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Everything posted by oreodontist

  1. I was working at my desk this morning and turned on the TV. Seven stations, including both Canadian news stations, had live coverage of some drug hearings in baseball. Why? Because it matters? there is a growing trend over the last decade with the proliferation of 24 hour news stations to 'fill the space' with anything. Non-news takes on importance. It can be the story above, ad nauseum coverage of some celebrity or the mintutia of a murder case of 'who cares' thousands of miles away. There is air space so it must be filled. Journalism is either dead or on life support. Nope, nothing on Afghanistan...what Parliament in Ottawa...the Space Station...nope....2 hours of baseball talk about some non-story that only becomes a story because it's covered....including on Canadian stations. We've entered a 'bizarro' world. Marshal Macluhen was spot on when he said 'the media is the message' and the media has reached absurd proportions.
  2. I do like elections at a drop of the that. Can't get enough. I enjoy them. This is a good year. municipal elections were close. Great primary races in the USA, a provincial election next month and probably one federally this year. Election night coverage of any type beats the Stanley Cup finals for me.
  3. The current mission is dead. The Libs won't support it. If there is an election and a minority Con government returned (likely) the mission is still dead. The Cons will get 35% of the vote and 130 or so seats...no mandate and the opposition parties have no reason to change their position. In fact, if the government proposes more or less the same motion and and is defeated again then the governor general might call upon the Libs to form a government if the NDP and BQ support the alternative.
  4. Not a bad idea. I'm mostly a Conservative but will vote anything but Conservative because of the insanity of the the Con Afghan position. If my local Lib has a chance, I'll vote Lib but, if not, then will vote Green.
  5. Agreed. If the Libs have decided to push for an election they won't support the budget and vote against an Afghan bill in that order.
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