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Everything posted by maple_leafs182

  1. Or u can just watch the entire film before you say there is no evidence. Why is everyone so closed minded these days It amazes me how many people are oblivious to the fact we are all slaves. We have the illusion of freedom, this is why many don't question it. The "ruling class" still exists, they never went away. We just refer to them as Central Bankers, Corporate Leaders(not all), Politicians(not all). The best part is, they don't give a damn about us, it's all about power and control. They use fear to control us. Most of us are too blinded by ignorance to notice this. This is why wars are constantly going on, this is why poverty still exists. And if you don't believe me I would say look it up, but most of you probably won't. You guys realize we manipulate our reality, we don't need to live with all these problems in society, it's a choice between love and fear. We have to stop living in the sins of yesterday. In August 2009, the SPP website was updated to say: "The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) is no longer an active initiative.
  2. ... The american dollar is the global reserve currency The american economy is the largest in the world If the american economy collapses, it will be felt world wide. Just like in 2008
  3. This is just the beginning, it will get worse
  4. We are in a depression not a recovery, stop listening to mainstream media. We need to raise interests to discourage spending and encourage saving. We are creating another bubble having these rates so low. Peter Shciff predicting the collapse of 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I0QN-FYkpw What he is saying now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWpRMGi3Px0 We need to abolish the Central Bank system. "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson Why do countries give the power of issuing and regulating money to private corporations, it doesn't make any sense. I know lot's of you people love living in your dream world where corruption doesn't exist in a democracy, but it does. We need to wake up to reality. We are headed for a The Greatest Depression yet and it is by design. We need to get rid of the Central Bank system and arrest the criminal central bankers.
  5. We shouldn't even be at war in the first place.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa_YeVEU1u0 This video shows how governments use propaganda to gain public support to go to war.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_ukRhHzuJ0 What is your thoughts? I think this isn't receiving enough attention.
  8. I know they won't admit anything. I never said I had anything all figured out. I also don't care if you don't care, or if anyone else doesn't care. It don't bug me, I'm not trying to impress anyone. My theories on how I think the universe/world work are mine, you are entitled to your own theories as well. This attack had global significance. I also am looking at a current event, the Recession which I'm pretty sure will turn into a Depression. O, and the war on drugs which is causing more problems then it's solving. o ya, and the Central Bank scam, money shouldn't be in the hands of few. We are all the same, I never said we were different. I am not an american wannabe. I do write to members of parliament and senators. I vote and protest. Like i said I am being open minded to this. Prove me wrong I said, I wasn't joking. I was reading the NIST reports and all of it and I realized, well maybe the buildings did collapse the way the report says. I guess I can believe it, I'm not afraid to admit I was wrong. But then a thought came across my mind, even if it did happen the way the NIST report says it did. This really doesn't prove the government wasn't involved in either helping plan and/or executing the attacks or if the government knew about the attacks prior to 9/11 and didn't take any action to prevent them which is just as bad. Well technically nothing really matters.Not everyone in the states thinks the same way as you. And believe me I know, 99.99999999% of americans never heard of me or care about me. I am not a Celebrity so I really do not have much of a voice, I'm okay with that. That doesn't mean I can't express how I feel. k.
  9. It makes all the difference. This would mean the US government is corrupt. I'm not saying everyone in the government is corrupt. Just the people who hold the power. That would have huge ramifications world wide if they announced they were involved in the attacks on 9/11. Why? Will it help your unified theory for the universe? It would prove my theory of how the world works correct. Knowing the nature of the world you live in is key to understanding who you are as a person. Man. You don't get it. I don't care about country. There is no difference between a Canadian, American, Brazilian, Chinese, whatever, there is no difference, we are all the same. They just use the technique Divide and Conquer. They are called black boxes but they are orange boxes so they stick out to be seen easier. They are made to withstand the heat of burning jet fuel. They didn't even find them, not even a smashed one. Or at least they say they never did... Ya it would, that would satisfy me a lot. Then we can finally begin a revolution(peacefully). We wouldn't be slaves to this system of credit anymore. We would be free. You know freedom, what your forefathers fought for. Read up on them maybe. Learn what principles your country was found upon. I don't believe every single conspiracy about 9/11. The things I don't understand is the Black Boxes not being found. How the buildings collapsed so fast, wouldn't the majority of the floors underneath the plane crash be structurally sound and withstand the building collapsing over it or at least give some resistance and slow it down. How did the buildings collapse so fast? Why did Bush and Chaney refuse to be interviewed separately. Why did Bush say stuff like "nobody in our government could envision them using planes as weapons", when they did drills using planes as weapons prior to the attacks. Reasons why I don't trust the US government. They lied about Weapons of mass destruction to go to war in Iraq, and operation norhwoods, and the resent H1N1 pandemic scare which was hugely blown out of proportion and more or less a lie. Also I believe this recovery in the economy is false and they are lying about that. Keep replying though. This is helping me organize my thoughts a little better.
  10. Youtube and the internet in general is just alternative media. It is important whether 9/11 was in inside job or not. It had global effects. Two wars had started as a result of this event. I care, many other people care. I'm not saying i'm an expert or everyone on youtube is an expert. That doesn't mean you can discredit everything on the internet. There are too many questions circling around 9/11 without answers. An actual investigation needs to be held. How did a passport from one of the terrorist survive the explosion but none of the black boxes on the planes did? You guys have way too much of faith in the government. I don't even want to bother, I can tell you made up your mind. Lets just agree to disagree.
  11. I don't use infowars. Why do people discredit everyone if they aren't and structural engineer? Does that make them retarded if they are not? It may not be there specialty, but that doesn't mean they don't have a firm grasp on the subject. Try watching the whole video... How can you form an unbias opinion when you won't even listen to the other side of the story. I've listened to both sides of the case, the so called "conspiracy theory" sounds a lot more logical and practical then the "Official story". Trust me, I would love to be proven wrong. Heres another video.
  12. Debunking NIST It's not like the US had lied ever to go to war before.. O wait, the Gulf of Tonkin incident to start the Vietnam war, weapons of mass destruction to start the Iraq war. Google operation Northwoods...
  13. There is NO evidence that legalizing will increase use. There will not be an increase in health care problems. Drugs being illegal creates more crime. It funds organized crime. It costs too much money to enforce, and it shouldn't be enforced anyways because it is the persons choice if he/she wants to do the drug.
  14. ...how did the steel support columns give in? Fire from debris would not be able to weaken them enough. Na, you guys are just ignorant. What, you think after Hitler all corruption in government disappeared? Who funded WW2? You live in a dream world and your mentality is it could never happen to me. You really don't think the Federal Reserve knows what it is doing by printing all this money, you think they're clueless? There is a dumbing down of society going on and you people don't even notice.
  15. i'm open to debate on it. Why did WTC7 collapse?
  16. I agree completely. Look what is happening at Copenhagen. The U.S. just pledged 100 billion dollars annually till 2012 for a climate change treaty. You really think they are in a position to pledge 100 billion dollars annually? Not a chance, the U.S. needs to stop spending and start saving. The people at the top of the control pyramid are purposely making the U.S. dollar collapse, bringing the world economy down with it. This will probably lead to the Amero or a one world currency. Which they will still control. Not to mention this treaty is another step towards a one world government. Why don't we get to vote for this treaty, this is a major deal that will effect all the economies of the world, you think something this big would be voted on by the citizens of the nation. No, we don't really have a say on what goes down on the big stage. Google the Council on Foreign Relations. Don't you realize they have us constantly living in a state of fear, Global Warming, H1N1, War on Terrorism, Recession, this is how the control populations. People of the world are crying for a treaty at Copenhagen, not realizing that this is a first step into a world government. They created the problem of global warning, sorry, climate change... they scare the citizens with propaganda, the citizens look to the government to protect them. They use fear to push there agenda forward. When you live your lives in fear, you are not living your life through love, If we were really were living through love, we wouldn't be doing the things we are doing. All major problems of society they create. Poverty, War, Pollution and health. Do you guys really not think 9/11 was an inside job? I beg you to investigate it, there are too many unanswered questions, so much does not add up. It's kinda of like a board game to them. Think of them as Uncle Pennybags in the game of monopoly, he really never loses at the end of the game. We do need some civil unrest to take back the power. All it is, is a choice, and the choice is ours. We can choose to continue living with all these problems in society, or we can choose to fix them by going to the root of the problems. Reread this post with an open mind.
  17. It's because we live in a society where money is the driving factor. When money is the driving factor, it will always be profit over people. Remember the Ford Pinto? The real problem behind the economy is (private)Central Banks. For some reason we think it is a genius idea to let money, something that has so much influence in society, be in the hands of a few men. These men have way to much power, they can make or break economies simply through inflation or deflation. Thomas Jefferson "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Woodrow Wilson "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.", after signing the Federal Reserve into existence We really need some civil unrest, restore the power back to the people.
  18. man, why do we let money control us so much. I don't get it. When will people realize that the system is broken. It is just a form of control. Wake up already. What happened to freedom and liberty. Why do you guys think i should not smoke pot or at least have the freedom to choose to smoke? I don't punch people in the face to get some more pot. Yes prostitution should be legal. If someone wants to be a prostitute, let them be one. Who cares if you find it immoral. You aren't the one being a prostitute, worry about your own life. If we wan't to stop crime we need to go to the root of the problems. Lisa Simpson: "Mom, I know your intentions are good but aren't the police the protective force that maintains the status quo for the wealthy elite? Don't you think we ought to attack the roots of social problems instead of jamming people into overcrowded prisons?". Most of societies problems are a symptom of society. We have fix society first if we want the symptoms to go away. Why do so many people not see this. Keeping drugs illegal is doing more harm then good, need i remind you of alcohol prohibition in the states. And as for money. Why are we bowing down to central bankers. Why? Money should not be preventing us from accomplishing anything. Thomas Jefferson "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Woodrow Wilson "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.", after signing the Federal Reserve into existence When will people wake up to what is really going on need to take a step back and look at the big picture.
  19. What do you mean. Nicotine is thought to be more addictive then heroin. I believe in personal liberties, it is that persons choice if they want to do a certain drug or not. I would feel a lot safer knowing people are doing heroin at a clinic then on the streets. This would also cut funding from gangs, it would then lead to less crime, and free up police resources. It is erosional choice. If they want to do the drug, they should be allowed. If drugs weren't so frowned upon by society, then people would be more likely to come out and ask for help if they have addictions. Now they are to afraid to get the law involved and they don't want society to look down on them. I have another way we can solve the money problem. We could just do away with money all together. We wouldn't need funding to find cure for diseases. We would just try and find cures We wouldn't need money to stop poverty, we would just end poverty and give food and shelter to all. We wouldn't have to worry about pointless things like the economy. We could start working together and build technology to benefit all of mankind, not build for greed and profit. We wouldn't be slaves to the dollar and truly live in a FREE society. Money isn't a good enough reason for us to not solve major problems. Right now it is set up like this...Profit>People
  20. No. I'm saying you can't enforce prohibition. It didn't work with alcohol and it won't work with any other drug. More problems arise from keeping drugs illegal then making them legal. There can be clinics set up around for people to do heroin if they choose. If they are not hurting anyone else, it isn't a problem. Obviously the tapes of the planes going into the towers was real. I'm saying 2 planes can't take down 3 buildings. None of the buildings should of collapsed, at near free fall speed too. It was an inside job. The U.S. has a history of lying to the people to get them to go to war. More civilians have died from this war then army personnel. These wars need to end. As for the economy. It isn't even real. The people at the top just get richer and richer why the people at the bottom get deeper in debt. It is a scam. Central bankers control the money supply of the world. They in turn control the economy. They more or less control the world. We have the illusion of freedom, that is why people don't question it. But it is only an illusion, we are all slaves to money. Poverty doesn't have to exist. we allow it to exist. we don't need money to live, it is not an essential like food or water. We can do away with it. Start working together, building society up to benefit all the people of the world, not the rich few at the top. You just need to realize that all the problems we live with in society a symptom of society itself. We choose to live this way, so we choose to have these problems. All it is, is a choice. Open your eyes a little. Look what is happening in the world.
  21. There is no evidance to support the claim that legalizing will increase the use. It is readily available right now. As for cancer, marijuana may not increase the risk of getting cancer. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/05/060526083353.htm Technically marijuana isn't physically addictive. There are drugs like heroin and nicotine that replace chemicals in your brain, your brain will then stop producing the natural chemicals and when you are off the drug, your brain will crave those drugs because the other chemicals aren't being produced naturally. Pot doesn't do that. You can be psychologically addicted, but that is the same as being addicted to TV or Shopping. .I know many people who smoke pot, who are they supporting? gangs. I would rather see the money spent on drugs go to help the economy then help gangs. How would putting them in jail help them? Educate people on the dangers of drugs. If drugs were legal, people who become addicted would be more likely to come and look for help knowing the public won't scrutinize them. A little harsh. Truthfully, I could care less if it was the government who sold pot, or 7-11 sold pot. It's not the governments role to say what you can and cannot do with your own body.
  22. I swear i read it in a cbc article but I can't find it. http://www.norml.ca/
  23. I understand what you're saying Mr.Canada those voices, they are not God and Satan. It is your consciousness. You have to realize, there is a global consciousness. It is this, that some perceive as god and or satan. http://noosphere.princeton.edu/
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