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Everything posted by oreodontist

  1. Sorry, I live in Alberta and have no intention of paying more for a car so that unions can continue to milk the auto companies in Ontario. I'll buy the car that is the best value forthe dollar whether it is built in Canada (hopefully) or in Timbuctu.
  2. What do you want the Feds to do exactly? As for Buzz's comment , read what you wrote. 'only 4% of effect of wage increase'....that's like saying if you were standing in water over your head then 4% more doesn't matter. What matters isn't the 4% but the cost of labour now...it's too high to compete. 4% more is just another nail in the coffin. Also, why do people wait for their situation to worsen? If things are dire I hope intelligent self-responsible humans are looking NOW at new careers or relocating. If as you said 'it's just a matter of time' ,then plan for it. something tells me, however, it will be all tears instead of taking the bull by the horns and noving on in life.
  3. "they want programs that are licensed and regulated" What province doesn't have regulated daycares now? Or do you mean more 'Federal' (ottawa) regulation. Hint...thereare more folks in this country who are not part of the 'they' in your 'they want'. The NDopeheadP doesn't even make a scratch in my riding. Not everyone has their hand out wanting Ottawa to save them from themselves. Most folks believe in being responsible.
  4. So people can't afford daycare but the demand overwhelms the system? Which is it? There's millions who are responsible parents and have raised children fine without Big Brother's nose in every aspect of their lives. hint: take the initiative for yourself and stop looking to Big Brother to raise your kids.
  5. It wasn't meant to pay for daycare. It's meant to help. I don't want my tax dollars paying for your daycare costs. Millions of parents pay for day care. It always amazes me how some in society are either too stupid or too lazy to take care of themselves when millons of others manage just fine. The day cares in Canada must be empty because no one can afford them
  6. It's difficult to judge them in a vacuum. They are a lot better than Chretien's reign....better than Mulroney. Un-fortunately the governments before them have been poor or 'so so' and it makes Harper's government seem good in comparison. I'd give them a B plus on the economy. An 'A' on social policy (for not starting new bottomless pit programs) and a 'C' on foreign policy. Perhaps a 'B' on the environment for not running around screaming like Chicken Little but showing a more thought out approach. An A on National Unity by not precipitating any crisis with talk on 'the Constitution', etc.
  7. Cripes. You are blinded by your NDippershiP He was extremely popular in the party. He received the nomination. This is the party that wants to represent the logger in the Saguenay...the wheat farmer in Swift current? What the friggin heck does the NDP believe in if they all rallied behind a jewell thief?
  8. I agree but it's a bit like comparing apples and oranges. The latter are historians, Berton is foremost a story teller akin to some of Farley Mowat's works. Berton was a reporter and media personality who's stories fall into the category: 'dog bits man isn't a headline but man bites dog will grab the public's attention'.
  9. ????? It's okay for a jewell thief to run for the NDP because of the above? You are a microcosm of what's wrong with the NDP. Close your eyes and don't look at the rot within but excuse it away by 'the other guy is....'
  10. Excellent point. Berton is one of those nationalistic cheerleaders that are much more common south of the border. He writes as if 'Canada' was some entity pre-ordained by some god. His non-political writing is good but as soon as he strays into anything touching 'Canada' he's quite juvenile and blinded by his 'belief' inthe destiny of Canada.
  11. So true. the NDP is so littered with airhead intellectuals at the riding level that they are removed from the reality of the workers and farmers. So blinded by their self-righteousness and 'preaching' to the unwashed masses that they hve no hope of changing their stripes. Nominating a thief and having a leader too afraid to challenge the idiots who nominated him says wonders about how caked in rot the NDP has become.
  12. He ran for the NDP. Kid you not. Layton embraced the ring-stealing thief. No, he didn't steal a loaf or bread but jewellry....and Layton had him run under the NDP banner. And that party claims to speak for workers and farmers? They run a ring-stealing thief and preach social justice to the poor? To workers who earn their money and BUY a ring. To farmers who sweat in the fields to earn a wage to BUY a ring. They allow a thief to run as an NDP candidate and wonder why they are not taken serious?
  13. Has White Door found a map yet? A book of physics on gravity? No, water does NOT flow from Calgary to Lethbridge. An atlas lad, Invest in an atlas and you won't come across as an idiot
  14. No way. I'm a geologist. About 6 or 7 years ago a survey came around to our department on global warming. It asked 'our' views. Why? None of us had drawn a carbon-based molecule since university let alone understand the variables that a carbon molecule influences. As one colleague said, if he wants to know the weather he sticks his head out the window. Sure enough, out comes the a surveys results: 'x' thousands of scientists all agreeing that blah, blah, blah,. That's nothing to do with 'science'. Science is not a person or opinion poll but a methodology. I've seen no quality science to date on climate change. The science in fact is abysmal. All I can say on the larger question is 'I don't know' but I also know that nobody else knows.
  15. ?????? What planet do you live on? Surely your not really this stupid. What do the folks in Lethbridge do? Drive to Calgary and use water tankers to collect the sewage and then drink it in Lethbridge? Hint: water runs DOWN hill, Bow water doesn't defy gravity and suddenly start flowing up the Oldman. Are you really that stupid and believe this. Are you some type of gravity Creationist?
  16. White doors has at least given us the laugh of the day...if not the week. The typical 'know-t-all' who couldn't find his ass on a map but spouts out generalizations out of that same ass.
  17. Calgary's major source is the Elbow River (direct from glacial source and Bow River (direct from glacial source). Hint. .Water runs down hill. Maybe your city puts the outflow upstream from the intake but our's doesn't.
  18. Not in Calgary. Not in Edmonton. Not in Saskatoon, etc.
  19. It depends where you live. Many places do have unending quantities of clean drinking water.
  20. Bayman. The CCF morphed into the NDP. It was th party that LISTENED to the farmers...LISTENED to the workers. It didn't preach social justice TO the farmers and workers. In the last half century it has gotten things ass backwards. It's a bunch of hollow intellectuals who disdain what the working man thinks of immigration or captial punishment or a host of other issues. Joe Sixpack and OldMacdonald the farmer are treated as if they are infested with the plague. They are viewed as ignorant bumpkins who must one day see the light. hint: Didn't work for the NDP 40 years ago and won't happen 4 years from now. The party of Sven Robinson will never be the party of Joe Sixpackor Old Macdonald. Joe Sixpack understands much better than Sven Robinson what his interests are in society. He doesn't need Sven and the gang preaching to him about their brand of 'social justice'.
  21. Yes, it is somewhat comical. Intelligence is often defined as the ability to build on knowledge to adjust to changing situations. in contrast, the NDP is like the wind-up toy robot hitting the wall over and over and never learning that no matter how hard it tries, the toy robot isn't going to go through the wall. One would think that after decades and decades and over a dozen elections both Federally and in Alberta that the NDP would have changed it's losing tactics but NOPE...just keeps trying to walk through the wall over and over. No Bayman, it's not a leadership gaffe or the press or Albertn's being uninformed, it's the friggin message. But nope, 4 years from now the NDP will preach the same drivel....and get their ass kicked. Federaly the NDP will preach the same drivel and also get their ass kicked in all 27 ridings.
  22. I'm surprised anyone is 'surprised' by these results. The media tried to make mountain out of molehills and most Albertans just go 'yawn'. 'The oil industry royalty reviews...' the oil industry has zero votes. It's individuals, like my wife and I who work in the industry who vote. We're quite content with the PC party as are most of our colleagues. I voted Green but just to put the issue forward. Next election most of the Alliance votes will be PC. That will wipe the Liberals off the map. It's time for the Liberals (should have done it 20 years ago) to dissolve and new centrist party to emerge without the 'Liberal' name. Then that party has to present forward thinking planning that is more than telling Albertans how bad things are when we've never had it so good.
  23. I was off by 10 seats or so. I'll give myself a B. The PCs did better in the Edmonton area than I thought they would. My Calgary riding went Liberal (I didn't expect it). I voted Green and am glad at least here they topped the NDPoops. The people have spoken.
  24. Stelmach won't go down. He's going to win a decisve majority. And it would be Jimmy? How do you knpw that? It was suppose to be Jimmy last time...just like it was going to be Ignatieff for the Federal Liberals. Giulliani for the Republicans. Hillary for the Democrats. Such assumptions are folly.
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