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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. LoL ditto, but I have yet to find a Republic of Western Canadian flag that doesn't look like someone barfed it up... once someone actually puts some effort into making a good flag, I will glady fly it.
  2. Or maybe the entire evil plan would backfire, and the jobless would actually find work and furthur enrich our economy... thereby making you even more sore about our wealth =)I was mostly serious. I would expect most of the people to find work in the growing Alberta economy (especially if the relocation program included a training component). This, in turn, would reduce the social services load in areas of the country where there is no reasonable prospect of work. Frankly, I think it is a win-win scenario. The larger population would increase Alberta's electoral strength and the need for transfers to other regions would go down so Alberta would keep more of 'its' oil wealth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Agreed, but thats assuming that a large group of people that have been babied and nannied their entire lives into believing they 'deserve' money from the government every month would actually go look for work... more than likely they would bellyache for more welfare housing and AISH payments
  3. Its hard to take you seriously when you use 'innocent' deaths in the first half of this century as your justification. I mean, what exactly could they use back then to prove anything? Logic? LoL Today, a crime worthy of the death penalty would have at least a 99.999999% chance at the right guy being convicted or nobody being convicted at all. Simply because these days you require so much hard evidence to even lock someone up =p
  4. No, more likely we would simply open 'homeless hunting season' Or maybe the entire evil plan would backfire, and the jobless would actually find work and furthur enrich our economy... thereby making you even more sore about our wealth =) As for the rest of this topic, if the Liberals are foolish enough to try and take more of Alberta's money they deserve the chaos that would ensue. Equalization doesn't work, as has been proven by Ontario and Alberta both getting sucked dry. Rewarding failure has never worked in the past and will never work in the future, but that is exactly what equalization does. And for anyone that claims 'Alberta should help us out because we helped them when they needed it', I don't consider around 60 million in equalization over an EIGHT YEAR PERIOD in the 1960s as counting as much.. in fact, we pay more than twice that per week now.
  5. I have a symbol that I like just fine. It's the Maple Leaf. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That thing's a piece of junk. It has historical and geographical significance to only a relatively small elite in a relatively small area of the country. It's a lousy symbol for the country as a whole. -k <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's not their fault if a small fraction of the country refuses to embrace it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There is only 1 problem with the Red Ensign, the British Coat of Arms in the top left. Even then, I still use that over the maple leaf any day. A symbol now completely corrupted and taken over by the Liberal party. Real Canadians fought and died for our old flag, and for that I respect it... what has our new flag represented other than the downfall of Canada's greatness and a dynasty of Liberal corruption?
  6. Riiight, an uber-socialist party REDUCING taxes Keep dreaming buddy
  7. Alberta has some of the smartest children in the world eureka, sorry to dissapoint Oh, and as for freedom, for a simple example look into politcal correctness a bit =p
  8. First of all, the Libs should be either: a ) putting this 'surplus' money back into what they originally cut it from (aka the MILITARY and healthcare etc) b ) giving UNIVERSAL tax cuts, don't punish the rich for being successful. As for the GST, they should have ditched that entirely back when they ousted Mulroney for introducing it in replacement of FST. Isn't it funny that a Con that supports the GST gets ousted, but the Liberals who promised to get rid of it and didn't have been in power ever since =) Socialists like corrupt governments I guess, but who can blame them.. I mean, socialism is inherently corrupt
  9. Bravo and well said mcqueen, I would welcome any NBers fleeing the socialist cesspool in the East For that matter, I would welcome any right-winger from any province that wanted to move to Alberta We are the last bastion of true intelligence and freedom in all of Canada.
  10. The states have such an enormously more powerful economy than we do it would barely phase them, and a trade war with the USA would most certainly hurt Canada more than the States. I think Canada should consider exploring other markets for exportation, I mean heck we got a whole world to check out right.. I am sure there are alot of countries willing to pay a pretty penny for softwood
  11. One trend in Canada that has been a VERY sore point to me and almost all the other 'white' friends I have is how we are literally not allowed to be proud of our heritage. You see, if you are white, especially white and speaking the oh-so-evil 'English' language, you are a descendant of a group of people that deserve to be ridiculed and despised. You are also expect to pay for their crimes, and all the evil they commited will rest on your shoulders and the shoulders of your descendants for as long as it takes (aka, forever) My problem with this is that I really quite honestly do not CARE what people say or think about me, I am PROUD to be a caucasion anglophone, and I am proud of my ancestors. They conquered this land, they settled it, and they did it without welfare, without government regulation, without political correctness, and without media approval. I am a REDNECK and I am bloody PROUD OF IT, rednecks MADE this country and if you don't like that then tough luck buddy you should retake some history classes. Without rednecks society wouldn't have a scapegoat, and without rednecks society wouldn't exist. Its sad that in today's day and age the people that are down to earth, honest, hardworking, and independant are ridiculed and despised by the people they support as being 'racist', 'bigoted', and all other manner of cruel names. I personally am sickened by this, but hey we are socialist and as we can see via history (because I am not socialist and can learn from history) the agricultural sector (aka rednecks to you socialists) is always the hardest hit by a socialist society. We are the scapegoats of your existence, so do your worst. Anyways, if you have thoughts to add to this, feel free to post. I just am so tired of people expecting me to be ashamed of my ancestors, to repay for wrongs centures old, and to spend the rest of my life accepting that my skin color makes me a second-rate citizen. No offence, but I personally think that is BS. Signed, David Fawcett - Proud to be White and Albertan, earn your own damn money.
  12. Oh you mean like all that 'aid' that Martin promised months ago for flood victims? Yeah, that same aid that nobody has seen yet? There is a guy camping out on his ROOF in protest because he is unable to even live in his house. He lost over $200,000 worth of property and his insurance won't cover it, and the Feds still haven't sent any aid.. so far only the provincial government has sent aid, I guess you could legitimately ask 'why do we need the east, what have they ever done for us?' thanks to these types of situations =) When someone sneezes in Quebec they get thousands, people lose millions in personal property out west and we are lucky if the PM even acknowledges such a natural distaster even took place. Thanks but no thanks.
  13. By 'prominent' you mean not from the West or Conservative right? Figures
  14. Um...you don't want an equal society. You want a society where your particular segemnt of the population gets to take full advantage of the inequalitie sthat favour you, be it the oil that, through a total accident of geology, ended up under "our" dirt, or the colour of your skin. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ha! To be honest, I don't CARE that Alberta is rich or not, that is NOT the issue. It merely helps my argument though, that Alberta could survive on its own. Even if we were as poor as Sask. I would still be for an independant Alberta. As for oil 'ending up under our dirt' that is BS, Sask. is part of the prairies and has oil too but you don't see them with no debt =p Its more than that, and maybe someday you will realize this =) I agree with you on one fundamental point though, Alberta should NOT get equal representation under the current system. Because, democratically, we are a minority. However, I don't agree with the current system. On top of that, I don't believe the current system works with Alberta period. Geographic and cultural differences are just too vast between east and west, therefore to save us all a headache either restructure the political system to fix that problem or accept that seperation is the only logical conclusion. Nobody likes being a slave for a master you have no say about
  15. So? The real problem is that the Liberals ousted Mulroney using the promise to get rid of the GST, then once elected they didn't. See some don't get it!!!!
  16. Again, you dodge the argument. And if you knew anything about Canadian politics, you might know that Ontario has a long, long history of voting conservative. Ontario has no love of the Liberal Party. Now if Albertans can stop railroading the Conservative party into a clone of the Republican party in the USA, then it might be possible for Ontario to vote conservative once again. But so long as the Alberta-Reform wing has control of the conservative party and spouts anti-gay, anti-immigrant message, the party will be doomed to the backbenches and locked out of Ontario and Quebec. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So let me get this straight, as long as we make the Conservatives a liberal party then you guys will vote for them? LoL do you even hear yourself?
  17. Troll. Take it elsewhere. How does his age disprove his point AT ALL? As for this topic, I would LOVE to stay Canadian... heck my Canadian roots go back to Canada's foundation, my ancestors were some of the first to settle the West as well. I love the Canada that was, my problem is not with that Canada. My problem is with the Canada that is, and unless we change some things (such as our political dictatorship system) I can't see myself singing the Canadian anthem ever again. I am part of a country that thinks it is smarter than me, better than me, and that it deserves all my money. On top of that, the country takes away all the political voice I have, and at the same time expects me to sit down and take it or I am 'not Canadian'. Screw that, me and my kind are the last Canadians, and those elitists that I speak about are nothing more than the new European monarchs. You think imperialism is no longer present? Look at what Ontario is doing to the rest of the provinces, especially Alberta.
  18. The number of repeat offences as a result of failed 'rehab' far outnumbers the number of innocent people killed... especially with today's methods for evidence gathering (and oh-so-useful DNA) oh, and before you go crying 'it is unacceptable for even a single innocent to be killed' think about what you are saying, those people that murder have killed innocents. Innocents have died from failed rehabs as well, so your logic is flawed if you think doing away with the death sentance has helped reduce innocent death
  19. I think Canada should either make everyone truly equal or cut the bullsh*t, you can't claim you are for equality and then give a province special status. Nor can you claim you are for equality and then give native americans an enormous government-funded advantage over the rest of the population. That goes for any ethnic minority that has government backing for any reason. That also goes for provincial equality, it goes for all equality issues. Western alienation is not a simple problem, and it isn't going to go away if the east just ignores it. Do you honestly think we care if you think it is a 'legitimate' cause compared to Quebec? I know I don't. This is not an equal society, it is a society of hypocritical socialist elites and I am sick of it. If I wanted a Communism I would live in China, so Canada can either move towards a better system or I will continue to support a free Alberta.
  20. You're either misinformed, or you're a liar. Carbon dating has never been put forward as an accurate way to measure the age of the planet by any reputable scientist. The length of time that carbon dating is accurate to is on the order of thousands of years, while the age of the planet is on the order of billions of years. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, IMT, you are misinformed not I. After 50,000 years Carbon dating does not work. At all. It is even debatible as to whether Carbon dating works at all =p However, carbon dating WAS put forward as an accurate way, in fact it was used on several occasions (and was the original isotope evolutionists used to date fossils, before they realized their was a problem at least) Check this out: http://www.angelfire.com/mi/dinosaurs/carbondating.html
  21. eureka, please summarize your post in point format because from where I am sitting I didn't see any point to your post.. other than to mock me for calling myself an intelligent free-thinker of course.... OH, and there was bit about aid when we were starving... wait, you didn't send any thats right Unfortunately eureka, I have real discussions to carry on, therefore until you can come up with some sources or real information I am afraid your emotional prattle will have to go unanswered =) Thanks and have a great day
  22. Oh, so your already resorting to putting words in my mouth... well, congrats, it took you exactly 1 post longer than most socialists I have chatted with I support neither, but I will not accept something I do not agree with. Anyone that does, is a brainwashed fool. I won't beat them, that was merely an example of how intent is more important than wording. If you couldn't grasp that you should consider getting out of politics entirely. So says you, which means I must be on the right track So I guess if you knew all and were the grand master of the world I would feel pretty bad right now. But since you aren't, I guess you proved my point. It is relative. Thanks buddy
  23. Why, because I myself admit I am a redneck and anti-gay? You seem to think that is a bad thing, I think of it as healthy and productive =)
  24. Neither is the theft of our tax dollars by the Liberal government, and neither is the amount each Albertan pays for equalization. Why do you ignore those wrongs yet seek to find errors in the Albertan government? Of course they exist, and I will admit I don't agree with everything our government does... After all, I do have reasons to support seperatism =p However, compared with other governments and provinces, our government is still better =) Huh? I am not trying to wiggle out of anything =p You just want to blame the government for all of life's evils, which is retarded to say the least. Who hired the guy? Did he meet the standards? Is he a re-offender? Did he have anything on his record that should have made it a clear case that he was a risk? You don't ever consider these things, you just want a scapegoat.. and the government is convenient =p People are the problem, not the government. Let me ask you this, define a Privately owned practice. Right now. Then somehow finally understand what it means. Then once you got that one figured out realize that we taxpayers won't be paying a dime for private services (unless you try and bring the government into private services) As for your pathetic attempt to stir my emotions, a family already has their finances devastated by illness in our current system. How would it be any different? =p I know this firsthand, my uncle died due to a bad operation to replace his kidney and my grandma nearly died from low platlet counts (her body's immune system saw them as bad). Both required the use of our healthcare systems... and if you know anything about our 'free' healthcare system, you would know it isn't free. No. Do you? As for Agriculture, yeah well you can also give a high five to the East for that one. Thanks for giving us the Wheat Board =) Oh, and Oil is private, which is good. It means the government doesn't need to waste money regulating it yet we still get tax profits from it (obviously, I mean look at our surpluses) What does my paycheque have to do with anything? Or are you advocating the view you accuse most Albertans of having, that more money = more say. Of course not, I mean that would make you a hypocrite right? =) Oh, and go to a nursing home, but for your own sake at least choose a good one. Terrible places should not be used, and people that go to them and stay regardless of how they are treated deserve what they get. I place more value on elderly life than most people, and that is why I am placing the blame where it lies. Not on the government, but rather on the individuals responsible for the terrible acts and also on the children that don't at least move their parents from such an environment. I love you too You keep calling out these aid packages, yet you probably haven't looked them over yourself. As I look them up (the ones I am not familiar with) I notice it is usually for 'Canadian' farmers etc, this means not only Alberta. Also of interest is how it is spread out over years, meaning rarely do we get alot of initial aid when we need it. Oh, and also keep in mind we give out over 9 BILLION dollars a year from this province, or roughly 1 million dollars an hour, so any aid we recieve is merely a minor repayment of the debt Canada owes us =p Its pathetic that when we need aid all we get is a few hundred million dollars, split between 3-4 provinces.
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