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Canadians for Clinton

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Curiously, and as in the last US presidential election, we have the usual hopes and fears from the Great North. Let's see what's cooking for Hillary:

Direct from the Clinton machine....Canuck membership is less than spectactular:


Or how about a bumper sticker to advertise Clinton fondness to other Canadians:


Then there was this observation from June:

I read this news item and had a good laugh: "If Canadians could choose the next U.S. president, it would be Hillary Clinton by a landslide, according to a new poll released today."

...I chuckled, not because the idea of Hillary Clinton as president is outrageous, but because I know Americans don't give a darn about what Canadians think, and why would anyone in Canada throw good money at a poll like this? (I can laugh, I was born in Canada.)


Lastly, from the blogosphere:

Why anyone would conduct a poll of a foreign nation on the election of this country, or the other way around, is beyond me. But since dual citizenship is so easy for Canadians to get here, don't be surprised when Hillary comes out and says she's always been a Maple Leafs and Blackhawks fan.


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Guest American Woman

Considering how often and strongly the U.S. has stuck it's nose in other nations' affairs, I find it laughable that anyone would mock Canadians for having interest in what goes on in America -- especially since what goes on in America does have an effect on Canada. Furthermore, since there are Canadians living in the U.S. who haven't become citizens, the "Canadians for Clinton" bumpersticker really isn't such an oddity.

I would suggest the "born in Canada" Ms. Hunter widen her circle of friends. Seems she's hanging out with a rather -- shall we say -- intellectually limited crowd.

One final thought. I'm wondering why you, bush_cheney, are hanging out on a Canadian board if you're not interested in Canada. Guess if you can do that, Canadians can be interested in America, eh? B)

P.S. When he was campaiging for president in 2000, GW said he was honored when asked to comment on his endorsement by Canadian Prime Minister "Jean Poutine." :lol:

Edited by American Woman
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Guest American Woman
Wow! Did he really say that? :lol:

He didn't actually call him "Jean Poutine," but Rick Mercer interviewed him on the campaign trail and told him that Canada's PM, Jean Poutine, supported him and asked for a comment-- and Bush said he was honored that he supported him. Obviously he had no idea who Canada's PM was-- or what poutine is, for that matter. :P

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I heard that reference, but it wasn't Bush, but someone else. Maybe it's one of those punchlines the left uses and inserts whichever conservative they are trying to demean.

On the Clinton thing, Slick Willy is treated like a star up here. He tours at least once a year with rapt lefties paying handsomely towards his retirement fund. I think it's much the same with Hilary and her leftwing politics. Anything leftwing is swallowed whole without chewing up here.

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Guest American Woman
I heard that reference, but it wasn't Bush, but someone else.

Sorry, but it was Bush. People just don't have to make stuff up to "demean" ( :rolleyes: ) Bush. He provides better material himself than anyone could ever write. :D

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Guest American Woman
Its actually a pretty funny Mercer bit. 1:22 in. Fun made of Gore and his supporters too.


:lol: !!

I wonder how many people he had to interview to get enough stupid people to fill that segment? The amazing thing is the politicians who didn't know any better. At least the one little kid knew that Canada had provinces.... :P

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Considering how often and strongly the U.S. has stuck it's nose in other nations' affairs, I find it laughable that anyone would mock Canadians for having interest in what goes on in America -- especially since what goes on in America does have an effect on Canada. Furthermore, since there are Canadians living in the U.S. who haven't become citizens, the "Canadians for Clinton" bumpersticker really isn't such an oddity.

Actually, there are many Americans living in Canada as well. And the Canadians in the US don't have to become citizens. All can mock whomever they please.

I would suggest the "born in Canada" Ms. Hunter widen her circle of friends. Seems she's hanging out with a rather -- shall we say -- intellectually limited crowd.

Of course you would....but hopefully, she would ignore your suggestion.

One final thought. I'm wondering why you, bush_cheney, are hanging out on a Canadian board if you're not interested in Canada. Guess if you can do that, Canadians can be interested in America, eh? B)

Because of Canadians accusing Americans of not knowing much about Canada....be careful what you wish for. Now they think I know too much.

P.S. When he was campaiging for president in 2000, GW said he was honored when asked to comment on his endorsement by Canadian Prime Minister "Jean Poutine." :lol:

It must have worked....meet President George W. Bush.

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Guest American Woman
Because of Canadians accusing Americans of not knowing much about Canada....be careful what you wish for. Now they think I know too much.


Whoever thinks that, raise your hand!

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Let's just round this out with other Canadians enthralled with American presidential candidates:

Canadians for Obama (more action than Hillary!):

Location: Chicago, IL/

....I'll do whatever I can to support his campaign for President of the Unites States, because, as a resident of this state and this country, and as a citizen of the international community, I believe that Sen. Obama is the man who can begin to change this country and the world for the better.


I love that "international citizen" angle....another way to say I'm in the States to get a better job.

Canadians for Ron Paul:

To raise awareness here in Canada of the crucial need for such a candidate and how it will impact the quality of life as Canadians and global citizens, as America continues to assert it's hegemony over the rest of the world.


OK...I think we have a trend....several of these candidates have embellished their web sites with political groupies in Canada with various motives and causes that can use American presidential campaigns for much needed publicity.

Personally, I think American citizens should elect their president...but that's just me.

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He didn't actually call him "Jean Poutine," but Rick Mercer interviewed him on the campaign trail and told him that Canada's PM, Jean Poutine, supported him and asked for a comment-- and Bush said he was honored that he supported him. Obviously he had no idea who Canada's PM was-- or what poutine is, for that matter. :P

To be fair, Mercer zinged not just Bush, he also nailed Huckabee and a lot of Gore supporters as well. Here is a

to You Tube showing the spots in question. Edited by Lazarus
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Guest American Woman
To be fair, Mercer zinged not just Bush, he also nailed Huckabee and a lot of Gore supporters as well. Here is a
to You Tube showing the spots in question.

I watched the entire segment earlier. :P I'd never heard of Huckabee, but at least he wasn't he POTUS or running for POTUS.

Bush really made it easy to zing him, and really, as POTUS, he should be more up on

these things than ordinary Gore supporters, wouldn't you think? <_< And it's especially

funny since he'd said earlier-- "you can't stump me on world leaders." B)

Edited by American Woman
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Bush really made it easy to zing him, and really, as POTUS, he should be more up on

these things than ordinary Gore supporters, wouldn't you think? <_< And it's especially

funny since he'd said earlier-- "you can't stump me on world leaders." B)

I agree...ordinary Gore supporters are expected to be clueless.

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Guest American Woman
I agree...ordinary Gore supporters are expected to be clueless.

And yet, next to Bush, they look positively brilliant. B)

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The biggest reason Canadians are interested in American politics is because we are saturated with American everything through out TV sets. If we had only been watching 100% Canadian content for the past 50 years, a lot of us probably wouldn't know who Hilary Clinton is either.

But the CRTC says you're suppose to be watching Canadian content....even has laws preventing American content % in all kinds of media. I guess this speaks volumes about what is available in domestic-only sources.

Hell, even Canada's weather imaging come from American satellites.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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The biggest reason Canadians are interested in American politics is because we are saturated with American everything through out TV sets. If we had only been watching 100% Canadian content for the past 50 years, a lot of us probably wouldn't know who Hilary Clinton is either.


But in some people's minds... its because we are "jealous"..

Here's how world opinion of America went from Envy to Disgust in 5 short years.

2000 -- before GW, America was the envy of the world and everyone wanted to come to America

2001 -- 911. Sympathy. The world sympathized with the horrific deaths of 3000 people

2003 -- Invade Iraq. Spawned hatred. The world began to see what the Bush regime was really all about

2005 -- Disgust at the treatment of it's own citizens during and after Katrina

2007-08 -- Now the world is pleading with the American people to get back on track, to become the America they used to know and love.

Edited by Drea
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But in some people's minds... its because we are "jealous"..

Here's how world opinion of America went from Envy to Disgust in 5 short years.

2000 -- before GW, America was the envy of the world and everyone wanted to come to America

No, actually many more were quite happy to stay home, but many wanted to visit for a spell and still do. Hard core America lovers still line up for permanent status ... even from Canada...imagine that.

2001 -- 911. Sympathy. The world sympathized with the horrific deaths of 3000 people

No, part of the world cheered.

2003 -- Invade Iraq. Spawned hatred. The world began to see what the Bush regime was really all about

Gosh I hope so...especially for Saddam and Al Qaeda. Other nations joined in the festivities.

2005 -- Disgust at the treatment of it's own citizens during and after Katrina

But no disgust for 14,000 dead in France's summer heat....tsk....tsk.

2007-08 -- Now the world is pleading with the American people to get back on track, to become the America they used to know and love.

Yea, the one that attacked Cuba, Serbia, Granada, North Vietnam, Iraq (the first time), Panama, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Lebabon. Bombs away....much love for America!

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