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  1. Is there anything you Harper apologists won't excuse him for?Pedophilia? Harperites: Oh Stephen Harper wasn't diddling the kid, he was showing him what us Conservatives are convinced a Liberal did once.
  2. Well at least we know what price she'll whore herself out to Harper for.$15 million to her country.... Haiti.
  3. I'd wholeheartedly support that.
  4. And unless I'm wrong, Harper's beloved Action plan Home Renovation tax credit bill will die causing all that bought into his shell game to lose whatever they thought they were going to save.
  5. She's a spineless waste of oxygen and tax payer dollars herself.I can think of a 100 good reasons to refuse the request. The only people who could defend Harper's actions are his apologists and those with their heads up their arse. We really need a good grassy knoll and book depository in this country.
  6. Even the right wing feels this is an affront to democracy. Taken from Connie Fournier's thread.
  7. It's official.Democracy in Canada is dead. Unfortunately for Canada Stephen Harper isn't. What a waste of skin.
  8. When he's been called to testify at a hearing then yes, he should know what it is he's talking about.Mundane crap? Should we all just *yawn* and say who gives a crap about that mundane stuff the next time a Canadian soldier gets killed?
  9. Which if one were to believe to be the case, makes him incredibly incompetent.Seriously, do you honestly believe he only studied the file after giving his testimony to the committee???
  10. So they say...Liars is the best word to describe them.
  11. Clearly the military is complicit in the cover-up. Either that or Hillier and Natynczyk are two of the dumbest fucks going and incredibly ignorant and incompetent.Do you really believe Natynczyk only learned about the report upon reviewing the file after appearing before the committee ?
  12. Fire him and turn him over to face charges for the international crimes he has committed. Same applies to Harper and any other member of the Conservatives or military.
  13. Senator Hillier wouldn't want to be disloyal to his master.
  14. Hmm, Peter MacKay must have a short memory if he can't recall this... Either that or he's lying....
  15. You know, when one looks back at this file over the past year or so.. the evidence adds up. PM denies getting angry call from Hillier on detainee issue Last Updated: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 | 4:09 PM ET CBC News Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Tuesday he never received an angry call from Gen. Rick Hillier, chief of Canada's defence staff, last week over the government's handling of the Afghan detainee issue. Harper was lying then, he's lying now and Hillier was ordered to comply. It's no small wonder/ coincidence the man decided to retire at an early age from the military. He likely knew the shit was going to hit the fan over the detainees being tortured, the Conservatives ordering a cover up of it and bailed ahead of it.
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