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Another cop killed...

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Enough is enough. Bring back the death penalty to people who obviously don't respect the law OR life. Any bleeding heart that does not suport the death penalty should volunteer to be victimized themselves and/or for being so god damned noble as to assert their "morally superior" values.

Peter was 25 when he was murdered. I have seen first hand what it has done to his family. I can only imagine what this poor 20 yer olds family is going through now.

Hang the f'ing sob's who do this. Those little gang banger punks....do the same. Remand does nothing to rehabilitate...and 2 for 1 credit there sure as hell doesn't either. HANG 'EM!

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Enough is enough. Bring back the death penalty to people who obviously don't respect the law OR life. Any bleeding heart that does not suport the death penalty should volunteer to be victimized themselves and/or for being so god damned noble as to assert their "morally superior" values.

Peter was 25 when he was murdered. I have seen first hand what it has done to his family. I can only imagine what this poor 20 yer olds family is going through now.

Hang the f'ing sob's who do this. Those little gang banger punks....do the same. Remand does nothing to rehabilitate...and 2 for 1 credit there sure as hell doesn't either. HANG 'EM!

Put them in jail for life. They had no right to take a life, but we have no right to take theirs. Its their maker that they will have to deal with.

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Enough is enough. Bring back the death penalty to people who obviously don't respect the law OR life. Any bleeding heart that does not suport the death penalty should volunteer to be victimized themselves and/or for being so god damned noble as to assert their "morally superior" values.

Peter was 25 when he was murdered. I have seen first hand what it has done to his family. I can only imagine what this poor 20 yer olds family is going through now.

Hang the f'ing sob's who do this. Those little gang banger punks....do the same. Remand does nothing to rehabilitate...and 2 for 1 credit there sure as hell doesn't either. HANG 'EM!

While I feel for the families I simply cannot agree with the death penalty. It has never reduced crime so what purpose does it serve. Take a life then we take a life? I see no merit in that.

It has nothing to do with morally superior values nor bleeding heart.

And while I dont know who said it, the sentiment still is valid. "I'd rather a few guilty men go free than one innocent man jailed." (or something like that)

The fact is we , at times, convict the wrong man, and it takes decades longer to free them.

We have far too many cops taking the easy way out and finagaling a conviction on planted evidence. They are found to either withheld information from the prosecutors (Truscott) or simply lie thru the rest of their life that they are correct in their findings presented to the prosecutor.

A case in point with respect to Guy Paul Morin. Much was made of the cigarettes found near the scene. Problem is , GP Morin never smoked, but the cop who made that charge to this day sas BS and he is right. Fibres found in Morin's car . Well sure, he had given the girl a ride a few times and why not, he was their neighbour. The cop should be up on charges now, but he isnt. He is retired and bitter, and frankly, I hope his days suck.

Anyhow, the death penalty was voided a long time ago and was done for a reason. Most people didnt want it.

Now perhaps a rant about the length of sentences might be timely.

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The death penalty is not the issue here, the fact that cops have to operate without backup in these remote communities is a much bigger issue when it comes to their safety. As usual the real issue is money.

No, the real issue is not money, but recruitment. I suppose it would help on the money side if RCMP training was free, like the training of other police forces.

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No, the real issue is not money, but recruitment. I suppose it would help on the money side if RCMP training was free, like the training of other police forces.

It probably would help some but it is not completely free in other cases. BC city and municipal police forces train at the Justice Institute in New Westminster. When my son attended he was on the payroll but $10,000 was deducted to cover part of the 9 month course.

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It probably would help some but it is not completely free in other cases. BC city and municipal police forces train at the Justice Institute in New Westminster. When my son attended he was on the payroll but $10,000 was deducted to cover part of the 9 month course.

I find that much more reasonable than paying to go to Regina with no allowance, no salary, nothing.

Alot of people have mortgages and things to pay. Being a responsible homeowner essientially disqualifies you from RCMP service.

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You people make me sick. Now you are blaming the cops...

You make me sick for immediately using the death of a law enforcement professional to immediately advance your own desire to see the death penalty re-introduced.

Have you no shame?

Let the family grieve. Let us all grieve.

Then let us all take stalk of your anger.

Edited by Visionseeker
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Enough is enough. Bring back the death penalty to people who obviously don't respect the law OR life. Any bleeding heart that does not suport the death penalty should volunteer to be victimized themselves and/or for being so god damned noble as to assert their "morally superior" values.

Peter was 25 when he was murdered. I have seen first hand what it has done to his family. I can only imagine what this poor 20 yer olds family is going through now.

Hang the f'ing sob's who do this. Those little gang banger punks....do the same. Remand does nothing to rehabilitate...and 2 for 1 credit there sure as hell doesn't either. HANG 'EM!

Now, now .....

This is Canada. The perpetrator must have been feeling down about life, or had a difficult day at school.

Very likely the killer will have a spiritual or cultural reason that will lessen the sentence - if indeed there ever is one passed down.

Now-a-days no one is guilty - there is always an underlying reason that creates symapthy in the courts.

Before you jump down my throat, I am with you on your comments - but it will never happen.

After all, this IS Canada. You know .............


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While I feel for the families I simply cannot agree with the death penalty. It has never reduced crime so what purpose does it serve. Take a life then we take a life? I see no merit in that.

Until the system lets him out and he kills again. If the death penalty would reduce the chance of that (to zero) then it has reduced crime.

It has nothing to do with morally superior values nor bleeding heart.

And while I dont know who said it, the sentiment still is valid. "I'd rather a few guilty men go free than one innocent man jailed." (or something like that)

Until (heaven forbid) it's YOUR child that's killed, then we'll see what your opinion is.

Anyhow, the death penalty was voided a long time ago and was done for a reason. Most people didnt want it.

Most people used to smoke too, but THINGS HAVE CHANGED.

Now perhaps a rant about the length of sentences might be timely.

That's been done for years and hasn't accomplished a damn thing.

Hang 'em.

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You make me sick for immediately using the death of a law enforcement professional to immediately advance your own desire to see the death penalty re-introduced.

Have you no shame?

Let the family grieve. Let us all grieve.

Then let us all take stalk of your anger.

Hey paco...a good friend whom I grew up with was killed in Mayerthorp. The only solice in that incident was when it was over....it was over. There was no manhunt. There was no seeking justice. All it was about was seeking answers. So don't you tell try to lecture me. When they catch this guy, he should be hung. If he has no qualms about killing a cop, do you think he would have a problem killing your wife...or you mother? How about a rapist who kills his victims? Would you want him to get out in 15 years for good behaviour only to have those "urges" to come rushing back when he sees your daughter?

I really don't care what you think of my "desire" to see the death penalty brought back. What you need to understand is that a majority of Canadians DO want it brought back. Choke on that. Even amnesty international admits that most Canadians want it back....but then they pull their "but we are superior" bullshi7 mentality.

BTW...I am done grieving. I am merely filled with complete disgust for what has happened to society. And who is to blame? That doesn't really matter now does it, it is more important what can we do about it. And it seems people like you just want to hold a murders hand on his way to jail.

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Sorry to hear another cop was killed in the line of duty. But state executions are not the answer. The kind of people who would kill a cop, or anyone for that matter generally don't think ahead enough to consider the punishment. They are beyond caring. Death penalty serves no purpose other than revenge and feeding our bloodlust, which leads to more killing. Because by doing it we are saying that killing is acceptable for "enemies of the state". We should be trying to make a less violent society. not more.

Note which countries have state santioned killing for crimes- none of the civilized western world with the exception of the US. The rest evoke images of public beheadings in soccer stadiums.

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I really don't care what you think of my "desire" to see the death penalty brought back. What you need to understand is that a majority of Canadians DO want it brought back. Choke on that.

Majority eh?

Conservatives find slim support for death penalty

"Support for the death penalty was highest in Alberta, where almost one-third supported the idea of capital punishment, and lowest in Newfoundland with 17 per cent support. In Ontario, 21 per cent thought some convicted prisoners should be put to death, according to the poll of 4,005 people."

Care to revise your claim?

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Majority eh?

Conservatives find slim support for death penalty

"Support for the death penalty was highest in Alberta, where almost one-third supported the idea of capital punishment, and lowest in Newfoundland with 17 per cent support. In Ontario, 21 per cent thought some convicted prisoners should be put to death, according to the poll of 4,005 people."

Care to revise your claim?

I think that you will find that there is a majority of people who would like to see the death penalty in cases where police and guards are killed in the line of duty. They would also permit it in cases where there are multiple killings and proved either by DNA or by confession that they are guilty. You only find that most oppose the death penalty, in cases where there are jury trials and verdicts are disputed by the defendents. More and more defendents would also choose the death penalty over lifetime incarceration, even though many knwow that at the worst it is 25 years and you probably will get parole unless you really are proven still malfunctioning.

I lived thru the last arguments for and against the Death Penalty, and believe me when I say that in the publics eyes it was close call to make. While the death penalty does make it impossible to reoffend, it also is irreversible, and only in that small issue lies the reason between the two sides.

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I lived thru the last arguments for and against the Death Penalty, and believe me when I say that in the publics eyes it was close call to make. While the death penalty does make it impossible to reoffend, it also is irreversible, and only in that small issue lies the reason between the two sides.

The last debate on the death penalty was 20 years ago. Things change. In fact, homicide rates have declined since it was abolished and juries have been found more willing to convict when the death penalty is not an issue. The fact that it is irreversible is only one factor. Many believe state sanctioned killing is a vengeful act not worthy of a civilized country.

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Hey paco...a good friend whom I grew up with was killed in Mayerthorp. The only solice in that incident was when it was over....it was over. There was no manhunt. There was no seeking justice. All it was about was seeking answers. So don't you tell try to lecture me. When they catch this guy, he should be hung. If he has no qualms about killing a cop, do you think he would have a problem killing your wife...or you mother? How about a rapist who kills his victims? Would you want him to get out in 15 years for good behaviour only to have those "urges" to come rushing back when he sees your daughter?

I really don't care what you think of my "desire" to see the death penalty brought back. What you need to understand is that a majority of Canadians DO want it brought back. Choke on that. Even amnesty international admits that most Canadians want it back....but then they pull their "but we are superior" bullshi7 mentality.

BTW...I am done grieving. I am merely filled with complete disgust for what has happened to society. And who is to blame? That doesn't really matter now does it, it is more important what can we do about it. And it seems people like you just want to hold a murders hand on his way to jail.

Is it the air in Alberta do ya think?

Something about living in the mountain areas that turns them all into hillbilly's you think?

Hope not my grand-baby is there and I used to be.

I bet you would love the majority to believe just like your ancient philosophy? eh

Its all so cut and dried in your safe little cocoon ,yes.

And then of course we have those American pilots who killed 4 Canadian soldiers ,, silly details.

I think its what 5 killed so far in Afghanistan the same way.(friendly fire , haha there's an oxymoron)

Then we have drunk drivers who kill on highways ? Burn them?

Now that I have you agreeing to put those to death I will mention the elderly on legal drugs here in Canada that have killed more on the highways than American pilots.

The whole discussion is irrelevant and for what we do pay in justice services money we can afford one offs at least for the exclusive entertainment of rich isolated safe bigots (pictons 7 million tax dollars to lawyers?) or at least some custom legal services.

Maybe even a televised execution Sunday after the Simpson's.

You mention Mayerthorpe where RCMP illegally entered that farm then make it all about a cannabis grow-op and then squash the news that even though cannabis stays in the body for a month and alcohol just hours roszko had zero cannabis and was full of alcohol,,sad.

Yeah pot smokers must be all killed as they must be the problem eh?

Yes , sadly we just need one more good civil war just to take all the dead weight from us , the extinct with power.

You know for what they do soak us for now just in police costs and when one considers we don't even want 7/11 employees to work the night shift alone , one would think the RCMP will change their rules and put money where its needed instead of where it is obviously going. Maybe get rid of the silly horse show and put it into wages?

Yes just keep providing billions of gun enabling cash to crime as you ignore those citizens having to buy from criminals because governments like some extinct species yell about reform with their heads in sand.

Of course again I say this is only the tip of the ice berg and only getting started ,watch.

At least the horrendous new crime bill will now be bringing things so much more into the faces of people that think it will retreat , it wont and then finally I will start to get some real help.

Sadly I hope that it doesn't take that many more bodies.


Edited by shavluk
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What needs to be addressed are the working condition which make the job much more dangerous than it should be, not reintroducing the death penalty which would accomplish little or nothing to make their job safer.

Most Canadians do not favour the death penalty.


Another thing is the fact that it always seems to be the youngest guys who get killed. This guy was only 20. Straight out of training school and shipped off to a post at the bottom of the pecking order to pay his dues.

I am not going to change my position on the death penalty until we can guarantee a justice system that is right 100% of the time.

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