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Status Updates posted by waldo

  1. Mr. Trump, tear down this wall! Oh wait... Trump says he likes Canada... and there will be no wall!

    1. Shady


      Isn't much of a need for one.

  2. U.S. DHS finally comes out with Canadian Visa Overstay data... but it's only air & sea entry... cause they have no idea concerning land entry - clearly, a WALL is needed! --- Q: what "Canadian residents" actually require a VISA... A: relatively few in relation to "all others"... like non-permanent residents - clearly, a WALL is needed!

    1. waldo


      as of 2015 that "Canadian" number provided by U.S. DHS is ~90K..... why, that's mice-nuts compared to the ~11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.. Someone is missing a priorities perspective! Wait now... why isn't U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) doing anything... anything... about those ~90K "Canadians". Wassup with that?

  3. trollin', trollin', trollin' - cut 'em out, ride 'em in - ride 'em in, cut 'em out! - rawhide!!

  4. the resident status update Canadian basher scores own goal! Turtle smuggler => 5 years; drunken family killer => 10 years

    1. Boges


      If you're referring to Marco Muzzo, he'll probably only serve like 3 years.

  5. given overt censorship of my status update messages by a Woman from America, I will update separately... apparently, stating the Republican Party platform does not support same-sex marriage and quoting a Republican stating he didn't support gay marriage, even though he has a gay son... apparently, that is verboten!!! Why..... if I had 1st amendment rights I'd be really, really miffed at being censored! :-)

    1. GostHacked


      Protip!! Lock the status update!! :D

  6. Marco Rubio!!! Stay thirsty my friend!

    1. sharkman


      LOL, you have a good sense of humor!

  7. TPP signed but waddabout ratification? Pork barrel rules in the U.S., hey U.S. Congress. Bernie Sanders says NO! The next U.S. president, Trump, says it's a bad deal! Clinton on the... uhhh... fence!

    1. kimmy


      She was for it before she was against it.

  8. baiting, Islamophobia, a snitch line... Stephen Harper has a dog whistle for you!

    1. overthere


      Oh there is a dog all right: Pavlovs dog. His name is Waldo.

      Ding Ding Ding!

  9. American sourced data... me likee! No amount of anal-retentive monitoring to protect the apparent sancity of American sourced data will dissuade me from continuing to draw from American sources!

    1. WestCoastRunner


      American researchers/scientists/feminists etc are of high calibre. No reason not to trust them. The same for anyone else from another country. We live within a global community.

  10. Brian 'I told them so' Mulroney: "I told them not to underestimate Trudeau"... I told them he was ready! /snicker

  11. yes you can, as I did --- strategic voting riding recommendations --- MLW post link: http://tinyurl.com/AnyoneButConservative

  12. as stated: one is entitled to their own opinions, not their own facts. Elevating one's flustered and flummoxed self to name calling and lie accusations speaks for itself.

  13. enough is enough! If you rail on against the Great Satan's foreign policy... and you're a twitter user... unless you pay homage to the U.S. before adding to the daily 500 million world-wide tweet onslaught, you're a bigPhatHypocrite... American social media.

  14. Saint Duffy, why do the Harperites persecute you so!

  15. Typhoon Haiyan, the 4th cat5 storm to hit the Western Pacific this year... as it hit landfall, the strongest tropical storm in history, with its intensity fueled by warm ocean water temperature/low wind sheer.

  16. wow! Continued purposeful misinformation... the NDP member "left" the NDP because he didn't win the required candidate nomination... can we say "disgruntled" former... yes we can!

  17. MLW serving foreign (claimed) American interlopers, day in - day out. Always here, always willing to provide a home for wayward types!

  18. he's with her - who knew!

  19. Conservative Senator leaving Conservative caucus to become independent Senator... elected Senator Doug Black from Alberta has chosen to follow the 'Trudeau way'! Go figure, hey!

  20. no - the CBC is not state controlled... no matter how many times the trolling refrain continues to be brought forward! The CBC, per the UNESCO definition, is public service broadcasting made, financed and controlled by the public, for the public. It is neither commercial nor state-owned; it is free from political interference and pressure from commercial forces.

  21. wow! That's quite the status update from the claimed U.S. guy... let's correct the fabrication: it's the ex-wife of the father-in-law who is referenced as having a raised concern about pulling CF-18 bomb trucks... not the husband and the reference has nothing to do with said phone-call. Try harder next time!

  22. whaaa! Turns out Ezrant was on Duffy's payroll as his speechwriter! Just which pile of Duffy money did that come from... oh let it be from the so-called "Duffy slush fund"!

  23. once again Harper claims provincial climate change related initiatives as his own... while again lying in claiming that Canada's lame-azzed emission reduction efforts have reduced emission levels even to the minimalist levels he presumes to speak to.

  24. some guy here is shamelessly pimping his own published articles... I expect breitbart pays by the click... click-bait, click-bait

  25. oh my! The guy who is adamant he's not a troll updates with, "Canadians LOVE Twitter....it's 'Merikan!". I can't find Canada better than 12th place in any stat, whether that's #accounts, #active users, penetration rate, per-capita use, etc.. TrollyOllyTrolly!

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