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Harper goes to the ball

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Israel is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a big shindig in Toronto this week-end, sponsored by Ivan Reitman (scion of Reitman's Womens' Wear store and big bucks film honcho - Ghost Busters, etc...).

The husband/wife team of Heather Resman and Gerry Schwartz once raised 11 million buckeroos for Paul Martin. During the last Israel/Lebanon war, when Harper backed Israel against Hesbollah, the powerful twoful switched their allegiance to the Harper Conservatives.

And so now we see Harper going to a shindig to celebrate what is, after all, a minor event. The fiftieth maybe. The hundredth, for sure. But the 60th?

Yahz boss...

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Israel is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a big shindig in Toronto this week-end, sponsored by Ivan Reitman (scion of Reitman's Womens' Wear store and big bucks film honcho - Ghost Busters, etc...).

The husband/wife team of Heather Resman and Gerry Schwartz once raised 11 million buckeroos for Paul Martin. During the last Israel/Lebanon war, when Harper backed Israel against Hesbollah, the powerful twoful switched their allegiance to the Harper Conservatives.

And so now we see Harper going to a shindig to celebrate what is, after all, a minor event. The fiftieth maybe. The hundredth, for sure. But the 60th?

Yahz boss...

Those damn Jews rule the world, don't they HS? Maybe something could be done about them - some kind of "solution" perhaps.....

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The steelworkers are celebrating their 60th?

Well lets have a song.....

There once was a union maid, she never was afraid

Of goons and ginks and company finks and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid.

She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called,

And when the Legion boys come 'round

She always stood her ground.


Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union,

I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union.

Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union,

I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die.

This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies,

She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys.

She always got her way when she struck for better pay.

She'd show her card to the National Guard

And this is what she'd say:


You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me;

Get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary.

Married life ain't hard when you got a union card,

A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.

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If the organizers of this event were smart they would invite all the leaders and their minions. And if the leaders and their minions were smart they would all attend.

And that would be why? North America has done for Israel. What has Israel done for North America?

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I was hoping this would turn into a discussion of how Canada's policy towards the Middle East is influenced by big money, but of course Argus, who is from Hillary Clinton's (we will blow Iran to smithereens if it attacks Israel) state (oh wait, wasn't that Arkansas?) came and dropped the anti-semitism bomb by referencing Hitler.

And so it goes. All too often, it seems.

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Harper has delivered the goods. The CBC is reporting today that he went on a radio talk show while in Toronto for the 60th birthday bash and said that there are anti-semitic elements in Parliament who are questionning his policy on Israel, and that criticism of Israel is often a thinly-veiled form of anti-semitism. This is also being reported in the Vancouver Sun along with comments by Bob Rae, who got up in the house on Friday and called on Harper to name those anti-semites. Don't hold your breath, Bob.

There are a number of people in the Jewish community who do not want to see an open discussion of Canada's policy towards Israel, or of events in the Middle East, and use the anti-semitism slander as a way to shut people up. It is a form of repression, of course, and now they've got the Prime Minister of the country doing it. This reminds me of the time Harper said that people who did not support his policy on Afghanistan were guilty of not supporting the troops. It's never about his policies, it seems, it's always about something else, and it's always somebody else's fault.

The Jewish community has thrived in Canada and yet it seems the country is riddled with anti-semitism. Go figure.

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I was hoping this would turn into a discussion of how Canada's policy towards the Middle East is influenced by big money, but of course Argus, who is from Hillary Clinton's (we will blow Iran to smithereens if it attacks Israel) state (oh wait, wasn't that Arkansas?) came and dropped the anti-semitism bomb by referencing Hitler.

And so it goes. All too often, it seems.

If you don't want to call you an anti-Semite stop posting anti-Semetic drivel.

You were hoping to talk about Israel and Canada's policies, were you, and yet brought up to wealthy Jews who stopped donating money to the Liberals and then the "Yahz boss" comment. International Jewish Conspiracy anyone? Jews rule the world with their money? Is that what you were trying to imply. No? Well then wise the hell up and watch what you say. There are intelligent ways to bring into question Canada's policies with regard to Israel, past and present. You chose none of them.

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Harper has delivered the goods. The CBC is reporting today that he went on a radio talk show while in Toronto for the 60th birthday bash and said that there are anti-semitic elements in Parliament who are questionning his policy on Israel, and that criticism of Israel is often a thinly-veiled form of anti-semitism

An undeniable fact.

This is also being reported in the Vancouver Sun along with comments by Bob Rae, who got up in the house on Friday and called on Harper to name those anti-semites. Don't hold your breath, Bob.

This would be the guy who the Canadian Arab Federation (card carrying Liberals) campaigned against in the Liberal leadership convention on the basis that his wife was a Jewess, right?

There are a number of people in the Jewish community who do not want to see an open discussion of Canada's policy towards Israel,

Those damned Jews! Don't you just hate them!?

The Jewish community has thrived in Canada and yet it seems the country is riddled with anti-semitism. Go figure.

Canada isn't riddled with anti-Semitism. Most Canadians don't really care what your religion is. The exception would be the white pride bunch, the KKK, and their ideological soul mates on the Left, who see themselves as warring against the "oppressor" on behalf of the oppressed. The fact most of the "oppressed" despise every single thing the Left stands for never seems to occur to that bunch of benighted ideological twits.

Here's a question? What do the Palestinian people want? Freedom? Uh, no. Given the absolute freedom to vote for what they want you would see a vicious religious extremist government in power with zero freedom, public executions for people who "insult Islam" and Sharia law. Every poll has shown this. The last election proved it. But the collective brain pan of the Left is so riddled with holes they can't see anything but a well-oiled military machine (Israel) against the poor downtrodden oppressed peasants (Palestinians).

Canada supports Israel because it is the moral thing to do to support a free, democratic people against a collection of hate mongering extremists and dictators and their illiterate, barefoot, goat-herding populace fed and schooled on the evils of Jews from the time their mouths first touch their mother's tit. Israel is far from perfect, and it has its own collection of religious wackos, but it remains by far and away the most democratic and free nation in the middle east, and the one which respects human rights the most.

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And that would be why? North America has done for Israel. What has Israel done for North America?

Israel just is, which has been quite the feat, that's why. I don't condone all their tactics like I don't condone tactics from the Palestinian side. I think both states have a right to exist.

The CBC is reporting today that he went on a radio talk show while in Toronto for the 60th birthday bash and said that there are anti-semitic elements in Parliament who are questionning his policy on Israel, and that criticism of Israel is often a thinly-veiled form of anti-semitism. This is also being reported in the Vancouver Sun along with comments by Bob Rae, who got up in the house on Friday and called on Harper to name those anti-semites.

Yep, quite the man our PM has turned out to be. Nasty, sliming, classless and never takes the high road unless there is something in it for him.

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If you don't want to call you an anti-Semite stop posting anti-Semetic drivel.

You were hoping to talk about Israel and Canada's policies, were you, and yet brought up to wealthy Jews who stopped donating money to the Liberals and then the "Yahz boss" comment. International Jewish Conspiracy anyone? Jews rule the world with their money? Is that what you were trying to imply. No? Well then wise the hell up and watch what you say. There are intelligent ways to bring into question Canada's policies with regard to Israel, past and present. You chose none of them.

Canada's policy towards Israel is driven by what? The fact that Israel is a nation with a lot to give to Canada? Israel is a major trading partner? I am searching for reasons here. A tiny little country in Africa - no, it's not me who classifies it as a country in Africa - Foreign Affairs does. So why exactly is the Prime Minister of our country so exercised about being friends with a minor African country? Does he show a similar interest in, say, Luxembourg? Has he attended any celebrations for Singapore?

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This would be the guy who the Canadian Arab Federation (card carrying Liberals) campaigned against in the Liberal leadership convention on the basis that his wife was a Jewess, right?

How is what the Candaian Arab Federation does relevant to this news item?

Those damned Jews! Don't you just hate them!?

Once again Argus, you put hate talk in somebody else's mouth. The source of the hate is YOU Argus. You are the one with the hate talk.

Here's a question? What do the Palestinian people want? Freedom? Uh, no. Given the absolute freedom to vote for what they want you would see a vicious religious extremist government in power with zero freedom, public executions for people who "insult Islam" and Sharia law. Every poll has shown this. The last election proved it. But the collective brain pan of the Left is so riddled with holes they can't see anything but a well-oiled military machine (Israel) against the poor downtrodden oppressed peasants (Palestinians).

First of all they want property rights. When have they had that since 1948? Do they elect extremists who stand up for them? Well what a surprise. Didn't the Jews of Palestine participate in Irgun and its ilk?

... and their illiterate, barefoot, goat-herding populace fed ...

Well I guess we know where you're coming from, don't we Argus? Guys like you kill me. You go down to the local hot boite for your goat cheese repas du jour but goat herders are a sub-class. I'm splitting a gut.

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Slandering someone with being anti-semitic for simply questioning Canada's position towards Israel is no different than racism, IMO.

To interject for a moment. Slandering some one by whispering - so and so is an anti-semite is a very powerful tool that totally destroys the persons crediblity politically or judically. I have seen it in the court system where someone in order to win a case and firmly defeat an advesary simply has to spread that insidious little rumor..you are pretty much screwd at that point. There should be safe guards on the mis-use or crying of wolf concerning anti-semitism. IF a person uses this trick to gain power over another - they should be charge..besides what will happen when the wolf does arrive and you cry wolf..no one will come. The ruse of deseminating that someone is an anti-semite when they are not is the most destructive type of slander one can use.

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Thank you. You are exactly right. It is discrimination on the basis of belief.

When its done on the basis of partisan ideology its no different than crapping in your hand and throwing it at someone. Stephan Harper is behaving more like a chimpanzee in a monkey house than a Prime Minister. His slandering of the opposition should be investigated by the CHRC.

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I am addressing this to Argus, who is participating in this thread.

The big mistake that the Zionists made, and that Israel continues to make, is that the party line has always been (Ben Gurion on down) 'Get the hell out of here. This is OUR land.'

If the Zionists had come and said "We have this problem, see (doing Bogart here). We are suffering persecution and we need a place to call our own.' they might have had a better chance. The Arabs were yearning for just the same thing after years of suffering under the Turks. This is why Weitzmann was able to talk turkey (lol) with Feisal. They were talking the same language.

If the Zionists had said to the Arabs... "We know a lot. We can tell you how to build cities, how to cure people, how to make your business more efficient." If they had gone on to hire Arabs, school their children, buy from their businesses, invite them into the political process.... would it have been better? You bet it would.

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If the Zionists had said to the Arabs... "We know a lot. We can tell you how to build cities, how to cure people, how to make your business more efficient." If they had gone on to hire Arabs, school their children, buy from their businesses, invite them into the political process.... would it have been better? You bet it would.

Darn tootin! You bet!

It would also be nice if we could all have lollipops and sunshine forever.

Unfortunatly many of these people just dont strike me as the lollipops and sunshine kind. Given that the different factions exist in the middle east and not Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory it would appear to be very doubtfull that they would have just said "well howdy, you guys just mosey on in here".

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Darn tootin! You bet!

It would also be nice if we could all have lollipops and sunshine forever.

Unfortunatly many of these people just dont strike me as the lollipops and sunshine kind. Given that the different factions exist in the middle east and not Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory it would appear to be very doubtfull that they would have just said "well howdy, you guys just mosey on in here".

Feisal did. You blew it, and you're dragging the rest of us in with you.

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Canada's policy towards Israel is driven by what?

No, your anti-Semitic postings are drivel. Is English a second language to you?

]The fact that Israel is a nation with a lot to give to Canada? Israel is a major trading partner? I am searching for reasons here. A tiny little country in Africa - no, it's not me who classifies it as a country in Africa - Foreign Affairs does. So why exactly is the Prime Minister of our country so exercised about being friends with a minor African country? Does he show a similar interest in, say, Luxembourg? Has he attended any celebrations for Singapore?

Are half the world's media in Luxembourg breathlessly churning out stories every time someone stubs their toe? Does the United Nations spend most of its time agonizing about Luxembourg? Do Leftist bigots in Canada endlessly whine about the evils of Luxembourg?

Why the hell do you care that Harper spoke at a celebration of Israel? Do you hate Jews that much?

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How is what the Candaian Arab Federation does relevant to this news item?

Once again Argus, you put hate talk in somebody else's mouth. The source of the hate is YOU Argus. You are the one with the hate talk.

When you start talking about rich Jews it's pretty damned clear where you're coming from, Bubba.

First of all they want property rights. When have they had that since 1948? Do they elect extremists who stand up for them? Well what a surprise. Didn't the Jews of Palestine participate in Irgun and its ilk?

Well I guess we know where you're coming from, don't we Argus? Guys like you kill me. You go down to the local hot boite for your goat cheese repas du jour but goat herders are a sub-class. I'm splitting a gut.

They want property rights to someone else's property. Maybe that's why the Left identifies with them so much!

And the Irgun certainly were extremists and terrorists, and I wouldn't sympathize with them if they were around today. I maintained Menachen Begin was a terrorist till the day he died.

So why are so many in the Left so willing to excuse, if not condone the most vile and brutal of terrorist activities by Arabs?

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