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Brenda Martin's Mother calls out PM Harper

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Marjorie Bletcher is the mother of imprisoned Canadian Brenda Martin. She talks about her daughter's imprisonment, and how the Canadian Government hasn't helped her.

"If people want to help, they can write the Prime Minister. They need to ask the government to help my daughter. I’ve never heard from the Prime Minister or anyone in the Conservative government personally. The Prime Minister says there were 100 interventions, but I’m not sure what he’s talking about."

Check out the Full Article Here

Sort of crazy that the Canadian Government won't make an effort to do something, especially with a topic as hot as this.

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Sort of crazy that the Canadian Government won't make an effort to do something, especially with a topic as hot as this.

One of the interesting aspects of this story is that there were numerous news reports that Stephen Harper called the President of Mexico to discuss Brenda Martin's plight. These reports were apparently false. It turns out that in fact the President of Mexico called Harper, and Harper has since refused to state whether he even brought up the topic of Brenda Martin:


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This is a publicity campaign by the people associated with Brenda Martin that has gone too far. From what I've heard, the consular officials have visited her in prison many times and have assisted her to the best of their abilities. MPs have visited her, and what is her comment, that she is being used as a political football. Isn't that what she wanted, to use the political system to her advantage? What can the government do to help her? She allegedly committed a crime in Mexico, now she will have to go through the process to clear her name. The Prime Minister can't tell the Mexicans to release her, and why would he, if she is charged with a crime?

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None of which has anything to do with the topic at hand, purely infantile rhetoric.

The gov't is making an honest effort to help, and are trying to fast track the court case.

Even Liberal MP Dan McTeague, (consular affairs critic) , said he was given similar assurances given to the CPC, by Mexican officials four weeks ago. "It's clear that the same guarantees that were given to me were given to Kenney five weeks later,'' he said.

The Mexican gov't isn't going to be swayed by either party, unless maybe they want to fork over a large enough bribe, the only thing that seems to matter in Mexico.

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Then why was the Prime Minister so uninhibited about a Canadian citizen charged with a crime in China?

Why does it seem that so many Canadians are on an international crime spree? One guy is about to lose his head in Saudi Arabia for manslaughter, no? Recent news of child molesters, border busting into India, Black's conviction, and now Ms. Martin's "plight" makes one wonder if easy catch and release back home gives some people a false expectation when arrested in a different country.

I hope Martin won her reported prison beauty pageant.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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This case is intriguing. If I understand properly, this woman has been living in Mexico for many years. At one time, she was a chef to a man who amassed a small fortune drug dealing and money laundering. She claims to have been ignorant of his activities even though she lived in his household. Some five years after he fled Mexico, she is arrested and charged with illegal activities connected to her former employer.

What can one say?

It is cheap to travel and Canadians travel around the globe. There are some 1700 Canadians in prison abroad (most in the US). Many other Canadians seek consular assistance from our missions abroad.

When some cases are dire, people go to the media to seek attention. If the case has an angle, it attracts attention. (eg. Does the person abroad have a face for radio or TV?)

First, no government should fall into the trap of letting the media dictate policy based on ad hoc human interest cases. Hard as it is, politicians have to say no.

Second, I think we will soon have to revise what we mean by government - and citizenship. Consular assistance is like insurance. Who is covered by this insurance policy? Who pays the premium? What is the coverage? For example, when did Brenda Martin last pay taxes in Canada?

Edited by August1991
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This case is intriguing. If I understand properly, this woman has been living in Mexico for many years. At one time, she was a chef to a man who amassed a small fortune drug dealing and money laundering. She claims to have been ignorant of his activities even though she lived in his household. Some five years after he fled Mexico, she is arrested and charged with illegal activities connected to her former employer.

What can one say?

It is cheap to travel and Canadians travel around the globe. There are some 1700 Canadians in prison abroad (most in the US). Many other Canadians seek consular assistance from our missions abroad.

When some cases are dire, people go to the media to seek attention. If the case has an angle, it attracts attention. (eg. Does the person abroad have a face for radio or TV?)

First, no government should fall into the trap of letting the media dictate policy based on ad hoc human interest cases. Hard as it is, politicians have to say no.

Second, I think we will soon have to revise what we mean by government - and citizenship. Consular assistance is like insurance. Who is covered by this insurance policy? Who pays the premium? What is the coverage? For example, when did Brenda Martin last pay taxes in Canada?

Many good points. We don't know the other side of the story, all we know and all the media focuses on is what Brenda and her friends and family are saying. The media is using the story to sell more papers and increase ratings. There is so much emotional hype around this that many people aren't stopping to ask questions.

For instance, What cook gets 20,000+ in severance pay for ten months of work? (maybe the hells kitchen guy)

Why was she working in Mexico with a Visa or work permit?

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None of which has anything to do with the topic at hand, purely infantile rhetoric.

The gov't is making an honest effort to help, and are trying to fast track the court case.

Even Liberal MP Dan McTeague, (consular affairs critic) , said he was given similar assurances given to the CPC, by Mexican officials four weeks ago. "It's clear that the same guarantees that were given to me were given to Kenney five weeks later,'' he said.

The Mexican gov't isn't going to be swayed by either party, unless maybe they want to fork over a large enough bribe, the only thing that seems to matter in Mexico.

Funny thing about a lot of Canadians. They make a big deal about all the world being equal and admiring all nations and cultures, but when they travel abroad they like to think they're special, that they can't be subjected to the same laws and policies as the locals. Why? We would never accept the idea that visitors from abroad shouldn't have to abide by our laws or our legal system (however incompetent it is) so what makes us think we should be immune to the incompetent and often corrupt legal systems of other nations?

You want to live in Mexico? Good for you, but you're subject to the same corrupt legal system as the Mexicans. It's really not Canada's problem or fault. If you don't like that kind of treatment stay the hell out of Mexico or fund a great big army that's ordered to rescue Canadians who get into trouble abroad.

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Mexico has been for a hundred years a crimminal empire - now the filth is spreading north - and infecting Washington - who through fraud and in a greed driven war that is based simply in fulfilling really lucrative military contracts....has killed through fraud - over 4000 of it's finest soldiers - not to mention the thousand crippled and the million dead Iraqs...now lets move north to Canada - that is now following in the steps of Washington in the extention of the so-called war in Afghanistan - who's only real purpose is cornering the dope trade and continuing to enrich those that supply war supplies...funny who Harper the hench boy has "extended the mission" as if there will be a victory when a certain page of the calender turns and appears.

As for the buggy eyed prisoner - who LOOKS like she would do anything for quick cash and that is probably why she likes Mexico so much....not that her wacko eyes mean anything - BUT my point is this - the PAN AMERICAN UNION...is just a very very ambitious plan to have Mexico - America and now Canada...under one huge mafia rule...what else could it be? It is evident that crimmial behavior is most certainly the norm - and this woman is just a hostage that Mexico wants to extort the Canadian tax payer with...the foolish emotional trusting stupid Canadian tax payer! I would give this lazy money crubbing broad one bit of advice - stop whinning and crying - the mob loves it - and it plays to the emotions of the populace - plus the evil pricks that run the show feed off of emotion the sadistic creeps!

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I like to know why the US prisoner who did break the law was sent back to the US to do the ten years and Brenda wasn`t sent back to Canada? The story said that if Brenda comes up with $500,000. she free to come back home!! How can we (Canada) have a free trade agreement with a country that is so corrupt?????? Even when Bush and Mulroney signed with Mexico, they knew the President of Mexico was a dealer in drugs but didn`t say anything because they wanted the deal to go through!!! So if we can get 500,000 Canadians to give a $, Brenda can buy her way out. I wonder what the government would do if it was there sister or mother there, instead of Brenda?

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I like to know why the US prisoner who did break the law was sent back to the US to do the ten years and Brenda wasn`t sent back to Canada? The story said that if Brenda comes up with $500,000. she free to come back home!! How can we (Canada) have a free trade agreement with a country that is so corrupt?????? Even when Bush and Mulroney signed with Mexico, they knew the President of Mexico was a dealer in drugs but didn`t say anything because they wanted the deal to go through!!! So if we can get 500,000 Canadians to give a $, Brenda can buy her way out. I wonder what the government would do if it was there sister or mother there, instead of Brenda?

I love it when Harper said - to para phrase - "Mexico has it's own due process and independent judicary system - and he would not interfere with them any more than they would interfere with due process here in Canada" That is either a dellusional or fraudulent statement - firstly - you would have to have a state of affairs that is not totally crimminal in order to have a REAL judicary..so if you read between the lines of what Harper has said - or actually what he does not say - He is saying - they are crooks and we are crooks and we crooks stick together - so lets be mature and just send the protection ransom money and bring the hag home...no point in letting them torture her any further ---- WAIT! - I forgot..torture and barbarizm is normal these days - better let the Mexican bandits torment her to death - it's good for Mexicano - Canadeo relations...ha...what a foolish nation we are to actually think that those with the big bucks are actually honest good men..we bow down and worship rich evil people..besides - they supply us with dollars dope and booze.

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Hmmmm...seems that Brenda really liked Mexico when she was scamming people with her "boss":

Mexican authorities detained Martin in February 2006 on charges of money laundering and participating in a criminal conspiracy in connection with an investment scheme masterminded by her former boss, Alyn Waage, who bilked 15,000 investors of nearly US$60 million.

And before getting so typically high and mighty with Mexico, check out Canada's own sins with security certificate detentions lasting years.

No lleva a cabo la delincuencia si no puede hacerlo el tiempo.

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Hmmmm...seems that Brenda really liked Mexico when she was scamming people with her "boss":

Hmmmm...seems like Harper has no problem interfering when a Canadian citizen who is apparently a Muslim terrorist is held by the Chinese:


Why is an alleged Muslim terrorist more worthy than an alleged financial scammer?

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There are many disturbing facts about this case when you look a little deeper then the tripe in the newspapers . The $ 21,000 severance pay for 10 months work should make people scratch their heads to start with . In a live interview on the John Oakley radio show in Toronto (640 am) last week , the shows host said " hopefully this situation will be rectified and you will be back in Canada soon " to which Brenda Martin replied " I dont like cold climates i dont plan to move back to Canada , i just want out of Mexico "

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There are many disturbing facts about this case when you look a little deeper then the tripe in the newspapers.

Yeah, like the Liberals saying they will file a privacy complaint to investigate the "leak" which lead to her invasion of privacy. Only when it is convenient for the Liberals to smear the government are they opposed to openness and transparency in government. For all we know, the information was obtained through an access to information request.

"It is truly disgusting that phone information involving Foreign Affairs and Brenda Martin has been given to media and is being passed off as some kind of proof that the government has stood up for her," Liberal consular services critic Dan McTeague said.


The $ 21,000 severance pay for 10 months work should make people scratch their heads to start with.

Then she invests $10K in her boss's company. Did she do this to hide income? Did she pay any taxes on that severance pay? If she was working without a work visa then she was an illegal alien and I doubt she would have reported any income at all.

In a live interview on the John Oakley radio show in Toronto (640 am) last week , the shows host said " hopefully this situation will be rectified and you will be back in Canada soon " to which Brenda Martin replied " I dont like cold climates i dont plan to move back to Canada , i just want out of Mexico "

She'd better not try the southern US. Given her close association with Waage, they've got her number and would probably be considered an undesirable.

This woman is no better than the Lebanese Canadians of convenience that we saved from Lebanon. Some complained the ship sent to save them was not air conditioned and the food they were given was below par. Then a few months later when things calmed down, almost all of them returned to Lebanon.

Edited by capricorn
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"This woman is no better than the Lebanese Canadians of convenience that we saved from Lebanon. Some complained the ship sent to save them was not air conditioned and the food they were given was below par. Then a few months later when things calmed down, almost all of them returned to Lebanon."

My thoughts exactly.

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A rally was held today on Parliament Hill in support of Brenda Martin. Here is how things unfolded.

This article appeared yesterday:

People are travelling by bus, cars and plane to take part in Saturday's rally in Ottawa to raise public awareness of the plight of jailed Canadian, Brenda Martin, say rally organizers.

Despite the trip by federal Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney and fellow Conservative MP Rick Norlock to Mexico to see Ms. Martin last week, and meet with Mexican officials to hasten her trial, "there's absolutely no reason to stop (the rally), that's for sure," says Paul Macklin.

Mr. Macklin, a former Liberal MPP for Northumberland-Quinte West, established the Save the Brenda Fund last summer to assist with the incarcerated woman's legal and health-related costs.


This article appeared today:

About four dozen people attended a rally on Parliament Hill for Brenda Martin, a Canadian who has spend more than two years in a Mexican prison.


Organizers had predicted a crowd in the hundreds to turn up on Parliament Hill on Saturday.

But Paul Macklin, founder of the Save Brenda Fund, said the emotional response was "overwhelming" from those who turned up.

"I've been on Parliament Hill for many years as an MP and I will say today was the most emotional day I've ever spent on the Hill," Macklin, a former Liberal MP for the riding of Northumberland-Quinte West in Ontario, told Newsnet.


Hmm, about 4 dozen attended. That's less than 50 in a city of around one million inhabitants. After all, Ottawa is the seat of government and Parliament Hill is the ideal place to chastise the government. If this is an indication of the sympathy Canadians feel for Martin and her alleged mistreatment by Mexico then I have to wonder about the MSM's real interest in keeping this story front and centre.

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If this is an indication of the sympathy Canadians feel for Martin and her alleged mistreatment by Mexico then I have to wonder about the MSM's real interest in keeping this story front and centre.

Yes, no one in Canada cares about some of the problems Canadians have with the justice system down in Mexico. The Tory government is just reflecting that lack of care by saying to people that they are on their own down there. The only thing our officials do is have cocktails and talk trade.

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