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Jack Weber

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Everything posted by Jack Weber

  1. I agree with that... Anne is about Anne and the size of her wallet.The vehicle to fill that wallet is to say the most ideologically outrageous thing to evoke some sort of emotional response.There's a small,frankly fringe,element that would agree with her.I believe most don't,including many conservatives who see her for what she is.She is the extreme Rights yin to the extreme Left's yang of living in a culture of constant offense.I suspect she does'nt care what side that money comes from because it spends all the same. And I agree...Nutjobs are never boring!!! By the way,I'm so glad I can use the terms nutjob and unhinged to describe peoples behaviour here,unlike other places where some exist to be offended...
  2. I get all of that that.And her bombaste is a vehicle to line her pockets.No question about it.I don't think she is at all helpful in the realm of civil discourse,however.I would also repeat,it says alot more about those who would pay for the "priviledge" of listening to Coulter(and her idealogical goofiness),than Coulter herself...
  3. Right... Watch some of the youtube stuff where a person like Culter gets questiones and called out for what she says.As soon as it happens,she starts looking around...laughing...trying to sort of belilittle the other person...kinda tell them it's a joke,which is basically,"STFU and deal with it!".Which is basically saying to someone that,not only are you wrong,but you are so laughably stupid that you cannot comprehend what I'm saying.
  4. That's it! It's like those on the ideological Left almost live to be offended!I also dislike the word"progressive" they throw around.It's really a backhanded shot at anyone who does'nt think like they do.In otherwords,if you're not a "progressive" you must be regressive. I find the esact opposite with right wing ideologues...Most seem to think they should b able to say whatever they want to whomever they want and if they get offended...Well...Eff 'em and tough $#!+.And they use the word "freedom" to cover up the fact they are just socially inept A-Holes!Anne Coulter would fall into the category of the latter..
  5. I notice the "aboot"...I still pronounce it that way,though... I notice,at least in Ontario,the harsh "r".It's as harsh as the "ay" sound form the northen states...
  6. You forgot the acronym in between Reform and Alliance... The good old CRAP party!!!!
  7. I do...Americans around the Great Lakes speak through their noses!!! Dallar,Tap,Battom,Dayta,etc...
  8. I hear ya'...You and I are probably close to the same wavelength...I almost did'nt want to sign up because I read a few things there and I thought,"These folks are off their collective rockers!",but I signed up anyway... Here's another problem I had recently...A thread was started about if there were moderate muslims,or something...And I said that I thought that it must be true because the entire faith cannot be full of "crazies",and then started to make my case that until Islam goes through some sort of Reformation,like Christianity did 500 years ago,violence might be all we can expect.... Holy cow...I was told I was being insensitive to the mentally ill,and the moderator would'nt even respond to my claims because my post was,and I quote,"Too icky". I then responded to a thread about the shooting in Alberta a few weeks ago.They were all insinuating that he was a NAZI and a racist and probably a wife beater..And I simply said that,In a total sense,dude was basically an unhinged nutjob!"... I was asked by the same moderator if I was deliberately trying to be insensitive to the mentally ill?And it was my last warning!!! What bizarro world do these people live in?
  9. Absolutely...Have you ever had any run ins with the rigid ideologues over there? I was told that I was the typical white male hiiljack for not being interested in purchasing a video game that had a gay scenario option.I was told to go to Free Dominion,where I'm sure I would find some Anne Coulter worshippers,where I'd be more appreciated.I was told that was'nt "queer positive" ...Total two dimensional thinking....
  10. I understand that,but that does'nt make those that follow Judaism a race of people.
  11. Like I said...It says more about the people who would pay to see Coulter than Coulter herself... Perhaps off topic,but the reason why I support Coulter's ability to say whatever she wants...I was threatened with banning at Rabble(I'm ashamed to admit I registered there,but I wanted to discuss a labour issue)for using the word "nutjob"...Leftist ideologues are as bad as right wing ideologues!!!
  12. It's not exaclty "oot" or "oat"...It's sort of in between.I watched a thing on linguistic dialects on the CeeB about a year ago.The experts felt that Canada is only now gaining distinct regional dialects because we are a sparsely populated country and we are fairly young.They justaposed this with rgions of the US that have been populated for over 250 years.They specifically looked at the nasally,"Yankee" accesnt of the Great Lakes states,and the overenphasised "Ay" sound...For example,in many places in those states,the word "measure" might be pronounced "maysure".Another obvious example would be a commercial I heared when I was teenager about a supermarket chain around the Buffalo area. The tag line was Tops friendly market...Where your dollar goes farther!... It sounded like this...Taps friendly Mayrket...Where your Dallar goes Fayrther!... It did'nt help that the announcer was a women with a very shrill voice! I'm amazed how that accent has'nt infiltrated into everyday discourse in Souther Onatrio because of the proximity of the populations.But if I go over to Niagara Fall,NY,I can tell the difference almost immediately.I suppose it's the same for people from Niagar Falls,NY coming this way?
  13. I've heared that sometimes mentally disturbed people often go without eating while in a delusional state... Are you saying you want to learn how to become mentally ill? My suggestion? Pay money to watch Anne Coulter speak!!!
  14. Why would it suck to be him? And smallc seems to be one of the more level headed people around here,and fairly knowledgeable...Why would you claim that he would'nt know what he is talking about? We get it..You're a right wing hardliner,much like Coulter...It does'nt mean you have to act like her....
  15. She is skinny,but not terribly bad looking.I just don't know what type of man would go out with someone like that for an extended period of time? Well...With the sole exception of Shady,who'll probably show up in a codpiece and a smile for Annie.. But I wonder how many guys went out with Coulter and thought she was kinda hot,and after about 5 minutes her cuckoo for cocoa puffs attitude came out,and they were looking for the exit?
  16. Well...It would seem there is a market for her to make some money.I believe Anne is about Anne,more than anything.And it would seem she has at least one person who will be jumping with glee at her arrival.Perhaps there is a cadre of folks who will also bow at the Altar of Coulter...I don't want to see a photo of that group!!!
  17. Because if I'm not interested in anything Coulter has to say,somehow I'm a MARXIST!!! I could be a smarta$$ and ask you if you will be going with your copies of The Fascist Manifesto or Mein Kampf,but I doubt you're that dense... You seem to be as 2 dimensional as Coulter herself...No wonder you're such a fan!
  18. Wow...Two(2) reaffirmation sessions in succession in the same day... Nothing like self insulation...
  19. At leasta vetted speech...If she says what she thinks,which I assume she does,she does'nt portray the most accomodating vision for a conservative future... Actually,I'm glad folks like Coulter are around and can speak their mind.She,and her followers,turn off so many people if any conservative candidate espoused her views,they would be unelectable.Which is probably why no one ever quotes her con zaniness outwardly. Inwardly,I'm not so sure....
  20. Hmmm....Judaism as a race....What would you call Ethiopian Jews?
  21. Sad is'nt it??? If what radical Islamists wanted to do was squelch any speech or actions that might question them and their actions,then their terrorist activities have won,have'nt they?
  22. Here's a montage of this all time winner... Enjoy your reaffirmation excercise,Shady...You paid for it!!!
  23. Ah...You mean this interview... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmcZG87Fmxc I think it says more about the people who would pay to see someone like Coulter,and I assume agree with what she says,than about Coulter herself. By the way,Coulter will have an interview with Michael Coren on his show on Tuesday night on CTS.That's 6 O'Clock here in the East.I intend to watch.Not because I agree with what Anne Coulter says,I agree with almost nothing she says.I'm going to watch because I think she has a right to say whatever she wants to,as I have a right to call her on just about everything she'll say. By the way,does anyone notice that when Coulter gets questiones she tries to laugh off what she says...Or claim it was a joke...Or try to cryptically belittle the other person?It's the acts of a coward that cannot defend her positions....
  24. Interesting...If that math is reliable,a coalition between the two FEDERALIST parties would be possible.The seperatist arguement goes away...By the way,I don't think Ignatieff would ever go for it.I just point out that that possibility now has a real potential to exist.
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