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Amsterdam: Religion of peace strikes again


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Also, I'm not aware of any formal government policy re: anti-Muslim demonstrations: perhaps you can cite one?
These banned demonstrations in Brussels (link), excerpts below:
Last Updated: Tuesday, 11 September 2007, 15:07 GMT 16:07 UK

Arrests at Brussels Islam protest

Police in the Belgian capital, Brussels, have arrested two far-right political leaders at a protest against the "Islamisation of Europe".

Police clashed with some of the 200 demonstrators and dozens more people were reported to have been arrested.

The mayor of Brussels had banned the protest, held on the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the US.


The mayor of Brussels, Freddy Thielemans, banned the protest last month for fear it would cause problems with the city's immigrant population.

It's also not the first time jbg has given Muslims and soccer hooligans the double standard treatment.

And on that very thread neither you nor anyone else gave a real answer to:

Indeed, there is a 'stampede' almost evey year in Mecca, just too many people in too small a space.

Every year, the Jews congregate for the High Holy Days. We typically have close to 1000 packed into relatively small spaces, with very small exits. Ever hear of the "post-Yom Kippur stampede"? Keep in mind, at the end of services, we haven't eaten or drank for 24 hours at least. Any stampedes out of there?

Your answer to that question was:

Don't do it , Dog...don't do it...

Can you give me a substantive answer? As far as the "double standard" far more soccer games and rock concerts go without incident than Muslim "religious" events.

Edited by jbg
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And on that very thread neither you nor anyone else gave a real answer to:

Your answer to that question was:

Can you give me a substantive answer? As far as the "double standard" far more soccer games and rock concerts go without incident than Muslim "religious" events.

What kind of answer would you even expect? Its not a valid observation or comparison... what is even the point of making this comparison, to say it somehow proves that muslims at large are inferior to jews? Making sweeping generalizations like this about large groups of people living in every country on the planet, are simply absurd. Same with any notion that, since some criminals are muslim, therefor muslims are criminal. That is inferior thinking, childish, naive and highly biased.

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What kind of answer would you even expect? Its not a valid observation or comparison... what is even the point of making this comparison, to say it somehow proves that muslims at large are inferior to jews? Making sweeping generalizations like this about large groups of people living in every country on the planet, are simply absurd. Same with any notion that, since some criminals are muslim, therefor muslims are criminal. That is inferior thinking, childish, naive and highly biased.
Which culture is superior? One that elevates study, or one that has a holiday, where people bloody their foreheads, to celebrate the suicide of a 9th Century warrior?
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David Horwitz, opinions on Islamofacism and the far left mirrors my own. He describes and details the lefts love of pandering to that which is harmful to our Free Society.

Quote: For the information of our opponents here tonight, this week is already a tremendous success, because no matter how hostile you are to what you imagine to be our views, which have been unbelievably distorted in the attacks this week, you yourselves are already now discussing the issues we set out to raise: “Why is it that American feminists are not up in arms about the savage abuses of women by Islamo-fascists, about those 130 million young girls who have their genitals sliced off?â€

Another quote: The American Left embraced Khomeini and revolution. Richard Falk, who is a spokesman of the present movement against the war in Iraq called Khomeni a liberator. Andrew Young, who was Jimmy Carter's Ambassador to the UN, called him a saint. Encouraged by these endorsements, the Iranian Marxists at the University of Oklahoma, who probably belonged to the anti-war action network of the time, went back to Teheran to join the revolution. And one by one, as Nafisi describes in her book, they were executed by the revolutionary state. Because they were Marxists. Because they were progressives. Because they did not toe the Islamo-fascist line. Khomeni’s goal was to establish an Islamic state under 7th century Islamic law. That is what the “war on terror†is about.

Khomeni killed twenty-five times as many Iranians –Muslims -- in the first three years of his revolutionary rule than the despised Shah had killed in the 34 years of his. The reason Khomeini hated the Shah is because the Shah allowed women to be educated in Iran for the first time in their history, and allowed them, if they so chose, to remove the veil. The Shah was a dictator, but he was a progressive dictator. And that's why Khomeini and Islamic fundamentalists hated him, and overthrew him.

This is a warning to you progressives in the audience. This is my gift to you if you will take it. The Islamo-fascists whom you support will devour you in the end.

Full speech/article here: http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read....A1-12B71D02ADD7

My opinion is: The far left have a long history of crawling into bed with cruel dictators who subjugagate and abuse women and children in the name of a GOD. Their screams of Racists, Bigot and hater will echo back onto them because they are the ones that are hateful Racists, bigots. They hate freedom and democracy, they dream of a state of Utopia where they can degrade women to get elected. They are the enemy of every female child and women globally. The far left hate progression unless it's progressing into communism and Radical Islam. The like both idiologys because they preach for no seperation of state and it's people. Socialism is as subjugating and discriminatory to women and children as radical Islam. Is my culture superior? Yes, we are all equal in the eyes of the law in the West, women are worth half that of a man even in Moderate Islamic countries. The far left can dare to dream but Canadian Women (well excluding the deluded Socialists fools) will not be relegated back into the middle ages so they can rule for a life time.

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Quoting David Horwitz

My opinion is: The far left have a long history of crawling into bed with cruel dictators who subjugagate and abuse women and children in the name of a GOD. Their screams of Racists, Bigot and hater will echo back onto them because they are the ones that are hateful Racists, bigots. They hate freedom and democracy, they dream of a state of Utopia where they can degrade women to get elected. They are the enemy of every female child and women globally. The far left hate progression unless it's progressing into communism and Radical Islam. The like both idiologys because they preach for no seperation of state and it's people. Socialism is as subjugating and discriminatory to women and children as radical Islam. Is my culture superior? Yes, we are all equal in the eyes of the law in the West, women are worth half that of a man even in Moderate Islamic countries. The far left can dare to dream but Canadian Women (well excluding the deluded Socialists fools) will not be relegated back into the middle ages so they can rule for a life time.

Excellent post. I am a far leftist who is scared to death of Islamofascists.
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Guest American Woman
Hey, guess what? They outlawed spitting in public places around 1900, and pretty much made it an aberration today. Maybe its about time we outlawed washing stinky bits in public bathrooms. What do you think? I mean, if I suddenly created a cult that felt a pious need to crap in the sinks of public washrooms prior to prayer, I'll bet you'd be all about banning it the first minute you found a lump while washing your hands.

I have news for you. Shitting in a sink isn't quite comparable to washing one's feet. I won't bother explaining why since you apparently revel in your hatred, but I will say this-- The Ugly American has nothing up on you. Obviously some of you on this board never travel outside of Canada or the Polite Canadian stereotype would have died long ago.

As a side note, interesting to learn that you think religions are cults. <_<

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have news for you. Shitting in a sink isn't quite comparable to washing one's feet. I won't bother explaining why since you apparently revel in your hatred, but I will say this-- The Ugly American has nothing up on you. Obviously some of you on this board never travel outside of Canada or the Polite Canadian stereotype would have died long ago.

As a side note, interesting to learn that you think religions are cults. <_<

I've actually spent a good part of my life living in 3rd world countries. That's why I know more about Islam than you do.

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Which culture is superior? One that elevates study, or one that has a holiday, where people bloody their foreheads, to celebrate the suicide of a 9th Century warrior?

Why JBG, of course your culture is far superior. I mean really really superduper-erior! :rolleyes:

Religion should be banned from the earth. It only serves to seperate people from their innate humanity. Stupid religion. Stupid people who ascribe to it and use it as a means to hate/kill/maim/spit upon/feel superior over everyone who is not of "their" specific sky daddy fantasy.

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It's also not the first time jbg has given Muslims and soccer hooligans the double standard treatment.

Holy shit - equating increasingly unruly and swelling muslim populatins with soccer hooligans. It's always an entertaining treat to get insight into your twisted outlook on the world doggy :P

More, please. MORE!!! baaaaaahahahahahahaa

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Guest American Woman
I have news for you. Shitting in a sink isn't quite comparable to washing one's feet. I won't bother explaining why since you apparently revel in your hatred, but I will say this-- The Ugly American has nothing up on you. Obviously some of you on this board never travel outside of Canada or the Polite Canadian stereotype would have died long ago.

As a side note, interesting to learn that you think religions are cults.

I've actually spent a good part of my life living in 3rd world countries. That's why I know more about Islam than you do.

Well, maybe a quick explanation. See, there's already a place for you to take a crap, so you don't have to do it in the sink. That's why the university is putting in footbaths-- so Muslims don't have to wash their feet in the sink either.

And regardless of what you think, you don't know more about Islam than I do. The fact that you refer to it as a cult pretty much proves that.

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Why JBG, of course your culture is far superior. I mean really really superduper-erior! :rolleyes:
Compared to the alternative under discussion, which plagarized the Old Testament my people wrote, assuredly.
Religion should be banned from the earth. It only serves to seperate people from their innate humanity. Stupid religion. Stupid people who ascribe to it and use it as a means to hate/kill/maim/spit upon/feel superior over everyone who is not of "their" specific sky daddy fantasy.

What innate humanity? The difference between barbarism and civilization is social order and religion is one of the major foundations of social order. That is why I am not sure that Islam is a religion, or whether it is a cult.

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Compared to the alternative under discussion, which plagarized the Old Testament my people wrote, assuredly.

Which plagarized the Book of Enoch... which came from ancient texts much older. And your point...?

What innate humanity? The difference between barbarism and civilization is social order and religion is one of the major foundations of social order. That is why I am not sure that Islam is a religion, or whether it is a cult.

We all are born with consciences. If no one had ever heard of "god", "allah", "jesus" or whoever, we would still find killing one another wrong.

Go ahead, trot out "Stalin-the-bad-atheist" as an example... he was BAD! He was an ATHEIST! :rolleyes:

Religion is the most divisive "thing" that us humans have invented. It pits people against one another using so-called "truths" of which no one has even the slightest clue. Where we came from and what happens after we die are pure speculation. Any religion perporting that they "know" is flat out lying.

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Scott - didn't you live in India ? It's not a hugely Muslim nation, you know. More than Canada

There is a vast population of Muslims in India, Islam has wreaked havoc on the Hindus with great barbarity and savagery. Here's an article on a Hindu's perspective of Islam: http://www.islam-watch.org/Rizwan_Salim/Wh...id-to-India.htm

Snippet: Their minds filled with venom against the idol-worshippers of Hindustan, the Muslims destroyed a large number of ancient Hindu temples. This is a historical fact, mentioned by Muslim chroniclers and others of the time. A number of temples were merely damaged and remained standing. But a large number-not hundreds but many thousands-of the ancient temples were broken into shreds of cracked stone. In the ancient cities of Varanasi and Mathura, Ujjain and Maheshwar, Jwalamukhi and Dwarka, not one temple survives whole and intact from the ancient times.

The wrecking of Hindu temples went on from the early years of the 8th century to well past 1700 AD a period of almost 1000 years. Every Muslim ruler in Delhi (or Governor of Provinces) spent most of his time warring against Hindu kings in the north and the south, the east and the west, and almost every Muslim Sultan and his army commanders indulged in largescale destructions of Hindu temples and idols. They also slaughtered a lot of Hindus. It is easy to conclude that virtually every Hindu temple built in the ancient times is a perfect work of art. The evidence of the ferocity with which the Muslim invaders must have struck at the sculptures of gods and goddesses, demons and apsaras, kings and queens, dancers and musicians is frightful. At so many ancient temples of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, for example, shattered portions of stone images still lie scattered in the temple courtyards. Considering the fury used on the idols and sculptures, the stone-breaking axe must have been applied to thousands upon thousands of images of hypnotic beauty.

Giving proof of the resentment that men belonging to an inferior civilisation feel upon encountering a superior civilisation of individuals with a more refined culture, Islamic invaders from Arabia and western Asia broke and burned everything beautiful they came across in Hindustan. So morally degenerate were the Muslim Sultans that, rather than attract Hindu "infidels" to Islam through force of personal example and exhortation, they just built a number of mosques at the sites of torn down temples

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