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Omar Khadr

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Listening to Prime Minister (our first servant) Harper say "MISTER Khadr has been accused of very serious crimes" - It's so shifty and manipulative to take this boy who was 15 - and yes think of your own 15 year old in this horrific postion - What is dishonest is that they take this boy who they can not persecute or prosecute as a boy - so the jerks hold him for years untill he mature and has lost his puppy dog eyes and childish demeanor - THEN - creepy crawler henchmen for the Americans- Harper presents this kid as "MISTER" - As if he was and always was an adult - this deverts the real issue that this was a child - it is as if you take a baby that spilt the milk into a control panel at a nuclear facilty - short out all the transformers and buring out the compters causing chaos -..

THEN - you lock up the toddler till he is 25 years old and sports a growth of dark beard hair and THEN you put this MAN on trial. In the meantime we mismanage our own children to the point where they are shooting and stabbing each other and judges pat them on the head and say "poor boy you were bad you killed someone - let me give you a hug" . Sure it seems that I am a bleeding heart on the Khadr issue - but don't present this kid as some Taliban - it makes our administration look like liars and cowards and child abusers - speaking of child abuse - and child protection in CANADA- there is none . It's a fraud and a parasitic monopoly - maybe this child prisoner should have been stunted with Ritalin...and he would have been to confused to participate in so-called terror..

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Listening to Prime Minister (our first servant) Harper say "MISTER Khadr has been accused of very serious crimes" - It's so shifty and manipulative to take this boy who was 15 - and yes think of your own 15 year old in this horrific postion - What is dishonest is that they take this boy who they can not persecute or prosecute as a boy - so the jerks hold him for years untill he mature and has lost his puppy dog eyes and childish demeanor - THEN - creepy crawler henchmen for the Americans- Harper presents this kid as "MISTER" - As if he was and always was an adult - this deverts the real issue that this was a child - it is as if you take a baby that spilt the milk into a control panel at a nuclear facilty - short out all the transformers and buring out the compters causing chaos -..

THEN - you lock up the toddler till he is 25 years old and sports a growth of dark beard hair and THEN you put this MAN on trial. In the meantime we mismanage our own children to the point where they are shooting and stabbing each other and judges pat them on the head and say "poor boy you were bad you killed someone - let me give you a hug" . Sure it seems that I am a bleeding heart on the Khadr issue - but don't present this kid as some Taliban - it makes our administration look like liars and cowards and child abusers - speaking of child abuse - and child protection in CANADA- there is none . It's a fraud and a parasitic monopoly - maybe this child prisoner should have been stunted with Ritalin...and he would have been to confused to participate in so-called terror..

This boy (or toddler as you so humourlsly put it ) was 15 when he decided to pursue the family business or terrorism. and is now 21. He is now longer a boy.

I wish I could fell sympathy for him....naw...I'm joshing you. I am content that I have no sympathy for him. I wish him a long life in custody.

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This boy (or toddler as you so humourlsly put it ) was 15 when he decided to pursue the family business or terrorism. and is now 21. He is now longer a boy.

I wish I could fell sympathy for him....naw...I'm joshing you. I am content that I have no sympathy for him. I wish him a long life in custody.

Maybe you have been trained in the "family buisness" also - what do you do? Perhaps you terrorize the less privledged, vulnerable and marginalized in this nation - some are professional skimmers that work for the banks - or spin doctors that create illusions that harm the people on behalf of buisness and government - If you make a living through striking fear in the populace so as you or a group can prosper and dominate - then I would say you are in the terror buisness also - just the clean kind - If Canada was truely and honest nation - a delegation from the Children's Aid Society funded by the corporate United Way - should have been sent down to secure the release of what was clearly and abused child. But no - you are all hypocrites and actually hate other peoples kids - but of course love their dogs and yours. It amazes me that we live in a society that coos to a strange dog on the street - but resents young human beings - Maybe that is why there is so much youth violence and hopelessness - maybe - the kid because of your type SENSE - instinctively that your type hate them...from what I gather you are a hater..nothing personal my friend. It is what I instictively feel from you.

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but don't present this kid as some Taliban

I do believe he's Al Quaeda, not Taliban. Give me a break man, puppy dog eye's my ass.

He was trained to fight and kill. When you're on the receiving end of a bullet it doesn't matter how old the finger that pulled the trigger was (yeah I know, he used a grenade, same principle).

Khadr, zero zip sympathy from me, he's a treacherous piece of flotsam who deserves no sympathy.

Not to mention his families openly professed hatred for the West and Western ways, well, except when it comes to medical treatment anyway. They appear to be quite comfortable with that aspect of Western life.

It is what I instictively feel from you.

Well we can file that under unfounded and irrelevant.

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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If Canada was truely and honest nation - a delegation from the Children's Aid Society funded by the corporate United Way - should have been sent down to secure the release of what was clearly and abused child.

Are you saying the teaching of religious beliefs is child abuse? Should Canada move away from the broad promise of freedom of religion that encourages such abuse and only permit religious institutions that are in line with Canadian values?

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Snip -

......If Canada was truely and honest nation - a delegation from the Children's Aid Society funded by the corporate United Way - should have been sent down to secure the release of what was clearly and abused child.

In fact if canada was "truely and honest nation" it would be better to have sent him the same gift he sent to the soldiers - and at the same time NOT provide him with any medical relief after the "gift" exploded. However there are many - including media and high profile canucklehead celebrities who would agree with you.

But no - you are all hypocrites and actually hate other peoples kids - but of course love their dogs and yours.

Actually, I believe you to be the hypocrite in this instance. The rest of us seem true to our comments.

It amazes me that we live in a society that coos to a strange dog on the street - but resents young human beings

A society that you helped build? Or were you simply a drain on it?

- Maybe that is why there is so much youth violence and hopelessness - maybe - the kid because of your type SENSE - instinctively that your type hate them...from what I gather you are a hater..nothing personal my friend.

I do not hate - I simply call them as I see them. Having witnessed hate, this is nothing. Once you have seen it you would understand. But then again you most likely will not see it - thank others for that.

It is what I instictively feel from you.

Glad you have instincts - my question is - Do you have self respect?

This person should never be allowed back into this country. It would not be a bad idea to send all of his family packing to their point of origin. After all they are publicly committed supporters of terrorism.

Or do you support them as well?



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Are you saying the teaching of religious beliefs is child abuse? Should Canada move away from the broad promise of freedom of religion that encourages such abuse and only permit religious institutions that are in line with Canadian values?

You will have to do better than create a strawman situation that is devertive. You understand my point. Under the child protection act domestically and the family service acts - it is the duty of our bureacrats to protect those that are vulnerable. This situation that this kid got in had nothing to do with goodness or God - and was not motivated by religion - at most it is a territorial dispute. A case of turf and pride much like gangism here in Toronto. Real religion is simple -goodness or the God concept is the basis of all successful societies. Religion be it Islam, Judiac - or Christian fundamentalizm - are human constructs and really have nothing to do with GOD.

You can mobilize religious fanatics into violence - maniplulate them to serve to empower secularist. I believe firmly that those who moblize fanatics are NOT Godly - it's just real clever way of historically doing buisness.

Canada should fully embrace religion - not move away from it - but - it should weed out those that are not for the common GOOD of all - keep it simple - good = God......if it is not good - it is not and should not be supported as a "religion" - we all know what is good....and we all know what makes society toxic - Canadian values used to be based in "religion" before it became rotten - now as they say the temple has been torn down and nothing else has been built - immigrants are kind by nature...most believe in GOD ...and most are civilized -it is us - who need a tune up - we need justice and we need it quickly - all of our institutions have developed into insidious crimminal monopoly - as far as child abuse - or child poverty - stop abusing the adults and the children will fair well - this false and manipulative "protection of children" is a buisness - as I mention before - corner a group of child protection types in a court and you will see them toss the kids into the flames and save themselves..we are a fraud - Back in my day - we said the Lords prayer at the begining of the school day - believe or not believe is not the issue - it grounded us and created a power above the teacher and government - a power that allowed us to govern ourselves accordingly - we were allowed to be good - kids to day are not allowed to be good - the girl that was stabbed recently was killed because she was good - not bad - that says it all - we must embrace goodness or perish -

It is common sense. I learned this after studying the old english word for "good" - it was spelled "god" - that was very telling what real religion is - goodness......it sustains life the other thing kills and causes suffering - people do not react badly if treated well. Some do none the less - and those should be avoided -

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It is common sense. I learned this after studying the old english word for "good" - it was spelled "god" - that was very telling what real religion is - goodness

So...all the ancient religions that had nothing to do with the English language and the word good were irrelevant? Or how about the Middle Eastern religions? To be valid in your eyes they have to employ the English word good?

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So...all the ancient religions that had nothing to do with the English language and the word good were irrelevant? Or how about the Middle Eastern religions? To be valid in your eyes they have to employ the English word good?

Don't be silly - it all springs from the concept of life as apposed to death. The continuation of life in it's full heavenly quality is universal - apparently you do not want to be good - or god like. Looks like you flew off into a tangent with the way you percieved my simple lesson...funny how something that simple and logical is rejected and there are those that want to do a complex dance and start talking about language differences. As far as where the English Indo Germanic language came from - it came from a mixture of hundreds of different primative utterances.

Getting back to the mistreatment of the Omar Khahr kid...I noticed today in the paper they released a sketch of the boy - of course up date with the full scarey Muslim beard that we percieve all crazed Islamic wear as a badge of aggression - I wonder one thing about the beard - I bet you nickles to donuts that the keepers of this ward of the American Military Industrial complex denied the guy a razor..can't have him looking all baby faced and clean shaven - that would not fly well in the face of public opinion ----still can't get over Harpers caving in to the weapons dealers "Mr. and yes a real big MISTER khadr has been charged with a very serious offence" - so what - I suppose we should go to the boon docks of Africa and charge every kid forced or manipulated into carrying an AK - should be charged with war crimes?

Now let us return to the concept of good..or god - in the ancient days of common sense before the so-called enlightenment ..."complexity is the sanctuary of scoundrels" - before religion became politics - and I swear that religion or church and state are one! That when morality was simple - the community tried to do what God wanted and even a child knows that good is better and good enough and if we attatch the word GOD to that goodness there was no confusion - People are confused by religion - and politics - both are deceptions - both are forms of lieing in order to control - where as good and evil are easy to distinguish - BUT - we do not discriminate anymore and no one wants to judge what is good - in fact it is illegal politically and religiously to JUDGE ....time to discriminate and judge what is good and what is NOT! How hard can that be?

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Isn't 15 ancient in nutjob jihadi terms?

I mean, the suicide bomber who killed Pakistan's PM was a newborn baby.

These people play by different rules - which is we should rightly bend ours in our fight against them.

They wisely know that we voluntarily fight with one hand behind our back in all areas (legal or combat) and take full advantage of that fact.

Let him rot.

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Isn't 15 ancient in nutjob jihadi terms?

I mean, the suicide bomber who killed Pakistan's PM was a newborn baby.

These people play by different rules - which is we should rightly bend ours in our fight against them.

They wisely know that we voluntarily fight with one hand behind our back in all areas (legal or combat) and take full advantage of that fact.

Let him rot.

The white former Christian kids that stuck a knife in the gut of a 14 year old cops daughter - guess the killers were old also - the kettle is calling the pot black here - we have terrorist on the streets of Toronto that kill good God loving kids - what the hell is that about ???? you are not making sense and I suppose that you would bring back hanging for 12 year olds stealing bread - pathetic.

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Lets get things into perspective. This whole family that held Canadian citizenship ,left Canada to fight against Canadian and American soldiers in Afganistan. The American soldier he killed could just as well have been a Canadian soldier. Could have been one of his neighbours here in Canada. The word we are afraid to use is Traitor. Thats what he is and his family are. They should be stripped of their citizenship and deported back to Egypt, their fathers original birth place. These traitors give all peace loveing Canadians of the Islamic faith a heavy burden to carry. We are at war folks! We must not give quarter to our enemy who does not even wear a uniform. We certainly must not encourage traitorous action ,nor condone it. His brother who suffered grevious wounds fighting us is now being treated by Canadian tax payers. Why? Why are they not being treated in an Islamic state who sponsor terrorism? No ,I do not want this kid hung and quartered,but I don`t want him back in Canada either. He is a traitor to Canada. Who needs him? We certainly don`t. Our young soldiers are at war. We should not give comfort to their enemy.

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I post this once on another topic and I will do it here. www.cbc.ca/thehour/video.php?id=1525 A. Kent was on The Hour and he tells it like it is about this stupid war. One question, did Canada and US declared war with Afghanistan?? When someone invades your country aren't you suppose to fight the invader? I believe Bush has screwed up the world enough and kid just did what he was trained to do, kill the enemy and the enemy was the US. How many people has the US military have killed in these two countries that wasn't part of the terrorists?? I'm blaming them, after all they are following orders. Watch the video and you may think a little different.

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Good post muddy. It about says it all for me.


The CBC and The Star tried to make a fuss by saying that the UK and Australia "repatriated" their Guantanamo prisoners to finish their sentences at home - so why couldn't Canada. What they neglected to point out was that Khadr was the only one accused of murder - the others were accused of "material support of terrorism". That's a whole different kettle of fish. Traitor is the right word.

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I post this once on another topic and I will do it here. www.cbc.ca/thehour/video.php?id=1525 A. Kent was on The Hour and he tells it like it is about this stupid war. One question, did Canada and US declared war with Afghanistan?? When someone invades your country aren't you suppose to fight the invader? I believe Bush has screwed up the world enough and kid just did what he was trained to do, kill the enemy and the enemy was the US. How many people has the US military have killed in these two countries that wasn't part of the terrorists?? I'm blaming them, after all they are following orders. Watch the video and you may think a little different.

I don't follow your argument. Hadn't this family and the young lad specifically become Canadians? As Canadians should they not be honour bound not to wage war on Canadians and their allies, such as the Americans?

If they did feel they should go and fight for Al Queda in Afghanistan should they not first have renounced their Canadian citizenship? By what right can this lad claim it now to get out of Git-mo?

Does dual citizenship mean you can shoot one set of countrymen and then demand their rights as a citizen?

I just can't follow this idea at all...

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I don't follow your argument. Hadn't this family and the young lad specifically become Canadians? As Canadians should they not be honour bound not to wage war on Canadians and their allies, such as the Americans?

If they did feel they should go and fight for Al Queda in Afghanistan should they not first have renounced their Canadian citizenship? By what right can this lad claim it now to get out of Git-mo?

Does dual citizenship mean you can shoot one set of countrymen and then demand their rights as a citizen?

I just can't follow this idea at all...

Neither can any sane person.

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I post this once on another topic and I will do it here. www.cbc.ca/thehour/video.php?id=1525 A. Kent was on The Hour and he tells it like it is about this stupid war. One question, did Canada and US declared war with Afghanistan?? When someone invades your country aren't you suppose to fight the invader? I believe Bush has screwed up the world enough and kid just did what he was trained to do, kill the enemy and the enemy was the US. How many people has the US military have killed in these two countries that wasn't part of the terrorists?? I'm blaming them, after all they are following orders. Watch the video and you may think a little different.

That is a disgracefull post. Either your being deliberately obtuse or your ignorant of facts. Let me clarify some history for you. Binny and his happy gang declared war on the free world. 9/11 was an attack on all of us who hold freedom dear to our hearts. Binny and his crazy crusaders were threatening the free world ,and Canada was named by Binny himself as a target. One thing I will say for Binny Baby ,he trys hard to keep his word. The United Nations,that goofy outfit,even saw the wisdom of stopping this guy and his crazy virgin seekers. They asked for troops to enter Afganistan to take out the basis binny had there at the pleasure of the government of the day. The Taliban. That fun loving group of lady killers that were praising Allah and driving the country in to the dark ages. It was at the erging of the UN that NATO take over the task in Afganistan,not Bush. Got it? The Kadr kid and his family went to war against their country of Canada when they attacked our allie. Got it? It would have been no different at D Day if we had captured a Canadian citizen of German descent killing British Tommys,GI`s or Canuck soldiers. He would have been classed a traitor. And he would have been at least wearing a uniform. This American soldier he killed could just as well been a Canadian Soldier . A kid who might have delivered your newspaper or played hockey with your kid. Think about it?

You have taken the side of our countrys enemy! I don`t think you see it that way. But thats the way it is.

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Guest American Woman
Ummm....should Omar first be found guilty of some sort of crime?

I'm curious. Isn't being a traitor a crime in Canada? Isn't going to another country and fighting with them against your countries' troops considered traitorous? Seems to me if he's a Canadian fighting against Canadian forces that would be a crime.

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I'm curious. Isn't being a traitor a crime in Canada? Isn't going to another country and fighting with them against your countries' troops considered traitorous? Seems to me if he's a Canadian fighting against Canadian forces that would be a crime.

You completely miss the point.

Our brave men and women, both past and present, did/do not fight for a country that would detain someone almost indefinitely without trial, denying a centuries-old principle of habeas corpus, to be tried in a military tribunal intentionally devoid of domestic criminal rules/procedures/protections in a pathetic sham pretending to be due process.

Canada is founded on the rule of law and Omar Khadr ought to be proven to be an unlawful enemy combatant and proven to have in that capacity murdered an American soldier before we cast him away to rot in hell.

How do you, or anyone on this board have any idea whatsoever what happened in this case? I rather doubt any of you were there to witness what Khadr did or didn't do.

I am in no way trying to support what Khadr is alleged to have done...but I personally beleive that media hype and political rhetoric does not a traitor make...I'd rather see some form of lawful (meaning fundamnetally fair) conviction before I cast my stones.

Here's a link with an interesting chronology related to the military commissions and this quote:

Trial Watch

Human rights activists and military defence lawyers have criticized the commission rules, saying they favour prosecutors, allow evidence obtained through torture and hearsay and permit only limited independent judicial review. Critics also note that the Pentagon has never said it would actually free a defendant if he were acquitted.

Furthermore, the detainees are said to be charged with conducts that were not previously crimes or not previously recognized as war crimes.

The Supreme Court heard on March 28, 2006, a challenge to George W. Bush's power to create military commissions to put Guantanamo prisoners on trial for war crimes (cf. the profile of Salim Ahmed Hamdan in "related cases"). On June 29, 2006, the Supreme Court ruled that the US President exceeded his authority in establishing the military commissions at Guantánamo Bay. The Court also ruled that the commissions violated U.S. military law and the Geneva Conventions.

A controversial new bill was passed by the US Senate and the House of Representatives in late September 2006.

The Military Commissions Act, which is heavily criticised by human rights organisations

- allows terror suspects to be tried by military tribunals rather than civilian courts

- gives defendants a legal right to see evidence and a (limited) right to counsel

- forbids "serious" breaches of the Geneva Conventions, such as torture, in the course of interrogation procedures

- gives the president the authority to "interpret the meaning and application of the Geneva Conventions"

- allows for hearsay evidence in trials of terror suspects.

Furthermore, the new legislation prohibits any person from invoking the Geneva Conventions or their protocols as a source of rights in any action in any US court.

Passing laws to circumvent laws which are the very laws that you rely on to denounce the conduct of the person you accuse as a traitor puts you in a bit of a philosophical and intellectual bind doesn't it?


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You completely miss the point.

Our brave men and women, both past and present, did/do not fight for a country that would detain someone almost indefinitely without trial, denying a centuries-old principle of habeas corpus, to be tried in a military tribunal intentionally devoid of domestic criminal rules/procedures/protections in a pathetic sham pretending to be due process.

Canada is founded on the rule of law and Omar Khadr ought to be proven to be an unlawful enemy combatant and proven to have in that capacity murdered an American soldier before we cast him away to rot in hell.

How do you, or anyone on this board have any idea whatsoever what happened in this case? I rather doubt any of you were there to witness what Khadr did or didn't do.

I am in no way trying to support what Khadr is alleged to have done...but I personally beleive that media hype and political rhetoric does not a traitor make...I'd rather see some form of lawful (meaning fundamnetally fair) conviction before I cast my stones.

Here's a link with an interesting chronology related to the military commissions and this quote:

Trial Watch

Passing laws to circumvent laws which are the very laws that you rely on to denounce the conduct of the person you accuse as a traitor puts you in a bit of a philosophical and intellectual bind doesn't it?


Quite right. The system should always have civil liberty safeguards. Quite right also that most of us are not deeply steeped in the nuances of the law.

Still, I believe that these criticisms and attacks on the defense of those like Khadr are really an expression of a loss of faith in large segments of the public that the system any longer values things like citizenship and honour. If trust in the "system" was more widespread you wouldn't see so many of these complaints.

I still remember back in the Kosovo war there was a young man of dual Serbian/Canadian citizenship who chose to go and fight with Serbian forces against Canada and Nato. It made for a great deal of newspaper copy but what has always puzzled me is that when the police action ended I've never seen any more about the issue in the media. The contention had been that he intended to return to Canada!

We also recently witnessed the expensive "rescue" of Lebanese Canadians, many of whom returned to Lebanon afterwards! I personally see examples in my daughter's elementary school of families here as refugees, supposedly who fled for their lives, who return every year to their old country for a month or two to visit relatives, apparently with no fear at all.

I'm glad you reminded us of the civil rights aspect of the Khadr case but it's too easy to forget, after some of the utterances from his mother in the press.

Respect is earned. It cannot be simply assumed without relying on force. When citizens get too many issues such as Khadr, Homolka, an unpoliced honour system as to who is accepted as a citizen to get on a riding's voters list, gun control that attacks law abiding owners more than criminals, and many, many others it helps to create a breakdown in the concept of "consent to be governed". When an OPP dispatcher tells a housewife in Caledonia that "You're on your own. Don't call us anymore!" is this not ENCOURAGING vigilantism? What else is a citizen to do?

Not to mention scandal with political involvement of the highest levels of the RCMP.

No, what's sadly really happening in cases like Khadr is that too many of us are being conditioned to EXPECT that he will go unpunished even if his crimes are proven! This is NOT a good thing for a society!

I fully realize that this is not an entirely logical perception. It's much more political than legal, after all. If every such example is taken in its own context there's usually good legal reasons as to why things work out as they do. The problem is that for many citizens it appears to be a disconnect between what's legal and what's considered just. Years ago institutions like our legal system seemed to have a much higher level of public respect. Now cynicism seems rampant. Does the "system" not bear any of the blame or is it all the fault of a biased media?

This loss of respect for institutions seems to be a growing trend. The way to fight it is not by scolding people for not being well-versed in the details of the law. I'm truly concerned about the direction things are heading and I sincerely hope I'm wrong!

I'd just like a little more positive evidence.

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Guest American Woman
I'm curious. Isn't being a traitor a crime in Canada? Isn't going to another country and fighting with them against your countries' troops considered traitorous? Seems to me if he's a Canadian fighting against Canadian forces that would be a crime.

You completely miss the point.

Our brave men and women, both past and present, did/do not fight for a country that would detain someone almost indefinitely without trial, denying a centuries-old principle of habeas corpus, to be tried in a military tribunal intentionally devoid of domestic criminal rules/procedures/protections in a pathetic sham pretending to be due process.

Canada is founded on the rule of law and Omar Khadr ought to be proven to be an unlawful enemy combatant and proven to have in that capacity murdered an American soldier before we cast him away to rot in hell.

How do you, or anyone on this board have any idea whatsoever what happened in this case? I rather doubt any of you were there to witness what Khadr did or didn't do.

I am in no way trying to support what Khadr is alleged to have done...but I personally beleive that media hype and political rhetoric does not a traitor make...I'd rather see some form of lawful (meaning fundamnetally fair) conviction before I cast my stones.


I don't think I missed the point. I'm simply wondering if being a traitor is committing a crime in Canada, since that's the post I was responding to: "should Omar first be found guilty of some sort of crime?" I thought fighting with the enemy, taking up arms against your side, would be all the proof that you would need that he was a traitor by definition. So I'm wondering if taking up arms against Canada is in itself considered a crime.

Or are you questioning if he was even doing that? Seems to me that part of it is rather straight forward. He was there with the men who killed the interpreters that they asked for-- and the U.S. troops provided. The U.S. troops upon entering the building saw him toss the grenade that killed a soldier.

As for his treatment and being held-- that's a whole different issue from the question of whether or not he is guilty of a crime. I'm in no way justifying that or looking for justification of it because of his guilt.

So I'm still wondering if being a traitor is a crime in Canada; if taking up arms against Canadians and/or Canada's allies in a war is considered traitorous.

Edited by American Woman
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Yes, it is considered being a traitor. Unfortunately, for reasons that escape me, in this country we have many who will bend over backwards to excuse the behaviour of filth like Khadr, even welcome them.

We hear constantly about the poor misguided youth and how it's every one else's fault but theirs. Cut through the emotional bull and what you have is someone who was trained from an early age to hate the country that took him and his familly in. Just strip citizenship from them and send em packing. Any who think we really need that kind of attitude in Canada should really take a good hard look at the values they base such an opinion on.

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