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Everything posted by Queenmandy85

  1. When a fire breaks out in the lobby of an apartment building, that is news. It is normal for journalists to interview the victims in that situation. It was the victims who speculated on the motivation, not the media. Until a suspect is arrested, there is no way for the media to attribute motive one way or another, and, to be fair, this suspect has not had his day in court and must be presumed innocent unless proven guilty in Court.
  2. But the examples you use are all American stories.
  3. You have to remember the climate at the time when seniors and healthcare workers were being harassed and even allegations of assault. You should not be surprised when a victim of the arson attempt in the "Red Zone" speculated it may have been by participants of the illegal occupation.
  4. What has Jussie Smollett, the covington kids, and Donald Trump got to do with it? They are all American tabloid stories and have no connection with Canadian MSM journalism.
  5. So you have terrified people speculating on who was responsible for setting fire to their home, and the MSM saying there was no known connection between the one suspect in custody and the illegal occupation. Against my better judgement, I violated my own rule and clicked on the link. At no time did CTV say the arsonists were part of the illegal occupation. It was the residents speculation. I presume you have actual evidence the MSM said the fire was set by the illegal occupiers?
  6. I haven't been able to find an MSM story claiming to link this arson to the illegal occupation convoy. I remember rumours on social media but no accusations by the MSM actually claiming a link. Do you have a reference that shows this link in the MSM?
  7. Please stop trying to make me defend the Liberals. Plleeeaaassse. ?
  8. I am not aware of that passage. However, as much as I like to argue about religion, I have no wish to attack your faith. I lived under NDP governments in BC and Saskatchewan. In BC, I also lived under Social Credit, the old name for the Reform Party. In BC, we had a privately owned electrical utility called BC Electric. It provided good service at reasonable cost and made a decent profit for its shareholders. When Social Credit came to power under W.A.C. Bennett, they expropriated BC Electric and stiffed the share holders, paying them far below market value. They turned it into BC Hydro, a bloated debt ridden, money losing company that gave lousy service at high prices. That is what a "free enterprise" party like the Reform Party does. The Bennetts and the Gaglardi's were so corrupt, they sang songs about it. (The Wild Kelowna Boys.) In Saskatchewan, I campaigned for Grant Devine's Conservatives. They ran up a huge debt for the NDP government that replaced them. The NDP were more fiscally conservative than the Conservatives. The Chretien Liberals created a large surplus for Harper to fritter away. If the Government can tell you who you can marry, that is socialism. Medically assisted dying was ordered by the supreme court and it was adopted by the grits, not the NDP, but did it in order to comply with the Court ruling. I don't like it but that is the law. It would be inappropriate for a man such as me, to interfere in a woman's reproductive rights and only a socialist would presume to do so. The agreement between the Grits and the NDP was at the NDP's request, because the NDP needs time to pay off their election debts. My question is how is this going to affect the CPC's leadership race?
  9. So are you saying a wife, and servants are private property? Just because you don't, doesn't make it true. How is paying taxes, lawfully levied by Parliament, theft?
  10. Where does the Bible ordain the right to private property?
  11. Jesus said render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. Pay your taxes.
  12. But it doesn't change the fact that the NDP and the Christian Church are closely associated. I notice you did not respond to the first two points.
  13. First, the article is American. Secondly, it contradicts itself by saying socialism promotes materialism, yet it defends the accumulation of wealth. It is said in the Bible that it is harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle. Finally, the NDP are basically the political arm of the Christian Church in Canada. Tommy Douglas, Stanley Knowles, Ben Smiley, Peter Prebble, Fr. Bob Ogle to name a few of the clergy who have been prominent in the NDP.
  14. I must have missed something in the op. I thought you meant the population in general. I also respectively disagree that nations go to war to cull their youth. Culling the elderly is a bad idea as well. If you behave yourself and are real lucky, you too might live to be as old as me and I am just as reluctant to shuffle off my mortal coil as any kid. Live Long and Prosper
  15. In the 1960's the quest to put an American on the moon cost about the same as 3 months of the war in Viet Nam with all the benifits of war and none of the terrible things. IIRC, fewer than 20 people were killed in the manned space program. (Including cosmonauts) Wars are fought to gain territory, resolve trade issues, revenge, and nationalism. It is cheaper to cull old weapons systems by dismantling them. Dropping a 500 Lb. dumb bomb gives little or no return on the $2000 investment. That is bad economy.
  16. To my knowledge, there has not been a war in the last 500 years that reduced the population. Governments and religions have never used war to reduce the population. Wars are fought for many reasons, but that is not one of them. Usually, governments encourage population growth in times of war. A future nuclear war is the one example of a war that would reduce the population, but that would be a redution to extinction. Not much point to that.
  17. You must be just a kid. When I was at UVic, Stanfield was Conservative leader...or maybe I'm old. ?
  18. I never met a Young Tory who wasn't destined to become Prime Minister. Did we meet at UVic or something? ?
  19. This protest arguement is irrelevant. The court declared the protest illegal. End of story. This has nothing to do with the leadership campaign. On that topic, at the risk of repeating myself, we need to have an effective leader of HM's loyal opposition who can replace the Liberal government in the next election. If you have an issue with the government, that is where your energy should go. If you are disappointed with this country, do something to make it better. Show the grits we are not a country of bitchers.
  20. Who cares. There is only one excuse to not get vaccianted and that is on rare medical grounds. If you want to work, get vaccinated and stop whining like a baby. If you don't like Trudeau, quit whining like a baby and defeat him in the next election. Support Jean Charest.
  21. "Yeah, well there's a lot of bleeding hearts around who just don't like to see people with helmets and guns. All I can say is, go on and bleed, but it's more important to keep law and order in this society than to be worried about weak-kneed people who don't like the looks of a soldier's helmet."
  22. This thread is about the leadership race. We have argued this protest issue to death on other threads and Z., Yzer., and West, were wrong and Moonbox and I were right. ;- ) If you believe the government over stepped, you have the opportunity to remove them. Get your friends together and take out memberships in the CPC so you can support Jean Charest. You can join the Great Tory Crusade to retire Prime Minister Trudeau. If you truly want a change in government, the race has already begun and it is already time to join the campaign for your local Conservative candidate and work to make sure we have a leader who can win more than 180 ridings. Sitting at home will only let the grits win again.
  23. So, before I retired, I had occasion to execute traffic stops. The driver had to provide their operator's licence and vehicle registration. If they were offended, too bad, so sad. If the law says you must show proof of vaccination to enter a restaurant or board a plane, that is the law, authorized by the legislature or by the Governor in council. The Emergencies Act was proclaimed to remove people who were in violation of a Court order, expeditiously. They were not removed for protesting. They were removed for violating a court order. They cost the nation billions of dollars, particularly at the Ambassador bridge, and put thousands of people out of work. Had they protested legally, there would have been no need to remove them. I watched the police action and I thought they showed great restraint. They used the lower end of the use of force model, giving the participants ample time to comply. The proclamation was only issued after several weeks . That was long enough to deliver the protestors' message. The fact that some protestors refused to leave after the court order was issued shows they were not interested in getting their message heard, but rather, they were determined to extort the rest of the country to their will. Nobody elected them and they had no lawful right to hold the nation hostage. When the court issues a ruling, the debate is over. So far, the Courts have not ruled against the Crown's proclamation of the Emergency Act. When I was working, if I had lawful reason to remove you from a premise, and you refused, I would use such force as is reasonable to get you to comply. That is not police brutality. What exactly did this "police brutality" consist of?
  24. What do you expect from a guy who is a failed philosophy major. I mean, philosophy???? If you get bounced from university because you are failing in philosophy... how did he ever get elected. I won't repeat the rumours that he cheated. Of course, he wasn't the man who erected the fence or threw the pastor in jail. That was a court order. A premier has no authority to direct the police. The pastor was jailed for defying a court order, IIRC. Contempt of Court is a serious offence. And now Brian Jean won the by-election for the UCP by promising to force Premier Kenney out. ?
  25. You misunderstand. I was pointing out the silly hyperbole people use, terms like totalatarianism and dictator. Using terms like that in this context is a gross insult to the victims of actual tyranny. Our political leaders make mistakes, like the rest of us do. There was no abuse of power. The protest cost the Canadian economy several billion dollars and put thousands of Canadians out of work. The purpose of the protest was frivolous. We all get vaccinated, for polio, diptheria, and small pox if you are of a certain age. Covid 19 is not only potentially deadly, but the after affects can be life altering. The public health orders were implemented to protect health and life. The vaccines are an important tool to mitigate the pandemic. Why is the polio vaccine good and the covid vaccine evil? There was no abuse of power. It is the duty of the Crown to protect the public. Sometimes, that requires regulations. The proclamation did not deprive anyone of their lawful rights. Now it is time to look to the future to make the country a better place and forget our petty grievances. If you do not like Prime Minister Trudeau's policy, vote for someone else, like Jean Charest or Maxime Bernier. Buy a membership in the CPC and get out and campaign for whomever you choose, but don't sit on your keyboard and whine because you don't get your way. You have to get out and join the campaign. If you don't campaign, you can't complain. If you don't like the candidates, get someone you do like to run. After the leadership campaign, start getting ready for the election campaign. A wise man taught me the importance of getting out the vote. It was at a campaign event and he gave an analysis of the 1972 election where Bob Stanfield lost to Pierre Trudeau by 103 votes, spread out across the country. If the campaign workers across the country had worked a little harder in specific ridings, 104 Conservatives would have voted instead of sitting it out, and Stanfield would have put Pierre back into the faculty of law and there would have been no National Energy Program. Justin Trudeau would be that math teacher whose Dad was a Law professor and Prime Minister for one term. So, regardless of your preferred candidate, get off your ass and get out and campaign for Him/ her.
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