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The New World Order


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I would say take a grain of salt with any news you read and do a little digging into each topic. PrisonPlanet.net and Infowars.net link articles from the BBC, CNN, FOX, CBC, ABC ..ect ect .... It is hard to get away from spin no matter what news source you are dealing with. And yes, reading between the lines is part of the process, by cross referencing with other sites of news and such. I am not sure I buy all of what Alex Jones says. But at least take it into consideration.

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I would say take a grain of salt with any news you read and do a little digging into each topic. PrisonPlanet.net and Infowars.net link articles from the BBC, CNN, FOX, CBC, ABC ..ect ect .... It is hard to get away from spin no matter what news source you are dealing with. And yes, reading between the lines is part of the process, by cross referencing with other sites of news and such. I am not sure I buy all of what Alex Jones says. But at least take it into consideration.

Here hear!

Who's really behind the lobbyists, special interest groups, oil companies and insurance rip offs? Why were 3000 predominently black Americans left to die on rooftops and in a stadium when there was a war started over 3000 predominently white Americans killed in 2 buildings? Why was ground zero (a freaking landmark) rebuilt so quickly and New Orleans has been left to rot? Nobody will ever convince me that there isn't more going on here than meets the eye.

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Here hear!

Who's really behind the lobbyists, special interest groups, oil companies and insurance rip offs? Why were 3000 predominently black Americans left to die on rooftops and in a stadium when there was a war started over 3000 predominently white Americans killed in 2 buildings? Why was ground zero (a freaking landmark) rebuilt so quickly and New Orleans has been left to rot? Nobody will ever convince me that there isn't more going on here than meets the eye.

There is always more going on than meets the eye. For instance after a prolonged interaction with lawyers on all levels I found them all to be conspiratorial and quite harmful to the public. They are self serving and cruel persons in general - so don't forget that most politicians are lawyers - so expect the same on the high level as the lower one. Instututional corruption. They are above the law - thus lawless and privledge makes the ego flare and become more daring - Just look at Brian Malroney - stands up in public and admits he is a crimminal and no charges are laid because he belongs to that group that control judges and lawyers. These types like Malroney are the new world order in the skin -

and the up side is that they are aging and they are finding that controling the world takes great skill - and they lack talent...just rich goofy crooks that have washed their hands and appear respectable but are not - Malroney was dealing with a man called Shriber - and this German is and was an arms dealer - these guys love war. For war is buisness and nothing else - when an America president is inept - they get out the old instruction manual and open it to the chaper that IF you don't have the brains to govern - have a war - it's the lazy stupid mans governance. That is what the NWO is - lazy bums with huge companies to dumb to create wealth the legal way.

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Here hear!

Who's really behind the lobbyists, special interest groups, oil companies and insurance rip offs? Why were 3000 predominently black Americans left to die on rooftops and in a stadium when there was a war started over 3000 predominently white Americans killed in 2 buildings?

Ask the Mayor....perfectly good school buses were left to flood in a municipal parking lot. Actually, the reported storm related deaths for black people was below the population proportion. Lots of dead white people too, for those who obsess on such things.

Why was ground zero (a freaking landmark) rebuilt so quickly and New Orleans has been left to rot? Nobody will ever convince me that there isn't more going on here than meets the eye.

New Orleans has always been an armpit...rebuild what? There is still a large hole in the ground in Manhattan.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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While the likelyhood of planes hitting NYC is rare, the chance of NO being sunk is a certainty.

Try as they might, NO is not a racial issue.

I always wondered if Bush was the "Christian" he presents to be he would have done a few things right after the 9 11 attack - he would have and should have loved his ememies - He should have made it public that the killers were all forgiven....then he should have shut down all of the continental boarder...land and sea and air for all of America - using military....THEN he said if who ever finaces or partakes in terrorism after that point that the suspect will be nuked with a small and meaninful bomb....but instead like a chicken litte infidel he went nuts and started to chase ghost all over the planet in his rediculous little adventuer called "war on terror" in time he became the greatest threat to America and all other nations....You can not say you are a Christian nation and behave in such a manner - you turn the cheek once and warn the fanatics that once is enough and now we are going to turn you to ashes...forgiveness and love - and if that don't work - do the nuky nuky without warning. Boom gone....real Christians of old are revolutionarys - Bush should have shown love not false heroics and he should have not poisoned the nation with fear - making it weak.

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Funny, the majority of the people I saw on TV that were sitting on rooftops dazed, thirsty and starving were black. I also saw few white people begging outside the stadium for water, food for their babies and rescue, for a solid week. True, there were white folks too, but when you have a plan, sacrifices have to made don't they? Same as when you want control of all the oil in the world, people have to die to obtain the objective. Life means nothing to the mad and power hungry.

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Funny, the majority of the people I saw on TV that were sitting on rooftops dazed, thirsty and starving were black. I also saw few white people begging outside the stadium for water, food for their babies and rescue, for a solid week. True, there were white folks too, but when you have a plan, sacrifices have to made don't they? Same as when you want control of all the oil in the world, people have to die to obtain the objective. Life means nothing to the mad and power hungry.

Lots of people who evacuated, hydrated, and well fed were black too. So what? They had access to more potable water in a week than the First Nations in Canada have had for many generations if you want to play that game.

Blood is a renewable resource...sweet crude is not.

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Lots of people who evacuated, hydrated, and well fed were black too. So what? They had access to more potable water in a week than the First Nations in Canada have had for many generations if you want to play that game.

Blood is a renewable resource...sweet crude is not.

You mean there were people who were evacuated? Gee, I didn't see that! All I noticed was the big pat on the back to Brownoser from Bushy at the same moment as another channel was showing people still begging for help. That whole week was truly mind boggling for the entire world to witness.

People conjur up conspiracy theories, as the sheer stupidity of the last 7 years is more than normally reasonable people can comprehend.

Blood is a renewable resource...sweet crude is not.

I rest my case when it comes to stupidity!

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You mean there were people who were evacuated? Gee, I didn't see that! All I noticed was the big pat on the back to Brownoser from Bushy at the same moment as another channel was showing people still begging for help. That whole week was truly mind boggling for the entire world to witness.

Not really....we watched 15,000 roast to death in France during the summer's heat. Many thousands more drowned in Indonesia. Earthquakes always get their quota too. Canada looked pretty stupid with a blood bank fiasco and deadly SARS circus too. The entire world indeed....

People conjur up conspiracy theories, as the sheer stupidity of the last 7 years is more than normally reasonable people can comprehend.

Comprehension skills are a personal matter.


Blood is a renewable resource...sweet crude is not.

I rest my case when it comes to stupidity!

But you still drive a car or use products made from petroleum distillates. I rest my case when it comes to cognitive dissonance.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Not really....we watched 15,000 roast to death in France during the summer's heat. Many thousands more drowned in Indonesia. Earthquakes always get their quota too. Canada looked pretty stupid with a blood bank fiasco and deadly SARS circus too. The entire world indeed....

Comprehension skills are a personal matter.


But you still drive a car or use products made from petroleum distillates. I rest my case when it comes to cognitive dissonance.

Oh, this is too much like fun. You have made me chuckle but I must stop now before you take me too seriously, or I you. :lol: I would hate to get banned as I'm really enjoying the place.

Edited by Carinthia
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This is a discussion but when posters get angry and start calling other posters names it is because they are afraid. We tend to be afraid of something we do not know. So income the tin hats, conspiracy nastiness and other names. What exactly are you people afraid of?? Are you afraid some of it might just be true, Remember the Avro putting 15,000 people out of work and who benefited????

Edited by margrace
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Remember the Avro putting 15,000 people out of work and who benefited????

Remember those subs that Dobbin is on about? same thing except the subs didn't get canceled.

The Arrow was obsolete before the prototype flew. Not that it wasn't advanced, it was. Just like those deisel electric subs, they are top of the line cutting edge.....just that no one anyware any longer needed a super sonic bomber interceptor once the age of the ICBM dawned.

Now of course none of this has anything to do was quasi anti semitic conspiract theories, but don't tell marg.....

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I think the group of part of the World Order is the Bilderberg Group. Comprised in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland. It comprises of European PM's US Prezs and the WEALTHIEST of CEO's in the world to discuss the economic and political future of the world. They never allow in the press and never give any press releases of their meetings. One investigating reporter after 14 years of trying to get into the meeting finally was able to get the info. he wanted and wrote a book about it. It's called "The Bilderberg Group" and he also wrote a book called "Unraveling the New World Order" What better way to control the world but by economics. These large companies, go in buy out companies in countries all over the world. I have to say that the Carlyle Group is also part of this. They owned 67% of all manufacturing in North America and they comprised of former politicians starting with the former Bush sr. cabinet and stretches into former PM Majors of Britain, former premier Lougheed, PM's around the world. So anything GW did or has done while prez, he was helping his own family and his own future wealth. One must ask, what do the politicians, CEO's get out of this and the only thing that stands out more than anything else is MONEY and POWER. In Canada, just look at the oil sands and the oil companies that are their. How many are still Canadians owned. I bet foreign companies out number them and most being US!!

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You can always find a conspiracy if you are looking for one.

When two men say to each other in secret - "lets gang up on Geroge and take away his hard earned buisness" - that is a conspriacy. Seems all buisness is conspiratorial and all power is conducted in secret. The thing is when the word conspire is used which literally means "to breath together as one" or to become an incorporated beast of sorts...well now we have the idea propogated by lieing rats that CONSPIRACY- and the thinking of the possiblities that it exists - is equated with mental illness. This is so typically an old dated Soviet approach - in the bad old commie days in Russia - anyone who suggested that the state was conspiratorial was looked up in the nut house - It may be a matter of time if the powers that be get stronger that they will lock up Canadian and American citizens that question systemic lieing by so-called authoritarians.

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I think the group of part of the World Order is the Bilderberg Group. Comprised in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland. It comprises of European PM's US Prezs and the WEALTHIEST of CEO's in the world to discuss the economic and political future of the world. They never allow in the press and never give any press releases of their meetings. One investigating reporter after 14 years of trying to get into the meeting finally was able to get the info. he wanted and wrote a book about it. It's called "The Bilderberg Group" and he also wrote a book called "Unraveling the New World Order" What better way to control the world but by economics. These large companies, go in buy out companies in countries all over the world. I have to say that the Carlyle Group is also part of this. They owned 67% of all manufacturing in North America and they comprised of former politicians starting with the former Bush sr. cabinet and stretches into former PM Majors of Britain, former premier Lougheed, PM's around the world. So anything GW did or has done while prez, he was helping his own family and his own future wealth. One must ask, what do the politicians, CEO's get out of this and the only thing that stands out more than anything else is MONEY and POWER. In Canada, just look at the oil sands and the oil companies that are their. How many are still Canadians owned. I bet foreign companies out number them and most being US!!

very very good! Now try to find out about the Round table Group, Rhodes scholars, Trilateral Commision and the

Council of Foreign Relations. Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, Hell Fire Club, and on and on it goes..

or start reading this;

13 bloodlines of the illuminati

and wake up!


Edited by Pindar
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you even have given me a good argument!

sorry, but it doesn't work this way.


Yeah see, it doesn't matter. You could say the moon landing were all fake and I could show you the real deal and you would still say no good evidence. Mainly because your psychologicla need to believe there's a nefarious evil global conspiracy is greater than the banal truth.

On top of that, you haven't put forth any evidence that a conspiracy exists that isn't laughable and I'm not required to prove a negative.

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