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Which are your political leanings?


Left Wing or Right Wing?  

16 members have voted

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I would like to see the percentage of Left vs Right wingers we have here at Mapleleafweb.com.

I said earlier that is was 10-1. Left to Right.

They suggested I start a poll. So here goes.

I left out middle on purpose as we have no middle party here in Canada.

We only have Right wing, Left and Far Left.

The Green Party of Canada may prove themselves to be Centrist but the jury is still out.

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We only have Right wing, Left and Far Left.

I think currently we do not have a true conservative party nor liberal party.

What we have are the watered down Conservatives=centurist and the hard core Liberals =extreme left wing.

I am neo-conservative which I consider a party, partially liberally influenced, unlike our current extreme Liberal party that has adapted dictatorial social policies emulating a dictatorship.

I hope Canadians wake up and realize what undemocratic political path Canada is going down.

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Your poll doesn't make much sense.

You asked about what people's political 'leanings' are, but then you only give them left or right wing. While you may be right in that we don't really have a 'center' party right now, that doesn't mean that someone can't have political leanings other than left/right wing. (Of course, there's also the other question... right wing or left wing relative to what? After all, the conservative party may be considered on the 'right wing' of Canadian politics, but overall they probably sit to the political left of your average Democrat in the U.S.)

Perhaps a better question that you should have asked is "are you more likely to vote conservative or liberal/NDP/Bloc".

I myself 'lean' to the Libertarian side of things... I believe in smaller government, both economically (lower taxes, less spending), and socially (pro-choice, no censorship, etc.) At this point, I'm more likely to vote conservative because their policies are closer to my 'libertarian ideal'. (e.g. they've made no indication that they want to restrict abortion rights, censor free speech, etc.) However, if the conservatives do ignore fiscal conservativism and start to implement socially conservative policies, I'd find an alternate party to vote for.

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  • 1 month later...
I left out middle on purpose as we have no middle party here in Canada.

What a joke. How can you honestly expect to elicit serious answers when you've limited the options available?

NDP'ers believe there is some vast right wing conspiracy, with the Liberals acting in center right fashion and the Conservatives acting in an uber-right fashion.

Meanwhile, the die-hard "Reform" branch of the Conservative party pouts about some entrenched left wing conspiracy, divvied up between the Liberals and the NDP.

The reality is that there is ONLY a middle party in Canada (NDP doesn't count; face it, they are unelectable). Even if their initial intentions were different, their goal is to attract, and ultimately retain power, and the sole means of achieving that is to accurately reflect the interests of the electoral base in as broad a scope as they can. This can only be done be staking the middle ground.

P.S. The Green party = centrist?

Edited by marcinmoka
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My own standing. Hard to qualify.

I want law & order.

I want fiscal conservatism, but not at the cost of long term social stability.

I want a government who is diplomatic, but carries a big stick just in case things don't pan out.

Above all, I want a government who thinks strategically, puts pragmatism over idealism, and doesn't simply see the world as either black or white.

Edited by marcinmoka
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  • 3 weeks later...

The way I look at it, we don't have any right wing choices in Canada, unless you count the Christian Heritage Party. The so-called Conservatives are firmly in the middle, plucking things from all sides, more from the left than the right lately. The Liberals are slightly left leaning socially, but right leaning fiscally, again right in the middle. Really, the NPD is the only party that doesn't cater to the middle ground or the right.

Me? Mostly right, with a few centre-left social considerations. The Reform Party was the PERFECT political entity as far as lining up with my ideals. Virtually every line in their policy manual was as if I had written it for them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
"Some people say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one!"

It goes against the grain, I know, but I've never been able to stand that song. In fact, even though I like the Beatles, I've never been able to stand John Lennon and his sanctimonious, preachy crap. When he hooked up with Yoko that was the last straw for me, though I will admit that I cant stand her even more than John, by a factor of about ten.

Virtually every line in their policy manual was as if I had written it for them.

Could that possibly be why they did so well. :D

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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