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Jack Weber

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Everything posted by Jack Weber

  1. The Tories would do themselves a huge national favour in having Prentice as leader.It's time for the Cons to understand what the word "comprimise" means. Baird is a Harris right wing ideologue.
  2. Poor Betsy...Poor Albertans... They're getting a taste of the good 'ol Eastern power base.Looks like the Reformers have to back to the drawing board.The rumour I've heared is that Captain Sweatervest is toast and a logical successor might be Jean Charest!!!Can we say a new split on the right in this country!!!!!! Heavens to Betsy,that sounds wonderful to the Eastern Bastard!!!!!!
  3. Here,here... This Con debacle has Harrisite Bully Boy,Guy Giorno,written all over it.A stupid ideological gamble has blown up in the Harris types face. Looks good on them.
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