their actions since 1982 attests to that fact.

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Why is it that Canada can only grow through immigration?

It's because Canadians don't have enough babies. That's about all there is to it. Think about that for a few seconds.............

There...you're 0.05% less retarded now.

Canada continues to be steered into whoredom and immolation by the Conservatives. You build a society from within, not from without jerkoffs. Oust these SOB's before they dilute Canada into a souless wasteland. I am figuring this is already to late.

The Liberal Party is the immigrant party these days. There is a reason the liberals garner the VAST majority of their support from large urban areas in Canada. It's because they are largely immigrant communities now and the Liberals have made it VERY easy for immigrants and their entire extended families move to Canada.

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It's because Canadians don't have enough babies. That's about all there is to it. Think about that for a few seconds.............

Having kids is actually economics. The gready have inflated housing and other costs so much there is little left to have kids. If you do have kids, the logistics of daycare and other aspects are required to looked after kids properely. Where is this money going to come from? Traditionally, a family could get by with the father only working. That is no longer the case. To sustain the same lifestyle as your parents/grandparents requires two people working. Even then, nowadays that still not enough. Given this dynamic, how can Canadian's have kids when they are being f'ed over by the gready and the exploitive. There is no magic or mystery in having kids. It's biological fact of nature. What is magic about kids, is transitioning them to accomplishment and innovation. An aspect which was lost on the Boomer trash.

There...you're 0.05% less retarded now.

The Liberal Party is the immigrant party these days. There is a reason the liberals garner the VAST majority of their support from large urban areas in Canada. It's because they are largely immigrant communities now and the Liberals have made it VERY easy for immigrants and their entire extended families move to Canada.


Diane Finley is a conservative and look at her lax policy on permanent residency which really is as good as citizenship. The conservative government's current policy on work permits and immigration shows them to be the immigrant party, not the liberals. Any party who looks outside to build a Country, rather than solve the problems within to move Canada forward is unfit to continue in governing. To know what the conservative are really about, look at what mulroney did. He pushed Canada so far in debt and left Canada with a 40 Billion deficit that Canada had to do whatever it could to get out that hole dug by the conservatives. The fact is, the liberals fixed the economics of Canada, now the conservative are busy again with their f'ing up Canada.

In priciple I am conservative not liberal. Knowing what the actual conservative party is about. F' them. F' off all ready.

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