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Everything posted by Qwerty

  1. To be honest I'm not for it at all. I'm being overly dramatic. I would be upset to see anyone get hurt by this hatred. I just don't understand how people cannot see the very obvious threat these people pose and why no one is doing anything about it. It's like they are under a spell. In the Netherlands they have over 1 million muslims now and mosques are starting to get burned down and violence towards muslims is proliferating all over Europe. We are heading down the same road I'm sure.
  2. If that what it takes to start a revolution and wake people up then I'm for it. Not you liberals...no. I'm talking of the silent majority. 11 facing Terrorism charges and the group in the UK that planned to blow up Air Canada flights...our time is coming. I want and Canada should want immigrants that will integrate and be grateful we are allowing them into this fine country and not want to change it. If Canada isn't to thier liking why don't they go someplace else instead of trying to change everything. Regardless of race, creed or colour. That is changing in Europe now. Slowly the Left wing governments are being voted out now. They are starting to wake up from the dream. Especially in the Netherlands and Denmark. Well not only that but we cannot exactly round up and deport the ones that are already here can we. So we have to change their minds and persuade them to integrate and embrace Canada.
  3. Are you defending this AIDS infected rapist now? It seems whatever I am in support of everyone wants to take the opposite of my opinion.
  4. I want and Canada should want immigrants that will integrate and be grateful we are allowing them into this fine country and not want to change it. If Canada isn't to thier liking why don't they go someplace else instead of trying to change everything. Regardless of race, creed or colour. That is changing in Europe now. Slowly the Left wing governments are being voted out now. They are starting to wake up from the dream. Especially in the Netherlands and Denmark. Well not only that but we cannot exactly round up and deport the ones that are already here can we. So we have to change their minds and persuade them to integrate and embrace Canada.
  5. They should just keep that person on toilet and table scrubbing duty. McDonalds' Canada cannot seriously expect to have this person handling Canadians' food can they? I mean this isn't the third world here where we tolerate germs in our food we eat clean food here in the civilized world.
  6. They are doing nothing to improve the social fabric of this country are they? 50% living below the poverty line? They are not worth having in this country sponging off the rest our taxes. They can go back to playing in the dirt as far as I'm concerned.
  7. Read the topic please. Does it have anything to do with Turkey? No. BTW fyi Turkey is hardly secular. What's on their flag? They have a Islamic democracy, that's what they call it. It's an oxymoron if you ask me but w/e. Therefore you are spamming kid.
  8. Plot targeted Canadian flights, U.K. says DOUG SAUNDERS From Thursday's Globe and Mail April 2, 2008 at 9:48 PM EDT LONDON — Air Canada flights to Toronto and Montreal were targets of a well-advanced terrorist plot to blow up at least seven jetliners simultaneously over the Atlantic using bombs stored in drink bottles and assembled aboard the aircraft, according to claims by British prosecutors. In August, 2006, a group of 19 British men were arrested in London with a bomb laboratory that had the tools to construct the components of liquid-chemical bombs that would be difficult for airport security to detect, stored in Lucozade drink containers with electronic detonators. Eight of those men, including the alleged ringleaders, are on trial this week. Charges have been dropped against some of the 19, and others are still in the judicial system. [...] The Canadian dimension of the plot only became public yesterday, when a judge revealed to potential jurors in the trial of the eight men that Canadian flights were allegedly targeted. [...] Canadian officials confirmed yesterday that Air Canada flights were among the potential targets, which also included flights to the United States. They said that the plot had involved targeting a number of flights on the same day. Still think Muslim immigration is a good thing? If these terrorists could get into Britain then they can get into Canada. And if they are "home grown" terrorists then all the more reason to ban Muslim immigration altogether. If Islam, even in an advanced, civilized, pluralistic environment like the United Kingdom is producing terrorists then what does it say about that religion? I'm sorry but it may very well be in the interests of Canadians and their safety that Muslim immigration to Canada be curtailed outright. Islam has failed to police itself and weed out its dangerous fanatics allowing these people, it seems, to operate without harassment within the Muslim community. That being the case then discriminating based on religion and country of origin is justified. Not all immigration is good immigration. http://canadianimmigrationreform.blogspot....ly-like-us.html
  9. In 13 neighbourhoods deemed "at-risk" in Toronto by United Way, more than half have significant Muslim populations, including Flemingdon Park, Regent Park, Etobicoke North and Jane-Finch. "Every year, we see more and more poor people coming to the mosque for help," said Omar Farouk, president of the International Muslims Organization, based in Etobicoke, which has opened a food bank and distributes food to shelters once a month. More than 200 people regularly access the food bank. The four poorest of all ethno-racial groups, with more than 50 per cent of their members living below Statistics Canada's low-income cut-off, were Somalis, Afghans, Ethiopians and Bangladeshi populations – all from predominately Muslim countries. At least 30 per cent of Pakistanis and West Asians also qualified as poor, according to a study done by the Institute for Social Research at York University in 2006, which looked at the demographic and social profiles of ethno-racial groups in the city. "Already we can see the formation of ghettos in some parts of the city," said Shakir, referring to neighbourhoods where overt race-based poverty is glaringly obvious http://canadianimmigrationreform.blogspot.com/ Does this sound like a resounding success to you all?
  10. Reported. Please refrain from speaking to me in the manner that you. It is offensive and trolling in nature, doing nothing but making arguments heated. Thanks.
  11. I'm done with you Dancer. You are just a little kid. Nothing is good enough for you. No matter what I say or post you will shoot it down because you are a troll. I have reported every single one of your posts that contain no new information, enjoy your warnings. Thanks for coming out kid.
  12. We are talking about Canada as this is a Canadian Political forum. Anymore spamming of my posts will be reported. Add something or don't post. Thanks.
  13. We're supposed to be fighting the enemy, which is liberalism, not me...what gives?
  14. We all know who is dealing the crack to our children. You are playing games and you know it.
  15. Monday, December 17, 2007 If these Globe and Mail poll results are accurate they illustrate that elite opinion is out of touch with a majority of Canadians Poll found at the Globe and Mail. The question asked: In your view, has Canada's multiculturalism policy proved successful? Of the responses 37% responded in the affirmative and 63% in the negative. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/Pag...bhub=VoteResult Does this prove my point?
  16. Blacks constitute about 7 per cent of the population of the city of Toronto; yet, in this sample, they are suspects in a colossal 64 per cent of the day’s reported crime. Blacks, according to the last census, represent about 6.8 per cent of the city’s population. http://www.torontopolice.on.ca/modules.php...r=0&thold=0 Just a sample of the offences. More... TORONTO/640TORONTO - A black toronto city councillor is floating the idea of allowing police to pull over young black men and search them for weapons. Michael Thompson, the Scarborough councillor whose ward includes the troubled Malvern community, is sticking his neck out. He's suggesting that, as a way to combat the growing gun violence crisis in Toronto. http://www.640toronto.com/news/metro...1&gm=metro.cfm
  17. Blacks constitute about 7 per cent of the population of the city of Toronto; yet, in this sample, they are suspects in a colossal 64 per cent of the day’s reported crime. Blacks, according to the last census, represent about 6.8 per cent of the city’s population. http://www.torontopolice.on.ca/modules.php...r=0&thold=0 Just a sample of the offences.
  18. This really is sad as he was a great leader and a soldiers General...Canada has lost a great man today.
  19. No one is forcing you to read or respond. So look elsewhere.
  20. His trial is coming up and I hope to see some coverage or will we see the usual left wing media cover up?
  21. No one including yourself is interested in debate. You only seem to be interested in looking down your nose at me because I am a Conservative and a minority.
  22. At any rate we are getting off topic. MC is bad for Canada. We are expected to welcome these people into our country and look after them yet we treat our own like second class people. We cannot afford to look after our elderly but we will fill our land with foreign people whose only interest is to draw on our resources. I think the true Canadian would like to have their country back. Ethnic groups don't integrate into the communities! They don't want to.
  23. I don't need a lesson Blue so give it a rest. No where did I say all muslims are scum. I would be banned if I did.
  24. Yes I am aware. Don't think for a moment that I am not educated on such issues ok. I'm not some hick. I read all four major papers daily. Iran = Shia Iraq = Sunni
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