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Jack Weber

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Everything posted by Jack Weber

  1. Because the right wing kooks who believe in the Tao of Coulter are willing to hand over thier money to her and participate in her likeminded reaffirmation excercise.
  2. People like Shady are intractable ideologues of the political right.But the free speech issue is another matter.As I've said before,it says more about people like Shady who tacitly agree with the callous nonsense that Coulter spews,than Coulter herself.That does'nt mean that I think someone like Coulter should be squelched by those on the equally loony left because their PC leftist sensibilities get ruffled.
  3. I wonder if anyone,other than McGuinty and his friends,thinks that the Liberal will be in a position of power by the fall of '11 let alone 8 years from now?
  4. I don't agree with almost anything Levant says,but if he can use these ridiculous kangaroo court HRC's to shed a little light on how they seem to designed to artificially squelch free speech by the extreme Left(who seems to live in a constant world of cultural and moral relativism and a culture of constant offense with anyone and anyting that disagrees with them).
  5. Yes and no... There obviously is a small,fringe,rabidly conservative/libertarian element in this country that not only welcomes the rhetoric of someone like Coulter,but actually applauds it and cheers it on.Check out the dilly bars at Free Dominion(which links with Free Republic..speaking of totally over the edge kooks).Tye love this stuff.Not just because they believe the things Coulter says,but she has the happy by-product of sticking a thumb in the eye of PC Leftist wimps. The rest of us sane people see Coulter for what she is.A bitter ideologue trying to sell books and image.
  6. In the case of Ontario,that's correct.The Lib's have a majority.The election in this province will be next fall.It'll be than that the populous will render a verdict on Mr.McGuinty...
  7. This is assuming one thinks the level of discourse is raised by the likes of Coulter....
  8. Uh...That's the point of security.We had these new security regulations enacted because the terorist types potentially could have brought something on a plane and blow it up in the sky...They have been known to do exactly that sort of thing. So,even Mr.Blackburn is not above that law,I'll bet one he wholeheartedly supported,just because of his position.In fact,it makes him look MORE CLOWNISH because he is a public official who should know and act better...
  9. I'm going to say that Mr.C wil use the submission to authority defence and that we should be childlike in our devotion,just as The Bible tells us to be childlike in our devotion to Christ... I'm takin' bets on that action....
  10. I don't think that Galloway should've been banned,or that Coulter should have been admonished. Both are kooks and should be dismissed as such...
  11. Admittedly,some of what Coulter says IS funny...And then there's this montage of "classy" behaviour... Frankly,I have to say the U of O response was over the top Leftist whimpering.
  12. I think you're,not shockingly,missing the point.The point is that the carnival barkers do nothing to further the Republican position.In fact,they are the rights own worst enemy.Rigid ideologues ,on either side,do absolutely nothing to find consensus.Perhaps it's a commentary on the intractable ideological differences in the U.S. at the moment. I don't agree much with David Frum,however,Republicans would be wise to heed his warnings if they want electoral success in the future.Following the rigid hardline thought processes of the Tea Part crowd will simply marginalize them to most of the smaller,electorally less relevent rural states.
  13. Because yours are are so multi-faceted? His spelling is a little weak,admittedly
  14. Well...With their over the top,carnival barking antics I'm thinking it turned alot of folks who might be predisposed to side with Republicans.The right seems to own the discourse on talk radio in the states,and other than extreme right wing ideologues who buy this bombastic fear mongering game hook,line,and,sinker,it alienated alot of people. Beyond that,it simply debases any intellectual discusion...
  15. No way...Let him say whatever he wants... Plus,it's fun watching,shall we say those who are little off upstairs, in action! His vascillation between near idol worship of the Prime Minister,and his unhealthy preoccupation with socialists/gay pride day film study/Jews is priceless comedy!!!
  16. I don't care where Marsden goes..the farther the better...Her kooky little brain must be getting ready to explode with the rising Left in France this week... She'll probably come back...CCCCCRRRRR@@@@@PPPPPP!!!
  17. The Canadian "El Caudillo"... http://www.rachelmarsden.com
  18. Nope...Hotter than Coulter,in my opinion...Just a Fascist nut...
  19. Suncor??? Actually,that might be a good long term play.. I like the DRiPs....
  20. Rachel Marsden??? Equally nutty and bitter...And has stalking charges against her....
  21. Honest question... If you feel we are so beneath you,why do you sully yourself by hanging out here?
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