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Everything posted by TCCK

  1. I agree, in the camera Bob Rae and Iggy were nice and said the politically correct thing for the time but tomorrow the knives will be sharp and Dion will have his throat slit and he will be in the political gutter dran and quartered by his on in no time flat. Gotta love a party that sticks behind its leader like that, LOL !!
  2. No Harper did well in Ontario because Dion is a lame leader for the Liberals and the people saw it. Dion will be gone in a month or so, I PREDICT HARPER WILL BE AROUND FOR YEARS AND YEARS TO COME!!! I am glad Harper is in charge (to the extent people let him be), he will handle the "recession" problems with isdom and a sound head not fear mongering like the NDP and Liberals wanted to do.
  3. Trust me he won't be able to, the Liberals wwwill stand in the door blocking anything good unless it is in thier best interests too ie: MP raises or monies to any of their ridings. Spoiled rotten children holding their breath until they get thier way or fighting just to be the cork in the bottle of medicine everyone needs just to feel powerful. It disgusts me that they could even act that way!
  4. Toronto is NOT the center of the universe and no the rest of the country should not pay homage to all-might Toronto. Let Toronto stand on its own 2 feet, BC has to do that sending its tax dollar East and yet getting back barely any of it as it all goes to Ontario, Quebec and the dying Maritime provinces. I am sick of the Ottawa sucking the West dry for all it is worth and sending jack $**t back to us but handing over billions to Quebec when they sit there like fatcats contributing little to the country. Look at the political arena for example, a provincial party basically running federally with no interest in the rest of the country and not contributing to the National Political arena. Just take, take, take! I am embarrassed to say my lineage is French Canadian. (Family goes back to the very first French settlement boat to come to Canada. The French part of my family is mainly on welfare and have no interest in contributing to society.) That is why I do not have a single location of any of my businesses in Quebec!!
  5. But he gained seats so the population is starting to like him, give him 3-4 more years of governing and if the Liberals and NDP let him do some GOOD for the country the people will come around. They are smarter than the Liberals believe them to be, thus wwwwhy the Liberals are only 77 seats. Hell people even voted for Layton to not give the Liberals a vote and yet not vote for Harper, that really says something against Dion and his Liberals!!!'
  6. The Liberals, BQ and NDP would ALL have to agreet o be a coalition to be the ruling party. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!
  7. Without China doing something about their Carbon footprint we are all spinning our wheels. 1/5 of the world's population and the largest contributor to pollution in our air. Do not get me wrong, we should take care of our Canada and our Earth BUT without China doing so we are fighting a never ending losing battle.
  8. The people of Canada have spoken NO CARBON TAX!!
  9. ROFLMAO, a Liberal majority. I think I just peed myself laughing so hard!!!
  10. I knew 99% of you would not agree with me but I got conversation going. I know the West is not going to seperate but emotionally the West usually feels like that is the only way the rest of Canada would listen. And NO I do not like to Troll the forums. The Conservatives look like they have gained seats in Parliament even though it looks like a minority government again. I have done what I could to help the people of Canada see that a Liberal vote is not what this country needs at this time.
  11. Biy you sure have bought into the Liberal Kool-Aid on why e need so many immigrants. Give born and raised Canadians a chance and we would not need any immigrants.
  12. Holy crap your kidding right??? I would rather pay a born and raised Canadian twice as much to ork for me as to have some immigrant come in and say "I will work for 1/2 of what the Canadian guy will work for" AND if you don't think that happens then you are a fool. I see it and hear of it from my managers every week and I am glad to say we hire the best suited for the job all the time and 99% of the time that is a born and raised in Canada citizen. I am not prejudice I just stand behind my fellow Canadian citizens that have gotten the immigrant shaft from the Liberal government for so many years. The Liberals love immigrants because most of them drink thier Kool-Aid so quickly and then vote Liberal as soon as they are allowed too. It was the Liberals that shortened the time from immigration to citizenship and then voting status twice in the last 40 years. I say it is time to double that time or triple it.
  13. easy just search this in google: mars climate change then substitute mars with Mecury, then Jupiter. That should give you enough reading to last you a couple of years.
  14. easy just search this in google: mars climate change then substitute mars with Mecury, then Jupiter. That should give you enough reading to last you a couple of years.
  15. I still cannot believe that in todays world and after so much history has gone by that there are people here that continue to think that people like Warren Buffet is evil. So he is a Capitalistic investor. He makes money therefore he is bad. Businesses are designed to make money that is why they are called businesses not COMMUNS! If you truly believe Warren Buffet is evil and so is everything about our Canadian government why do you not move to the great Communist state CHINA. You will see there how wonderful everything not capatalistic is and how well that is working out for them. Communism has never worked, never will because man's evil ambitions get in the way. A government that helps business to do well is the best thing for a country, time and time again it has proven itself out in history. Nothing else has worked so well. That is Harper's government! The Liberals, Greens, and NDP want to do something semi-communist and control everything from government and well I can guarantee if anyone of them get in the human evil mindset will takeover and we will be in completely unhappy with the results. BUT do not worry, all the Liberal supporters will have completely forgotten all the crap thier leader will have put us through by the next election and vote for them again. The Greens will say we are better off living in the Stone Ages and we do not need the rest of the world's investment in our country we can survive in our on little perfect bubble. The NDP will like thier leader not know ho things have gotten this bad, ignore all the warnings and trudge farther into debt and lean on the great wisdom of the greens to know hat to do going into the next election. I choose to vote for Harper, he is not perfect, his government is not perfect but I know they are the best government Canada can have for these economic times we are in. This election is not about the enviroment it is about the viable ECONOMY of this country and Harper is the only one with a stable, positive plan in that area.
  16. Personally I believe it is time (if the Liberals get in) that BC, Alberta, and Sas pull the seperation plan out of the closet and start to think hard on it. I would welcome the thought of a country in the west with ALL the natural resources and none of the blood sucking that comes from the East Coast. It is something long over due if another Liberal government (even a minority) gets in. Or hell even pull the we're gonna seperate scam that Quebec has done for so many years and look at all the cash and favouritism it has gotten because of it. Flame ON!
  17. BS, you are the exact reason the political arena is so split and there are so many wingnut parties coming out of the closets. That is NOT what the Conservatives are about and the greens are only in it for the profit too. Their statement after May's "Go vote for the Liberal's" comment by some other nitwit in the party: "No continue to vote for us, WE NEED THE MONEY FOR ALL THE VOTES WE GET!" If that is not ALL about the MONEY, WHAT IS??
  18. Oh barf! Yes but I am not big on the stone ages so I wwwill skip voting for them. The country would fall into anarchry.
  19. Conservative supporter or not THIS WAS RONG and he should be punished!!
  20. I would be ticked off if I as a green party member and probably would revolt by not voting for the Liberals as TOLD to do just to make a point. It just seems ridiculous, Green, NDP and Liberals are truly mainly preaching the same crap and May was right, the vote is too split just as the Conservatives with all this parties like Christian Heritage Party, Canadian Action Party, etc. I kind of like the 2 party system the USA has, (do not read me wrong or put words in my mouth, I love Canada and want nothing to do ith the US political arena) but 2 parties would be alot more clear cut.
  21. Anyone that gives into the BS of "Climate Change" or "Global Warming" is stupid but unfortunately if you do not go along with the lie sometimes the masses of idiots that believe what the fear mongers preach will not let you do anything at all. It is better to go along with the lie to then teach the people the truth when you can and then do what is best for the people when they understand the truth. I say do what you can to be as green a nation as can be but not do it at such an extent that it hurts the economy and greater interests of the citizens of that country like the NDP, Green and Liberals are proposing.
  22. Holy CRAP you finally get it!!! I have been saying this over and over for 2 weeks now. Yes, listen one more time and you will see here this comes in. 1)Corporate Taxes are lowered, thus they can hire a few more people to do somethings they were wanting to be able to do but did not have the overhead to hire someone to do that. 2)That new person joins the company and pays taxes, buys items to live and other companies have more demand for thier products so they hire more people to meet the demands of more products being purchased. 3) those employees for those companies do the same and the great commercial society we live in grows and spends more money, thus earning taxes for the government and profits for the businesses. It is a slow process to start but hen it starts the growth is exponential. And yes there are some companies that are greed and self-centered to the gains of the highest in charge or shareholders but there are some that are like mine owned by a single person (or sometimes a group) and we make a good living do not get me wrong I love nice cars, houses, vacation and giving my wife nice jewelry regularly but there are those of us that uderstand we are able to do that BECAUSE of our employees and we give back to them when we are doing well because of thier efforts! I never said I hire more people than I need, I did not get this successful by doing unwise, unbusinesslike decisions. Some charity/generousity beyond the norm is good to stretch yourself but too much is foolishness.
  23. That is right Slim. See Independant you only gave 28%, I as a business owner ould expect 100% just like I give everyday. And my employees profit when I do. Do some research into companies in Canada and the best to work for in this country. You'll find my companies there. They are voted for by the employees of those companies.
  24. Harper does not plan on doing it all in 4 years like the Liberals do, he has a plan(yes more complicated) that outlines a longterm objective to make Canada wise on pollution and teach us to be a green nation yet not penalizing Big Business to the extremes that the Liberals do but still keeping them in check and making them learn and become more green in time. Harper is a LONG TERM thinker and plans for a better Canada through slow and consistant changes not like the Liberals that think they will only have 1 term so e better rush it all at once to get it done in four years before we get our butts kicked out of power in 4 years and along the way we will hand as much of this "Green tax" money to our friends as possible and get as many under the table kickbacks and bribes to line our pockets as possible before we get the boot. (Yes that was a long one breath statement but that is the same thinking as the Liberals have on this matter.) Vote Liberal and get bent over the desk, have your bankbook stolen, abused and beat up, called names that you are a polluter and then at the end of the day you will thank us because we have made you see you are truly a bad person and need our help to change. IT DOES NOT WORK LIKE THIS!!! That is Dion's plan and I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! That is what all the communist governments started like. My Canada is smart enough to see through Dion's plan I hope!!
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