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Why have Israelifascists overtaken this board?!


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Yes, Denis Prager, who wrote a widely read book on the subject, Why the Jews, is from "outer space"? He gives convincing arguments that the attack on Israel from intellectuals is a respectable cover for anti-Jewish sentiments. Else why is Israel singled out for criticism for actions that would be innocuous if done by any other country?

I don't know anything about him, so I'm not sure what you mean by "attack on Israel from intellectuals" but I'm hoping that it doesn't mean any criticism of Israel, because that's what it sounds like. I don't think that Israel should be exempt from any sort of criticism on how it mishandles its affairs, just as any other country shouldn't. Don't ask me why Israel gets disproportionate amount of attention in the media--I find it rather annoying, actually, since there are much more pressing issues out there--but I don't think it's because the media is "anti-semetic". Quite opposite, in fact.

What ever do you mean about "singled out for criticism"? I just don't see it, but again it's probably the result of your own hypersensitivity, not objective reasoning.

And how many people decried the "inordinate fear of Communism"? How many UN resolutions were passed against the USSR for the Iron Curtain, China for Tibet, and North Korea for starbing their own people?

The western world was mortified--rightfully so--about the intentions of Communism, because it was clear what the consequences were. Whenever the consequences are clear, fear or concern is justified.

"Supposed oppression of the Nazis? Give me a break.

I'm flattered--you're immitating me. I figured you'd misunderstand it; it was a dig at the Dutch, many of whom were--despite the popular myth to the contrary--sympathetic to the Nazi cause; of all the occupied countries, the Dutch were the most willing to enlist in the Wehrmacht/Waffen SS. And the Dutch people were treated fairly good by the Nazis--it was in the east where the problems were.

And as far as the "colonialist war" in which they allegedly killed 250,000 people, do you really tihnk the people of Indonesia are better off now than then? How much less of the money the world poured its heart out donating after the Boxing Day Tsunami would have been squandered under the evil colonialist Dutchmen? You are a fool seriously misguided (edited because I thought better of the characterization).

Name calling is unseamly.

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I'm flattered--you're immitating me. I figured you'd misunderstand it; it was a dig at the Dutch, many of whom were--despite the popular myth to the contrary--sympathetic to the Nazi cause; of all the occupied countries, the Dutch were the most willing to enlist in the Wehrmacht/Waffen SS. And the Dutch people were treated fairly good by the Nazis--it was in the east where the problems were.
Except for Poland, that is, where the Wehrmacht/Waffen SS had lots of help, and 3 million Jews to help on.
Name calling is unseamly.
I apologize. It was late but the tone of your posts, including attacks on Sunsettommy were getting ridiculous. I apologize.
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Yes, Denis Prager, who wrote a widely read book on the subject, Why the Jews, is from "outer space"? He gives convincing arguments that the attack on Israel from intellectuals is a respectable cover for anti-Jewish sentiments. Else why is Israel singled out for criticism for actions that would be innocuous if done by any other country? I think there's a lingering view that Jews are not worthy of "national status", unlike Quebeckers, Azerbijanis, Turkmenis, Serbs, Monenegrans, Kenyans (what the h*ll is a Kenyan aside from a resident of a land that some thug named Jomo Kenyatta took over yelling "Harambi" or "bring us together), etc?

Read that book, excellent!

I'm flattered--you're immitating me. I figured you'd misunderstand it; it was a dig at the Dutch, many of whom were--despite the popular myth to the contrary--sympathetic to the Nazi cause; of all the occupied countries, the Dutch were the most willing to enlist in the Wehrmacht/Waffen SS. And the Dutch people were treated fairly good by the Nazis--it was in the east where the problems were.

Yes, that is why the Dutch greeted the Canadian army with boos and molotoc cocktails and continue to hate us to this day. They also celebrate Hitler's birthday with a huge bash in the red-light district. Anyone with a short mustache gets a free blow job. You should go.

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Yes, that is why the Dutch greeted the Canadian army with boos and molotoc cocktails and continue to hate us to this day. They also celebrate Hitler's birthday with a huge bash in the red-light district. Anyone with a short mustache gets a free blow job. You should go.

The Dutch fascist formed two SS divisions and a number of SS brigades...most saw duty on the Eastern Front. The Belgians and Norwegians also fielded similar divisions...as did most other countries under Axis occupation.

All had some form of large partisan movement, as well. The Dutch weren't an exception.


I live in a crazy time.

---Anne Frank

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Yes, that is why the Dutch greeted the Canadian army with boos and molotoc cocktails and continue to hate us to this day. They also celebrate Hitler's birthday with a huge bash in the red-light district. Anyone with a short mustache gets a free blow job. You should go.

Okay, so a convoy of Canadian armoured vehicles pass through a Dutch town and people are lined up along the side of the road cheering, throwing flowers and kissing soldiers... the question is:

1) how large is the crowd in relation to the town's population?

2) where is the rest of the town?

3) how sincere are these people?

4) why should they throw molotov cocktales when it's clear that Germany is defeated?

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  • 11 months later...
Okay, so a convoy of Canadian armoured vehicles pass through a Dutch town and people are lined up along the side of the road cheering, throwing flowers and kissing soldiers... the question is:

1) how large is the crowd in relation to the town's population?

2) where is the rest of the town?

3) how sincere are these people?

4) why should they throw molotov cocktales when it's clear that Germany is defeated?

Obviously the sarcasm was lost on you.
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You will find no support for Radical Islam on here......I for one support Israel 100% and we should keep them well armed and back them up Militarily againt the common enemy of the west radical Islam and destroy this evil presence once and for all!

Edited by wulf42
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You will find no support for Radical Islam on here......I for one support Israel 100% and we should keep them well armed and back them up Militarily againt the common enemy of the west radical Islam and destroy this evil presence once and for all!

Or, better yet, why not fight their wars for them...

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You will find no support for Radical Islam on here......I for one support Israel 100% and we should keep them well armed and back them up Militarily againt the common enemy of the west radical Islam and destroy this evil presence once and for all!
Or, better yet, why not fight their wars for them...

First of all, Israel has some of the best gifghters since the long-gone Canadians of Vimy Ridge.

Second of all, even if you were right, would you rather the wars be fought on the streets of Tel Aviv or better yet Damascus, or in Toronto?

You're the one who seems to have a death wish for the West.

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Agree with me or not. These problems all began in 1965 when Canada removed the racial criteria for relocating to Canada. The races will never get along it seems. It seems so far tat we are meant to develop separately. Is it sad? Yes but seems to be true from everything we see. Multi-ethnic society seems to have failed.

I'm not at all meaning to sound above any other people but it just seems that no matter how long people rule the world we'll continue to see our differences instead of our similarities and will always dwell on them. Humans as a race are doomed to self destruction. Have a drink on me.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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Anytime that you place two groups of people together that really do not want to be in the same "house" than you just may end up with conflict. Serbs, Croats, Scots and English, Iriosh and English, Welsh and English, Cornish and English, Bretons and French, Basques and Spanish, Macedonians, it doesn't matter who. Creating a unified, multi-cultural society takes effort on behalf of everyone that is involved. 250 years from now our decendants will look back and ask why we were so barbaric.

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Anytime that you place two groups of people together that really do not want to be in the same "house" than you just may end up with conflict. Serbs, Croats, Scots and English, Iriosh and English, Welsh and English, Cornish and English, Bretons and French, Basques and Spanish, Macedonians, it doesn't matter who. Creating a unified, multi-cultural society takes effort on behalf of everyone that is involved. 250 years from now our decendants will look back and ask why we were so barbaric.

Personally, I don't think that anyone will be looking back in 250 years. Either we'll all be gone, or have reduced ourselves to a lifestyle known in pre-historic times. Our society cannot funtion longterm; it's taken only about 50 years to get us to the point of environmental crisis.

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Anytime that you place two groups of people together that really do not want to be in the same "house" than you just may end up with conflict. Serbs, Croats, Scots and English, Iriosh and English, Welsh and English, Cornish and English, Bretons and French, Basques and Spanish, Macedonians, it doesn't matter who. Creating a unified, multi-cultural society takes effort on behalf of everyone that is involved. 250 years from now our decendants will look back and ask why we were so barbaric.

In the U.S., a "melting pot" we've had all those people and more under one roof for a long time and no one seems to mind. Even the "Iroish" and English.

I think if you encourage cultures to remain separate and apart you encourage the kind of barbarity that existed back in the "old country".

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Personally, I don't think that anyone will be looking back in 250 years. Either we'll all be gone, or have reduced ourselves to a lifestyle known in pre-historic times. Our society cannot funtion longterm; it's taken only about 50 years to get us to the point of environmental crisis.

It is not the environment we need to fear - it is an increasingly barbaric society.

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In the U.S., a "melting pot" we've had all those people and more under one roof for a long time and no one seems to mind. Even the "Iroish" and English.

I think if you encourage cultures to remain separate and apart you encourage the kind of barbarity that existed back in the "old country".

Yeah, but you don't mind Jews being "socially cohesive," right? Kind of a double-standard. It seems to me that the more "progressive" Jews really like to talk out of both sides of the mouth in this respect; let's stick to our own kind and perpetuate an ancient, largely redundant religion from 5000 years ago, but lets encourage everyone else to forget their culture, religion, and language, and assimilate into some sort of useless "melting pot" society.

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Yeah, but you don't mind Jews being "socially cohesive," right? Kind of a double-standard. It seems to me that the more "progressive" Jews really like to talk out of both sides of the mouth in this respect; let's stick to our own kind and perpetuate an ancient, largely redundant religion from 5000 years ago, but lets encourage everyone else to forget their culture, religion, and language, and assimilate into some sort of useless "melting pot" society.

Interesting description. Please explain.

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I know, you are pro-Israel. It's pretty stupid, though not a crime. For instance, you can be pro Nazi, or join KKK. It's the kind of freedom that you won't have in Israel where if you're now a Jew, you're treated like an animal.

My question is why the moderators are such Arab/Muslim haters. I know mods on other forum I researcher were receiving significant amount of money and support from Israel to defame Arabs and Muslims because they felt that Muslims were the ones who would oppose mostly to a pro-zionism Canadian government. Maybe you would love to have Canada run by an extention of Israeli government. I don't.

This is why you have zero credibility. You have come on this forum to engage in the very same thing about Israelis as you tell people not to do with Arabs and Muslims.

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Does that mean I can not criticize Israel...I was waiting for someone to say that...no freedom of speech for the newcomer Pakistani. Or what, you gonna bulldoze my house and murder my parents...not in Canada, I can criticize and you can't take away my freedom. Go back to Israel.

O.k. try read what I am saying slowly. Why is it you make sweeping negative generalizations about all Israelis or anyone who support's Israel's right to exist, but tell people not to do the same when discussing Arabs and Muslims?

See your point is that you think it is acceptable to engage in sweeping negative generalizations that have no substantiation, as long as its about Israelis or Israeli supporters.

That Sir, is why people laugh at you. Because you can't see how contradictory and inconsistent your comments are. You try hold people to a different standard then you.

In fact when you engage in your negative generalizations all they will do is attract flies to shit not people to a reasoned discussion and debate.

Treat people the way you want to be treated, show people in your actions, how you think they should act.

Your message so far has been; "Hey you fucking idiots, stop using the fuck word you fuckers."

I trust that analogy is not too difficult for you to grasp.

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Yeah, whatever, this is this is the biggest pile of kosher baloney that I've ever seen. Your Kerouac-esque stream of conciousness diatribes have done much to lower the level of debate here a couple of notches alone. I'd sure love to debate Israel here in a reasoned manner, too, if it weren't for the fact that certain people like to laden their responses with like fifty accusations of anti-semitism.

Keng show this forum one post or thread you have presented that referred to corroborated fact or substantiated references. You have never once written anything other then your own subjective opinions.

You would love to debate in a reasoned manner? Kengs read back the above. You would have people believe the reason you do not debate in a reasonable manner (at least you concede that) is because of me.

Think how silly that is Kengs. Are you suggesting I control your mind Kengs?

What stops you Kengs from being reasonable is precisely the same kind of phenomena that leads you to write such silly and absurd accusations suggesting I prevent you from being reasonable-your refusal to accept responsibility for your own actions and words.

That Kengs is why you are unable to do anything but come on this board and whether you write about Jews, other Christians, gays, women, soldiers, engage in subjective name calling followed by insulting people who respond to you.

No Kengs you are not a victim and no Kengs your silly sugegstion I am the reason you are not reasonable is about as meaningful in contribution as Aras coming on this forum to tell others not to be hateful while engaging in hateful comments. His words drew you like a fly to cow dung and yes Kengs I tend to challenge people like Aras to pick up his droppings so it does not attract flies like you who seize it as an opportunity to spread their own germs.

Edited by Rue
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Actually though, even though we do not always see eye to eye on every issue, I think Rue is an excellent poster. He may have a run-on sentence once in a while, but when you are posting on the fly and with emotion sometimes that happens. I think he is particularly excellent when it comes to posting about Israel.




You do have a point J!

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Ah c'mon. Rue is simply trying to dig this zen forum for kicks while he slides across the slippery surface of this American night, with a thousand buddhist saxophones wailing the notes of eternity, in and out in constant flux, receding into the Void of the great Cowboy highway, where angelic moonlit children buy Coca Colas from the cosmic soda machines of freedom.

True. Oh so true. As for the negative existential slime I may have unintentionally dropped on the astral planes I appreciate your being patient with me. I am coming back to pick it up.

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Yeah, but you don't mind Jews being "socially cohesive," right? Kind of a double-standard. It seems to me that the more "progressive" Jews really like to talk out of both sides of the mouth in this respect; let's stick to our own kind and perpetuate an ancient, largely redundant religion from 5000 years ago, but lets encourage everyone else to forget their culture, religion, and language, and assimilate into some sort of useless "melting pot" society.

Tell me Kengs is this the reasonable debate you refer to? the above is nothing more then you once again engaging in blatant anti-semitic stereotyping. You make sweeping negative generalizations about the motives, thoughts and beliefs of all Jews and then spew them out as if they are fact.

That Kengs makes you an ignorant hateful bigot precisely where such posts head. They start with an alleged defence of Muslims and Arabs and turn into what?

Kengs the above comments are blatantly anti-semitic, hateful and ignorant. They are not based on fact. They are based on your hatred and continual need to incite people to hate Jews.

Its a classic example of how you will hijack posts to engage in your own agenda.

You come on this forum uninterested in anything anyone has to say. Its simply a platform for you to spew hatred.

Say now Buffy are you going to challenge what he said or remain silent?

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Real Jews are not interested in Facism..those that are - are not Jews...If you have broken the contract with goodness (GOD) then you can hand in your special privledge Jew card...enough crap! Facists are those that seek to control others because they can not control themselves! Get a grip for goodness sake!

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