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The New World Order


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The world is governed by different people than you might think:

Behind the screen there are 13 different bloodlines who are in control of this the world:

The illuminati.

Under these is the commitee of 300.

Those people have given us the illusion of democracy, but are steering the world right into

a NWO, A New World Order, a fascist world government. These same people have helped Hitler to his power,

and now they are using the same propaganda tricks. Heagelian dialectis and gradualism.

If we don't wake up, we will get a planet worse then the fourt reich!

offcourse there is so much more to say but this is the start.


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You know we may be pretty naive about this. Just how did Hitler take a wasted country and put it where it was in 1939. Where did he get the money and support. Bears thinking about, its easy to be sarcastic but.

Thank you very much for your reaction!

I had anticipated ridicule.

However I am open to discuss this matter, because it is very very important, and the ways

we are lied to are enormous once you start to investigate.

However, it can be frightning for some people because they will find out that their lives

and careers are build upon lies upon lies, and it takes very much courage to see that. and to totally change your worldview.

And yes, you are right. Hitler was paid by Prescot Bush and others by means of G.I.Farben.

Both sides of the war where paid for by bankers. Why? Well, they wanted to create covertly chaos, so that people would

ask for a solution, and then they implement what they already wanted to implement, but now with

public support, and they wanted centralise power, because of the coming fascist state.(UN)

(this is called Heagelian dialectic or problem-reaction-solution.)

That is also one of the reasons for lots of cooperate fusions.

And no, i don't wear aluminium foil ;)


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and well to see that the phrase "New World Order" is no rubbish:

Sarkozy calls for UN-led "new world order"[/b]

New York (dpa) - The United Nations should avail itself as an instrument for a "new world order of the 21st century," French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Tuesday in his first address to the General Assembly.



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I would have pooh pooh conspiracies and such until in our small area I experienced how people can work to get their ends. Although it took 9 years two women eventually, by stacking boards, having in camera meetings and spreading lies finally forced me out of the job I loved. I never quite knew what I did to be the butt of their hate and now 7 years later it still is evident. And none of their alligations were true but I was never allowed to address them.

We have, on this board, people who get pretty riled up it you question certain things. Such as the fact that the war in the middle east is all about oil. People who disturb the status quo can certainly feel the wrath of the controllers. It is evident from the secrecy around the meetings our governments have been having about the joining of North America into one country that there is a lot going on we are not allowed to know.

And yes you will pick up the bullies on here and there are several.

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I would have pooh pooh conspiracies and such until in our small area I experienced how people can work to get their ends. Although it took 9 years two women eventually, by stacking boards, having in camera meetings and spreading lies finally forced me out of the job I loved. I never quite knew what I did to be the butt of their hate and now 7 years later it still is evident. And none of their alligations were true but I was never allowed to address them.

We have, on this board, people who get pretty riled up it you question certain things. Such as the fact that the war in the middle east is all about oil. People who disturb the status quo can certainly feel the wrath of the controllers. It is evident from the secrecy around the meetings our governments have been having about the joining of North America into one country that there is a lot going on we are not allowed to know.

And yes you will pick up the bullies on here and there are several.

ok thanks for your response. I know about the "bullies"

But, what you see in the mass media is NOT the TRUTH, but a clever propaganda tool to hide the REAL AGENDA.

people are very quick to dismiss this, however, what about his quote:

"""There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of the paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. Or quite possibly, I'd be dead."

"The business of journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it. What folly is this, toasting to an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes, whores. Nothing more."

John Swinton, the former Chief of Staff for the New York Times at a New York Press Club toast to independent press, 1953""

and it goes deeper than that, the tools used by the elite are:religion, science, mass-media, food,education and on it goes.

lot will think i am paranoid, however, there is proof for all mentioned.

we are really living in a "Matrix" of lies and deceit.

It's time to wake up and get our power back.


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The Illumnati is a subject I am interested in and keep an open mind about. It's an interesting concept. Where there's smoke there's fire, so there's probably something to it. It's amazing that as the world becomes more and more populated, the population beomes more and more powerless. In these times of increasing corruption in high places and the new global village structuring, it's almost logical to assume that events are designed and manipulated by something other than the obvious. The political blending of nations, that has evolved over the last 50 years, has had little to do with the "good of mankind" and more to do with increasing the power for some.

When you see things on Youtube, like Harper planting provacateurs at protests rallies with the object of stiring up violence where none was intended, really makes you wonder. You start thinking that the "tinhat" theories may not be so wacked out after all.

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The Illumnati is a subject I am interested in and keep an open mind about. It's an interesting concept. Where there's smoke there's fire, so there's probably something to it. It's amazing that as the world becomes more and more populated, the population beomes more and more powerless. In these times of increasing corruption in high places and the new global village structuring, it's almost logical to assume that events are designed and manipulated by something other than the obvious. The political blending of nations, that has evolved over the last 50 years, has had little to do with the "good of mankind" and more to do with increasing the power for some.

When you see things on Youtube, like Harper planting provacateurs at protests rallies with the object of stiring up violence where none was intended, really makes you wonder. You start thinking that the "tinhat" theories may not be so wacked out after all.

wow! I can only say thanks!

And you know why? I am studying it for 6 years now, and now it seems the reactions are changing!

less ridicule! Well, there still is, but also more people awaking to what is REALLY going on!

And, a word of caution, don't take any what I say on face value!

Because there are so many lies out there do your own research!

But your reaction gives me a good feeling, because I still hope people wake up to the powers that be!

We are slaves and we even don't know it.


Btw did you know USA is NOT a country, legal that is, it's a company!

Used to be the "Virginia Company".

That's why USA has a president and a vice-president, and you are the émployees'!

And who ownes USA? Right, the Queen of England, and the Vatican ownes England!

But that USA is a country has far reaching conseuquenses, starting with TAX!

you are being fooled and don't know it.


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Right now I kind of miss OnlyTheTruth, Polynewbie, Jenna, and the Freemen. They were mental too, but at least they were entertaining.

Actually, the Freemen weren't entertaining, come to think of it.


{Dark Zone Lieutenant of Earth Occupation Forces.}

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The world is governed by different people than you might think:

Behind the screen there are 13 different bloodlines who are in control of this the world:

The illuminati.

Under these is the commitee of 300.

Those people have given us the illusion of democracy, but are steering the world right into

a NWO, A New World Order, a fascist world government. These same people have helped Hitler to his power,

and now they are using the same propaganda tricks. Heagelian dialectis and gradualism.

If we don't wake up, we will get a planet worse then the fourt reich!

offcourse there is so much more to say but this is the start.


Control of power and money.

It can be done - tell the biggest lies and be believed.


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You strike me as being one of the sheeple that the illumnati (if they do exist) would rub their hands in glee over. Or better yet, one of their success stories.

You strike me as being the sort of person that space aliens Kang and Kodos (if they exist) would be extremely interested in probing.

Of course they're just fictional, but you should be extremely careful just in case they're real.

(Like, sleep on your back.)

Set your secret pocket decoder ring to epsilon 5.


Which should decode to:

Buy Alcan....... :D Demand has risen.

Aw, that's sweet :wub: I'll call my broker immediately.


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I went searching on the web for this topic and thre's alot out there. One website, www.educate-yourself.org/nwo/ has alot of info. on anything topic especialy their view of new world order.

yes I think that is a rather good one.

But because we have less and less time to read, you can look on youtube:

Be sure to check out:

The money masters: How we are being conned by the Federal Reserve and why?

Loose change :Final Cut: Was 9=11 an inside job and if it was why?

The Great Global Swindle: The lies of Al Gore in inconvenient truth, and if he lies why?

The Naked Truth: what is religion really and why is it done this way?

well, this is for starters:

As I said we are lied to on a massive scale! Why? Because that way they can control public opinion

so later there will be able to implement their plan with the least resistance.

How many people are fighting against camera's (CCTV), less freedom etc etc


thanks for reading this far


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You know we may be pretty naive about this. Just how did Hitler take a wasted country and put it where it was in 1939. Where did he get the money and support. Bears thinking about, its easy to be sarcastic but.

for sure. Good on you for having the stones to post this, Pindar. Believe me, you will get heckled by the sheep on this board. They generally feel that if it isn't found in the MSM, it MUST be a conspiracy of one sort or another. They poo poo something without taking even 1 minute to do the research. And in all honesty, I used to be just like em', ridiculing anyone with differing thoughts than my own.

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Well Runningdog if what Pindar tells us and asks us to read is true of course there are going to be people on here trying to shut that person up. Making fun of others seems to be the given way to do it today.

Yesterday it was easy to control because people were taught not to question their betters. Now people are beginning to wake up to the fact that we are all equal and no one should be making virtual slaves out of others.

Religion and class superiority were always the way of control. Now we are starting to break out of that mould and the sooner the better.

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Well Runningdog if what Pindar tells us and asks us to read is true of course there are going to be people on here trying to shut that person up. Making fun of others seems to be the given way to do it today.

Yesterday it was easy to control because people were taught not to question their betters. Now people are beginning to wake up to the fact that we are all equal and no one should be making virtual slaves out of others.

Religion and class superiority were always the way of control. Now we are starting to break out of that mould and the sooner the better.

Well said Margrace. I think education has had alot to do with this - hence we are now seeing a dumbing down of the education system - lowering the bar, passing kids who should be passed and graduating alot of children who cannot think critically about anything - good little automotons!! Better workers - who question nothing.

My son is in high school and is very bright, he is actively discouraged from asking questions. Now, how is that education???

The elites use the age old ''divide and conquer" technique - and why not? It's been working since time immemorial. And there will always be sheep who will bleat and bleat against the black one who suspects the far building on the farm is not the way to sheep freedom - but really a slaughterhouse.

I think some folks on here need to re-read their Orwell.

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Well said Margrace. I think education has had alot to do with this - hence we are now seeing a dumbing down of the education system - lowering the bar, passing kids who should be passed and graduating alot of children who cannot think critically about anything - good little automotons!! Better workers - who question nothing.

My son is in high school and is very bright, he is actively discouraged from asking questions. Now, how is that education???

The elites use the age old ''divide and conquer" technique - and why not? It's been working since time immemorial. And there will always be sheep who will bleat and bleat against the black one who suspects the far building on the farm is not the way to sheep freedom - but really a slaughterhouse.

I think some folks on here need to re-read their Orwell.

Yes I agree, we need a few more kids like my granddaughter, she was the teachers nighmare and kept getting expelled for stating her beliefs, they didn't like her ability to pursuade others to go out on stike with her. It was kept covered up.

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for sure. Good on you for having the stones to post this, Pindar. Believe me, you will get heckled by the sheep on this board. They generally feel that if it isn't found in the MSM, it MUST be a conspiracy of one sort or another. They poo poo something without taking even 1 minute to do the research. And in all honesty, I used to be just like em', ridiculing anyone with differing thoughts than my own.

Thanks for encouraging me. It is too important not to say these things, even

if I am ridiculed.

I know that a lot of people will ridicule what I say before they have read one letter about it.

Offcourse one day I was also like that, because that is what the system wants.

no thinking of your own, hence the 'sheeple'

I had to learn not to dismiss something because it was another idea.

Once you 'break that, there emerges a completely different world with nearly anything upside down

(there is a special reason for this, I wil go later into that).

If you start to onvestigate you wil discover the following (don't take my word for it)

and before you laugh, please investigate, i know it sounds bizar the first time.

we never went to the moon with the shown technology.

There is free energy ( so no crisis neccesary)

banks loan money they don't have and create the depressions and booms at will

all important religions are made by the elite to fight off each other

(there is soooooo much more to say about reliion)

science is a manipulaton tool for the elite.

main stream 'news' is a propaganda tool for the elite, to direcht public opinion and dumbing down.

there are means for treating 'cancer' and other diseased etc, but is surpressed.

and on and on it goes

thanks for the reply


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Well said Margrace. I think education has had alot to do with this - hence we are now seeing a dumbing down of the education system - lowering the bar, passing kids who should be passed and graduating alot of children who cannot think critically about anything - good little automotons!! Better workers - who question nothing.

My son is in high school and is very bright, he is actively discouraged from asking questions. Now, how is that education???

The elites use the age old ''divide and conquer" technique - and why not? It's been working since time immemorial. And there will always be sheep who will bleat and bleat against the black one who suspects the far building on the farm is not the way to sheep freedom - but really a slaughterhouse.

I think some folks on here need to re-read their Orwell.

Very well put! Thank you!

Please invstigate 'Outcome Based Education' and you will find the pupils are deliberatly dumbed down.

There is no education, there is , if you look at it closely' only indoctrination.

You HAVE to say what they want to hear, or else you are out!

And I don't mean this as an insult to anyone, but you know who are the most closed minded people:scientist!

They are nearly all so closed, you can't have a decent conversation with them about things that are ven a little


And maybe this is good to remember:

what ever the government want, it will get!

So, if the education is bad, then THAT is what they want!

Try avoiding your tax, they get you!


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