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Everything posted by lictor616

  1. russian women are certainly better looking then most Mediterranean, african, south america, most north american women... they are edged by germans, Scandinavians, Czechs, Croatian, Polish, most east European women... and of course the best looking women of all: Estonian...
  2. NIgeria, Ethiopia, Eritrea.. in fact most of non west coast africa is muslim... oh wait... presumably we should blame jim crow for this right.. i`m sure this is nt the fault of africans... right jack?
  3. http://www.torontosun.com/comment/columnists/salim_mansur/2010/04/30/13777901.html The recent comments by Ujjal Dosanjh, former NDP premier of British Columbia and present Liberal MP for Vancouver South, in reference to multiculturalism and political correctness are politically significant and commendable. The high value of Dosanjh asking tough and relevant questions on a subject that is near taboo among the political and media elite is partly because he represents liberal-left thinking in the country. In a column for the National Post on April 23, Dosanjh contended minority communities—immigrants of non-European origin—threaten the social fabric of Canada by an obsession with injustices in their “homelands” in the recent or distant past. The result is excessive emphasis “placed on the differences that keep us apart from each other” and “diminishing emphasis on commonalities and values that bind us.” Dosanjh knows from experience what he speaks and writes about in unmasking the negative consequences of multiculturalism. He was a prominent victim of violence for publicly opposing extremists in the Sikh community to which he belongs by birth. Sikh extremists are not alone in sheltering behind the politics of multiculturalism, then pushing their agenda that runs counter to Canada’s national interests and liberal democratic values. Advance their agenda The obvious 800-pound gorilla in Canadian politics—as it is in most of the western democracies—is the ideology of Islamism dressed as religion and its adherents skilfully exploiting multiculturalism to advance their agenda, whether it be importing Shariah (Islamic laws) or undermining Canada’s support for Israel. Multiculturalism as a doctrine stipulates all cultures are of equal merit and deserve equal treatment. What remain unspecified—perhaps deliberately—in this formula are the criteria by which the equality of cultures is assessed. Moreover, since the multicultural doctrine is untenable and easily falsified, it can only be sustained by the heavy-handed political correctness of the Canadian state promoting this balderdash at much expense and increasing public dismay. The idea that Canada has been multicultural since the first Europeans arrived on its shores is a recent invention. It was devised out of necessity and bad faith to mitigate the challenge that Quebec nationalism and separatism presented to English Canada. It could be said that Canada with its aboriginal population was multicultural. But once the English and the French engaged to wrestle control over this vast country, the Canada that eventually emerged as a dominion was bicultural and bilingual. Immigration made Canada multi-ethnic. The success of modern, liberal democratic and multi-ethnic Canada rests upon the indispensable strength, culture and history of the founding peoples—English and French, Protestants and Catholics—and the institutions they built that would take in immigrants from around the world. Diminishes history Multiculturalism is a diminution of Canada’s founding history. It diminishes the vitality and largeness of the political culture that has accommodated a multitude of ethnicities within its borders, while it fails in bringing to immigrants—especially of non-European origin—a compensating increase in appreciation for those values that went into building Canada as a model of civility. Dosanjh has done a much-needed service to his country. It is now for the rest of us to engage in a constructive discussion on how to roll back multiculturalism, this doctrine of divisiveness, for the love of Canada.
  4. why are you a proud miscegenist. why is that something to be proud of to you?
  5. by "my side" you mean the "atheist, ethnonationalist, libertarian" side? really we repress all form of sexual expression? What does sexual expression even mean? Seriously you may have a point only in the respect that my side looks down upon miscegenation, but I regard sex and in particular the sexual attractiveness of the female body as supremely healthy, more then that: vital even... you<re talking about biblebashers,who aren't real conservatives, they espouse a doctrine FAR FAR closer to Marx's communist manifesto, and and all the essential issues: "the equality of man etc" they are liberals..
  6. http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1993074,00.html?artId=1993074?contType=article?chn=sciHealth "Compared to organ transplants, bone marrow donations need to be even more genetically similar to their recipients. Though there are exceptions, the vast majority of successful matches take place between donors and patients of the same ethnic background. Since all the immune system’s cells come from bone marrow, a transplant essentially introduces a new immune system to a person. Without genetic similarity between the donor and the patient, the new white blood cells will attack the host body. In an organ transplant, the body can reject the organ, but with marrow, the new immune system can reject the whole body." maybe we should come up with a donor discrimination law...
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100712/sc_afp/sciencesportusphysics_20100712165904 "Scientists have found the reason why blacks dominate on the running track and whites in the swimming pool: it’s in their belly-buttons, a study published Monday shows. What’s important is not whether an athlete has an innie or an outie but where his or her navel is in relation to the rest of the body, says the study published in the International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics. The navel is the center of gravity of the body, and given two runners or swimmers of the same height, one black and one white, “what matters is not total height but the position of the belly-button, or center of gravity,” Duke University professor Andre Bejan, the lead author of the study, told AFP. “It so happens that in the architecture of the human body of West African-origin runners, the center of gravity is significantly higher than in runners of European origin,” which puts them at an advantage in sprints on the track, he said. Individuals of West African-origin have longer legs than European-origin athletes, which means their belly-buttons are three centimeters (1.18 inches) higher than whites’, said Bejan. That means the black athletes have a “hidden height” that is three percent greater than whites’, which gives them a significant speed advantage on the track." or mybe the LIEberal egalitarians are right after all: blacks are black because of racism and poverty... ehat ever makes them feel better.
  8. no i'm saying obama sees everything through the prism of race... and so do I... but howcomes no lefty liberal likes me though or makes excuses for me?
  9. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2010/07/president-obama-white-house-al-qaeda-is-racist.html In an interview earlier today with the South African Broadcasting Corporation to air in a few hours, President Obama disparaged al Qaeda and affiliated groups’ willingness to kill Africans in a manner that White House aides say was an argument that the terrorist groups are racist. Speaking about the Uganda bombings, the president said, “What you’ve seen in some of the statements that have been made by these terrorist organizations is that they do not regard African life as valuable in and of itself. They see it as a potential place where you can carry out ideological battles that kill innocents without regard to long-term consequences for their short-term tactical gains.” {snip} “Additionally, U.S. intelligence has indicated that al Qaeda leadership specifically targets and recruits black Africans to become suicide bombers because they believe that poor economic and social conditions make them more susceptible to recruitment than Arabs,” the official said. “Al Qaeda recruits have said that al Qaeda is racist against black members from West Africa because they are only used in lower level operations.” WOW now that's what I call lefty propagandizing, with all the grace of a multicultural wild boar, Comrade BO and his merry band of Bolsheviks, are bound to get serious now... being pro black anti-white racists, they'll get into gear quickly on this issue... what they're killing sweet, peacable, intelligent, noble SubSaharan africans!? load up the NImitz boys we're (I mean you're) going in!
  10. The censorship we are talking about, has been applied to persons who for instance deny the concept of human equality. I couldn't make a public statement today to the effect that I thought that blacks were genetically distinct as a people (even if that is an undisputed fact).
  11. this whole argument can only passably work if you can demonstrate that the black had his feelings damaged by Jim Crow or the old litany of segregation....which is impossible because you can't see or examine feelings, and legally you can't give get out of jail free cards for hurt feelings.. why? because there is no way to ascertain when feelings are hurt.. I can tell when a person has an arm broken, I can tell when a house has been looted, I can tell when a black ape wielding a weapon is threatening others... But you're a barefaced liar if you can sit here and tell me that the black guy did what he did because of Jim Crow... and hurt feelings and to go from there and argue that that was a suitable excuse... is simply disgusting, and disqualifies you from being a civilized person who believes in the rule of law.
  12. but you could logically use that excuse when a black man for instance shoots a cop in a riot... he could allege that with the history of the Race riots in the 20's, we shouldn't allow riot police to get near those blacks since doing so causes trauma to the dear creatures delicately attuned psyche... or for when a black man rapes a white woman (after all, wasn't he reacting to generations of the illegality of miscegenation?) law turned into therapy... this is the most anti-common sense, anti-justice concept in existence today. and on top of it liberals would maintain that its a strength to have the black presence in America, even when they can turn a legal system upside down and cause such a bald menace to law and order. or would they argue that its a strength for a country to have a minority of hate filled, highly aggressive, resentful people who are above the law in many respects and can terrorize ordinary citizens in impunity because of their "minority status"?
  13. False advertisement is not at all what we're talking about here. but nice try. And if extreme and pernicious lying was grounds for censorship, i'm sorry to say that most liberals would be for all practical purposes a banned group in canada. Especially when you want this censorship to apply to someone who argues that "there is no such thing as human equality" or that the concept of "race or clines" is a valid taxonomic classification. You want to silence people who say that black people are black (have black features and kinky hair) as a result of their GENES, not "poverty or racism". In this respect you are the one selling snake oil to the public. And that's why freedom of speech is so important, to let ALL different opinions get heard. Because fully NO ONE espouses a perfect ideology (because a perfect ideology is impossible)- and what kind of a socialist hell hole it would be if we had "governors" would decide for us which information we needed to hear and which we not. that would be a one way ride to the GULAG prison camp system.
  14. oh i see, since the intimidators were BLACK! all of a sudden we have to take their race into consideration and give them preferential treatment. If they were merely white then, at best we just focus on voter intimidation, at worst we prolong their jail sentence ant tack up a hatecrime charge on while were at it... in both cases we notice one thing: if the perpetrator is black, his race is used to his benefit to get wiggle away from the law, if however the perp is WHITE, then race can only precipitate imprisonment and is quite likely to prolong the sentence... this is pure institutionalized hatred, but since its anti-white, leftists make excuses for it... typical
  15. you're clearly an idiot... you cant even answer the simple question of WHY it is desirable to get more people! and Rome fell when it made citizens out of the most people, at the time when it was densely populated... everything you say is cooked up in your own mind..
  16. yeah only the left should decide what non-leftist use as tactics... we get it... especially when democrats never use props like the Obama girl, the hihop world (jay-z and young jeezy), mtv, etc to popularize their candidates. if only we could ban parties that aren;t certified left wingers!
  17. lol the populations are not coming down, if there are more births then deaths every year genius! hoe do you figure we are DEPOPULATING?!!? and I can just hear the solution to all of our problems now: regulate consumption by socialist policies, by forcing cap and trade taxes, by having NGO`s ban certain foods, hey! maybe we could have bread lines like they did in the Soviet Union! TO each according to his capacity and need right guys! yay!!! why deny the communist accusations if everything you stand for is "communistic"??
  18. The UN is an NGO and an INTERNATIONAL organisation... not an referred to as an INTERGOVERNMENTAL organization. Although part of its mandate is to supervise relation between nations the UN has an NGO component to it. if yuo're going to be diverting from the subject at least be correct.
  19. its a hopeless cause WIP, they won`t listen to reason because their thinking isn`t based in reason... as self evident your comment may be to anyone anywhere on the political spectrum who isn't completely blind by a futuristic dream of having everyone live in superdevelopped countries 15 years from now... with no poverty, and food for everyone...
  20. anecdotal nonsense again, but ill play ball... what do you mean by different backgrounds in cuba? really how diverse is cuba?
  21. are you saying that Europeans are inbreds and genetically inferior for it?
  22. Iwas talking about the energy demands required to overcome the "distribution problem" you were talking about. Do you really think that trucking, airplaning, refrigerating food for BILLIONS of additional people (not to mention, the increase in production, increase in water usage, increase in sewage facilities etc) wont have any negative consequences on the price of fuel, or energy or food? I bet you'd be giving this food away too, since obviously the third worlders helped by this grand scheme, couldn't afford to pay for the food. Really what are you envisioning? take me down that road! show me how this would work... or how this would even be desirable to keep up with current population growths. Unhealthy food is a product of the increased strain on agriculture you nitwit! We are lab rats for GMO crops right now BECAUSE GMO food stocks are easier and cheaper to grow! Wheat, Canola, Soya etc. Why do you think we drink pop sweetened with GMO corn syrup instead of cane sugar? because doing this allows for more sweetener to be produced to accommodate the gargantuan demands of a growing population. furthermore the logical conclusion of what you propose would be for brokers and bureaucrats to decide wha twe eat for us... because that type of rationing would be an inevitable consequence of having to feed an ever growing population with dwindling resources. are you people this disconnected from reality?
  23. It isn't realistic because it nearly impossible to get a significant numeb of people to IMMERSE themselves in mutliple languages. If the language at home is english only... good luck! I know that without my parents speaking frenglish at home, i for sure would have never progressed beyond french. you can immerse more then a mINORITY of chidren like that, and having them go to schools where there are 30 different speakers insures that immersion will not happen for ANY language, which is a serious problem.
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