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Everything posted by Fortunata

  1. I just about choked when I read this. It has been the CPC whining and crying since their inception about how everything is someone else's fault - from the left leaning biased media to yada, yada, yada. As far as I can see the Cons haven't taken responsibility for anything that hasn't worked out their way. They are the biggest whiners and crybabies this country has ever produced. And of course there is their never-ending mantra ...... but the Liberals.
  2. I think Dion is too honest and honourable for politics period, let alone being a PM especially going against Harper who has made mean his m.o. (mean when he doesn't even have to be). And yet so many Canadians cheer the mean and discard the honourable as weak and ineffectual. When did we accept Harper's tactics as the standard? It sure doesn't bode well for our mentality now does it?
  3. It could be; could have been. Harper doesn't realize what minority means- therefore failing the mandate the electorate gave him. He didn't even try to make it work.
  4. You think that is just partisan rhetoric? Well, we'll see if Harper's methods work. Nothing like embarrassing publicly the Chinese to make them come around to your way of thinking is there?
  5. Steve Janke is known for seeing things through Conservative coloured glasses. His interpretation of anything is questionable given his partisan-ness.
  6. Yep, there's the right way go about things and then there's Harper's way.
  7. That might be true but I wonder if the opposition parties have passed around a how-to booklet on how to stall, thwart and disrupt?
  8. Spending money on this must be better than spending it on Bev Oda's limo rides and flying off across country to make the announcement that there will be an announcement. At least we might have something concrete for our money.
  9. ON A&E's 48 Hours, this happened as well but for real. The guy found a way to take it off, went out and killed a guy and used the GPS as an alibi. But then he screwed up as the heat was getting to him, took it off, left it behind and skedaddled - proving nothing is infallible. However, it is a good move and is more effective than trying to monitor parolees without.
  10. I don't think it will be a slam dunk for Dion but many of us think a minority of weak Dion is much better for the country than a minority (or god forbid, majority) of "strong" (so called anyways) Harper. Harper is the biggest political whore that this country has ever seen. He would bow down, apologize to, pay off, sell his mother for the votes he needs for a majority. He now attacks a la republican, personalizes, disrupts and other despicable, sleasy ploys so as to get his way. A different leader of the CPC wouldn't necessarily conduct business the dirty way Harper does and that would be a very good thing.
  11. The APEC incident wasn't about China iirc, it was about Indonesia's Suharto.
  12. Are we boycotting them too? DAM!!
  13. I daresay you think this only because he espouses your own point of view. I have caught him many, many times (in fact I bet practically every one of his shows) showing bias in favour of the Cons. If I were a Harper Con I probably would applaud him as well but the fact is is he is not neutral nor objective at all. And that's all fine for people who want to be fed their point of view instead of objectively forming one themselves.
  14. First hit after googling: Bitternose appeals 1st-degree murder conviction Last Updated: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 | 1:50 PM ET http://www.cbc.ca/canada/saskatchewan/stor...peal060531.html third hit: Appeals court upholds Calgary man's first degree murder conviction in stalking case Daryl Slade, Calgary Herald Published: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 http://www.canada.com/calgaryherald/news/s...f5-57774bb55a74
  15. That's crazy. By your logic then, we wouldn't let anyone skydive because of the possibility of a chute not opening, no more launches to space because of a very real possibility of a shuttle blowing up, etc. etc. Over reaction is not the way. Not in my world. I don't know what stun guns are if you don't mean tasers and this country is already too taser happy. Pepper spray is good. That way when they break down on a lonely country road in the dark they won't be afraid of bears.
  16. Armed? Because one passenger in thousands daily goes off the wall? What happened was unbelievable but lets not go off the deep end here. Life in prison with no chance of parole. Even if he pleaded insanity it is no guarantee he would get it - it's not that easy here either, and, I think, even if he did get it he can be sentenced to jail after his insanity wanes. Anyone know if this is right?
  17. Lots of money? Even if we're camping? We're in the middle of building a house.
  18. I ride a bicycle. I own an SUV. I guess that puts me squarely in the middle.
  19. We're thinking of travelling to either the Northwest Territory or Yukon next summer. Has anyone been to any territory - what would you suggest?
  20. I have no solution for you. For me, the choice is quite clear - I won't support unethical politicians. That would make me unethical and I have no wish to burden myself with that particular bad taste. For you ... well maybe your ethic meter isn't set that high and you can vote blue with a clear conscience.
  21. Why would the family say the CPC did try to bribe Cadman? Then why would Dona Cadman run for an unethical party that tried to bribe her husband? Then why would Dona say that she looked into Steve's eyes and saw that Steve did not know anything about the bribe (remember the looking into eyes between Bush and Putin?)? Why would Dona disassociate with the author who did the taping and the book if her allegations were true? Why wouldn't Harper sue the pants off the author if it weren't true? If the original tape is the same one the Libs based their bash on, would they still be liable for libel? None of this makes a whole lot of sense.
  22. LOL, I love the trojan horse cartoon. Yep, we got shafted again but this time by our own who just couldn't wait to make his mark, like a dog peeing on the neighbour's tree.
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