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Oleg Bach

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Everything posted by Oleg Bach

  1. FREEDOM IS FOR ALL..NOT JUST THE RICH ------ HEY WHAT DID I SAY THAT FOR? They can't quit working either - looks like we are all slaves.
  2. Conservatives may create great conservation areas and have the influence to do so - which is fine - but it's hypocritial seeing most conservatives gained their power and money raping the natural world - prime example of conservative guilt...
  3. If you don't enjoy the idea of a couple of men messing about or woman doing the same - ignore it - why do I see so much fixation by religious folks on what these people do with their genitals? Strange and odd gentital contact is not something you should turn your eye towards..don't look! Raise your children as breeders - and if there is the odd defective one in that area - leave them alone - now the ones that want to seduce your son or daughter into the "life style" - well - why worry - If you have raise your own children and given them pride and confidience in them selves - no one can change them... .It's not nice for groups to encourage young people to have sexual contact with others - whether hetro or homo - I suggest you let nature take its' course and leave the kids alone...sex is private - as should be finances. Both of these if preditorials find too much about you they will go through human weakness to use and abuse - maintain your privacy and don't worry what the neighbours are doing next door...who cares - if they are fools or inferiours - for you to pay too much attention to what is considered sexual dysfunction - then maybe you have a problem in that area. Forget about it...be who you are and let the fools fade away.
  4. It's a sad and lonely time for all - WHO HAVE NO MONEY. If a person understands what Christmas really is - you will not be sad or lonely. For those that are sad and lonely - to bad - they deserve it for being dullards and never embracing Christain doctrine fully...It is a wonderful time of year. Joy to the world and to yourself - non-Christians enjoy it very much - for the simple fact that good and smart people ignore the state - ignore comsumerism - and just try to be a little more up and loving and carry the greatest gift you can give yourself and others...JOY.
  5. Toronto woe Toronto, with it's program infested liberalism, the centre of Canadian socialism under the guise of human benevolence. Did you ever wonder who are the culprits who give life to socialism? Certainly it could not be the socialist, for as we know socialist have no money. In order for all movements to move and institutionalize themselves you need funding. Seeing capitalists are shrewed and cheap bunch, they hatched a plan a long time ago. A plan to enthrawl a populace that would work cheap and maintain the ancient status quo. So the capitalist made dupe the ones that embrace socialism and bound them in chains forged from their own tax dollars. A very clever plan in deed. All immigration flows to Toronto - where those from third world contries no matter how well edcuated can get a welfare cheque with a "basic needs" allowance to eat and move about the city, a bit of money that consists of approximately 25 dollars a week...boy - If you are coming in from the pacific rim that can buy a lot of fish heads and rice to make a fine stew that you can suck on for the month. Just don't eat the whole pot in one week. Also these poor immigrants if they don't "assimulate" or are "non-compliant" to social programs and hireing practices - off they go to the state sponsored employment agents that do their best to give them exactly the kinds of jobs they don't want and that they ran from to begin with. Jobs that pay 8 dollars an hour - and once hired - the employer gives them six and coerces them with threats of deportation. Foolish men like Jack Layton don't even know how the system works, yet he rants for more rights and privledges that consist of dumping the dollar fifty service charge at the auto-teller. There is a reason why Toronto is allowed to exist as a socialist liberal state. The reason is that it's just like a real upscale version of China. There is a difference though. The slaves have the best slave quarters in the world and are happy. It exists in this state because there is a policy to drive every human being they can to the level of a third world rice eater. Recently I took one of their "Pre-employment" courses - There was a video they showed where a woman states "I used to be a nuclear phycist and now I shovel scoops of ice cream - I am so happy" - to para phrase..even more silly was a statement in some written material that says..."In order to get ahead in the new economic system you may have to sell your house and move into a room"...very nice logic...more fish head soup please. What you will find in Canada and most of the so-called civilzed world is a move to create great and total equality among the mass - to debase them and depress them and then to medicate them into submission and call it social benevolence...MEAN WHILE ....Some one who is not taking part in this equalization is getter richer and richer and richer and hording more and more wealth. Conservatives may not like what I just said - and liberals will hate the fact that they are dupes even more - so what...the whole system is dispicable - where I see sytemic attacks on traditional families and where extended families of our original citizens and immigrant citizens being dismantled under the guise of state help...there is only one reason that this is taking place. Family represents power - independence and extended family creates inter-dependence withing a group that the socialist resent and that the capitalist find a bit much because family keeps individuals from being as vulneralbe to their nasty and slavish agenda - welcome to Canada...If was on my way here - I would just keep on going and circle the globe back home and live with the devil I know.
  6. Rome was a welfare city state. All got a measure of wine perday. There was a chunk of bread that could be picked up at the local food bank and all was well. The base of this old society was entertainment, blood sport. Some how nothing has changed and I never was a watcher of hockey. I did have a quick look at it the other day and it seems it has evolved to a type of climatic dance where two men embrace each other and take turnes rapidly flattening the other guys face with a fist....and all cheer and our children watch and the parents say- some day son you will be a roman gladiator and we will be so proud. Where the hell is the Christian doctrine of civility that built modern North America - the one of kindness and mutual co-operation where winning was not the issue? There is nothing wrong with Christmas - but there certainly is something wrong with state sponsored consumerism that is Christmas - where soon auto-canabalism will take over and eating your fellow man in public will become the entertainment - we are moving in that direction quickly and as in old Rome where church and state are one - so it is in North America - Church - government and Walmart and Christmas are blended into a soup and we are force fed this slop.
  7. Christmas is fine enjoy it. Don't worry about all that stuff - it's a personal time of the year and it is what you make it - a holy day and one of peace and joy and good will - or just pure material stress..It's up to you.
  8. Just some big oalf tossing chairs around who had never seen an airport before and felt trapped - I can barely get in and out of those places. The big dumbo not dead had a suit case full of geography books and wanted to kiss a bear on a mountain peak..how hard is it to deal with that - just goes to show you that who ever is running this nation is terrified of everything and projects that hysteria into the cops...so maybe our so-called elite need medication....or a change in it..talk about chicken poop cowardice and the trickle down effect of it..this act of ultiamte cowardice generated by the fear that someone may take their money - maybe a bank robber from Poland...something is wrong here when it is acceptable that cops are trembling at the sight of any man over 180 pounds who still behaves like a man pissed off by the mechanized mentality of an airport - not to mention - mechanical cops. That he really believed were there to help but circled him like wolves - I guess this pole came to see the wild life in Canada - but was not expecting to encounter human animals that were lethal preditors.
  9. Hey don't it say non-partisan? No left or right but bright centralist and radical moderates - oh yah - it's Alberta right. Thought you guys seperated from the rest of the nation and joined the states. Odd how Canada has two countries stuck in it's guts that it needs to vomit up - Quebec and Alberta..talk about a body with some misfiting parts. Oh well - Washington loves the corporates in Alberta ...and yah...what is the difference between neo-con artists and conservatives ? Come on now - there are no conservatives left in the nation..just neo this and that - but the neos are not that new just real old greed and dominance do to an inferiourity complex generated by haveing to much money and no real talent other than keeping the money out of the hands of the talented..worked for Stalin and Rockerfella.
  10. The ones in control of the Third Reich were men that generated ideology and inflicted their ideas on the mass, programing them. It was about power - about fun - and the personal profits to be gained and not just finacial ones. The Third Reich's achievements could have been generated by creating a cult that perhaps were enthrawed by a fixation on oak trees and the worshipping of black birds. If you look at those who like this war idea and those that push it though their influence as mega buisness money men. ..and you trace most of their interests - you some times see the disturbing little phrase "war supplies" . There is always profit in war...much like the deal that Israel has cut with the states - There is a stipulation as far as aid is concerned, that the bulk of money must be spent on arms. So what you have is congress alocating aid - the money travels to the former holy land not so holy anymore - then the money in part zooms back to the states into the pockets of arms manufacturers and deal makers...sounds like a huge money launding scheme to me and a ripping off of the tax payer via the duped right Christian fundies. If there was no adventure in war for some and absolutely no profit it would not be waged..getting back to the Third Reich - who funded these crazies and why - who bought Hitler his first real nice desk? Back in Germany during that era - there was a competition between the communist party and the national socialist party...apparently one got better funding..and those that put in the original cash suredly turned a profit and had a lot of fun doing it - at the expense of millions - just like this hysterical war on terror - same old same old.
  11. Speak out publically against the American administration and if what you say has to much truth - you are considered a threat and a crimminal and will be barred from entering the U S - or worse will have a very unpleasant holiday in cuba. Five years for armed robbery hugh? Did not know that...still sounds like someone is still trying to justify having a man lay on his side with his legs moving alike a dear suffering form a not so perfect head shot...saw part of the video - looked more like a hunting expedition than and arrest. I won't speak on this anymore..I see both sides and all I can so for those who are perponents of auto-apperhension via technology...to have a person loose consciousness can only happen in a number of ways. Fainting into an oblivious state due to illness - and from blunt tramma to the head - eg being wached in the head with an iron bar. Tasers are not some sweet and safe way of inducing loss of consciousness. It takes severe injury to have a human drop to the floor in a daze. This could not be any different to the human body then hitting him on the noggin with a big round river stone. Tasering is a severe tramma to the brain and rest of the body - if it was not - you would not lose consciousness. I could see a method of injecting a troublesome or troubled person with some dart gun that instantly filled the raging dumbo with a big doze of valium or morphine...but an electric shock so strong that you black out after recieving it falling to the floor peeing your pants is and injury. This device is not a magic wand that sends you off to la la land. You do not get something for nothing - tasers are not safe...like I said...they injure and sometimes it's a hit and miss - and the Zappee dies. It was gross to see this big strong man flailing about like a badly dispatched chichen with it's head half off. BUT of course this poor working class Pole was a big bad bank robber form a nation you would be lucky to get 50 bucks from the teller. AND as some here seem to believe - if you are a bad man and a big man - then it's ok to make you a dead man..it was badly handled and the results was tragic for all.
  12. No - you misinterpret. There is no dislike of any group by me here. I do not rally against anyone- I observe and report. I have seen Muslims in Canada who hate and loath the Christians and atheist or secularist. I have seen contained fury against our culture in some. In the alternative I have seen Muslims who would bring a glass of cool water to my daughter while hospitilized while all others did not. There is sweetness in some and hate and bitterness combined with contempt in others. As for the Muslim I mentioned - they young one. He was raised in the projects - and those that are raised in depressed areas see the white population that is also depressed and oppressed and marginalized..Because this is all some Muslims see in Canada they assume that all of us are infidels and lowly...that we have never had a faith of our own - and yes these poor and down trodden withing our culture are de-based that is a fact. Getting back to this kid that would visit our home. This young man generated by Canadian culture and of a Muslim family - was three things - and totally conditioned by our liberal culture. He was gay - he over endulged in alchohol - he liked his drugs and on some occassions operated as a male prostitute..was he a common occurance? Probably not - but if this is the great western freedom offered to the children of immigrant Muslims...well apparently this kid embraced the lower parts of Canadian culture - that was part of my point - I could have sworn this thread was about the decay of our relgious buildings..pay attention and try not to look for fault in me.
  13. Spending a long time in the arts and entertainment industry - I ran into the odd gay that could sleep with woman but hid that fact. There are men who simply abandon the idea of pairing up with females - they don't want the social and finacial pressure or the responsiblity of children...as for the natural factor - some so-called gays are sexless..eunuchs - and these angelic ones that do not need to breed and are designed not to breed - I have no problem with - but the common power mongering sodomist that abuses and dominates these of what I consider the angelic human realm...they I hold in contempt..and gay by choice is a fact...as is habitual drunkeness - it's not a disease - it is a choice...a decision...some decide - today I will get drunk and others who enjoy alcohol just as much may say -not today...I am getting tired of fundamentalist Christians quoting scripture also as far as the gay factor - I have seen children who are not male or female..created by God - they are rare - and should not be interfered with or abuse as if they were females. To encourage our young to enter into this "alternative life style" is sexual interferance. There are those who are sexless that are created by God - there are those that are sexless that give it up in order to dedicate them selves away from the flesh to further worship God - and there are those that are sexless that are made that way by man..that is what I have the issue with- children that are conditioned with sinister intent. There was a time when femalish males would marry and do their genetic duty and have offspring...a male with female traits is still a male...also I have spoke to some so-called gays and asked them this question..."If I took you and placed you on an island with a very sweet and attractive female that was beautiful of heart and mind and returned in a year and a half - would there be a child" - they said yes...so what is that? Apparently it is as with some lesbians -a question of quality - there are fewer and fewer qualtiy mates being produced by society - that is one of the problems - Lesbians for instance don't want base males that are apes.
  14. Call me simple but I always defined war in my mind as a line draw in the sand, where two sides square off and conflict for supremacy. Where there has been an actual attempt or simply via consistant threat for one group to destroy or rob or both the other. It's beyond me to understand the idea of having to travel thousands of miles to get to an "enemy" and engage that enemy. I could understand if you were at war with a neighbour who was close and could strike out at will. I can not understand the Afghanistan engagement. Does the average Taliban fighter know where Canada is? Can one of these bearded rock scrambling primative warriors point out Toronto on a map? Not likely! Yes we can parrot all the 9 11 catch phrases and attempt to justify chasing the bad guys about seeking justice and revenge and making sure they do not attack again...if they ever did to begin with. If this is in part creeping Islam conflicting with western values I could see it. If America was as it likes to state a Christian nation - A true Christian nation would have seal the boarders after 9 11 and stated to the world that they forgive the attackers - and stated to the world if you strike us again our intelligence people will figure out EXACTLY who is reponsible and we will nuke you. But know - they went tearing out after ghosts not knowing who they were attacking - the problem has always been intellignence and the lack of it for the Americans. Because if the incrimental privatization of the CIA - that in a sence is no longer a not for profit orgainization is an utter failure. Reason being is that they have betrayed and lied to almost all of their sources of information. In other words an intelligence orgainzation must have friends..informants - the CIA became dependant on paying for information and worse - simply burned all their bridges so to speak. So in effect the inept retribution for 9 11 was due to betrayal and an arrogant corporate attitude that beleived that the CIA was their private club... So getting back to Afghanistan - and our Amerian counter parts in Iraq. It must be made clear this is the first fully corporate war waged by buisnessmen. Most of the advisors that were in the know in the military and most generals were fired in the early stages because oil merchants thought they as ameteurs could do the job. Funding was restricted early by congress and the oil guys who as most rich people are - are cheap - they wanted something for nothing and they still do..Chaney simply ran out of public money. So the only reason we are in Afghanistan is to please the oil merchants in America - and our buisness elite instisted that the bond between the money boys state side is not broken north of the boarder...so as big buisness always has it's way with poiticans seeing they have all the money - off we went to Afghanistan to please that delluded corporate Richard Chaney - there is no other reason and you poor folks can rationalize all you want - Its about money and the continued hording of wealth by a few...war has always been for fun and profit - never for ideology...show me the ideals or show me the money - I will take the money just as will 99% of human beings.
  15. There is a grand old church on my street built in the late 1800s. The bell tower is coming apart. There are plants rooting in the stone work that are seperating brick and mortar. The base is crumbling and no one seems to notice. I have seen at least a dozen old churches coming apart at the seams becaue there is no money and worse ..they have what appears to be what is left of their membership people that are either to old or to lazy do do the basic maintenance themselves. As Christendom is turning to powder, There are very expensive Mosques going up of the finest material and of the greatest beauty. These institutions are being built and funded by mostly Saudi money. So if the so-called terrorists don't effect us from abroad - the children of Islam will surely displace us from within. It is a shame that even the historic value of our wonderful old Christian churches is not being respected let alone the cultural. Speaking to a very young Muslim man he did say one thing as far as what he was taught by his father. That we are infidels and will slowly be pushed aside. That if need be they will breed what is left of the old white Christian out of existance. When the Muslim sees what is left of the remnants, the decendents of Christianity - all they see are the poor white trash types who have been secualrized to the point that poverty is rampant and as well as fatherlessness, along with the fact that traditional Christian fellowship is gone and what used to support the community is now - a nasty corporate left wing welfare system - The view most whites as infidels - and they are right. Most have lost their fidelity.
  16. No wisdom will not dawn on them. They have had a thousand years and all they could come up with was a mystic way of thinking at best. All poor countries dream of being us in 1958. Much like China, no matter how green we get - the black cloud of old style industrialization will sweap across the globe and we will taste the dirt and the heat - we in the west green our selves but suport ourselves now on the un-greeing that we encourage else where. Hypocritical. As with all wisdom the first thing to over come is fear and survivalism in order to have wisdom set in. Not being mean but the worship of the monkey the snake or the cow or mulitiple gods has not served them well. There would have been evidence by now that this culture took the right path spiritually - I personally believe that they did not..as with all cultures they are based on their founding religion..they have no base for wisdom - sorry.
  17. Always thought regarding the debate over go or don't to Afghanistan seemed very rapid...it felt to quick and from what I remember was not a debate that brought about the best knowledge or did it generate a bit of wisdom on how to proceed. Seems to me the debate consisted of pleasing or displeasing our little American brother to the south. It was more a debate on embrassing American policy or not - then if it was going to be good or useful to Canada.. - if it was truely neccesary or not..and I believe that General Hillard was a bit to excieted to be part of something real and dangerous rather than the usual peace keeping mission. A soldiers ultimate purpose is to wage war...the head in the Canadian military seemed to want the excietment. So maybe it was not adventurism needed by civilian authorities but perhaps the military wanted some action. It could be as plain as that and that may have to be considered belatedly - But there are parallels now that are moral issues regarding Afghanistan and Iraq - the moral obligation now remains to repair and assist and fix what was broken through the early bad decisions. The civilian population can not be abandoned - that's the conclution I came too a long while ago - put the mistakes aside and forget about blame - There will be mass murder in both of these nations if there is a pull out..so now it is a humanitarian effort - like it or not. What has always irked me regarding this war is that most of the deaths occur though ambush..this is always the case when you are not defending your own turf but on the truf of others..so if I seemed to insult the dead by refereing to them as road kill please excuse me. Measures have to be taken that what ever troops are operating on the move should have the finest and strongest equipment ......and where the hell are the high quality expolsives coming from that are used by the other guys to blow up our guys? These are not primative black powder pipe bombs. Seems I remember there was a massive amount of high explosive stored in Iraq that was made in America...tons of the stuff went missing...I surmise that the westerner are being blown up with western materials..There must be some vehcile strong enough to withstand these road side blasts..if there is such a vehicle - then the troops must have them immediately to get the job done and get the hell out of there - same goes for the Americans, once the warlords are put in their place..through force or negotiation including bribery if need be.
  18. I am so grateful to you for the love you send - yes you are loving and a man of peace I see..I have always believed that a man must be capable of waging war in order to be a peace keeper and maker. Duty is a rare thing these days as is the honoured principle of service. Looks like you just made a friend and now your stuck with me bud...will do my best not to be reactionary and will read more and speak less...seems you have some friends here that are very proud and respectful of you - good work.. we all earn our keep in our own way. Opinions are theory...I really do not have opinions...just speculations in search of the facts...cheers my friend.
  19. Smart man - nothing more irritating than those who spell God - Gawd. This letter is simplistic as faith should be. My only comment is that God or common universal goodness is a simple concept. To remove a Chirtmas tree from the court house lobby in order not to offend always irritated me - I being a bit conspiratorial believe there was one real reason for the crushing and curing of Christmas last year by the Judge in Toronto. It was a control issue - Christmas as the writer writes is a happy time - it makes all happy and fills the city with need joy that gives power to the people - Christian and Jew and Muslim..and that grand relgion atheism. The reason I believe a tree would be removed is because it generates happiness and happy people are difficult to manage and control. Christmas and the original statement was that we own our selves and are wards of God - and that the state is secondary and had better be sweet or we will fire all the insecure and controling bureacrats....Merry Christmas everyone - may as well get the greeting in early!
  20. Thanks for the education - I just hope you and yours have this under control. Frankly you still have faith in the system - I did a five year tour of duty that ranged from the lowest court in the land to the highest..I'm just a bumkin..but it was a bloodless war that wore me out and I am cynical towards the honesty presented by the system..just very disappointed in what I saw and heard and learned. As for your comrads that are dead I send deep sympathy to their families verging on tears. For those that are alive and serve or have served - I send respect and support..for your civilian commander in chief....I am suspect - sorry...can't help it. I saw liars and cowards in high postions and that sight was disturbing...carry on my friend and do your best - for I have done mine.
  21. If the west wanted to take over this arifically installed "kingdomship" - it would be easy - what are they going to do - run us over with a fleet of desert dusty Mercedes cars? Saudi should have been put under pressure a long time ago - and contained and controled and utilized. It's common knowledge that the spoiled child adverturer Bin Ladin...is probably home in Saudi hiding under the bed some where - and it is also common knowledge that it was Saudi money sent over the boarder that assisted in training "terrorist"..but because the buisness elite are in close association with our buisness guys and the Americans - no one wants to offend their friends - but I suspect it is more sinister than that. Might be some blackmail issues that no one wants to talk about. Just imagine what the Saudis know about the personal asspects and the buisness dealing that were shady practiced by the west? Surely there is something going on and the weight of embarrassment looms over the head of people like - you know...that vice president fellow.
  22. Improve or futher diversify? Or impove the diversity meaning make what is not so good better? Eventually the diversity that divides will as I have said dilute all cultures and that seems to be the agenda aimed at the common dullard. So be it I suppose, just don't attempt to diversify me and mine....back to will Mr. Mulroney kill Harpers career? Probably not because of the fact that these two so-called conservative men are not going to be convicted and found guilty through association in the fact that both are "conservatives" _ Harper is the new breed who has joined a new type of so-called conservatism - the Nova-conservatism..that some refere to as neo-conism. There is a huge difference between these conservatives....one is more traditional and Harper is still being groomed and is in training...who is doing the grooming are not the old Mulroney gang. So no matter what takes place with Mr. Mulroney and the investigative officals..Brian will keep his mouth shut..and take the fall if neccesary for who ever requests it. Harper is free and clear of the old geezers that seem to still be waging private feuds..and I reinterate - the betrayal of Conrad Black show that someone is playing hard ball and calling in the markers.. As I said - Harper is now an untouchable and a seperate entity. He is well protected - not a bad rise to power for a hockey playing kid from Leaside.
  23. "Disciplined line of reasoning" - where can I get one of those?
  24. No I did not and I hold the utmost respect for the military. On the other site I dealt for a year with a young former intelligence officer gravely wounded in the early days in Iraq....I heard a few tales that would make your hair curl..there is little that is on the up and up regarding dealing with the middle east..Afghanistan may be somewhat different from the situation in Iraq- but in all probablity the mentality is one borrowed and spawed in the United States. Maybe I am wrong and the mission in Afhanistan is untainted and noble - I hope so.
  25. There is a problem currently with our appointed judicary. No one seems to be judging. It is as if it is politically inncorrect to make a judgement on an individual charge or for that fact those who participate in even civil litigation. The whole system is policy driven. The idea of morality entering into the mind of the average judge especially in liberal Toronto is a no no. There are directives given to judges and they follow them and not a lot of real law is applied. The gangbangers have seen this flaw in the sytem and arrive in court with fairly good lawyers usually retained with crack and pot proceeds. What are you to do when offenders realize that they can buy their way out or in the alternative they view the judicary as a club and they are honourary members that generate buisness. Twenty years ago - no one would dare own a short fire arm...for some reason the fear of carrying a people killing device has left. The laws are in place but are not being used. We have fool hardy politicals on the municipal level and the federal level who want to ban hand guns - they have always been banned. Time for judges to judge and for crown attorneys and lawyers not to behave as if a court room is their own private enterprise. The courts are the property of the citizens and the citizens dealing with the courts from family law, to crimminal - up to the litigative process have lost faith in the system - but the gang bangers out of the ghettos established by liberals...have total faith in the system - a system these boys know is corrupt and pliable. The judicary system has become like an easy bake oven and can be controled in an easy manner - because it is on auto-policy..you put in just the right ingredience and you get the desired outcome everytime - even if you have to lie to do it - and lieing is now exceptable.
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