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Everything posted by lictor616

  1. The real solution would be to take liberal internationalists out of the equation, who I think have wrought quite enough damage in the past 50 years... Because liberals never learn, and always try to put out fires with gasoline... They are the problem, they are the ones who have created the appalling overpopulation and squalor in the third world... we should go to the source of the problem not try to alleviate the symptoms: the IMF, internationalist left wing NGOs like the UN, liberal "intellectuals", socialists etc.
  2. distributing that food will be real easy and free I suppose right? sure! distributing food to billions of additional people won't in the slightest affect our energy demands... and pollution? over-fertilization? meh who cares right... the goal for you people is QUANTITY not quality... are you counting on some sort of technological miracle? beaming devices? meals that can be shrunk in pill form? its frightening to see what "humanitarian enthusiasts" are ready to risk just so that we can add 4 billion anatomically human vocal anthropoid...
  3. my firend's friend`s firend`s friend blah blah blah... okay I speak 3 languages, my first language is French, second english, third spanish, I also know a smattering of Portuguese and German... I come from a school with many other multilingual speakers... 99% of which know usually have one good language. but we've noticed that its hard to be multilingual and MASTER ONE specific language. and its not very realistic to expect children not raised in multilingual backgrounds to learn a second or third language... it has to do with immersion... anyways.
  4. broadcasting? how many people do you know got fired from their jobs due to leaked private conversations where people utter racist sentiment? THe Texaco fiasco anyone? and thank you for telling us that you disapprove of free speech, it narrows down what you represent nicely... bigotry and hatred.
  5. ahhaah, the question was whether or not DIVERSITY CAN PROVIDE A STRENGTH FOR A COUNTRY.... and as I often do in these pages, I can list innumerable SERIOUS weaknesses and flaws, but no real advantages whatsoever, save perhaps culinary diversity. but really? some countries are doing better the others? oh really!? pray tell...
  6. I tried posting this video as a new thread... I think it got removed... did anyone see this clip? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8uMM58a6SE this is the new black panther party that receives nearly zero attention from the media... has anyone seen this clip ANYWHERE in the MSM?
  7. the alarms raised in the 60's and 70's was that in 2000, we'd be 5.5 to 6 billion in population, and that limited resources would definitely push about half of that population in grueling poverty. And what happened? well in 2000 3 billion people lived without running water, and with under a dollar a day, and of course the world population was about 6.1 billion.... so they UNDERSHOT slightly their predictions... and you say they were overshot them... Of course all of this is worse today even... despite unprecedented humanitarian aid and investments to ameliorate this. These projections were in hindsight, completely accurate.
  8. explain how teen marriages are the object of government curtailments there? explain how despite huge awareness campaigns, Bangladesh is still projected to be among the nine countries that are expected to account for half of the world’s projected population increase in the next 3 decades?: India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bangladesh, Uganda, United States of America, Ethiopia, and China, listed according to the size of their contribution to population growth? please explain how my link which shows you that we are at +7 billion ALREADY, when 5 years ago we were 6.3 indicates to you that overpopulation is some sort of myth? WE ALREADY ARE AT MAX CAPACITY FOR OPTIMAL LIFE! Half of the current agrarian soils are over-fertilized, and we will face HUGE issues in terms of irrigation and crop yields in the very near future (in fact we already are facing big problems in these areas). wth?
  9. correct its about diversity, and what little positive aspects it brings to our country... THe native argument I would have thought is a great one, 400+ years of living side by side... and for some reason it hasn't been a positive relationship for either of us... but whoops, its true that considering such issues should be illegal right Micheal?
  10. this blog is less then worthless... he's there saying that the low birth rate in "western countries" is a welcomed development, and incorrectly states that the entire world is moving the way of childless low birth rate "developped countries"... not so, http://www.ibiblio.org/lunarbin/worldpop
  11. in sask, were talking about the mad cows and other abo organized crime, but of course, the prostitutes in our government don't compile racial stats in canada... however, we get clues from the press and victimization reports, and for instance, in toronto, in 2003 43 of the 61 gun deaths were caused by one immigrant group: jamaicans... the fact that non diverse cities are conspicuously free of high crime rates (quebec city? anyone) is confirmation enough. now of course liberals will use the "poverty causes crime argument"... but then again minorities are notoriously poor...
  12. I absolutely know that out intervention in Haiti would eventually be a source of contempt against us... months ago i suggested we adopt a policy of strict separation and non intervention as far as that cesspool is concerned... I was right it seems. Haiti is a dependency beggar state, and it quite incapable of running anything by itself... but doesn't mean we should be in there anyway... and for god's sake to import the very dregs of THEIR society HERE! that is simply suicidal lunacy... but obviously liberals being the masochists they are... they brought em in by the droves... and predictably ministers were calling anyone questioning this tactic: racists. the "boobus liberalus" is a creature of habit after all..
  13. you're actually wrong on every count, scientific and mathematical literacy down, antisocial behaviour up, school shooting up, suicides up, since the advent of third world immigration (after about 1962) and after the multicultural act in the 80's, crime rates were at all time highs in canada: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CanadaViolentCrime.gif and of course police effectives before the "immigration revolution" in the 60's, were about 1/3 what they are today, yes the crime rate has stabilized (somewhat) but at an enormous cost and increased surveillance. Also diverse cities such as Saskatchewan, Toronto etc have seen the highest crime rates in the past decade then ever in recorded history. In fact crime follows diversity.
  14. yes of course, that's exactly what I meant by remember, ... I meant it like: hey remember when we were there! as long as we're wasting time not tackling the issue at hand.
  15. Never mind its preposterous old origin, this term was cooked up at a time when Drapetomania was still a valid term, and Muslims were called Moslems, and Indians: oriental! actually its akin to a modern nonsense/non-word: "homophobia"... homophobia cannot have the meaning it is known to have judging by the combinaton of the word HOMO and PHOBIA... which should mean literally clinical fear of things "one and the same," as "homo is a greek prefix that means: the same, together etc" in our world, it frequently used to designate person who oppose gay marriage and even people who aren't sufficiently worshipful of gays... which is absurd. If language is not to become mere errant babble to excite the glands of liberals, and if we use language with precision: then ANTI-SEMETISM CAN ONLY MEAN: ANTIPATHY TOWARDS SEMITES... which are not exclusively jews! in fact, the overwhelming majority of semites are arabs and north africans... and isn't it a funny thing that if we took the meaning literally- Jews would actually be the biggest anti-semites of all! as verified by their treatment and views of their Semite neighbors.
  16. prior to that they had an empire on which the sun never set... remember?
  17. Our political system keeps mediocrity and unprincipledness on top. Party politics in canada are all about getting elected... parties have no central direction other then to follow what the leftwing media dictates: everyone party tries to copy vestiges of every other party... you end up with almost no variation in the platforms.. in essence, a coke or pepsi democracy... they will try to impress the mediocrities that constitute a voting majority in our country, the welfare mothers with plastic haircurlers, the yahoos, the hippies, not by policy or principle, but by folksy self abasement and pantomimes, sorta like when Stéphane Dion, that rat like creature, who was plastered all over our boob tubes eating a hot dog to prove to the mouth breathing liberal voters, that he wasn't the uptight "elitist" they thought he was... its sickening to watch...
  18. I also quoted the Quran here... in a similar light... and I'm an atheist that also called Christianity a "spiritual syphilis"... and as I said I reject the ridiculous notion of anti-semetism: which can only mean (should only mean) ANTIPATHY TOWARDS SEMITES... SEMITES ARE A RACE, NOT A RELIGION... if i'm picking on Judaism... then call me anti-judaic, but really I did no more then merely QUOTE passages of the Talmud. I didn't say anywhere that I hated people who believed in them.
  19. "Support the troops" is not political correctness because most people don't really pay heed to that nonsense concept. The "war" in afghanistan is a mercenary one that should not elicit any feelings of patriotism by anyone (especially not REAL right wingers) Furthermore, i've heard countless ABC, MSNBC etc shows (Olbermann, Bill Maher etc) take the view of: BRING THE TROOPS home... support our troops is not political correctness, you won't get imprisoned for a hate crime for uttering publicly that you think "our troops ought to come home" if you say however that you don't believe in human equality, the torrent of abuse that will be showered on you BY BOTH REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT will be enormous and serious: law suits may occur, your personal safety will be at risk, you may very well lose your employment, certainly if a politicians professes such an opinion, he will be tarred and feathered! or worse! clearly you have no concept of what we're talking about here.
  20. Every argument that you have put out so far is in perfect alignment with the formation of a communist society, most of what you say is straight Marcuse PC rhetoric, you know it and I know it... I know the jargon!: "the underpriviledged! world peace! world corps! systemic discrimination! european racism and bigotry! racism! sexism! we are all brothers under the skin! we need to take care of the less fortunate by increasing tax and government size! hate speech is unacceptable!" this is what punctuates nearly every line that your write! if it talks like a communist... if it think s like a communist, and if its unabashed about it... its a communist...
  21. every human community can be predatory to others.
  22. the tact and attitude of a low grade drug dealer. this creature would be better suited in a barrio slum in Oaxaca, giving drunken rants to the pestiferous peasants there,
  23. ah yes that AWEFUL Falange! YOu probably hate them for ruining the Communist apparatus in Spain, when, having obtained control of the government in corrupt elections, started a great 'modernization' of the country, celebrating it with massacres of Spaniards of cultivation and refinement, although the atrocities that were given publicity in the United States were almost confined to the burning of churches, the torture and murder of priests, and the rape, mutilation, and murder of nuns The sweet smell of fresh blood always quickens the ideals of "Liberal intellectuals," like yourself Jacky Pooh. (btw the words "liberal" and "intellectual" are both misnomers here) Spain was as you'll remember was in far better shape under Franco (even in the last days), upon his death, "democratic" elections were held in 1976, and Spain began to race down the road to Hell that the Crypto-Communists paved to lead the nations of Western civilization to the abyss. To give you a few statistics that prove how rapidly the evils of Fascism are being overcome in Spain. In the year preceding the elections in 1976, there were 3,660 reported robberies in Spain. In 1986, there were 49,422. Today Spain is the robbery capital of the World. viz: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_rob_percap-crime-robberies-per-capita And you may feel assured that further progress toward "social justice" will henceforth be made every year. I remember visiting Madrid and Barcelona in 2007, and in Madrid; there are 200 000 heroin addicts that are supplied steady government doses of methadone, prostitution is rampant, nearly every street corner features a usually squalid whore with facial lacerations: http://dalje.com/slike/slike_3/r1/g2008/m06/y175379182600528.jpg And the economy too is in dreadful arrears despite artificial support form the EU. Socialists should be happy as clams there! Nasty Fascism is a thing of the past and "democratic" progress is being made everywhere. And waht about nazis? AS EVERYONE KNOWS, "Nazis" are lowly people so wicked that they do not worship Multiculturalism, or communism! or appreciate the honor of being robbed and humiliated by that godly ideology. They are also called "Fascists" and "Aunteye-Seemites" and many other things by the prostitutes who write in the liepapers or jabber over the controlled hypnagogic picture-machines. so fitting that you prefer communists in lieu of them!
  24. that unfortunately sums up the problem precisely... despite public opinion being heavily against illegal immigration, neither of the old parties have a platform to carry out the will of the people. that`s the "coke or pepsi" democracy that is the disease of party politics of the US(and canada for that matter) ... where on the essential issues, the ones important for the nation, no platform is given to the people. Instead they get to argue about a trifle like abortion or gay marriage.
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