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Everything posted by whowhere

  1. I am not saying get rid of it, I am saying Canadians should choose and elect the Governor General who is the Monarch's representive. At the moment the unelected Prime Minister chooses the GG and without consideration the Queen signs off on this. If the queen has no interest in the GG then she should allow the Canadian people to choose the GG. Whether Canadians choose the GG or the PM it makes no difference to the status quo of the current monarch. I would rather directly vote for a GG to ensure parliament is acting accordingly then have a weasel PM who is PM because his party makes up the minority of seats and governs for their own interests.
  2. Tea tree oil and brushing the gums is not recommended treatment but that was the cure. The dentist are trying to set you up for root canels or expensive periodontist gum grafts. What makes doctors who stall diagonisis to churn repeat business and the auto-perscription for drugs that will not solve the problem. the fact is, you can't rule out alternatives, whether its chinese methods, herbs, or whatever.
  3. A direct vote towards the person to be Governor General is not democratic. Ok comrad, perhaps the former soviet union and china is more you style of governance.
  4. Because she is rubber stamp by virtue of being appointed by the PM. A conflict of interest really. In any case just because she doesn't doesn't mean she can't. The GG can, and that's a fact. The GG is selected, appointed and signed off by the queen on the advice of the PM. It's time Canadians selects and elects the GG and the queen signs off on this.
  5. Wrong, the Governor General is, and the Governor General has to ascent all legislation and acts of parliament.
  6. Nonetheless, the throne was abdicated and clueless wonder was lucky to be queen for all the blunders of morality and logic she's made. The irony of the posters on this thread is they believe the monarch is a death do us part - forever relationship. Not so, Monarchs have been deposed and replaced in Englands history. Not only that, Monarchs were a product of the UK people and parliment; not the UK people and parliament a product of the monarch. Something, the dullards on this thread have to bear in mind when digesting the BNA act and the Statue of westminister.
  7. Yeah, I am care-less in my spelling and structure. Whatever, it's my point to the senseless like bambinco that matters.
  8. Not really, because Canadians have directly voted for this person instead of an unelected prime minister. This direction makes sense for a truly independent and prosperous Canada. Any move towards a more democratic voice has to be embraced.
  9. I actually have a personal experience with so called modern medicine. Depending how old you are and how crooked your dentist/hygenist is, you may be led down the road of a severe gum infection. The treatment usually to set you up for a root canal and or expensive gum grafts to repair the negligence of ill advice. The fact is I had a gum infection because the gum in the front of the tooth developed a "pocket." I flossed but the flossing technique did not get the front of the tooth. The dentists are crooked bunch and they are more about churning examination and xray charges then fix the infection. After repeated visits to medical doctors and put on antibiotics several times and cortesoid of sorts (all modern medicine) in the end you know what fixed and cured my gum Infection? So called hocus pocus remedies, tea trea oil straight up and agressive brushing of my teeth to desentize them and agressively brushing my gums as well. Now my teeth and gums are somewhat strong and solid. The greeks had alot of herbal remedies that were lost in the shuffle of time. The Eygyptions practice Herbal and other remedies that have also been lost. The fact is history is evolutionary and it doesn't hurt to open your ears and give an alternate a try it may be the "real" solution. Any viewers, heed this post, do not trust dentists, and learn how to brush and floss your teeth!!!
  10. That's what I was getting at. They should have an opportunity to convince and prove their treatments.
  11. Wrong that you are mentally challenged and you should get some English Tutoring; I don't think so.
  12. Science has proven the body is electrical currents moving about. Call it chi or whatever, if the chinese have a different way of restoring health and its proven to work they should have an opportunity to scientifically prove it works. Afterwhich, the people can choose this form of treatment or not. Perhaps the problem is the difference between Registered Massage therapists versus massage parlours. The Area requires regulation and scrutiny.
  13. The Governor General is the Monarch's representive in Canada. Nothing makes into law or a position appointed unless it is signed off by the Governor General. The Governor General is the head of state. The Governor General is a product of the BNA act and in the 1982 Constitution and has been apart of Canada's parliament since 1867. Now, the GG selected by the unelected Prime Minister is signed off without consideration by the monarch and serves a 5 year term. The Governor General is more a less a rubber stamp. Because of Canada's Constitution and the existence of the Monarch the best way for Canadians to keep a leash on Parliament is to elect a governor general who will act in the interest of Canadians and not the Interests of the corrupt conservatives or liberals. The GG already exists and the GG has the power to veto all acts of parliament. Canada doesn't need to do anything other than have the monarch issue a proclamation stating Canadians will choose and elect the Governor General to represent the Monarch. Given the dynamics of Canada this is the short cut to Canadians regaining Canada from the corrupt conservatives and liberals.
  14. Perhaps a deductible with max on it. Canada's doctors are one big Union and they work to rule like all unions. Whenever a drug is approved by health Canada they have to convince health Canada through their process. If chinese medical treatment is valid they should have the opportunity to convince health Canada it works.
  15. The problem with Canada its population increased from 20 million to 34 million mostly through Immigrations since 1982. These are economic migrants are actually enjoying a life style better than they could have dreamed of wherever they came from. Canada's democratic voice has been watered and muddied and the only way back to clear water is for the Monarch to right the tiller. Canadians electing a GG would go a long way in restoring Canada to a democratic prosperous Country.
  16. The Governor General is no different then the President of the United States. The President of the United States does not pass laws. The president forms the administration/Cabinet and has the power to veto all acts of congress. The Govenor General has the power to veto all acts of Parliament. That is what Canadians need to put these corrupt politicians on a short leash. If Canadians directly vote for this person and the majority vote is counted (electoral college system) that person has to be supported.
  17. Actually, this is where you are wrong. The unelected person whether from a minority or a majority party become Prime Minister. After which the PM is empowered to Choose the Cabinet who controls the Federal Government and All their Actions. This continues in the unelected PM's choice of a Rubber stamp GG and the unelected PMs senate and Judicial appointments. For an unelected person they have alot of power over the "operations" of Canada and the future direction of decisions after they leave office. Canada's parliament is designed to be overseen by the Governor General. The Only way for this to happen is if Canadians choose and elect the Governor General to Represent the Monarch. Everything I have said is fact. Unlike you I have an agenda of democracy, you??
  18. (3) The powers conferred by this Act upon the Parliament of Canada or upon the legislatures of the Provinces shall be restricted to the enactment of laws in relation to matters within the competence of the Parliament of Canada or of any of the legislatures of the Provinces respectively. It is my opinion Canada breached Section 7-3 of the Statue of Westminister in their 1947 Canadian Citizneship Act and overstepped their legal authority. Here's another UK Government Link, UK Border Agency.. http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/britishcitizenship/othernationality/britishsubjects/ Canada is a commonwealth Country. If we are to take this at face value, those of Canada were british subjects until 1983 and not 1947. Canada's parliament acted beyond its authority with its 1947 Citizenship legislation. Canada is subject to the BNA act. Canada is subject to the Statue of westminister. Canada also has to understand Queen Elizabeths father abdicted the throne ab·di·cate (bd-kt) Once this happen power transferred to the UK parliament and the process of replacing the Monarch was initiated. England has a long history and Monarchs have been deposed and replaced when they are no longer of high Character and sound mind. Queen Elizabeths judgement is certainly flawed and the UK is likely being kind to her. All her actions Can be challenged and scrutinized by the UK and gauged against English Common Law, the British North America Act, the Statue of Westminister, and all other Legislation of the UK to establish whether the Queen overstepped and was out of step in her actions. If it is determined she acted beyond her station any all of her actions as Queen will be null and void. So once she is gone be sure there will be a new day in the UK and the gloves will be off and the fight will move to the International Court where Canada can justify its legitamacy and what it has done since 1982 in the name of democracy. I am sure the court will be keen to hear the rational of how Canada became more democratic when Canada's corrupt parlimanent increased Canada's population from 20 million to 34 million through immigration. Doing this only served the interests of the Liberals and the Conservatives and allowed them to run Canada as Conrad Black ran Hollinger with no way to stop them. Perhaps when this day comes those responsible for these sell out policies will get some jail time but not likely. The noose is slowly tightening and Canada's party will come to an end. Buy into your demetia.
  19. http://www.statutelaw.gov.uk/content.aspx?activeTextDocId=1081723 I suggest you study the Statue of westminister. It is obvious you are dim and you are of poor character. In any case present the facts to support your dementia. The Statue of Westminister did nothing other than allow Canada's parliament to finalize its laws past in parliament. Before the Statue of westminister, laws passed in Canada had to be stamped by the UK parliament. The Statue of Westminister Eliminated this step, however the GG who represents the queen still has to ascent all of Canada's legislation. The statue of westminister states Canada is still bound by the British North America Act and nothing in that statue does anything in repeal any of that. You are obviously suffering from mental challenges because this is all in clear English. Maybe English is not your first language? Perhaps you should get some tutoring to help you understand.
  20. The Doctors are a powerful Lobby and essentially they have a licensed to Bill (ProvincialHip) There are no restrictions to prevent someone from going to the doctor weekly and the taxpayers have to pay for this. Don't believe for a second the College of Physicians and the Doctors in General are going to share their Cash cow. We are led to believe we have a doctor shortage and the wait times outrages, perhaps...Health Canada has a process: if chinese medicine is able to scientifically be proven to treat a condition that get at it prove it to them and I am sure you will start to see the provincialhip dollars.
  21. The contrast of United States/Canada: The US has their constution, democracy, judiciary in order. Canada doesn't. Because of this the US is expansionary, Canada is contractionary and has to rely on selling Canada out for bread crumbs. Take all of this, if the US were a person, they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth and went onto amass wealth. Canada was kicked out of the home and is rebellous and ungrateful. Canada has restorted to schemes, scams, and lies to further itself. Canadians of this sort have no interest in doing what is right and necessary to be prosperous.
  22. You are an idiot. What part of... What part of that do you not understand? Matthew 15 (King James Version) You really should stop your lying.
  23. You have said nothing and is a waste of time stating the contrast. In anycase You forgot to mention the 2 trillion dollars in printed money given to china for their treasury bills. You forget to mention the US has 90 percent of the world's military assets. You forget to mention the US has no Federal Sales Tax and the GDP is Largest GDP in the world. I can go on on...
  24. http://www.statutelaw.gov.uk/content.aspx?activeTextDocId=1081723 Statute of Westminster 1931 1931 c.4 22_and_23_Geo_5 hee haw hee haw. You have to be donkey. 7. Saving for British North America Acts and application of the Act to Canada. — (1) Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to apply to the repeal, amendment or alteration of the British North America Acts 1867 to 1930 or any order, rule or regulation made thereunder.
  25. The vote directly for their president. They have a real constitution. They have a drive to develop their infrasture. They do not give auto citizenship and they look to take advantage of the world for the benefit of the US. They have lower taxes, retail costs, and make more money. Canada could have been all of this but Canada aspires to the bottom rather do what is necessary to be a world leader in something. Older Canadians will sell out Canada to feather their own nests. There is no way the US can be labled a sell out.
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