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Everything posted by nicky10013

  1. So when are we going to see you take the CPC to task for the ads that quote Ignatieff from 1990?
  2. How people are going to vote today doesn't matter. What matters is the reasons why they're going to vote. Those are positive at the moment. If the issues Canadians care about remain the same, the numbers will shift. Anybody serious about politics who actually trusts support numbers at the outset of a campaign shouldn't be in politics. These numbers are going to change every day until we go to the polls.
  3. His in and out fraud scheme allowed the CPC to apply for a larger tax credit. Is that not stealing? He bribed a dying man with $1,000,000 to bring down the Martin government. How isn't that corruption?
  4. Except when they're at 43% for the CPC. To me, all the polls are ass backwards. I think there will be a LOT of volatility in the very basic polls of who people support in terms of the party, but all the issues polling to see where Canadians are in terms of issues all split Liberal. Most people thought the big issue would be the economy but in the Nanos poll it came up health care, retirement and jobs which are planks of the Liberal platform. With this, there's hope that they could draw in really tight. Whether they gain enough seats to win even a 1 seat minority is very hard to say and would be very hard to accomplish, but I stand by my prediction of at the very least a weakened CPC minority.
  5. I don't think coalition pandering will bite him in the ass, but I do think people are tired of the rhetoric. Any people who vote CPC because of the coalition were never going to vote for any opposition party anyhow.
  6. Except that Ignatieff wants nothing to do with it and only did so, like a good soldier, when the party pursued it under Dion 2 years ago. The only people who said they were open to it are Layton and Duceppe. So, if mentioning the coalition by the opposition is such a strategic blunder (which it isn't), isn't that then good for the Liberals? Bloc votes and NDP votes don't split CPC.
  7. I think this is a good primer for the upcoming election. Every party has positives and negatives going in, but like I've been saying all along, the only unknown factor is Ignatieff. We've seen Layton, Harper and Duceppe campaign before, but not Ignatieff. The result of the election hinges on his performance more than any other leader. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/opinions/opinion/the-election-hinges-on-one-guy-michael-ignatieff/article1952596/ I smile everytime I hear a Conservative say the election is already sewn up. Seems as though hubris is a requirement of being a Conservative these days.
  8. Considering he comes from the right side of the spectrum within the Liberal Party, it could very well happen. They won't vote for Ignatieff, but consdiering how left leaning the budget is, there is a possibility some voters could stay home.
  9. Didn't you figure it out already? When he caves, he's "getting stuff done for Canadians." When he has the Liberals to cover his ass, "he's standing up for his ideal." The greatest thing Jack has is the fact that his base actually buys that two step.
  10. You do realize this is just a reprint of the Conservative attack, right?
  11. No, but is it so wrong to point out the hypocrisy of the people doing so seeing as how they pledged to do the exact opposite only 5 years ago?
  12. Well, Harper didn't pay for arena so he dumps money into expanding the Quebec City Airport. All the same arguments that apply to federal funding for an arena apply to the building of an Airport. The government builds it yet airlines that make tonnes of money as well as privately run cargo companies will be the ones that use and operate it. Why not get those companies to find private investors for an expansion that is for private enterprise?
  13. So you expect university educated individuals to be happy that they're working at mcdonalds? Whatever you're smoking, pass it on over here.
  14. Check the earlier link I posted. He only went to Lower Canada College for a small period of time. From the original post from the Government of Canada website. So, he went to LCC for at most a year, spent the rest of his time in the public education system, went to U of T where he earned himself a Rhodes Scholarship. So tell me, where did he not earn that? Where exactly was it that his money - or the lack thereof - bought him those accomplishments? Would someone actually answer these questions without resorting to actually dignifying these lies as though they're true?
  15. Of course it isn't misleading. Of course it's an attack on his heritage. If it wasn't there wouldn't be a Russian flag behind his picture - it's also a blatant attack on his family. His father came here, went to public school, worked his ass into a Rhodes Scholarship and became one of the best diplomats Canada has ever produced. To further that, the notion that considering his years in public service to Canada that he was anything other than completely loyal to Canada, (which again this piece attempts to call into doubt) just to get back at his son is not only horribly disgusting but reeks of desperation. So why is it that the CPC feels they have to attack that? Shouldn't our government be making examples of hard work like this? You know, if they were just attacking Ignatieff's policy that would be one thing, but this is why everyone hates politics these days. I personally think this blog entry sums it up nicely. http://cowboysforsocialresponsibility.blogspot.com/2011/03/is-baghdad-bob-running-harper-tory-war.html
  16. Yeah, and as of 10 years ago, Mr. Harper was an Alberta seperatist who wanted a firewall around the province. Kind of insensitive to the other provinces he leads. And at least that's on policy grounds. You're attacking him personally. Do conservatives know how to do anything else?
  17. Wow, the fact that you took the ad and believed it line for line from the Conservative smear machine says all that needs to be said about you. If you read the actual history of his family from the Government of Canada, excuse me - Harper Government website, you'd realize they left Russia due to the revolution. When you leave a place because of a revolution it's not usually under good auspices. From the government's own website. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/legacy/chap-4.asp#chap4-3 So what you're saying is none of this is true? You're saying that fleeing a communist revolution is a bad thing?
  18. Really? To me, this is desperate. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GUJW1gUZWS4/TYSYv7jvFII/AAAAAAAACOQ/1lfvlU-yMJc/s1600/ChildOfImmigrants1.jpg then there's this smear machine http://www.ignatieffselection.com/
  19. Puh-lease, for all the times I've been tagged, it's clearly not just Liberals here who have a problem.
  20. I disagree. We don't want American style health care because it doesn't work, not because we're defining ourselves as not American. I think the Canadian healthcare system needs serious reform but we need to look at other systems that are looking better. Now, in terms of politicians suggesting reform, the only thing I've heard out of the CPC side has been two tiered US style health care. Not to turn this into a thread on healthcare, but there's a reason why people railed against it in the past.
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