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Why have Israelifascists overtaken this board?!


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Good one, Rue. Here's another...

One day a man from Minsk arrived in the village with cow he wanted to sell. The cow looked healthy and young, so the village all chipped in and paid the man what he asked.

After many frustating months, it became apparent that the cow would not give milk and would not breed with the village bull. The villagers did not know what to do, so they went to the Rabbi, whom they knew to be very wise.

"Rabbi, what should we do?" they asked.

"You must try to sell the cow to somebody else.", said the rabbi.

"How do you know?", asked the villagers, still hopeful that their invetsment might work out.

"My wife is from Minsk.", said the Rabbi.

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I don't speak German..what's that mean?

Yet you recognized it as being German...

There are many online dictionaries where you could get a translation, so stop being a nob.

I'm wondering who you really are, and I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of the two or three current members that I have in mind. I notice that one began posting on this thread a few minutes after aras called it a day. Coincidence?

Edited by kengs333
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Good one, Rue. Here's another...

One day a man from Minsk arrived in the village with cow he wanted to sell. The cow looked healthy and young, so the village all chipped in and paid the man what he asked.

After many frustating months, it became apparent that the cow would not give milk and would not breed with the village bull. The villagers did not know what to do, so they went to the Rabbi, whom they knew to be very wise.

"Rabbi, what should we do?" they asked.

"You must try to sell the cow to somebody else.", said the rabbi.

"How do you know?", asked the villagers, still hopeful that their invetsment might work out.

"My wife is from Minsk.", said the Rabbi.


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Yet you recognized it as being German...

There are many online dictionaries where you could get a translation, so stop being a nob.

I'm wondering who you really are, and I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of the two or three current members that I have in mind. I notice that one began posting on this thread a few minutes after aras called it a day. Coincidence?

You are quite something Keng. Now you suggest Aras is actually someone else on the forum who criticizes and challenges you and is pretending to be Aras.

Not only are you someone who engages in negative generalizations of people and groups to justify hating them, now you engage in conspiracy theories of people in elaborate schemes out to get you.

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I have just joined and went through several dozen threads in International Politics, and have noted a number of people who are racist against Muslims/Arabs are dominating this forum. They post frequently, start threads that bash Islam and Muslims. If you have problems with politics on ME, mention it but don't disrespect people of other cultures/faiths.

It's called conversation, it's what we do on discussion boards. Globally fractions of Muslims are killing innocents in the name of their Religion ergo it's news and we discuss news on "Discussion Forums". As for the ME it's a cesspool of hatred, women and children denied basic rights. Of course I'll disrepect an area of the Globe that is living in the seven hundreds, that hangs homosexuals and stones rape victims.

I won't stand it.

Really, what ya going to do file a complaint with CAIR. Well their being sued in the US at the moment, and the Canadian branch is taking MaClains to HRC for an article they deemed showed Islam in a bad light. Hello anyone home, Islam doesn't need any help. The riots in Paris, Muslims burning innocents' properties to the ground.

I get enough of that on TV, with American networks...I came here to hear both sides of stories.

What's the other side to the story, Muslims get upset and commence to rioting and screaming for the death of an Infidel that insulted "THEIR" prophet. It was a Teddy Bear, not a goat or gasp PIG. Hello he's not my Prophet, he's nothing to me. Why should I respect a religion that's killing people globally. I have no complaint with moderate Muslims but they aren't who we are talking about are we?

I seriously urge those people to stop hijacking threads, and advertise for Israeli policies. The Zionist ideology has been spreading like wildfire with the help of US. In name of 9/11 attacks, they have invaded Iraq, and Afghanistan, and Iran is to be next.

You urge, my goodness you have an ego so big you wonder into this forum and order us about like SLAVES. Islam and slavery, that would be a good topic to discuss.

Israel is planning to be the second superpower (after US--it already has WMD and the second best army in the world).

Good, we can always use another ally that isn't afraid to stand by our side. France really sucks as an ally.

I like Canadian multiculturalism just fine, and I will not let Canadian politics changed to a zionist government. A large number of forums have been doing that for a while now, and I know some othe people who created this forums. You are not fooling anyone.

LOL Zionist Goberment, who's the racist on this forum. Perhaps you and your attempts to smear Jews, now that's racism BABY.

Israel has occupied Palestine, and with the help of US it can put pro-zionist governments in Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, but not Canada.

Stop advertising and spreading pro-Israeli and anti-Islam news. Keep that crap out of here.

It's not crap it's the truth, want me to give you some links on what the Religion of Peace have been up to lately, riots-Paris, screaming for the death of an innocent woman-Sudan, whipping a rape victim-Saudi Arabia, stealing the entire crop of rice from a Christian Farmer-Pakistan. The list is endless, it's not crap it's called NEWS.

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It's not crap it's the truth, want me to give you some links on what the Religion of Peace have been up to lately, riots-Paris, screaming for the death of an innocent woman-Sudan, whipping a rape victim-Saudi Arabia, stealing the entire crop of rice from a Christian Farmer-Pakistan. The list is endless, it's not crap it's called NEWS.

9/11 deaths: about 3,000.

Those committed by Iraqis and Afghanis: 0

Iraqi and Afghani deaths as a result of US invasion: About a million people (Lancet article a while back said 600,000 IRAQIS...no mention of Afghanis).

That's about 333 Muslim for every American. In other words, that's you punching me once, and me grabbing your brother (most hijackers were from Saudi Arabia--not Afghanistan or Iraq--whose government has more faith in US politics than Islam) and punch him 333 TIMES!!! Understood!

And by the way, Bin Laden was trained by CIA.

And what was that racist thing you were saying about Muslims again...they're rioting cause they're angry...why the hell would they be upset...MUST BE SOMETHING TO DO WITH ISLAM! When do you graduate elemantary school?

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Over 90% of the iraqis killed on each and any given day are killed by Iraqi terrorists and insurgents.

100% of afghans beheaded are done so by Afghans

US is like the AIDS disease....when you destroy body's defense mechanism, other opportunist diseases take over.

Do you remember the hurricane in Florida? Why were Americans raping and killing and stealing from each other? Some racist white Americans tried to blame it on them being mostly Black. Was it in name of religion, or because of the lawlessness and chaos?

And Bin Laden WAS trained by CIA.

Edited by aras
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Do you remember the hurricane in Florida? Why were Americans rape and killing each other? In name of religion, or because of the lawlessness and chaos?

Neither. Like your Bin Laden story, the stories about rapes and killings were largely myths.

A series of articles over the past week have confirmed that the widespread reports of massive looting, murder and violence in hurricane-devastated New Orleans were either concocted out of whole cloth or grossly exaggerated. In the first several days after New Orleans was inundated, these stories were disseminated by government officials at the federal, state and local level, and trumpeted by the media in banner headlines and lurid TV accounts.


In the name of Allah, smarten up!

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However, CNN journalist Peter Bergen, known for conducting the first television interview with Osama bin Laden in 1997, calls the idea "that the CIA funded bin Laden or trained bin Laden ... a folk myth. There's no evidence of this. ... Bin Laden had his own money, he was anti-American and he was operating secretly and independently. ... The real story here is the CIA didn't really have a clue about who this guy was until 1996 when they set up a unit to really start tracking him."


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Neither. Like your Bin Laden story, the stories about rapes and killings were largely myths.


In the name of Allah, smarten up!

In the name of Allah, take your medicine! I mentioned that example for illustrative purposes. I read about it in detail from a number of eyewitness accounts at the time. It does make racist white people happier to think of it as a myth, so I will let you have that one.

The example meant to illustrate that if a country's security forces are dismantled many opportunistic groups will take over. How come these very groups were pretty quiet when Saddam was in charge? I bet you will be the first to form a zionist gang if Canada was invaded by US. You have the hate-filled and racist attitude, you just don't have the power.

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I know, you are pro-Israel. It's pretty stupid, though not a crime. For instance, you can be pro Nazi, or join KKK. It's the kind of freedom that you won't have in Israel where if you're now a Jew, you're treated like an animal.

My question is why the moderators are such Arab/Muslim haters. I know mods on other forum I researcher were receiving significant amount of money and support from Israel to defame Arabs and Muslims because they felt that Muslims were the ones who would oppose mostly to a pro-zionism Canadian government. Maybe you would love to have Canada run by an extention of Israeli government. I don't.

"t's the kind of freedom that you won't have in Israel where if you're now a Jew, you're treated like an animal."

I can't understand this sentence (my English is poor) .

May be it should be - ..............if you're not a Jew , ............

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How come these very groups were pretty quiet when Saddam was in charge?

Because he executed everyone and anyone who threatened him. He wiped out whole villages in a single swoop. The people lived in absolute fear of his machine.

Is that a goal to emulate?

Do you have a point?

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Because he executed everyone and anyone who threatened him. He wiped out whole villages in a single swoop. The people lived in absolute fear of his machine.

Is that a goal to emulate?

Do you have a point?

First off, Saddam was kept in power because it served US interests. Got it? You do remember a certain picture of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam. You do know that US supplied Saddam with chemicals that he used on Iraqis.

You say "is that a goal to emulate?" Do YOU understand the concept of police? Do YOU think that US would not fall apart if its 1000s of police men and women were prevented from functioning? Now, who is being naive?

My point is that Iraq has many different groups of people who are seeking power. For instance, Kurds--like Jews--would like their own homeland. There are other political groups Shia vs. Sunni that similiarly want power.

You can think of similar examples in US. Of course, many more people in US have guns that in Iraq so I can only imagine a much worse scenario.

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First off, Saddam was kept in power because it served US interests. Got it? You do remember a certain picture of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam.

Oh wow, I understand now. So like, when Chretien shook hands with the Chinese premiere, it means that like Canada is keeping him in power, and like when Churchill and Roosevelt shook hands with Stalin, and Chamberlain with Hitler? Wow, things are getting clearer now... Handshakes are the key to foreign policy!

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9/11 deaths: about 3,000.

Those committed by Iraqis and Afghanis: 0

Iraqi and Afghani deaths as a result of US invasion: About a million people (Lancet article a while back said 600,000 IRAQIS...no mention of Afghanis).

That's about 333 Muslim for every American. In other words, that's you punching me once, and me grabbing your brother (most hijackers were from Saudi Arabia--not Afghanistan or Iraq--whose government has more faith in US politics than Islam) and punch him 333 TIMES!!! Understood!

And by the way, Bin Laden was trained by CIA.

And what was that racist thing you were saying about Muslims again...they're rioting cause they're angry...why the hell would they be upset...MUST BE SOMETHING TO DO WITH ISLAM! When do you graduate elemantary school?

Yes they weren't Iraqies or Afghanis, but they were being trained in those countries for their suicide mission. They are and were breeding grounds for terrorists, so is Pakistan. As for Iragies dying, the Sunni Shite thang is the reason. The US isn't killing them they are killing each other.

Youth riots, no it couldn't be they are tought to hate us in schools we pay for could it. What's with all those pamplets in Mosque calling us Infidels and the Jews pigs. Why is being a pig an insult I love bacon. Anyhow, on to Paris. Second generation Muslims who have been spoon fed welfare, no integration into the French community. Ungrateful violent youth, yea they have a reason to riot. NOT. I suppose the taxpayers should respond in kind by refusing to rebuild the school they burnt down, the library and other facilities built to accommadate the ungrateful thugs.

Don't you Islamist ever get tired of pretending to be victims, it's pityful. The race card isn't applicable, you aren't a race yet. However the Arabs are doing their very best to eradicate African Muslims off the Horn of Africa.

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Yes they weren't Iraqies or Afghanis, but they were being trained in those countries for their suicide mission. They are and were breeding grounds for terrorists, so is Pakistan. As for Iragies dying, the Sunni Shite thang is the reason. The US isn't killing them they are killing each other.

Youth riots, no it couldn't be they are tought to hate us in schools we pay for could it. What's with all those pamplets in Mosque calling us Infidels and the Jews pigs. Why is being a pig an insult I love bacon. Anyhow, on to Paris. Second generation Muslims who have been spoon fed welfare, no integration into the French community. Ungrateful violent youth, yea they have a reason to riot. NOT. I suppose the taxpayers should respond in kind by refusing to rebuild the school they burnt down, the library and other facilities built to accommadate the ungrateful thugs.

Don't you Islamist ever get tired of pretending to be victims, it's pityful. The race card isn't applicable, you aren't a race yet. However the Arabs are doing their very best to eradicate African Muslims off the Horn of Africa.

Do you want to trade place...you be of my religion and culture and I will be of yours. Let's see who has it harder.

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Oh wow, I understand now. So like, when Chretien shook hands with the Chinese premiere, it means that like Canada is keeping him in power, and like when Churchill and Roosevelt shook hands with Stalin, and Chamberlain with Hitler? Wow, things are getting clearer now... Handshakes are the key to foreign policy!

US claims never to have relations with dictators and terrorists, etc...do you see hypocrisy...

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US claims never to have relations with dictators and terrorists, etc...do you see hypocrisy...

So sorry...where have the US made this claim (relations with dictators)?

They have had and have relations with all kinds of Gov'ts...Did they not have diplomatic relations with the USSR?

Or is this yet again one of your fictitious illustrations? As far as relations with terrorists, I leave it to your illustrative imagination which country has those.......

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You do know that US supplied Saddam with chemicals that he used on Iraqis.

Some American companies played a small role in Iraq's quest for nerve gas. Not the US Government. However the main funder of the Iraqi chemical weapons program was the Kim Al-Khaleej firm based in Singapore. This firm is connected to the United Arab Emirates and supplied the vast bulk of the materials (over 4500 tons of various nerve gas precursors).


As a side note re: WMD. None of the VX stocks were ever located. Special furnaces are needed to destroy VX nerve agent...which Iraq doesn't have. So where did all the VX go??

Those unfamiliar with VX Nerve Agent can read about it here. Perhaps the most deadly chemical on the planet.


What the hell do you know about surfing? You're from goddamned New Jersey!

---Lt Col Kilgore: Apocalypse Now!

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Some American companies played a small role in Iraq's quest for nerve gas. Not the US Government. However the main funder of the Iraqi chemical weapons program was the Kim Al-Khaleej firm based in Singapore. This firm is connected to the United Arab Emirates and supplied the vast bulk of the materials (over 4500 tons of various nerve gas precursors).


As a side note re: WMD. None of the VX stocks were ever located. Special furnaces are needed to destroy VX nerve agent...which Iraq doesn't have. So where did all the VX go??

Those unfamiliar with VX Nerve Agent can read about it here. Perhaps the most deadly chemical on the planet.


What the hell do you know about surfing? You're from goddamned New Jersey!

---Lt Col Kilgore: Apocalypse Now!

I did not know that. Why would Singapore do that? Just financial incentive or there was some politics...I will look up your links for now.


Edited by aras
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I believe it is an Arab company located in Singapore due to economic incentive...ie...they can sell what they make without too much government involvement. Germany is the other big supplier, oddly enough. This whole affair suffers from a general lack of solid sources that can be cross-referenced from several directions. So I only state this information and nothing else.


Poison...poison...tasty fish.

---The Simpsons

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I have just joined and went through several dozen threads in International Politics, and have noted a number of people who are racist against Muslims/Arabs are dominating this forum. They post frequently, start threads that bash Islam and Muslims. If you have problems with politics on ME, mention it but don't disrespect people of other cultures/faiths.
I for one am glad you're here. You're making a lot of good points many don't have the courage to make, at least in the direct terms you do.
I won't stand it.
You shouldn't have to. There are facilities where you don't have to.
I get enough of that on TV, with American networks...I came here to hear both sides of stories.
Remnds me of the movie "Network" where everyone was screaming, out windows: "I'm mad as h*ll and I won't take it any more".
I seriously urge those people to stop hijacking threads, and advertise for Israeli policies. The Zionist ideology has been spreading like wildfire with the help of US. In name of 9/11 attacks, they have invaded Iraq, and Afghanistan, and Iran is to be next.
Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan are some of the world's most constructive societies. They are a model every one should follow. Given the huge immigration into these countries, let's hope that wh'at makes them great lands won't be diminished.
Israel is planning to be the second superpower (after US--it already has WMD and the second best army in the world).
Good point.
I like Canadian multiculturalism just fine, and I will not let Canadian politics changed to a zionist government. A large number of forums have been doing that for a while now, and I know some othe people who created this forums. You are not fooling anyone.
You shouldn't. Keep up the good work!!!
Israel has occupied Palestine, and with the help of US it can put pro-zionist governments in Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, but not Canada.
No question, the US is one of the worst countries in the world. A true h*ll hole. It's a wonder everyone hasn't fled to North Korea, Libya or Cuba.
Stop advertising and spreading pro-Israeli and anti-Islam news. Keep that crap out of here.
I don't, and I agree with you. 1000%
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