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Everything posted by ReeferMadness

  1. This topic is about climate change. If you want to celebrate your sociopathic buddy, take it elsewhere.
  2. This forum isn't about Ford. Stay on topic. If you want to debate about your buddy Ford, start a topic like "Doug Ford is a Saint and I'm a hero for begging him to run".
  3. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=sociopath+traits Perfect description for the whole Ford family. Does that offend you? Sorry, not sorry.
  4. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/climate-change-could-end-mortgages-as-we-know-them/ Literally millions of people are sitting on economic disaster, not even bright enough to know about it. People treat climate change like a one of those monsters that show up in your sleep in crappy B movies. If you don't believe in it, it can't hurt you. Meanwhile, they vote for sociopaths like Kenney, Ford and Trump. I've got new for all the losers out there. When the shit hits, those right wing politicians who told you climate change isn't a problem won't be there to help you.
  5. Maybe national unity is a goal we could get behind. FPTP accentuates and exacerbates regionalism by rewarding regional parties over national parties. The NDP got over twice as many votes as the BQ but the BQ got more seats. FPTP belies the diversity of opinion in this country by painting large swaths of the country the same color. It's anti-democratic and it rewards petty regionalism. The provinces already have too much power and the Senate is an archaic institution which cements provincial influence as it sat 100+ years ago. We need at least one institution in this country that truly reflects national concerns or we are destined to not be one country. Proportional representation outperforms FPTP on a wide variety of measures including voter turnout, voter satisfaction, minority representation and women's representation. If you voted Liberal this election, your vote was worth roughly 10x a Green Party vote. That's inexcusable from a democratic point of view. If you're a supporter of one of the big two parties and you want to keep FPTP, that's not a big surprise. FPTP is a form of systemic discrimination. Throughout history, members of privileged majorities have always been adept at rationalizing why discriminating against minorities is good for everyone. This is just one more case.
  6. Western European countries don't deserve to be lumped in with laggards like Australia and Canada.
  7. Tragically, people who are dumb enough to believe nonsense like this are allowed to cast a vote that is counted with the same weight of that of a normal sentient adult human.
  8. Twitter won't auto-ban Nazis because the AI can't reliably distinguish between them and Republican politicians. I wish I were making this up.
  9. "One would assume" incorrectly. The NDP's record on the environment is not much different from that of other parties.
  10. Here's a comment that hasn't aged well. Yesterday, Trump said on TV he'd never heard of a category 5 hurricane, a claim he has made 3 times during previous category 5 hurricanes. Today, he congratulated Poland on the 80th anniversary of it being overrun by Nazi Germany. Can he make a more idiotic comment tomorrow? It's impossible to say anymore.
  11. Americans, you should feel very comfortable with this guy in charge. He sounds so... competent. Trump has repeatedly said over the years he's never heard of a Category 5 hurricane.
  12. Anyone who thinks Bernie is a socialist should try and get a refund on their education. Same goes for anyone who thinks a socialist and a fascist or remotely similar concepts. It seems even here Trumpism has managed to dumb down the discourse. You're one step away from making your arguments using fart noises.
  13. Nice. I see that MLW is following Trump by descending into racist, delusional conspiracy mongering. Well, done.
  14. This statement is simply idiotic. AOC never said that and people who claim she did have zero credibility. Get your facts straight or stay out of the debate. The 12 year timeframe has been repeated in dozens of news stories such as this one which is quoting an IPCC report that says:
  15. Yes, but I hopefully we get a clue quickly. A Harvard study has shown that levels over 1000 ppm lower certain types of cognitive abilities - the very ones that we'll need to deal with climate change!
  16. Every time you get involved in a discussion, it culminates in the logical equivalent of you chanting U-S-A!! Find a new schtick so I don't have to block you.
  17. I think Dunning and Kruger might have been reading the nonsense you write when they had their insights.
  18. Well. We're all gonna die then. Let's just give up. Good thing you're not one of those "alarmists".
  19. It is pretty simple. The most difficult part is getting people to stop denying the change and looking for excuses why it shouldn't affect them. Stanford University Mark Jacobson has done research that finds: Stop obsessing over the problems and look for solutions.
  20. Sigh. Another example of the Kruger-Dunning effect. Do some research and post again.
  21. Europe has much higher gas prices. The last I checked, they hadn't degenerated to abject poverty. In Norway, over half of new vehicles sold are EVs. Maybe Norway is a total hellhole. Or maybe they're just smarter than we are. Maybe they've figured out that the higher one time costs of EV's is offset by much lower operating costs. What I'm advocating for is that people living today don't have the right to f*ck up the planet for people who are going to live 50 years from now. Regardless of whether it raises their cost of living. Do you have a problem with that? It's ironic that right wingers refer to people who listen to climate scientists as "climate alarmists" and then light their hair on fire at the thought of making changes that will improve everyone's life. Just a few years ago, there was a guy on here who insisted that using renewable energy would send us back to the stone age. Who are the real alarmists?
  22. Well, nobody suggested ceasing oil sands production right now but if it did, it would have a significant effect on CO2 reduction. Prices would spike and people would use less oil. It would take years to replace that production. Meanwhile, with every spike and gyration in the price of gasoline, more and more people are opting out by buying electric vehicles. People whine incessantly about the price of gasoline and then run out and buy the biggest fuel waster they can find. The problem isn't that gasoline is to expensive; it's that it has been way too cheap for way too long.
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