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  1. Because many believe it undermines soverignty in Canada... ANy dispute is taken into WTO accounts rather than Canadian courts. Also, corporations are the ones that primarily benefit from NAFTA, not the average Joe. Undemocratic? Maybe.
  2. There are no economic rights in the charter. Trudeau believed there should be, in order for a true democracy to flourish - In other words, economic rights are required for all people to be viewed as "equal"... But Economic rights were never implemented into the Charter.
  3. The debates come throughout U.S politics (especially now - election discussions) and throughout Canadian life (newspapers, politics, etc)
  4. you do not think that economic inequalities, especially considering the case of Pierre Trudeau's request om implementing economic rights into the charter is a theme? Personally, I would say its been evident not only in that particular case, but throughout Canadian history as a whole.
  5. Big debates around whether NAFTA should stay or go. Many Canadians have shown dissatisfactions with NAFTA, saying they got the lower end of the bargain... some suggest Canada didnt know what they were doing when they signed off to NAFTA Its definitely fostered new forms of political organizations, many of which go beyond Canadian boarders.
  6. Hey all, my first post here. Great site! I was wondering what some of your views were on economic inequalities. I kmnow its been a reoccuring theme throughout Canadian history and was wondering what you guys thought were the most significant aspects? Has much changed?
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