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Has anyone heard of the NWO?

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I have been reading a lot about this recently and was wondering if anyone else has studied the subject at all.

Illuminati and that there is a long term plan to make a 1 world govt. Some say that is is starting aleady with the EU, N.American Union, African Union and the soon to be Asian union. They say that that these will combine and borders will further go away until we have a 1 world govt. Those RFID chip implanted in our hands in order to buy and sell anything. The FDA already passed them to br used on humans as of 2002.

That the world powers are using the same divde and conquer techniques on us as were used on the colonial nations to control the masses in yesteryear.

Has anyone read any stuff on this. Very scary.

Like what this video says

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It sure is. Thats why I'm going to add another layer of tinfoil to my hat right away.

You do know that tinfoil works like an antenna don't you?

All the same, one government does sound a little more efficient than 190 or so. There's only so many different ways you can make buses run on time.

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You do know that tinfoil works like an antenna don't you?

I guess you didn't hear about the latest breakthrough discovery. They found after extensive testing that if you use it shiny side in, dull side out, it has the opposite effect.

My tinfoil hat is really nice. The shell is a perfect bowl shape formed by using the packaging that my surround headphones came in. :wacko:

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They call it globalization now but still. Lots of people protest against globalization every time there is a leaders summit or g8 and all those things. I find it hard it hard to believe that those people would all be paranoid as well. Like the ones that preotested the OPEC summit in BC a few years ago when they got pepper sprayed by the police.

I read that it doesn't matter who gets into power because they will all do the same thing. They all have the same goal. The last election in the US was rigged, as both candidates were skull and bones members. That they have to be part of the plan and go along with it or they get killed, like JFK.

He spoke at length about secret goings on in the presidency and how they control the outcomes. Was he paranoid? Soon after this speech he was assasinated. He wouldn't go along with the plan. Speech can be heard here. It is quite interesting.

Enjoy, SP

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I guess you didn't hear about the latest breakthrough discovery. They found after extensive testing that if you use it shiny side in, dull side out, it has the opposite effect.

My tinfoil hat is really nice. The shell is a perfect bowl shape formed by using the packaging that my surround headphones came in. :wacko:

Who creates the world's money?

"It is impossible to obtain money to pay off the debt, owing to the fact that our debtors are at the same time in sole control of the power of creating the money which is required to pay off the debt.

Taxation is not primarily an economic device, it is a tyrannical device. Once the meaning of this situation is grasped, it is not difficult to see the general principles by which not merely could taxation be eliminated, but in place of it every individual could be placed in a condition of economic freedom and security.

As I put the matter before the monetary commission in New Zealand, the essential power which the banks have acquired is the power of the monetization and the demonetization of real wealth. That is to say, the power of creating acceptable and accepted orders or demands on the producing system and of destroying them on recall; and the essence of their fraud upon civilisation is not in the magnificent technique of the system which they employ, or even in the charges which they make for the use of this money which they create, even though these charges, i.e. their interest rates, may be considered in many cases exorbitant.

The essence of the fraud is the claim that the money that they create is their own money, and the fraud differs in no respect in quality but only in its far greater magnitude, from the fraud of counterfeiting.

At the instigation of the banking system, barbarously severe penalties are imposed upon the counterfeiter of a ten-shilling note, but a peerage is conferred upon the counterfeiter by banking methods of sums running into hundreds of millions.

May I make this point clear beyond all doubt?

It is the claim to the ownership of money which is the core of the matter. Any person or any organization who can create practically at will sums of money equivalent to the price values of all the goods produced by the community is the virtual owner of those goods, and, therefore, the claim of the banking system to the ownership of the money which it creates is a claim to the ownership of the country."

Dictatorship by Taxation

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Who creates the world's money?

"It is impossible to obtain money to pay off the debt, owing to the fact that our debtors are at the same time in sole control of the power of creating the money which is required to pay off the debt.

Blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda.

What the hell does any of your ranting and raving have to do with my really nice tinfoil hat?

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They call it globalization now but still. Lots of people protest against globalization every time there is a leaders summit or g8 and all those things. I find it hard it hard to believe that those people would all be paranoid as well. Like the ones that preotested the OPEC summit in BC a few years ago when they got pepper sprayed by the police.

I read that it doesn't matter who gets into power because they will all do the same thing. They all have the same goal. The last election in the US was rigged, as both candidates were skull and bones members. That they have to be part of the plan and go along with it or they get killed, like JFK.

He spoke at length about secret goings on in the presidency and how they control the outcomes. Was he paranoid? Soon after this speech he was assasinated. He wouldn't go along with the plan. Speech can be heard here. It is quite interesting.

Enjoy, SP

According to the TSX, Aluminum is a blue chip commodity, best to but when under valued.

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I would enjoy some direct conversation regarding Post #5, not innuendo and ad hominem.

That post wasn't directed to you.

If you want direct conversation, stay away from nutbar topics.

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Sometime I think about what makes this a crazy topic. Is it that tv has conditioned the public to condemn and dismiss such notions as "crazy"? What makes free thinkers such a threat to some people? Is it really so outlandish to suggest that some secret groups(Skull and Bones for one) and business partnerings (Rockefeller's Trilateral group for one) has an agenda beyond what we can see and what is published?

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Spicy, Pringlesl there isn't any use talking about world government on this site. There are too many plants for big business, big government and the people you are describing. However it would be interesting if some of these people were forced to be a little bit honest. They only know how to attack and call names, after all that is what they are paid to do.

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Spicy, Pringlesl there isn't any use talking about world government on this site. There are too many plants for big business, big government and the people you are describing.

Damn! And I thought my pirate persona would make a good cover for my real agenda, that is being a plant for the Skulls.

Now I have to come up with a new cover. Thanks Margrace, not!

But I still do have a really sweet tinfoil hat.

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The NWO is run by the elite of the world including leaders and former leaders. The Clinton's, Bush's , the very wealthy of the world always want to keep their money and how can you control the world.... by economics! For example, the Carlyle Group, owns 67% of the manufacturing sector in North America. They also own very sector of investing you can invest in, and in every country around the world, and they have investments in United Defense, that makes military equipment for the two wars . The Europeans are the same, the only question lies is WHO will be the military power to rule?? I think the first step in Canada is the union of US and Mexico as one large country which none of the people of either countries want. All the elite has to do is pay millions or billions to the leaders of the country to help with the change and its done. Think maybe Harper been offered?? The secrets he keeps and the changes he wants to make to this country makes me wonder what are the Cons up to????

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The NWO is run by the elite of the world including leaders and former leaders. The Clinton's, Bush's , the very wealthy of the world always want to keep their money and how can you control the world.... by economics! For example, the Carlyle Group, owns 67% of the manufacturing sector in North America. They also own very sector of investing you can invest in, and in every country around the world, and they have investments in United Defense, that makes military equipment for the two wars . The Europeans are the same, the only question lies is WHO will be the military power to rule?? I think the first step in Canada is the union of US and Mexico as one large country which none of the people of either countries want. All the elite has to do is pay millions or billions to the leaders of the country to help with the change and its done. Think maybe Harper been offered?? The secrets he keeps and the changes he wants to make to this country makes me wonder what are the Cons up to????

Bills to slip in making abortion criminal, bills to control every public avenue of information, bills to take away my rights to alternative health programs, we know what the cons are up to. As I said before practise your Heil because its coming.

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What amazes me margrace, is how none of them actually address a point under this topic.

Perhaps they believe that those people/instituions who effectively control the money flow really have NO influence on world events or actions of various governmental officials..

yeah that must be it. People and institutions, be they banks or other kinds of global corporations have absolutely NO influence on anything!!

Glad that is settled.


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It is slowly happening already. The four different trade unions of countries. One of them already has their own currency, the Euro. Next will be the North American Union which was made in 2005 without any public opinion. This was done behind closed doors. There will be a new tri country currency(Can, US, Mex) called the "Amero". Never heard of it? How many people heard of the "Euro" before a few years ago? They are building a new super highway as we speak from Mexico right through middle America all the through Canada's Praries. Right now it has been completed to Texas. This is to facilitate trade when we fully dissolve our borders.

There will continually be wars and "National Emergencies" to erode out liberties and basic chartered rights further and further. Control through fear, the scary thing is that we are the ones asking for them to control us. Every time a war or some other terrorist act occurs we are asking them to protect us, protect the public. The government will know whats best and how to protect us best so lets give them more power to do so. Don't you see how we are being conditioned by tv, music, technology, ipods, etc. They want to keep us distracted and brainwashed and disarmed. A free thinking, armed society is what they fear the most, an informed public, armed would have the ability to fight back against this. The publics numbers far outweigh theirs and they wouldn't stand a chance against a revolt and they know this. Which is why they must keep us distracted...they are busy taking away our liberties while we watch reruns, sports, "news" anything to keep us distracted.

I shall leave it there for now.

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Hi Spicey,

You are correct, certainly - divide and conquer, use fear and ignorance to do it! Then the sheep just beg for more controls! Ya gotta love it, eh? :P

"Let's you and him fight" :ph34r:

Good luck convincing the obvious shills on this board of anything though. Those who consciously align themselves with partisan politics - for they are deluded in thinking that there is any difference between those who control the so-called 'left' and those who champion the so-called 'right'. :rolleyes:

See how well it works? B)

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Hi Spicey,

You are correct, certainly - divide and conquer, use fear and ignorance to do it! Then the sheep just beg for more controls! Ya gotta love it, eh? :P

"Let's you and him fight" :ph34r:

Good luck convincing the obvious shills on this board of anything though. Those who consciously align themselves with partisan politics - for they are deluded in thinking that there is any difference between those who control the so-called 'left' and those who champion the so-called 'right'. :rolleyes:

See how well it works? B)

Precisely how I feel. It doesn't matter how one votes, left or right. The same result will occur, they are all part of the same wheel. The ones who are to be leaders of this country need to be screened to ensure they will be going along with the plan put in place long ago and driven by certain business and fraternal organizations. They aren't without a sense of humor though, after all they allowed Jack Layton to run for the NDP for the comic relief. Probably because they NDP will never form a government anyways so might as well have some fun.

They were honing there skills for years through colonialism. Pitting one side against another for years in Commonwealth countries. They now have it down to a science and are using it against us and have been since the civil war in the US, which had nothing to do with slavery but with how government should govern. Perhaps before this too. Who knows how far back this goes. It is sad though. People going about their daily lives thinking they are doing the right thing and making a difference, all the while they are just being manipulated.

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Precisely how I feel. It doesn't matter how one votes, left or right. The same result will occur, they are all part of the same wheel. The ones who are to be leaders of this country need to be screened to ensure they will be going along with the plan put in place long ago and driven by certain business and fraternal organizations. They aren't without a sense of humor though, after all they allowed Jack Layton to run for the NDP for the comic relief. Probably because they NDP will never form a government anyways so might as well have some fun.

They were honing there skills for years through colonialism. Pitting one side against another for years in Commonwealth countries. They now have it down to a science and are using it against us and have been since the civil war in the US, which had nothing to do with slavery but with how government should govern. Perhaps before this too. Who knows how far back this goes. It is sad though. People going about their daily lives thinking they are doing the right thing and making a difference, all the while they are just being manipulated.

Yep, and more of course than what you have mentioned above.

Sadly, you can only expect references to tin foil by way of an intelligent conversation from the majority of board members here.


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