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Immigration and Multiculturalism in Canada


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Oh you poor lad. I'm not an immigrant dude. I'm all clive and I'll bet my family goes way back further than your family line.

Well post it man, don't boast it.

The problem with you "white" English speaking dudes is that you think you are all that when in reality you a a small segment of what makes a Canadian.

I know what makes a Canadian and their culture, but sure as hell you don't.

But you, being part of a minority, you have to come up with excuses.

In fact the Canadian mosaic has developed in this country in spite of narrow thinkers and those who claim blue blood privilege.

With communist style forced government intervention.

The reality is that the majority of English that came here were poor and criminal and escaped Great Britain to bring their diseases, their criminal and violent minds and their poverty class society to this country.

I thought the entire human race is nothing but germs.

I would suggest that barriers like you don't belong in management

Sounds like you have managerial wet dreams and sounds like this is abnormally important to you.

Do you like to push little White guys around? Tit for tat, right.

You are a disgrace to the Monarchy that set out to colonize this country and dare I say I would consider you beneath the Natives if we were to compare intelligent and provocative thought. But that is just an opinion subject to dispute....

Why don't you go play cowboys and Indians with your friends, rather than post childish personal attacks and leave this forum for the more informed.

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As far as I know there has never been written government policies that cater to the White English speaking Canadian.

Leafless I believe your above feigned lack of awareness is as transparent as your agenda.

Leafless you can couch your agenda with references to preserving Christian/white culture but it fools no one. More to the point, even if you were able to segregate Canada and maintain your exclusive enclave of white Christians, you could not stop there. You would then need to create more tiers to exclude Catholics, East Europeans, anyone not from Scotland or England, gays, and so on. Even when you did create further tiers within your exclusive society you would still need to keep going to assure you were self-served and at the top of your ruling class because that is the agenda is it not Leafless? Please. All this is about, is you wanting to create a system of power and privilege for yourself at everyone else's expense.

Excuse me Leafless,but your attempt to portray yourself as a cultural icon being threatened by other cultures is to me utter bullshit. Its simply you as an individual whining that he has no automatic entitlement to privileges and rights he thinks others have and only he should have,

Edited by Rue
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That is precisely the pont Leafless-the fact that you felt the need to claim you don't know which in fact means you do know but wish to deny the existence of such laws and policies by feigning ignorance.


Your playing the victim to justify being an intolerant elitist fools no one.

Your not exactly fooling anyone by "playing" the champion of human rights and then subscribing to exclusionist belief system that you have. Typical, you expect everybody assimilate and give up their belief systems while you go on your own way and not play by your own rules. I can't help but think that your post has once again proven why Canadians have the right to protect themselves against people who are bent on undermining the beliefs and institutions upon which it was founded. I'm a Canadian, a proud Canadian, and personally I really don't care for people who maintain a dual allegiance and spend their time trashing what Canada is and was when they no doubt are benefiting from the system they claim to have issues with. (Don't tell me you and your people haven't been profiting from "white privilege" all these years...)

edit to add:

The quotation contains parts of Rue's post prior to his edit which occured while I was compising my post. I regret not quoting it in full, as it was quite hostile and malicious.

Edited by kengs333
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I wish to respond to Leafless's comments to Charter of Rights he stated; (quotation marks)

"I know what makes a Canadian and their culture, but sure as hell you don't. But you, being part of a minority, you have to come up with excuses."

The above simply evidence's Leafless' hatred towads those he perceives different then him.

"Do you like to push little White guys around? Tit for tat, right."

The above comment demonstrates a very common phenomena-the fact that the first thing someone does when they abuse another is to portray themselves as a victim as they engage in their abuse.

"Why don't you go play cowboys and Indians with your friends, rather than post childish personal attacks and leave this forum for the more informed."

Interesting Leafless engages in the exact same exercise he ridicules Charter of Rights for.

Call me silly but I could have sworn for a second Leafless writes just like Keng. Lol.

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As soon as I see a statement along those lines I file it under the "I'm taking my ball and going home" category of statements. Does it really matter who's family has been in this country the longest? I know of people who's family line goes way back, and they're useless jerks. On the other hand I know of first gen people who contribute more to the country than the way back jerks ever could.

The whole last post was heavily laced with elitist bull. As for the coming from better bloodlines part of it, who cares? The whole idea of the "good bloodline" concept is archaic and somewhat pathetic. What your ancestors did or did not do has very little relevance on a day to day basis. What is far more important is what you do. Living in the past will only shackle you to the past and its antiquated notions.

It mattered to Leafless until I trumped him with my family lineage.

And no it doesn't matter - and the is exactly the point. There is a belief among a number of the posters here that White English speakers deserve to hold authority over immigrants, their naturalized children and other minorities. I merely suggest that they don't. And the laws prescribe that minorities need to be protected by law from the White English-speaking Canadians because when they are among managers -especially when they are HR managers - they tend to follow the family line, over-looking qualification on an equal footing and going for young White English-speaking males, even today. He even goes so far as to suggest that certain racial lines make them lazy or slow. That is elitist if you are looking for that sort of thing.

I'm not a minority and I speak English just as well as most here. The fact that my family goes back to the original settlements is proof that the Anglos were not here first, and contributed little to the actual formation of the country - you know the back-breaking, trail-cutting exploration and settlement labour that built this country and established colonial strongholds. Yet I also realize that just as many immigrants came off that boat and settled many parts of the west, and the north. Their command of English evolved only because the primary merchants like Hudson's Bay Company dealt in English. However, the heritage of French, and Ukrainian, German and Dutch was every bit as important to the building of Canada. Only they are not often recognized in history because the White privileged English speakers favour the romance of being all there is, and so wrote history as if there were the only ones here.

I too see the irony, guyser. Too bad Leafless acts like he is King. AFAIK Kings never evolved from paupers and it appears some are still stuck in that perpetual poverty of character.

Edited by charter.rights
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"As far as I know there has never been written government policies that cater to the White English speaking Canadian."

The Indian Act favors English speaking Whites, so Leafless is wrong. However, I doubt we'll receive an apology. He's just not that gracious.

The Indian Act favours federal government and why shouldn't it, after all, Indians were defeated and incapable of retaining their sovereignty.

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Leafless I believe your above feigned lack of awareness is as transparent as your agenda.

Leafless you can couch your agenda with references to preserving Christian/white culture but it fools no one. More to the point, even if you were able to segregate Canada and maintain your exclusive enclave of white Christians, you could not stop there. You would then need to create more tiers to exclude Catholics, East Europeans, anyone not from Scotland or England, gays, and so on.

And what subscribe to Liberal ideologies to wipe out English speakers of Canada and replace them with the French. Christianity and all of its denominations to be replaced with secularism, gays and foreign faiths. Jews to replace them with Muslims and Islam.

Forget it.

Canada is already spoken for and has a history.

Even when you did create further tiers within your exclusive society you would still need to keep going to assure you were self-served and at the top of your ruling class because that is the agenda is it not Leafless? Please. All this is about, is you wanting to create a system of power and privilege for yourself at everyone else's expense.

Simple majority rule my friend, there is no other democratic way.

Excuse me Leafless,but your attempt to portray yourself as a cultural icon being threatened by other cultures is to me utter bullshit. Its simply you as an individual whining that he has no automatic entitlement to privileges and rights he thinks others have and only he should have,

Another communist with a socialistic State agenda to have every one else support powerless minorities.

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And what subscribe to Liberal ideologies to wipe out English speakers of Canada and replace them with the French. Christianity and all of its denominations to be replaced with secularism, gays and foreign faiths. Jews to replace them with Muslims and Islam.

Forget it.

Canada is already spoken for and has a history.

Simple majority rule my friend, there is no other democratic way.

Another communist with a socialistic State agenda to have every one else support powerless minorities.

That is nothing but an alarmist's dream. Nothing of the sort is proposed.

What IS happening is a movement to remove Christianity, and White English rule from public dominance and open doors to equal and equitable access to public services and jobs for all people. For too long the WCM has dominated the workplace meting out the lowest of jobs to those he does not favour. Now, since he can't control himself, nor moderate himself, the law does it for him, banning him from discriminating on the basis of sex, colour, race, religion or country of origin. It also makes him accountable in the workplace to provide reasonable accommodation for those with special requirements. The majority has no say in this. It is the law and is enforced as any law democratically created is. Live with it or move out of the country.

If you think suggesting equality is a communist agenda then you must be from the far right of fascism. Your intolerance is not only not acceptable in the modern world but completely career limiting - which would explain why you are stuck in a go nowhere position. If you want to get ahead in this world you must change and adapt according to the demands of the workplace and the laws of common - ie. government. Stodginess - even in the real conservative ranks - is no longer acceptable.

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Oh you poor lad. I'm not an immigrant dude. I'm all clive and I'll bet my family goes way back further than your family line.

The problem with you "white" English speaking dudes is that you think you are all that when in reality you a a small segment of what makes a Canadian. In fact the Canadian mosaic has developed in this country in spite of narrow thinkers and those who claim blue blood privilege. The reality is that the majority of English that came here were poor and criminal and escaped Great Britain to bring their diseases, their criminal and violent minds and their poverty class society to this country.

I would suggest that barriers like you don't belong in management and you might do a whole lot better in the New World Order as a menial labourer, like your ancestors were. Rather those of us who stem from the more refined English society don't need the kind of piousness that you bring with your tirade on immigrants. You are a disgrace to the Monarchy that set out to colonize this country and dare I say I would consider you beneath the Natives if we were to compare intelligent and provocative thought. But that is just an opinion subject to dispute....

And BTW. If YOU don't like it here I suggest that you take a flight top Bosnia. I hear they are trying to achieve similar privileged lines and you might good mark.

Apparently you are not interested in discussing immigration or multiculturalism so much as you are in denigrating those who don't support either.

Which is probably just as well, for the juvenile nature of your posts implies deeper thought is well beyond you.

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It mattered to Leafless until I trumped him with my family lineage.

And no it doesn't matter - and the is exactly the point. There is a belief among a number of the posters here that White English speakers deserve to hold authority over immigrants, their naturalized children and other minorities.

Drivel. People are concerned about Canada's homegrown culture being overwhelmed by masses of immigrants from foreign cultures. This is perfectly legitimate and it is perfectly acceptable to make that complaint.

And the laws prescribe that minorities need to be protected by law from the White English-speaking Canadians because when they are among managers -especially when they are HR managers - they tend to follow the family line, over-looking qualification on an equal footing and going for young White English-speaking males, even today

More drivel. Have you ever worked in an office? Have you ever had anything to do with hiring or interviewing staff? I certainly have, and I can't think of anyone involved in the processes I have been involved with who had any interest beyond hiring the person who would do best in a given job. And btw, most of those in HR are women.

I'm not a minority and I speak English just as well as most here. The fact that my family goes back to the original settlements is proof that the Anglos were not here first, and contributed little to the actual formation of the country - you know the back-breaking, trail-cutting exploration and settlement labour that built this country and established colonial strongholds.

You mean the grunt labour? First of all, didn't you say earlier that most of the Anglos who came here were poverty stricken? That would seem to imply they WERE actually doing the labour. Make up your mind. Second, we don't laud strong backs and weak minds, but strong minds and initiative. The English built this country up. That is simply undeniable except to fools who've never read history. They had the initiative, the vision, the capital, and they worked hard at it, even if some did so with their minds instead of their strong backs.

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Apparently you are not interested in discussing immigration or multiculturalism so much as you are in denigrating those who don't support either.

Which is probably just as well, for the juvenile nature of your posts implies deeper thought is well beyond you.

What a poor try my sad little friend......

If you can't keep on topic, then get out the kitchen.

Which do you prefer to discuss? The reality of immigration which exists and is enforced by law, or your right wing fantasy about the way it should be but will never come into fruition? If it's the latter than there really is no point in discussing it further since you and your buddies tend to make the rules as you go along. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is open to democratic revision nor have right wing interpretations really ever had an effect in reality (even thought the Chief Justice is a staunch Conservative.)

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What IS happening is a movement to remove Christianity, and White English rule from public dominance and open doors to equal and equitable access to public services and jobs for all people. For too long the WCM has dominated the workplace meting out the lowest of jobs to those he does not favour.

Yeesh, another holdover from the sixties, gonna take it to the man! Don't know if you've ever been in an office building, but the names on the doors are as likely to be French or Italian or German or Dutch or Irish or Scottish or Polish - and female. There never was any effort to keep other groups down once they assimilated properly. Most of the problem with visible minorities is they can't speak English properly. So they can forget equality of opportunity until they learn the language.

If you think suggesting equality is a communist agenda then you must be from the far right of fascism.

There is equality of opportunity and equality of results. You speaking of the latter, which is why on hiring lists, visible minorities and women can be leapfrogged over scores, if not hundreds of candidates who performed better on tests in order to be hired.

Equal opportunities is fair. Equal results is the kind of thing socialists of the far left insist on - so communism isn't necessarily an inaccurate term.

Edited by Argus
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What a poor try my sad little friend......

If you can't keep on topic, then get out the kitchen.

Your topic appears to be Leafless. I'm not interested in discussing Leafless. Perhaps if that's all you want to discuss you could start another thread.

Which do you prefer to discuss? The reality of immigration which exists and is enforced by law,

Huh? What? Immigration is enforced by law? There is no law demanding immigration. It could be stopped tomorrow if the government wanted to.

[or your right wing fantasy about the way it should be but will never come into fruition? If it's the latter than there really is no point in discussing it further since you and your buddies tend to make the rules as you go along. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is open to democratic revision nor have right wing interpretations really ever had an effect in reality (even thought the Chief Justice is a staunch Conservative.)

Uh, the chief justice was appointed to the court and appointed chief by the Liberals. I haven't examined her politics but I rather doubt the Liberals would do that if she was a "staunch conservative" although from your writings I get the idea that all you need to be sneered at as a "staunch consrvative" is a white face and an English name.

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Your topic appears to be Leafless. I'm not interested in discussing Leafless. Perhaps if that's all you want to discuss you could start another thread.

Huh? What? Immigration is enforced by law? There is no law demanding immigration. It could be stopped tomorrow if the government wanted to.

Uh, the chief justice was appointed to the court and appointed chief by the Liberals. I haven't examined her politics but I rather doubt the Liberals would do that if she was a "staunch conservative" although from your writings I get the idea that all you need to be sneered at as a "staunch consrvative" is a white face and an English name.

The Chief Justice is a sissy girl..she is but a figure head. All of the supreme court is "appointed" in a non-paritzan sort of way by the guys that run Toronto and Montreal - this group don't give a damn who is left or right, or right or wrong. Try to get past the "registrar" - who is the filtering system and hench"person" of the Surpreme Court of Canada...not going to happen! The Chief Justice is kept in the dark and all orders come from the aging buisness community that have been part of creating social and judical policy - there is no court - and there is no democracy - just a bunch of dupes doing what they are told and the reward is status and a damn good paycheck...one must remember in order to control a nation you control the left AND the right hand of the body...much like the one party semi-facist American system - it's just one big club of old boys and girls.....who make sure the rich stay rich - any other questions about life my little children?

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This is your Brain


This is your brain in really really bad drugs.....

The Chief Justice is a sissy girl..she is but a figure head. All of the supreme court is "appointed" in a non-paritzan sort of way by the guys that run Toronto and Montreal - this group don't give a damn who is left or right, or right or wrong. Try to get past the "registrar" - who is the filtering system and hench"person" of the Surpreme Court of Canada...not going to happen! The Chief Justice is kept in the dark and all orders come from the aging buisness community that have been part of creating social and judical policy - there is no court - and there is no democracy - just a bunch of dupes doing what they are told and the reward is status and a damn good paycheck...one must remember in order to control a nation you control the left AND the right hand of the body...much like the one party semi-facist American system - it's just one big club of old boys and girls.....who make sure the rich stay rich - any other questions about life my little children?
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It mattered to Leafless until I trumped him with my family lineage.

And no it doesn't matter - and the is exactly the point. There is a belief among a number of the posters here that White English speakers deserve to hold authority over immigrants, their naturalized children and other minorities. I merely suggest that they don't. And the laws prescribe that minorities need to be protected by law from the White English-speaking Canadians because when they are among managers -especially when they are HR managers - they tend to follow the family line, over-looking qualification on an equal footing and going for young White English-speaking males, even today. He even goes so far as to suggest that certain racial lines make them lazy or slow. That is elitist if you are looking for that sort of thing.

I'm not a minority and I speak English just as well as most here. The fact that my family goes back to the original settlements is proof that the Anglos were not here first, and contributed little to the actual formation of the country - you know the back-breaking, trail-cutting exploration and settlement labour that built this country and established colonial strongholds. Yet I also realize that just as many immigrants came off that boat and settled many parts of the west, and the north. Their command of English evolved only because the primary merchants like Hudson's Bay Company dealt in English. However, the heritage of French, and Ukrainian, German and Dutch was every bit as important to the building of Canada. Only they are not often recognized in history because the White privileged English speakers favour the romance of being all there is, and so wrote history as if there were the only ones here.

I too see the irony, guyser. Too bad Leafless acts like he is King. AFAIK Kings never evolved from paupers and it appears some are still stuck in that perpetual poverty of character.

Heritage is everything - immigrants like our - we seem to hate our own - why? I will ask this question again - why is it that it is only the Anglos that support and propogate multi-culturalism - and propogate political correctness? No one else does! Mulit-culturalism controled by Anglos is the destruction of culture - not the preservation of it. Funny how the Anglos who are disloyal to their own tribe..seem to want immigrants to turn their back on the very own blood and heritage - on their culture! Multi-culturalism is a lie - what the old anglo elite want are unhappy drugged slaves to deep them rich so they can continue not having to work - and can lay back in their "field of investment" - so don't blabber about how we are so accomadating here of other cultures - we are like spiders and the immigrants are but flys - does a spider give a damn about other cultures? I think not - and spiders will eat their own young on occassion - there is no loyalty left in Canada - not among the poor or the rich or the elite - we are now a nation of barbarians!

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Heritage is everything - immigrants like our - we seem to hate our own - why? I will ask this question again - why is it that it is only the Anglos that support and propogate multi-culturalism - and propogate political correctness? No one else does! Mulit-culturalism controled by Anglos is the destruction of culture - not the preservation of it. Funny how the Anglos who are disloyal to their own tribe..seem to want immigrants to turn their back on the very own blood and heritage - on their culture! Multi-culturalism is a lie - what the old anglo elite want are unhappy drugged slaves to deep them rich so they can continue not having to work - and can lay back in their "field of investment" - so don't blabber about how we are so accomadating here of other cultures - we are like spiders and the immigrants are but flys - does a spider give a damn about other cultures? I think not - and spiders will eat their own young on occassion - there is no loyalty left in Canada - not among the poor or the rich or the elite - we are now a nation of barbarians!

While I agree with most of your post, culture isn't the only thing that is important.

The problem is the favoritism for immigrants and the quantity of immigrants. I think a melting pot like model here would have been so much better. Notice most of the LEGAL immigrants in the US assimilate into the American culture far better than Canada?

Edited by iForgot
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the problem is the favoritism for immigrants and the quantity of immigrants. I think a melting pot like model here would have been so much better. Notice most of the LEGAL immigrants in the US assimilate into the American culture far better than Canada?

Do you have evidence, or examples of favoritism, quantity problems, or assimilation in the US vs. Canada ?

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Do you have evidence, or examples of favoritism, quantity problems, or assimilation in the US vs. Canada ?

Certainly, for quantity its that Canada lets in too much along with a qualified immigrant. Someone down the street from me recently came in from some Middle Eastern country, good fellow who is a skilled engineer. Makes sense why he was let in, but they also allowed his entire huge family to tag along in with him (not his immediate family either, his mother, cousins etc), that consisted of eight people in total of which the majority barely spoke English and completely refuse to assimilate in the slightest, walking around with their traditional clothing and the women even covering their faces!

Compare this with the US where on a vacation to California recently where there is a large number of Asian and Indian immigrants, these people look, act, dress like the white Americans (or black Americans in some cases), ALL speak proper English and are blended in to the culture. They're called "model minorities" there. I live in Calgary and here the city is split into four parts (NW, NE, SE, SW). The NE has all types of ethnicities and the area is the poorest in the city and has the most racial tension and crime. Even in the newer areas which are middle class, its the same situation. The NW and SW also have all types of ethnicities but the areas are middle class to upper class, have few to no racial tensions and very little crime that is rarely because of race. Whats the difference between these two areas? Yes, the latter is richer but its no question that the overwhelming majority of non-whites are assimilated in the NW and SW compared to the NE. The SE is probably the best of all the four areas and funnily enough it has the most assimilation of any area in Calgary. For Asians, this is the case in the US and thats why I prefer their model.

The NE Calgary fits the description of what Leafless is complaining about in this thread where as the rest of Calgary (the South especially) has people of all races sharing the Canadian/White culture in harmony. I don't see why anyone would argue for a cultural mosaic over a melting pot.

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Certainly, for quantity its that Canada lets in too much along with a qualified immigrant. Someone down the street from me recently came in from some Middle Eastern country, good fellow who is a skilled engineer. Makes sense why he was let in, but they also allowed his entire huge family to tag along in with him (not his immediate family either, his mother, cousins etc), that consisted of eight people in total of which the majority barely spoke English and completely refuse to assimilate in the slightest, walking around with their traditional clothing and the women even covering their faces!

Compare this with the US where on a vacation to California recently where there is a large number of Asian and Indian immigrants, these people look, act, dress like the white Americans (or black Americans in some cases), ALL speak proper English and are blended in to the culture. They're called "model minorities" there. I live in Calgary and here the city is split into four parts (NW, NE, SE, SW). The NE has all types of ethnicities and the area is the poorest in the city and has the most racial tension and crime. Even in the newer areas which are middle class, its the same situation. The NW and SW also have all types of ethnicities but the areas are middle class to upper class, have few to no racial tensions and very little crime that is rarely because of race. Whats the difference between these two areas? Yes, the latter is richer but its no question that the overwhelming majority of non-whites are assimilated in the NW and SW compared to the NE. The SE is probably the best of all the four areas and funnily enough it has the most assimilation of any area in Calgary. For Asians, this is the case in the US and thats why I prefer their model.

The NE Calgary fits the description of what Leafless is complaining about in this thread where as the rest of Calgary (the South especially) has people of all races sharing the Canadian/White culture in harmony. I don't see why anyone would argue for a cultural mosaic over a melting pot.

iForgot, I asked for evidence but you just provided some personal observations of your neighbour, your impressions of California and so forth.

That's ok for a conversation, but I need more substantial proof if you are to convince me.

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