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Everything posted by oreodontist

  1. so true. The problem with the tax rebate coming out and this call for reduced gas taxes (probably won't happen) is they do nothing to address the fundamental variables dragging down the U.S. economy. With no more room for reduced interest rates, the chamber of the pistol is empty. The USa can't be reducing tax while waging a war...the war is financed with borrowed money but, even more critically, financed with borrowed 'foreign' dollars. Stimulating the economy is a viscious cycle which leads to even more consumption of foreign goods.
  2. Pariotism? Why shouldn't the Chinese raise parrots?
  3. San Jose near the Mexican border???!!! Geography and hockey predictions are not your strong point.
  4. It's amusing how Italian Opera, German classical music and Russian ballet are deemed essential to promote the arts in CANADA. I enjoy some classical music. My wife and I enjoy an annual outing. But...why should my $40 ticket be subsidized to attend a philharmonic presentation when our 18-year-old nephew doesn't have his ticket subsidized to go see 'Rush'? When I look around the concert hall the thousand or so people don't appear 'poor'...certainly no poorer than teens wanting to go to their rock concert. The government shouldn't be subsidizing a philharmonic with CBC tax dollars any more than a rock band.
  5. This is the type of announcement that turns folks off of the Liberals. It's pandering at its worse. We have laws on the books to deal with criminal behavior. Enforce those laws. Dion is out of the Pierre Elliot Asshole school of governing that 'more' is better. Martin had the Liberals moving away from that thinking. We don't need to create another expensive program in which every group will come forward and scream for it's piece of the pie....the pie will need to grow and grow and grow. The Gun Regisry is a lesson in making a cash mountain out of a molehill.
  6. Actually there is: the newspapers in China. Their state TV had 20 seconds of live telecast on the Flame until it was cut by the authorities. The only avenue open to impact that dastardly regime is shame and embarrassment. This flame fiasco is exactly what needs to be put in the face of the authoritarian regime. No, sports and the world singing Kumbaya does not trump the need to not let this regime crush fellow human beings.
  7. Hats off to the protests. They are achieving what hasn't been achieved for decades: a front page focus on Tibet and the terror regime. The only motivator for the Chinese authorities is embarrassment The Olympics is not the right avenue???!!! When is? what 'avenue' would get more attention fron the Chinese thugs? Polite diplomatic notes? Dick Pound: 'every country has domestic issues.' Sorry, the repression and killing of millions is not 'an issue'...it's a crime. These Olympics, like those of the Nazis in the 1930's is a 'coming out party'. A veneer put on an authoritarian regime that gives it legitimacy. We shouldn't be part of the sham.
  8. Again, what is the issue? Is it ignoring the reality of anti-Islamic feelings among the people of European nations.? Go on to a forum from France and the comments vary but arelargely of 'send them back'. And if you think they are racists, spend a day with my working class cousins in Britain....they would put all the Muslims on a boat and sink it. The 'politically correct' somehow think that puting their ostrich heads in the sand is a solution. NOPE. That just puts a lid on a pot that is going to grow in heat and boil over. Don't fake it with phony outrage and 'shock' that these graves were vandalized. Instead ask 'why' this act took place amd 'why' the guy on the street in Paris or London says to his buddy: "I wouldn't do it but the Muslims need to be sent back'
  9. Those are words of wisdom. Now we have 20 year olds in Alberta earning a hundred thousand plus in the oilpatch. It's hard to use the old arguments about a post secondary education. Our 18 year-old nephew is saving 3 thousand a month....supposedly so he can study engineering next year, but, what will a Bach in sciences qualify him for? We know a few engineers and they are working along side high school dropouts from Newfoundland in the oilpatch. University and college education should certainly be lauded but as much as path for self-development as for a career.
  10. I attended McGill from 73 to 77. I ate out maybe once a year...zero spent on a coffee or even a donut. Had no phone. Fixed up a 12 inch B&W TV, etc. I wasn't the exception but the norm anong my friends I'd knock on business doors along St. Lawrence and got maybe 10 hours a week work at 1.50 or so an hour...the best work was from food stores and vendors because they would often thrown in a bit of food. Today? being poor means you have an old car, cheap cell phone and 2 year old computer...and not enough cash to fly home for Christmas.
  11. Shocked? Anyone shocked by this must have be either a moron or living in a gopher hole for the last decade. France has had an active loonie extreme Right for years.
  12. Radio program? " I heard on a radio program that..... and this means..... (fill in anything you want )
  13. So? All 19 year olds in Ontario shouldn't be able to order a beer because of some local issue in Windsor? Laws should reflect the lowest denominator? If we were to cherry pick negative examples of 'anything' in society, then everything would be banned.
  14. Can't admit your stupid comment. Ha! Ha! Bottom line: Trudeau was a fucking bastard and we hope he is rotting in NEP Hell. Hopefully he's having a hot poker stuck up his asshole
  15. Wrong: it's Trudeau..the asshole. Anyone to do with Ottawa?...hint Harper is from Calgary.
  16. Poll History's most hated man in Alberta a: Trudeau b: Trudeau c: Trudeau
  17. Federal Election 2006 Alberta results: Conservatives 29 seats Liberals A big fat ZERO....we'll never forget Hitler or Trudeau. I hate that bastard
  18. A tribe????? Afghanistan has been in the news big time for 7 years and you don't even know what the Taliban is? You can't be that out of touch. Are communists a tribe? Toronto Maple Leaf Fans a tribe? The Taliban is an Islamic movemnet. A school or ideology. The Taliban is made up of members of many tribes or ethnic groups. You could go to Pakistan and become a Taliban.
  19. As an Albertan Ill be polite: Trudeau was a F.....G Bastard. I don't give a crap what his view of history is or what the asshole wanted.
  20. huh? That's why it's a 'university' and not Bob's saloon that holds a lecture once a week. When you purchase a product or service you don't just pay for the ingredients. there's a reason a car costs 20 thousand and not 3 thousand. 'Gee, I just want to pay for the raw material'
  21. I don't think he caught the humour. Agreed, debate? I haven't heard anything on this side of the 'boarder'. Then again it'll just deteriorate into 'Corporations bad' jargon. Oops, already has.
  22. My wife and I both paid our own way. Gave both of us a better work ethic in which to face the world. I remember when I first came to Calgary to run the geology lab at the university. I kept seeing all these parking lots full of cars and wondered what they were for. Turns out it was student parking. Student parking? I think I was inside a car 2 or 3 times the whole time I went to university. Not only did no one have a car, we used to get two subway transfers and split the cost of the city bus fare....survival 101
  23. It varies from province to province but education is subsidized at about 75% of cost. A bit higher in Quebec. The U. of Alberta is 78% subsidized. At this rate millions of Canadians have attended secondary institutions. The answer isn't to sit around waiting for the governmnet to do more but take personal responsibility.
  24. Cripes. Stop spouting common sense. Folks expect to maintain a lifestyle or be entitled to a lifestyle without investing in it. When things don't pan out due to either not being responsible or unexpected circumstance they play the 'victim'. "There's no good paying jobs"...well pack your suitcase and move. Millions of Canadians have moved to where the jobs are. "I lost my job and can't feed myself"....did you save up your money in case you one day lost your job. Scrimp and save every penny until you had a cushion to get through hard times or relocate? The victims will wallow in self pity while the vast majority of Canadians will own their own home and earn much more than the minimum wage.
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